One more day to entice you with American Girls Eden (#41) and Caroline

*** FYI *** Eden just sold…

Well, Eden and Caroline apparently didn’t grab anyone’s attention yesterday, so I’m taking one more day to show you a few reasons why you might want to reconsider them for your collections… No pressure, but I’m thinking someone out there might need a little coaxing…

Below is the link to yesterday’s post, describing the dolls and all the information you need if you think you might like to adopt one of them…

2 more American Girl dolls for sale

These are some of my favorite pictures of the two girls…

Eden was kind of my 50’s girl…

Remember her as the Civil War Schoolmarm?

I compared her to Ruthie a lot and always wondered which one I liked best… I just decided to keep Eden at the time…

This was my ALL TIME FAVORITE picture of Eden… in a silver and gray velvet Regency gown… back in 2014. I guess I’ve had her longer than I thought. She certainly doesn’t look TEN in this picture, does she?

..and a few more of the dress…

She was one of the models in my Sister Set…

She wore blacks and grays well, I think… here she is in another Civil War dress…

I liked her in this pretty red metallic plaid Christmas dress…I copied a 50’s pattern for it.

This black and white with just a touch of red was one of my all time favorites for her… I used the bottom of the Keepers Dolly Dud’s pattern, but made a waist on mine with straps. I loved the bottom of it too… the red sections on the skirt. I copied that from a 50’s pattern…

This was the pattern I got my inspiration from…

This was a recent dress that sold…

Happy Easter to someone back in 2018, I think…

Eden modeled quite a few slips, but this one was her favorite…

…another periwinkle dress for Easter one year… (one of my very favorite fabrics!)

…and yes, one last picture of Eden dressed in her Little Women dress…

Wasn’t she…and isn’t she… beautiful?

I didn’t have Caroline very long, so her portfolio isn’t quite as impressive as Eden’s was…

Here she is in a pretty orange and black and green plaid Civil War dress…

Wearing her favorite colors… these 2 dresses looked wonderful on her…

…and a really fancy Regency dress…this rosy pink dress. Her hair was quite elaborate for this one…

Well, that’s it for my 2 girls…
It was wonderful while it lasted… but now it’s time for a new mom to adopt them…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “One more day to entice you with American Girls Eden (#41) and Caroline”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That Eden is sure beautiful. If I didn’t already have five American girls……

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I know… everyone has their limits on how many girls they can keep… mine is about 8 or 9 …and I had 13, that’s why a few had to go…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. That gray and black Civil War outfit for Eden is wonderful. The sweet gray hat is so perfect and allows for hair to be worn down.
    We’re in a heat wave, if you can believe. Had the windows open last night and it was still hot. Hope your girls sell today. šŸ™‚

    1. Hi Joy,
      Well, Eden sold today… so I have Caroline left… and was actually thinking a crazy thought…what if I changed her eyes.. would that make a big difference? Just something I’m toying with.
      I remember finishing that gray and black Civil War set and realizing Eden was the perfect model for this one! Thanks for the compliments!
      It’s been chilly here today… enjoy your sunshine!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Eden is a beautiful doll. The black and gray Civil war dress is definitely one of my favorites.
    I’m looking at my Caroline next to the picture and thinking she would probably look lovely in that as well. The neutrals would make her coloring shine. FYI, I’ve held browns and grays next to Felicity and she shines in those as well. I think it’s the fact they are neutral colors
    That gray green Colonial dress was perfect for Caroline as well.
    The black and white check with red reminds me of Mary Engelbreit stuff. Anyone else like her drawings or the old magazine from the 2000’s?

