What’s better than ONE white painted window? Day 5 of the renovation

The way I see it, the only thing better than ONE white painted window…

is TWO white painted windows…

I hope you can see the paint color a little better in these pictures… The walls were still drying when I took these pictures, so they look a little splotchy…and the sun was shining in the window, making picture taking not the greatest!

The color is Agreeable Gray, by Sherwin Williams and it is such a soft gray…not cold, in my opinion. It looks very inviting to me and very comfortable…next to the white ceiling, it really pops!

Alright, want to know what happened today?

Well, obviously you can see the painting on the walls was a big plus…(Rebecca’s job) Yes, it was! As was the painting of the windows… (my job) The windows are all finished, but they need to dry before I cut in the paint around them… So Rebecca painted the walls while I did the windows, but she left a few inches around the edges to keep from mixing our paints. They aren’t even as pretty as they will be when the paint touches the edges, but I’m in love with them already! I think Rebecca is too! :o)

My hubby moved over the electrical box for the closet switch… we had to spackle the left side, but the trim will come almost to the edge of it.

I don’t have any pictures of it, but I pushed the end piece of the shop-vac around on the floor, (no power to it… just the floor attachment and part of the wand). I’m sure if someone had looked in the window they would have thought I was a little high on paint fumes, but I was scraping the floor to see where any nails or staples or screws were still sticking up…they would catch on the sweeper attachment and Rebecca would pull them out or hammer them down. Gotta get that floor in the best shape possible before we lay our new vinyl planks down…:o)

The closet doors were removed and we debated about whether or not to replace them, but the new “hollow” ones were $52 each, so we decided to keep these heavy duty ones. They had been scraping against each other for 16 years and a groove was etched at the top. When my hubby looked at Rebecca’s sliding door brackets and then compared them to the ones in our bedroom, he discovered her brackets were put on backwards… I don’t think we took the doors off when we painted her room, but if we did, “Somebody” put them on backwards… so the wrong door was in the back, rubbing the groove in the top of the door.

Since we took up the carpeting and are laying flooring, we were trying to figure out how low to hang the closet doors to the floor. My hubby and I were temporarily trying to hook the sliders onto the track, when the bottom edge of the door crashed to the floor… it only slipped out of our hands about 2 inches… but it messed up the bottom edge… so we decided to call our old trusty friend…Mr. Spackle! He does wonderful things… with MY help. I slathered that stuff on the doors and let it set and sanded them down… It’s going to work!

Want to see another boo-boo? Rebecca was painting the walls just under the window I was working on…when she let out an, “Oh NO!” The paint peeled off the paneling…it’s the area where there was the water damage…so I’m guessing the paneling was a bit on the soft side. Again Mr. Spackle to the rescue… I’m not kidding when I say this room is held together with caulk and spackle…

I’ll let you know the verdict on this one tomorrow…

Also, I believe the “bulging” area is much better. It was close to the window, so it needs to be painted over again, but I’ll show you it too.

My hubby and I cut all the trim boards that will go around the closet and around the door to her room… and they are all painted one coat… I’ll get that finished tomorrow…

I was taking a break for a few minutes and looking for a pair of scissors to go snip a few of my neighbor’s Lilac flowers. I turned around in the kitchen and I saw her coming to my back door with the prettiest bouquet of flowers for me. I told her I was just looking for scissors to come and get some… she beat me to it…

Aren’t they pretty?

Uh… I didn’t think I was ever going to find a pretty spot to showcase them…stuff is EVERYWHERE….

But I found a spot… AND I already had that purple vase!

Thanks everyone,
I’m going to try and write something for Sunday…
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “What’s better than ONE white painted window? Day 5 of the renovation”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, lots of progress was made, Jeanne!! Things are coming together nicely.

    So glad you have the help of “Mr. Caulk” and “Mr. Spackle”! Mighty handy helpers to have around!

    Your lilacs are lovely! They are my favorite flower, and the reason our wedding was in May–the only time the florist could guarantee that he would have lilacs for our altar bouquets! As it happened, many of our church members had lilacs blooming right then, also, so they made huge bouquets to put in the back of the church, in the narthex, and down in the basement hallway, as well as a bouquet in the ladies’ room!

