2 more American Girl DOLLS for sale…

Hi everyone,
Well, I hope today’s doll selling goes better than yesterday…I certainly don’t want a repeat of what happened! Let me give you the quick version…

I listed my 2 dolls for sale in yesterday’s post. Kirsten and Kit. The first comment was from Ingrid asking if Kit was still available. I told her she was and after a few emails about the payment, I wrapped up “Kirsten” and headed to the Post Office. When I got back home I saw everyone was commenting and congratulating Ingrid on getting Kit. I kept thinking, “why is everyone saying “Kit” when Ingrid bought Kirsten?

Then Nora got involved and said she’d like to buy Kirsten for someone special! I had to tell her, sadly, Kirsten had just sold.

The next time I looked at my phone, there were MORE comments about Ingrid getting Kit. I glanced back at Ingrid’s first comment and GASP… she DID want Kit, not Kirsten!!! I tried calling the Post Office, but there was no answer… I decided to just race there as fast as I could. I had 15 minutes to get there before they closed. (I may or may not have gone 45 in a 30 MPH speed zone.) :o( The packages had already been picked up at “my” PO and taken to the main Post Office on the other side of town… so I raced across town praying that my box hadn’t gotten loaded on a truck yet.

As I was waiting my turn in line, I wrote down Ingrid’s name and address, and the measurements of the box, and what was on the outside of the box. The clerk that waited on me said he didn’t think they could retreive it for me. I asked could he “please try and find it?” He called for his supervisor and when she came out, I gave her the little piece of paper with the information on it. I waited what seemed like forever and all of a sudden I saw my box being carried to me! Hallelujah! It was found! I had Kirsten back in my possession again.

I brought her home and swapped Kit for Kirsten and put the box back together again!

Then another really wonderful thing happened! I emailed Nora back and told her about my mistake and let her know Kirsten WAS available if she still wanted her. SHE DID!!! So both dolls went to the ladies who wanted them! Hallelujah for a second time today! :o)

So there WILL BE NO REPEATS of yesterday today! I have 2 more dolls to show today… and this was HARD!

Eden (#41) has been with me a long time and she is beautiful! Her face is flawless, just like the day she arrived. She definitely has that peaches and cream complexion! I am only selling her because I thought Nora (#69) might be a better model for more periods of time than Eden. Even as I’m listing her, I’m having a hard time looking at her face and letting her go. It was a toss up between Nora and Eden and I even asked Rebecca for help. She set Nora aside and said to sell Eden. I actually think Eden has a prettier face, but her eyes are sometimes hard to photograph. They are a dark green with perfect eyelashes.
Eden is for sale for $60.00. That includes Shipping too. (Only to the U.S.) If someone wants her, either comment below or send me an email through the “Contact Me” tab at the top of my blog. The first person gets her.

She has beautiful, silky, jet black hair, not dry at all. Even though it’s a bit shorter than the girls with really long hair, I managed to make it pretty in quite a few different hair styles.

Her neck strings are long and she has fairly tight legs.

She has no marks on her that I see and she’s been in my smoke free home for several years. I just remembered tonight that I have her box and the outfit she came in, minus the shoes… I bought her new from someone and they had a smoke free home.

Her outfit was packed away, but I see it does have 2 little spots on it… they may come out in the wash…

One last look at her very pretty face…

Next up just might be an even harder doll to sell. I’m selling Caroline and it’s not because I don’t think she’s pretty. She is stunningly beautiful and looks wonderful in those minty green dresses. But I don’t reach for her as often as I do some of my other girls when I’m making a Regency dress, and I’m pretty sure it’s all because of those eyes of hers. They just don’t go with as much as I’d like them to and that sort of limits her modeling career here with me. In my pictures, they appear a little darker than what they really are. I actually call them Aquamarine… They are minty looking to me, and just gorgeous.
I am selling Caroline for $70.00, which includes shipping as well. (Only to the U.S.) Please comment below if you’d like her or hit the “Contact Me” tab just under my header at the top of my blog page to email me.

She is very pretty and has beautiful long blonde curls. Don’t brush them, but using a wig brush, gently finger them with just a little spritz of water if you want.

Her face is gorgeous and has that peaches and cream complexion like Eden.

Her head sits just slightly cocked to the side, which I think makes her look very sweet.

Her legs and arms are fairly tight and she can stand on her own. But as most of my dolls do, when they wear long dresses, like the Regency ones, I tend to keep them in their stands for safety reasons. It would be awful if she fell and put a mark on that pretty face.

Her neck strings are long and she has no odors. She comes from my smoke free home. I found one tiny pin dot of a mark on her right forearm…

Well, I guess since I’ve listed them, I hope they will find a new mom today….hopefully. :o( :o)

Thanks everyone,
Have a wonderful Wednesday,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “2 more American Girl DOLLS for sale…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, talk about a misadventure!! I’m so glad you were able to get it all straightened out with the p.o., and both Ingrid and Nora will have the dolls they wanted.

    I can see why it was so hard to decide on Eden and Caroline to sell–they are both beautiful dolls. I didn’t realize what an unusual color of eyes that Caroline has. I’m sure whoever gets them will be thrilled!

