Final Friday Frenzy…day 4 of our bedroom renovation…

We told our daughter we thought we could get her room renovated in a week…WHAT WERE WE THINKING? I don’t think we were…but it’s too late to stop now, so I guess we’ll keep going.

Seriously, it’s not that bad, but I am tired…I just keep putting one foot in front of the other, one more hole to spackle, one more groove to paint and plenty of “one more’s” but we are getting there.

We did pick up that board for the window sill at Lowe’s this morning, along with a new door threshold for when we put down the flooring, and more caulk.

We cut it to fit on top of the bottom window sill and extended it about 1/2″ to make it a little more dimensional. It would have been nice to have a little notch on the sides of our board on top of our side trim, but our board was only 2″ longer than what the sill measurement was…that was my mistake…it will most likely always be covered with curtains, so we let it slide.

After we got the sill board cut and nailed on, it was time to caulk the cracks…and there were many!!

After the caulk was dry, Rebecca and I spackled and sanded the holes.

Then we got to some painting. The color we chose was Sherwin William’s Agreeable Gray. It’s the same coor I used on the one wall in my kitchen. It’s a VERY popular color and Deb has it in her whole house, and Cindy is painting her foyer and a bedroom in it at the same time we are. Pinterest is filled with all kinds of pictures of people who have used it. It’s supposedly one of those colors that go with just about any other color.

The walls will be Agreeable Gray and the trim is a SW color called Snowbound. It is also the color I’m painting my kitchen cabinets and trim.

Since there are grooves in the paneling, we decided to paint them first so the rolling on of the paint would go faster.
Rebecca did most of the stripes while I worked at cutting in the paint around the trim up by the ceiling.

I don’t know why, but as the stripes kept getting longer on the walls, I kept thinking it looked like a big fancy hat box! (must be the paint fumes!!)

Rebecca painted her door and will give it another 2 coats on the other side tomorrow.

My hubby replaced a black light switch with a white one and put the tract back up for her sliding closet doors.

We are hoping to get the windows and the walls painted Friday…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Final Friday Frenzy…day 4 of our bedroom renovation…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, some real progress being made here, Jeanne!! And yes, it Does look like a fancy hatbox! i have a hatbox with stripes, also…I think mine is gold and white though. It is really old–I’ve had it since we lived in Michigan, and we moved out here in 1960!

    I’ve been making masks again–our mailman was using a bandanna today and I asked if he’d like one, so….the “factory” is open again, I guess! But SOON I will get to my new top!

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I just texted my sister, Cindy… this is exhausting, but rewarding! :o)

      Thanks for doing your part with the masks… I’m sure your mailman will appreciate one!
      It appears you’ll have plenty of time to work on your top! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Rebecca will soon have a beautiful new room! What are you doing for the flooring.. carpeting or white oak laminate flooring? Can’t wait to see the finished room! Know it will be beautiful:)

    We moved across country from California to Georgia two weeks ago and now I’m unpacking an endless stream of boxes. Saving my sewing room until last so I can “shoe horn” everything in just so.
    I think I heard my dolls grumbling and kicking their boxes from the inside as they are so tired of being packed away:)

    1. HI Shara,
      Yes, Rebecca’s room will soon be beautiful… I think it already is, but it’s not quite Better Homes and Gardens ready just yet! Maybe soon! ;o)

      I hadn’t looked at Facebook in forever and this morning I saw your post where you mentioned you were moving to GA… Savannah? Are you moving to be closer to your kids? You seem like a real Southern Belle to me…am I right? I had to laugh at what you said about your dolls kicking their boxes trying to get out! They’ll be happy when the lids eventually get taken off.
      Thanks Shara…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Love that crisp white door and the matching window trim. So nicely done. I know you were seeing the band box, but I’m seeing lovely vintage striped wallpaper. Although, I probably would never use it again myself, I love the look with black accents. A black spindle bed and dark wood dresser would look smashing. 🙂
    Has been so fun watching everyone work and here, just sitting on the sidelines. 🙂
    Looking forward to seeing the paint all done.
    Here, we’re looking to put the original drapery rod back in the other house family room. Took it out several years ago, but haven’t done anything else or found any type of slider door coverings we like. I wonder what your sister would do? Trying to find all of the screws and hardware so we can cover up that huge three window space again. It will be temporary, but want it covered.
    Looks like a work weekend for you guys. Take care.

    1. HI Joy,
      I LOVE that crisp white door too…and now I have a set of matching windows to go with it!
      Rebecca does have dark furniture and she’s putting up a black metal curtain rod… soon…

      I finished the windows this afternoon and will finish the walls probably tomorrow… there are a few spots we had to skip around because of spackle…

      Ask Cindy about your window treatment in the comments…she reads them, and maybe she’ll answer you… just let her know what you are looking for or if you are open for suggestions…

      Yes, unfortunately, it does look like a work weekend for us… oh well, it’s been fun… hard, but fun!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Wow. I have been MIA for a little while due to work commitments so I read back through some of the previous posts. I have to say I can really see how much progress you’ve made. Rebecca will have a whole new room. Remodeling always takes much longer than you think it will, and always involves multiple trips to Lowe’s or Home Depot! It will be so worth it when you get finished.