    You’ll never guess what color my bridesmaids wore…..

    Now I am waiting for Our lilacs to bloom again. Should be soon.

    1. Charlotte you had my dream wedding. Growing up in PA I loved when the Lilacs would bloom in the Spring. My mother had bushes of them in the yard, mostly white and lilac. They are beautiful flowers and so fragrant. My mother had a vase shaped like a Peacock with the tail spread. She would pick a bunch and put them in that vase and they would look so pretty – and the house smelled so good. I made up my mind I was going to be married in May so I could have Lilacs. Sadly we moved from PA when I was 17 so I did not get married there. A little girl dream that remained only that. I would love to see a picture of your wedding. Living vicariously.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Well Barbara, May 2021 would make a wonderful time to visit PA. Just saying (chuckle), Dorothy IPAATW.

      2. Hi Barbara,
        Your peacock vase sounds so pretty… you could use any lind of flowers in it, but I bet the lilacs looked especially pretty in it.
        Thanks Barbara,
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Charlotte, your weeding sounds absolutely beautiful. I, too would love to see a photo of you, the gorgeous bride and all the bouquets of lilacs…. certainly a wedding to remember. You know, smell is really our strongest sense. It’s like I can close my eyes right now and smell the rows of roses in my grandparent’s rose garden. My grandmother had a rose named “Mirandy” and although when I saw one again as an adult I didn’t recall the color correctly (thought it was a darker red) the scent was the same.

    3. Hi Charlotte,
      Mr. Caulk and Mr. Spackle definitely made an appearance today. We worked on the closet and door trim. It was quite a day!
      Hopefully we are on the downhill stretch.
      I love the smell of lilacs too but just wish they lasted longer.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. The gray walls are so pretty! Many years ago in a different house I painted our bedroom gray. I didn’t chose the right gray because it always felt cold. I had white lace curtains which didn’t help. It was a big disappointment. Very happy your gray is so agreeable!

    My handyman hubby is going to put up some shelves in my shed today. They will go across the south facing windows. I am going to display my colored glass on them. I already have the window sills full. Rustic works in my shed so he’s using barn boards. It may not get completed today. Tomorrow we are in some kind of winter weather watch. Snow! Ugh. At least he will get a good start.

    1. Hi Julia,
      My hubby has a “thing” about gray colors too and I almost wanted to tell him the color was called “Agreeable” and leave of the “Gray” off. So many grays look like “concrete” to him…so he always think they look cold and too sterile.
      But this one s nice…especially when the sun shines in the room.
      Snow??? Oh say it isn’t so!! I hope you got your shelves in place…if it snows, you’ll have to “play” another day.
      Thanks Julia
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. How wonderfully Rebecca’s room is coming together, Jeanne! Maybe not as smoothly as you wanted, but with a few bumps along the way, but that’s how things usually go! It makes life interesting, I would say and you learn along the way. The windows look so nice, and the walls are such an inviting gray, an uplifting gray, I must say! They will be the perfect background for any other colors she picks for accessories in the room.

    Oh, the lilacs! I can even smell them from here! They are my favorite spring flowers too, and I wish I had a bush, but mine never did get anywhere, tried as I did. They always got that powdery mildew on them, so out they came. I now burn lilac candles by Yankee Candle to get my “lilac fix” ! Charlotte, your wedding sounds–and smells–heavenly!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      Rebecca’s room really is inviting…I can’t stop looking in there and just remembering how it used to look and seeing how it has transformed.
      I’ve never had the Lilac Yankee candle before..so I might have to buy one…because the flowers don’t last very long… thanks for telling about them…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I’m loving the daily edition of Rebecca’s room. It is really coming along. I’m getting really excited to see the finished product. You are truly blessed to have a neighbor with Lilac bushes. Living in the area of Texas we do, we cannot grow them here. They were always my favorites.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad you are enjoying following along with is as we redo Rebecca’s room. We are over the hump, I think.
      Sorry you can’t grow lilacs in Texas…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Everything is looking so nice, I’m on to what will Rebecca return to the room? Didn’t she buy a big armoire? Maybe those sliding under bed boxes to hide clutter? A small worktable/desk for her jewelry making? And a nightstand? Hope she lets us see the final view. 🙂
    Back to the finishing. The flooring. You guys are experts on laying that now. Hope it goes smoothly and your back holds out. Then some baseboards and voila!
    Hope everything goes as planned.

