I’ve created a MONSTER in my sewing room..

…not really a MONSTER… but it sure might be one before we are done…I really never expected my day to go like this…

I was busy from early morning until after dark so I never got to your comments. I’ll read them as I get in bed…

Here’s my story about the “something wondeful” for my sewing room. A few weeks ago we went to this antique store parking lot sale. It was where I found Miss Saucy Walker…and I also found something else. It was a small sewing machine desk…all wood and the price was just right. Since it was made to house a sewing machine, I knew it would be the right height. I had been looking for a desk to replace the drawers for the sewing table in my room…

My hubby made my sewing table at least 25 years ago and it has served me well… and notice that green color? Yep, that’s the same green paint that was on the buffet I just finished painting. My hubby also has a deep freeze in the garage that he turned into a tool chest, that too, is painted in the same green. We must have gotten some blue light special on a couple gallons of this green paint, because we certainly used it for lots of things! :o)

So why did I need a new sewing table? I wanted some slightly bigger drawers and I wanted a new table top that went flush against the wall.

The walls in my sewing room are crooked!! That’s no surprise to you, as I’ve shown you lots of times…

The table that has my sewing machines sitting on it, doesn’t fit against the wall, because that wall is very crooked… I mean majorly crooked… the table is touching the wall in the corner and look how far out it sticks out from the wall as it gets to the end. I’ll show you a few shots.

I had to use a piece of fiberboard under my machine to keep things from falling off the back of my table.

When I pulled the table away from the wall, I noticed this… well, actually I had noticed it before, the wrinkling of the paneling, and the cracks, but I hadn’t looked at it in a while as it’s under my table, and doesn’t get in my way, so why worry about it.

I pushed my old table with drawers back against the wall to show my hubby what I’d like to have with my new table…

It actually means the table won’t be at a 90 degree angle, but will be slightly crooked to compensate for the crooked wall, but it will give me more floor space… I drew a quick picture for my hubby so he’d understand what I meant…

So this morning, I woke up to this… my sewing table partially disassembled and on our dining room table.

So when we were at the Antique Store, we were once again in the car instead of the truck and the only way to get the desk home was either saw it in half or take it apart… My hubby decided to take it apart. It was put together with screws…thank goodness…

Here are a few comparison pictures of how the drawers are slightly bigger…

Well, as much as I’d love to show you the desk all finished, it’s not, but here are a few more pictures of what happened today…

You’ll have to come back tomorrow to see what was behind door number 2… I mean behind the warpy paneling! :o)

This is going to be a continuous post for a few days because I HAVE to help my hubby get my sewing room (and the rest of our house) back together!

…and here’s a sample of the mess…

Look at Nora over there on my cutting table, just smiling away without a care in the world!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “I’ve created a MONSTER in my sewing room..”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yes, I can see how you’d want that newer sewing table, with bigger drawers and all. I think it was a good thing for you to get! One can never have too much storage!!

    Well, now, it sounds like there was something unusual or surprising behind that warpy paneling! Hm, what could it be? Treasure?! old newspapers? piles of money?! maybe skeletal remains of some poor little critter?! The mind boggles!! Can’t wait to read tomorrow’s post about it!!

    Thanks for all the nice comments yesterday, as to my husband’s welfare. He is still on the same medication, but a lesser dose, and will be retested in 3 weeks. I understand it’s a balancing act, sort of–getting enough medicine to prevent the right temporal lobe partial seizures (which just show up as periods of confusion) but not so much as to cause other problems, such as his intense weakness at times. He was feeling some better today, already!

  2. Jeanne, here’s an odd question? Can I get a bag of your fabric scraps? Not an emergency of course.

  3. Oh goodness, what a mess, but that’s quite OK when you finally get everything back in order! This too, shall pass!

    I love that small chest with the stenciling on it. What do you do with that? So pretty!

    I guess, you can be thankful that George didn’t completely take the wall down that is crooked,, but it looks like things will go together nicely when he is done!

    What kind of set up do you have for your spools of thread that are in the picture? How is that put together? It certainly looks easy to find different kinds and colors of thread.

    Have fun putting the things back together! Aren’t you glad you married someone you get along with in these troubled times? 😉

  4. Hoping that you are going to replace the old paneling as trying to save it might take major work. I would opt for some drywall. As to what’s behind? Let’s see, burned electrical wires? Chewed wires? Rat skeleton? Electrocuted by those wires? A 1946 penny? Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s episode brings in, “The Adventures of Jeanne.” To be continued… 🙂

  5. Can’t wait to see the new sewing machine table. It’s always amazing how much “stuff” can fit in a few more inches. I’m also curious about your thread spool holder. It looks like it holds more than the normal ones. I also need a larger bobbin holder along the same line. Organizing sewing areas is a life/time saver. And who wouldn’t. love to be a mouse in your house to hear how these honey-dew conversations go. Have a great day to all.