    I didn’t do any sewing today, and very little embroidery. My right wrist was really bothering me last night, so I decided it was time to take a short break. Tonight it’s fine, though, so back to the needle tomorrow!!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Just letting you know since you mentioned Caroline’s eye color. Her eyes are a unique seafoam green. AG hasn’t ever used that color before and they are DECAL which is my favorite style. The other doll to have unique eyes is Marie-Grace (along with a unique face mold). Her eyes are pinwheel aquamarine.
      Caroline’s hair is the same color as Julie’s, but the curls give a different depth and highlights to it. The reason I know all this is I have a Classic Caroline and Marie- Grace and my daughter has a Julie.
      I think you would love Caroline. *just a little helpful enabling*

      1. Thsnks Laura,
        I think I’ll change my eye color description to seafoam green.
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      It was quite an adventure yesterday. I’m glad those days don’t happen very often…
      They both are very pretty dolls and that made it even harder to list them for sale…
      I hope your wrist is all better and lots of sewing is going on at your house!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        It is, Jeanne, thanks–and I finished my top tonight! I also am officially halfway done with the embroidered runner. Yay!

  2. What a day yesterday for you, Jeanne! Let’s hope today goes a lot more smoothly! Oh, you have the two “really pretty” girls for sale today! I love them both, and do not want to confuse you, so won’t even mention their names!! Whoever gets them will have lot of fun dressing both of them!

    1. Hi Linda,
      It’s 2:30 and already my day has gone better!
      I don’t think I’ll make that mistake again for a while…double check the emails and then double check them again.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I had no idea you could actually get a box back from the post office that had been sent through their scanners….you must have been very convincing! I’m sure your heart was racing. So now do you have pay the shipping again?
    The girls you have for sale today are so lovely…I can see why you like them so well. The eye color on Caroline is amazing and those curls are beautiful!
    It’s another outside day here with rain tonight so maybe some plants will find their way outside . Good luck packing these dolls 🤪🤗

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I’ve done it one other time…this time walking around to the loading docks and trying to get someones attention through a small glass window. I got my box back that time too.

      Maybe, yesterday, it was my fluttering eyelashes showing above my mask, that’s now required in our PO lobby.

      I carefully took the label off the box, opened up the box, put Kit in, attached the same label, and taped up my box… it was pretty simple.

      Thank you Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. The great mix up caper! Glad you got the box back and ready to send off again. Don’t worry. Happens to everyone occasionally.
    Hope your day goes wonderfully today. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy
      My day has gone better…thanks! I hope it’s a long time before this happens to me again!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. I am so glad that both dolls have good homes. I’m sure today’s dolls will be just as fortunate or are already. You have more space, the dolls have homes, the new owners will be delighted when their new dolls arrive. Everyone is happy.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Yes, hopefully everyone, including the dolls, will be happy! I like to think of the dolls as being chosen or adopted…
      I do have 2 less spaces on my dolly shelf now…
      Just need a few more and it will be “just right!”
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I wondered what was up as well, but I though maybe Ingrid had sent you another email and wanted Kirsten instead. So glad it worked out and both ladies got to get the dolls they really wanted.
    I knew yesterday , by process of elimination, they you would be selling Eden and Caroline.
    I’m sure whoever gets these two beauties will be thrilled. As a seamsmstress, Caroline’s eyes due limit what she can wear. Can’t wait to see who they go to.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I guess I was in too much of a hurry and didnt pay close enough attention to what was written. I’m glad it all got straightened out too!!
      I thought about you as I was taking pictures of her. You helped me figure things out when looking for the perfect doll. I hate to see her go, but I’m sure someone out there will enjoy her for who she is instead of “what” she can model…
      Thanks Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Hi Jeanne,
    You really had a busy day yesterday. I’m happy things worked out in the end. Please let me know if you had to pay additional postage. I was busy yesterday and never got back on line until late. I see now that when I asked for the total in the email to you, you mentioned Kirsten but I never noticed so I feel partially at fault.
    The girls you have up for adoption today are so lovely… I’m sure they will find homes!
    Have a nice day

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      I’m sorry for all the fuss over this. Your poor box looks like it has about 50 yards of tape on it…
      I did add “one” little thing in your box this morning before I mailed it off…so look for it… :o)
      Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy KIT!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Oh my, what a race to remember in your doll stories!!
    Glad it all worked out.
    Both of your dolls today are beautiful. I have both already and would have to say, your Eden is my favorite of the AMG dolls, next to the redheads.
    My “Caroline,” her name is January, has deep blue eyes and I got her from a women who customized her with the darker eyes Back then, I also bought another Caroline so I could have her with those unusual colored eyes.

    1. Hi Paula,
      This was one mixup I hope to forget!!!
      As I was taking pictures of my dolls, I remembered January.. I think she had a long curled light blonde wig, didn’t she? Was that Caroline’s wig or some other one? Would you mind sending me a picture of her face and hair? I always remembered how pretty she was but can’t quite remember what face mold she is. Or if you had the picture from the lady who did her? She was stunning.. I do remember that! I just wanted to see her again…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I had a mix up once when I was a buyer on eBay. The tracking number said it went to Florida! I contacted the seller and she apologized and said she would contact the other buyer and straighten things out. The next day I get the package from that seller and assume I got the other buyers item. I still opened it up. It was my item! The seller was apologetic but I don’t know if she realized what she had done. I explained she had mixed up the tracking numbers and not the purchases. Part of the problem is she didn’t use Ebays labeling and tracking system. Then it’s correct and automatic. She wrote out her own label then went to PO and then had to enter in the no’s. That’s where the problems came in. That wasn’t an exciting story! 😆😄

    1. Hi Julia,
      It’s always human error that gets us in the most trouble. I’m glad both of our mistakes worked out.
      I’d have to say, my shopping mistakes are few and far between, but yesterday was a doozie to me..one I don’t want to repeat…too much stress!!
      Thanks Julia
      Blessings, Jeanne

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