    1. Hi Joy,
      The room is looking wonderful…finally!
      Rebecca has been looking at rugs and headboards today…I’m not sure what she will end up…she has a few nice pieces and it will be fun to see it evolve into her style..
      She did just recently win an armoire in an online auction and it will be nice to see it in the room…
      We finished the walls and the windows today and worked on the door trim and the closet trim…I prime the closet doors too.
      We need to pick up the baseboard trim and a new A/C floor register….or paint the old one.
      Almost there…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. My neighbors had lilacs too. They are such a good memory. I have one bush that everyone said was dead, but every spring I smell lilacs and there they are, on the “dead” bush.
    Rebecca’s room looks beautiful already. I’m looking forward to the next step.

    1. Hi Marilyn, So very lovely to see you back!! I hope you are doing so much better. God’s blessings to you.


    2. So good to hear from you Marilyn. When we were cleaning up my parents house some years ago, I cut back everything. And then the next year back came what I thought had been privet. Turned out it was a bush lilac. Small delicate flowers of which are blooming right now as is the dark purple tree lilac. Had no idea it was a lilac. Bad me. Glad to hear from you. 🙂

    3. Hi Marilyn,
      Nice to see your comments on here today!! Funny story about the “dead” lilac bush! :o)
      I think Tebecca can hardly wait to move her things back in her new room.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Oh, the lilacs are just beautiful. I love lilacs- the color and the heavenly, intoxicating scent.. You must be in a slightly different zone as our two lilacs aren’t blooming yet, probably another two to three weeks. The purple vase is just the thing to set them off. Certain vases are meant for certain flowers. I have a few from my grandmother that are like that – a Rosenthal with tulips painted on the sides for, what else, tulips, a little 2 inch painted Victorian shot glass and small 3 inch blue etched vase that always sat on the kitchen will sill and held snowdrops, scillas, and puschkinia in the spring and forget-me-nots and rosebuds later on.
    Rebecca’s room looks so inviting. I thought you might go with hardwood vinyl flooring.
    The color would seem to allow any secondary colors to be used. My family room is painted a color called Eggnog ( a rich cream) and it can have purples in the spring, blues and yellows in the summer, autumn colors in the fall, and traditional red and green at Christmas. Hope Mr Caulk and Mr. Spackle get the job finished today.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I couldn’t believe I saw that vase in my cabinet and how it went with the lilacs. It is so pretty and they smell divine!!
      Mr. Caulk and Mr. Spackle certainly showed up!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I absolutely love Rebecca’s windows plus she has beautiful views from the window. I thought her bedroom was upstairs for some reason until I saw the scenes through the windows. And I must say, the paint colors are exactly what I’d pick. Light and neutral. Our bedroom in CA would look lovely with those colors, so I’m glad you gave us the name of the paint.
    Everything is moving along so fast – I’m sure none of you feel that way as you are living the renovation.
    It’s fun watching the progress though.

    1. Hi Paula,
      She really does have pretty views out her windows. I hope she opens up her curtains once in a while now… she generally keeps them closed… :o(
      I really am happy we picked the colors of paint we did…I think it was the perfect choice…

      We are getting there and it’s a good thing, because I’m tired of doing this so many hours each day!
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I love how the room is coming together. Is Rebecca going to put up blinds or curtains? I can’t wait to see it tomorrow.

    1. Hi Judi,
      Rebecca already has some new blinds and her drapes are supposed to be her in a few days… it will be fun to see it all pull together…
      Thanks Judi,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, everything is going along so nicely. I am liking the white with the gray.

    I love where you have placed the flower vase. It is so poetic to have it right on the work table. It makes me think of the concept of make things pretty wherever you are.

    Happy Easter, almost.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Thank you for your sweet compliments on what we have accomplished this week.

      My lilacs are in the kitchen now…no matter where the are, they smell wonderful and look so pretty!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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