Everything’s Better with “a” Blue Bonnet on it…

This title was my hubby’s idea… when he saw the pictures from my Ebay listing, he said it reminded him of the Blue Bonnet butter song. He started singing that song…SO…of course, I had to use his idea…(He lets me buy dolly stuff!) :o)

Look at the similarities…

…of course, Emmie is a young girl and the Blue Bonnet butter girl looks like a young woman.

All that to say, I did it! Emmie’s dress set is listed on Ebay… you can see it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE…and be taken to the Ebay listing.

I am very pleased at how this one turned out and actually received the first bid 6 minutes after I listed the dress. Woohoo!

Thank you Dear Bidder!!! :o)

Okay, who wants to see a few more pictures of it before you check it out on Ebay?

Okay, that’s enough of a teaser… please take a peek and let me know what you think…

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Everything’s Better with “a” Blue Bonnet on it…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congrats on having a bid already, Jeanne! I can certainly understand why–the outfit just has so many things going for it!! I predict a bidding war! (wouldn’t that be nice?!)

    1. Thank you, Charlotte,
      Yes, a bidding war would be kind of fun…”maybe YOU should be in it!” ( sorry…I had to…)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. So pretty Jeanne, and you used “Springtime Delight” for the title! It certainly IS a springtime delight! I especially love the way you showed the bonnet from all sides. It’s just adorable, and lucky is the bidder who wins!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Yes, I did use your words you used in a comment one day…it just seemed like the perfect name for this set!!
      Thank you so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so happy that you were able to get the post up.

    I remember that little jingle in the butter commercial. Also stuck in my head are the commercials for Shake and Bake and Tonette.

    Good luck to all of the bidders.

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      After my hubby sang that jingle, I couldn’t quit humming it in my mind! I don’t think I know the Shake and Bake or the Tonette jingles…I’m afraid to look them up…then I might have 3 jingles going on in my head…
      Thank you,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. This is a wonderful outfit and the winner will be lucky.
    I moved from hospice to rehab a month ago and am doing lots of therapy. I’m getting stronger every day.
    Stay well, everyone!

    1. Marilyn, Marilyn, Marilyn
      It is SO nice to see your name in the comments today! What s blessing it is to have you back with us!!!
      Wonderful news on the move…AND the therapy!!
      We’ve missed you and welcome back!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Wonderful! Welcome back. We’ve sure missed you and your all encompassing knowledge of all things doll and your research abilities on other subjects that come up. Hurray!

      2. Oh, Marilyn! So good to hear that you are back on the blog! You have been missed, but now things are certainly looking up! I wish you all the love and hugs a person can hold!

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Welcome back, Marilyn! I’m delighted you are “back”!! Keep up the hard work so some day you can leave rehab behind, also!!

    1. Thank you Mary,
      Yes, he’s one clever guy! I read him your comment…now he might be a clever guy with a big head!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Welcome back, Marilyn!

    My 89 yr old dad has joined the 21st century. He is texting every morning! The cell phone was always Mom’s thing. He wanted little to do with it. Texting is his main form of communication now. My brother and I both check in with him every morning but we usually hear from him first!

    Now I am going to eBay to see the adorable blue bonnet outfit. 🌝

    1. Hi Julia,
      Congratulations to your dad on figuring out things and becoming techy at 89 years young. My mom never really could get the hang of it all. I hope he is doing well….you too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a lovely day! Jeanne has her latest listed and has a bid, and we’ve heard from Marilyn. Life can’t be any sweeter. 🙂

  7. I’m not used to seeing your comments on our comments so early Jeanne. I had to make sure I was on the right day. At my age I’m easy to confuse.

    I was about to comment yesterday when I saw Joy’s comment about the free dolly pattern at Pixie Faire so I left to check it out. I thought I had commented but when I checked last night I found I hadn’t. As I said, easy to confuse. But I did see that you had posted Emmie’s outfit on e-bay so I went to check it out. I’m not surprised you got a bidder so quickly. Here’s hoping it becomes a bidding war. I don’t think there are adjectives sufficient to describe this outfit. It is the best of the best. You just keep introducing techniques that have me wanting to try them myself. I definitely would love to make some of these hats, but it does seem like there might be a learning curve to getting it perfect. At some point I’m just going to have to try.

    Julia, I’m really impressed that your Dad is willing to enter the world of modern technology. My sisters and I never could get my mother to even try. They set her up with an e-mail account so she could keep in touch with me here in Texas (she was in Delaware) but she would never try. She said she got along her whole life without it and guessed she could make it the rest of the way. And she did. She never even had a cell phone and couldn’t understand why my sisters and I thought computers were so great. Since we were all out in the working world and being introduced to all the new technologies all the time, we couldn’t understand why she was so afraid of things. Definitely a generation gap when it came to that.

    Marilyn, it’s a real joy having you back with us!!!!. I’m so glad things are getting better for you.

    Now I can’t get the Blue Bonnet jingle out of my mind. I remember the Shake ‘n Bake and Tonette commercials but I don’t remember the jingles for them.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, you know I think you are right. They didn’t have jingles there was just wording. The wording is stuck in my head (chuckle).

  8. Hi Barbara,
    I’m so happy you like Emmies dress and bonnet. It really was fun and “kind of” therapeutic for me. I did lots of thinking and remembering as I was making this one. My mom used to always like looking at my doll dresses.
    Thanks for your sweet comments today.
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Not surprising that your mom always liked looking at your doll dresses. I imagine her pride in you and your efforts knew no bounds.

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