  6. I love that you are working on your house. It’s nice to help others, but in these safer at home days, it’s lovely that your own house is becoming better and better. It’s also wonderful that you and George can and do work together on these projects. We’ve soon your house in a mess before — it always means that progress is being made.

  7. Bless your hearts….it’s another big job that you’re tackling, but in a few years, you’ll know that you were glad you did it when you had more energy! I trust all goes well and that the chaos created is not too much to handle. There will obviously be happiness galore on the “other side” of this project.


    1. You are so right about the energy thing, Becky. I used to love cleaning rooms and closets and really getting into the corners. Right now I have things like that needing to be done and I just say not today. Maybe tomorrow. I used to have boundless energy, but these days I’ve got more aches and pains than energy. Right now I’m dealing with a messed up leg. My dog got under my feet, I stepped on her foot, she jumped up and I twisted my leg. Haven’t been able to get it looked at because of the stay-at-home thing. It’s off now so maybe I can get an appointment with my chiropractor. I don’t know if that will improve my energy but my leg will at least feel better.

  8. Warping is usually the result of dampness. That means a source for water. Nothing good is behind that wavy paneling! How is Rebecca’s room coming together?

    North Dakota has relaxed the quarantine guidelines. My dad and a friend are going to Grand Forks today. My brother from Fargo is going to meet them for lunch. Dad is 89 so I have reservations about this. He really has not cut back on his normal activities except where the decision is out of his hands. No church services and the local cafe is closed. At the same time, I want to go out for lunch with friends! Maybe soon.

  9. How exciting, Jeanne, that you found a more promising piece of furniture for your sewing! Another great project. I really enjoy your posts on the renovations you and your wonderfully talented hubby have been doing lately. It’s such a fun and rewarding thing to create things that make life more enjoyable and workable. With George at the helm of know-how, you’ll have your sewing area just as you want.
    Keep us posted. It’s exciting to see the changes.
    I’m sure Nora won’t mind.
    Have a great and blessed day!

  10. A mess is actually the mark of a creative mind, at least that what I tell myself when I’m crafting or cooking and there’s a lot of stuff out. That new sewing table is going to be so nice. You really need to remember to bring the truck on these excursions, then you could have brought home the glass doll cabinet as well.
    When it’s all finished you’ll have to give the “new and improved” grand tour.

  11. You are definitely knocking out the projects these days. As Becky says, best to do it while you still have the energy. Down the road you can just relax and enjoy your job well done. I would love to have a corner machine set-up in my sewing room but my room was once the den for the house and it has a large window on one wall and a closet on another wall and the entry doors to the room are French doors so they take up most of one wall. No corner has length both ways. So I set up my two machines back to back in the center of the floor. My Singer sits on a sewing table and my embroidery machine sits on what used to be my mother-in-law’s dressing table. When they gave us the chest and dressing table we had no idea what to do with the dressing table. It didn’t fit any of our bedrooms. Then I got my embroidery machine and was looking for something to put that on and saw the dressing table in the garage. Hubby made some adjustments to it and fixed some of the drawers so they would slide easier and it makes a wonderful sewing table. It is longer than usual so when I’m embroidering I have plenty of room for my thread holder and the drawers are a good size and there are six of them. You can never have enough drawers. When we designed our kitchen we decided we would have plenty of upper cabinets but needed few bottom cabinets so we opted for three sets of drawers. We did not overdo it.

    Looking forward to seeing the finished sewing cabinet.

  12. I forgot to comment this morning. I wonder if the wall had water damage at some point? That would be my guess.
    The ruffling of the paneling looks like that to me. I‘D spray some half water, half Clorox on the inside just for good measure before adding what will be the new wall. (Assuming that piece of paneling is coming off🙄.) I love the idea of the corner work area and somehow George will make it all fit! Then you will have a new lease on life in your new sewing room
    Did I miss it? Have you revealed Rebecca’s new room yet?

  13. I know what it would be in Southern California: Subterranean termites! The contractor didn’t seal properly under the replacement sliding glass doors which left a nice entryway for the critters who work at night and go back underground during the day. Fortunately I have the very BEST insurance company and the adjuster wrote it up as water damage instead of termites which aren’t covered. Whew!

    The community mailbox was broken into yesterday and four packages of my beautiful Asian-themed fabric for masks were stolen! Never ask what’s next.

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