    1. Hi Laura,
      I hope you aren’t too disappointed that I’m selling Caroline… Actually, I’ve been thinking about maybe changing her eye color and seeing how I like her, but I’ve never done that and aren’t real sure I could do that.
      I loved that black and white check dress on Eden too.. part of it was I had designed the majority of that dress and loved how it all turned out. I think I would have worn that dress to pieces if it had been mine!
      Mary Engelbreit stuff is so fun and cute… I do love her stuff…
      blessings, Jeanne

    2. Oh, definitely a ME fan here. I have lots of dolls. So many cute things too, and I do have most of the magazines. šŸ™‚

  4. Hope the dolls find new homes today. Take a look at the website to check out the history of Kewpie dolls and the artist who created them. She certainly led an interesting life. Iā€™m still awaiting elastic to arrive from China to finish masks. I have a large one I bought at the equivalent of a flea market in Japan 37 years ago. No clothes so maybe I should sew something for it. Are they male or female, but I guess male since the name was inspired by Cupid.

    1. HI Susette,
      I know NOTHING about Kewpie dolls… but I think in one of my old magazines, there was an article or two about them.. I might have to look that up…
      I got your emails today and might share them for anyone who is interested.

      I hope your elastic arrives soon… there’s no anywhere else?
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Omgosh…those pictures of Eden are wonderful! She has an Elizabeth Taylor look to me.
    Yes, Laura I think the black and white check reminds me of Mary Englebreit and it is a favorite along with the plaid Christmas dress. They are quite the bargain too. All my Grands are past the AG time in their life…I just hope they will keep their dolls for the next generation!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      It’s funny, my hubby was looking at the computer as I was scrolling through the pictures of Eden last night. I stopped on that picture that I mentioned was my favorite, and said to him, “she certainly doesn’t look like a TEN year old girl in this picture, does she?” He agreed.

      Kids grow up to become moms who buy their OWN dolls… or so I’m told! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Both of these dolls are beautiful but I don’t collect 18″ dolls. I really don’t have the room. If I did I would really be tempted to invite at least one of these lovely ladies to come live with me. All the outfits are absolutely lovely.

    I’m off childcare/homeschooling for the rest of the week but have a lot of catching up to do in other areas. Harris County (Houston) declared last evening that come Monday everyone must wear a mask in public. I don’t live in Harris County but if several of the stores I shop at open, then I will be there from time to time and our church is in Harris County. Sean and his family while they don’t live in Houston they do live in Harris County so I will be making some masks over the next couple days. The grandkids have masks but they really don’t need them since anyone under ten years old won’t have to wear one and they are 8 and 9. I will be picking up the grandkids on Monday so I will give Dionne the masks then. Then I am off grandkid sitting for a few weeks. By that time school will be over and hopefully some entertainment places opening up. There is a new place in Katy where you can play miniature golf and other things. It was only open a couple weeks when everything shut down. Hopefully it will survive and the kids and I can go there during the summer. Not sure if the pools will open this year. Time will tell.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I’m glad you like the girls even if you don’t collect the AG girls.
      It sounds like you have your hands full with the grands until who knows how long! :o)
      I hope that miniature golf place winds up being some place you can take them for some fun!
      I’ve heard the pools in our area aren’t going to open… too expensive for just the time that will be left in the season.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Stay safe,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the girls are adorable. I loved seeing the outfits you made for them. It was a wonderful fashion show for a Thursday.

    If I didn’t already have 14 eighteen-inch dolls, I might be tempted. I didn’t realize I had that many. I just counted.

    They just seemed to show up at my house and asked to be taken in. Well, what could I do?

    Next Friday, is May 1. Wow!

    1. HI Dorothy,
      FOURTEEN? You have been holding out on us. I had no idea you had that many. Could you share with us who you do have. I’d love to know who you picked to be in your little family! :o)
      I know what you mean…it’s like when you go to the grocery store and the ice cream just jumps in your cart! :o)
      Next Friday IS May 1st… what shall we do?
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. The dolls are gorgeous, of course, but your dresses are STUNNING!! I do sew a bit, and your work looks incredible!

    1. Thank you for your very kind compliments on my dresses, Beth.
      I’m glad you enjoyed seeing the girls dressed up. It was an impromptu Fashion Show, I guess.
      Thanks again,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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