You’ll have to look under a pile of leaves to see what’s next…

DON’T FORGET: Kirsten’s “Charming in Blue” dirndl ends tonight (Tuesday) on Ebay… You can see the auction by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I found these cute leaves at the thrift shop in town. I think they may have come from the Dollar Tree or Dollar General… I can’t remember which store has these yellow tags with the price in black. Well, anyway, they sold for $1 whichever store they were at… BUT I found them at my thrift store for fifty cents a package… SCORE! There are 55 leaves in each package and they are really cute. I should have bought some of these long ago…

They make a great pile for my dolls to play in…

…or HIDE in…

Who IS that in there???

Why, it’s Navi! She’s 6″ small and so much fun to sew for!

No nudity allowed today!!! :o)

Doesn’t she “wear” them well???

But I thought we could do better than that…

Navi loves laying in them… I’ll work some more on her dress tomorrow… but here’s a peek…

See you tomorrow or at the finish line on Ebay tonight!
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “You’ll have to look under a pile of leaves to see what’s next…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I think I have some of those leaves, too–such a fun little decorating accessory!!

    I am liking Navi’s new dress, even though I’m not a huge fan of lime green. However, it’s a really good color on her, and I especially love that the scale of the print is just perfect for her!! Can’t wait to see what else will be added!

    I finally finished that tote bag I started a while ago–yay! Now I can work on April Eleanor’s nurse costume for Halloween!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I think I’ll get a lot of use out of these leaves.
      I hope you’ll like Navi’s dress in the end…even though it’s lime green. I love all the little dots on the fabric.
      I bet April Eleanor is so excited for you to start on her nurse’s costume.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Rocking and rolling here last night. We had a 4.5 earthquake about 10:30. I understand that there was another 2.1 a few minutes before too. Just enough to make the blinds rattle here. It was widely felt over northern CA and centered in Pleasant Hill just north of where daughter and family reside. Not much damage other than things knocked off of shelves in stores. Such is life in CA.
    I can’t see you Navi! Are you hiding? Oh wait. There you are. 🙂 So cute. Great leaf placement too. That’s a wonderful color for Navi. Can’t wait to see her again when the dress is all finished.
    Looks like a chilly start to the day here. Glad we have heat and are toasty.

    1. Hi Joy,
      Oh, my goodness, wildfires, power outages and now earthquakes!! You are one brave lady!!! I guess you probably get used to it like we get used to things here.
      I need to get going in my sewing room…Navi is still laying in the leaves!!
      We had a chilly morning here too.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I bought some autumn leaves recently. They are so pretty and reminiscent of my childhood. I really do miss a real fall. That’s why I was needing a rake. So the girls could rake them up and jump in them. I have an idea but I really need to head to Katy to my craft stores. I should finish up my have-tos this morning. Maybe some sewing this afternoon and a trip to Katy tomorrow.

    Navi is really good at hiding (especially when the leaves are the same size she is – but don’t tell her that. It would ruin her fun). Her dress is going to be so cute. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

    Charlotte needs to show us her tote bag – and April Eleanor’s nurse outfit when it’s finished. I’d love to see them both.

    Joy does live in an exciting place. If she’s not worried about power outages or fire she has to look out for earthquakes. Never a dull moment for her. A 4.5 is definitely nothing to sneeze at. Glad there was no serious damage.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m glad you like Navi’s dress so far…now to get it finished!
      I hope you find something to make a rake out of…I haven’t thought of anything yet to make one from.
      I guess we’ll both be sewing this afternoon.
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks Barbara! I’ll send pictures to Jeanne in the near future.

      I did get April Eleanor’s nurse dress cut out today–so a little progress there!!

  4. Oh my, I beat Linda here. I’ll bet that’s a first. Those leaves are great. I’ll have to see if I can find some as well as they make a great accessory, especially for Samantha for a nutting party. Navi’s little dress is cute so far and it goes so well with the leaves.
    Poor Joy, that would be really scary to me. Stay safe. I’ve always lived in Ohio and when I was a child we were at the Ohio Theatre seeing “Gone with the Wind”. All of a sudden we felt someone kicking our seats. Everyone turned around until the last row turned around and there was obviously no one there. My mom said “that’s a earthquake”. We got up to make our way to the exit. I recall the chandelier swinging overhead.

    1. Hi Laura,
      Linda went to Branson, Missouri. For s few days… she’ll be back. But you DID beat her today!!
      I’m hoping to find a little tree stump Navi can set on in my final pictures…
      I think earthquakes are pretty scary too. I remember hearing the sliding closet doors rattling one night. My hubby just blurted out, “we just had an earthquake!” It was creepy to me too.
      We do live near the New Madrid fault, which is s major thing, according to the experts…ick!!
      Thanks Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Little Navi is having a great time in the leaves…if she could just smile….I know inside she is giggling and having fun!
    Super fabric choice on her with the leaves…whatever she ends up with for accessories you have to send some of those leaves along!

    1. Hi Kathie
      That’s a great idea to send along some leaves for the winner!!! I hadn’t thought of that!!!
      Thanks so much…AND for the doll pics..
      I’ll use them…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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