    1. HI Carolyn,
      Yes, Rebecca’s room has changed dramatically…from a little 13 year old’s room, to a grown up and pretty room.
      My hubby has LOTS of inventory in his garage, but we do occasionally run out of caulk and special boards! I think sometimes he just likes to go to Lowe’s to look around… although this time we were kind of in a hurry to get back home…
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so enjoying this “front row” (sofa?) seat to watch the renovation. The room will look absolutely adorable when you are finished. I love the hatbox parallel. It does look like a hatbox. The paint color names are so cute.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Thanks for holding down your seat on the sofa… better things are coming soon! :o)
      The room already looks incredible and that’s with 2 ladders, several cans of paint, saran wrapped paint brushes, a paint splattered floor, and more.
      The paint color, Agreeable Gray, doesn’t sound that exciting, but it sure it pretty on the walls, especially with white.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You are certainly hustling and getting so much accomplished. The stripes do make it look like a fancy hat box, but it’s not the paint fumes that make you think that, it’s the seamstress mentality! LOL.
    That paint color is very nice. I love gray as a clothing color. White trim is just the ticket, crisp and fresh. Has the weather been nice enough to have the windows open while painting. It’s been sunny here and warm then cool. We’re having 32 degrees tonight, but not a killing frost. It was so windy the past couple of days that it blew all the daffodil flowers off… *frowns* and I only got to enjoy them for a few days. I should have cut some to bring in.

    1. HI Laura,
      My dolls haven’t seen me for days… I bet they are wondering what’s going on at the other end of the house!
      The weather has been wonderful…bright sunshiny days, but unfortunately, the pollen is up, and it’s blowing all over the place in the yard… we didn’t want those little pieces settling on our new paint job, so we’ve kept them shut.
      The windows need to be washed very badly! Something to do when the painting is finished.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Jeanne, like Joy, I was seeing striped wallpaper! I couldn’t imagine how you managed to wallpaper the whole room so fast! It would look good with a pretty black iron bed, but I’m sure your soft, gray room will look so restful and peaceful. My one doll room is painted gray too and has white woodwork, which makes it look so clean and crisp. White lace curtains finish it off. What kind is she planning on?

    Gosh, did the weather take a dive today! Only in the 30’s, but still bright and sunny, so at least it looks good from inside out! Good luck with getting the room to the finish line! You’ll get there ,no doubt!

    1. Hi Linda,
      The stripes on the walls kind of did a number on my eyes for a while… but they are all joined together now! I love the color, especially with the white windows… Clean and Crisp is exactly what I call it too!
      Rebecca has some long drapes ordered… in a light gray woven fabric, I think… she ordered a pair earlier, but didn’t like them, so she sent them back. I like soft flowing drapes…she likes the blackout kind… ugh!
      My hubby did some grass mowing and it was quite brisk out there… I guess the same as in St. Louis…
      The finish line is in sight… a few more days and we should have it licked!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks so much Judi!
      It IS gorgeous and I don’t mind saying that myself!
      Thanks for the compliment.
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. HI Paula,
      It really is transforming into a pretty, pretty room. I’m so glad she likes it too!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Love the gray with the white wood work. Stunning!
    It will be great with the floor too. You are getting all the pre work done so when you can paint the walls it will go fast. The door looks nice too.
    All the hard work is paying off…the windows are so pretty you will hate to cover them up!

    1. HI Kathie,
      Rebecca likes things dark most of the time, but I’m thinking these new painted windows just might be the catalyst that causes her to keep her drapes open. She’s had dark sheets hung up on 2 nails for a long time… But I think she’s enjoying seeing outside now…. She really does like how the room is turning out. Me too!
      I would have something lightweight and billowy if it were my room… :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I love gray walls. I don’t have any in the house but David has the office in his shop painted a really pretty gray. Since David used to paint and wallpaper for a living, I’m kind of the apprentice when we redo a room. He has the most incredibly steady hand to cut in at the ceiling and around doorframes, etc. I’ve never had a steady hand so I get to do the roller work. I spent the day so far dressing my many children for Easter. I still want to do a photo shoot but with David being ill and my sinus infection that finally seems to be clearing up, I’m soooo behind in things. So, Jeanne, take as long as you want to redo Rebecca’s room. Maybe by the time you’re finished, I’ll be ready to share some pictures.

    1. HI Barbara,
      First of all, I’m so glad your hubby is doing better and hopefully your sinus infection is on the way out too! Not much fun to be sick…
      I did get an email from Sarah, my webmaster, the other night, asking me about the problems I was having with my computer and uploading pictures from everyone. I told her what the problem seemed to be and hopefully she will know how to correct it.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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