Getting ready for a Sew-Along…

I mentioned yesterday about planning to feature a Sew-Along next week. Everything is ready on my end so I think we’ll start on Monday, September 2nd.

For those of you who have never been involved in one, I will be sewing something and you can follow along…or just watch and cheer those on who are participating!!

I am making a sweet little dress for my nephew’s little girl this time. We’ll do a dolly dress next time.

If you want to make a dress for someone and follow along with me, you’ll need to purchase the Simplicity pattern #8102. It comes in sizes 3-8 and is a multi sized pattern so one pattern makes any of those sizes. I’m making version A…the orange dress in a size 3.

You’ll need to have a piece of fabric long enough to cut 2 dress lengths on the fold…the front and the back. If you want to make your ties in a coordinating fabric, you’ll need that as well.

Go ahead and wash and dry your fabrics to get rid of that center crease. If you wash and dry it ahead of cutting it out, you won’t have any shrinkage issues after it’s made.

You’ll need some lightweight fusible interfacing for the facings, thread to match and any applique or trim you might be using.

I’ll try to be a good teacher and explain everything as I go along, showing lots of pictures. I probably should have picked a different color than red because it doesn’t always show up the best in pictures, but I’ll do my best.

We’ll see how far we get on Monday and maybe continue on Tuesday. It’s a pretty simple pattern but I don’t want to stress anyone by rushing.

When we get done, anyone who made a dress can send me a picture of theirs and I’ll feature it on my blog.

Any questions? Just ask!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “Getting ready for a Sew-Along…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’ll be watching, not participating, Jeanne.

    At the moment, though, I’m soon to bed. I judged two cooking contests today, both ethnic foods. One young man made wonton soup (delicious!) and the young lady made pasta Alfredo (from scratch–it was fabulous!) plus a big salad and cheesy garlic bread! I ate well today, but I’m beat!

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      As a 4H judge. maybe YOU can give me some tips with my sewing! :o)
      Yummy to your day is all I can say!!
      Thanks Charlotte
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Just ask, Jeanne! I’ve been sewing for almost 63 years now, so I guess I’ve learned a few things! LOL

        However, yesterday I learned an embroidery trick from a lady whose great-grandmother was an embroiderer for Queen Victoria! She (this great-grandmother) passed her knowledge to her daughter, who passed it to her granddaughter (the lady I met). It is how to start embroidery without a knot! It only works with an even number of strands of floss, but it’s a pretty slick idea, and leaves a lovely finish on the back!

  2. Good morning! I did comment yesterday, but now, come to think of it, I am pretty sure I forgot to hit “Post Comment”, and it wasn’t the first time I have forgotten to do that!

    Regarding yesterdays post, Kit looks just darling in her selection of school dresses. She almost has a whole weeks worth ! So many cute outfits, and yes, a lot of them I have never seen. Each and every dress fits the doll’s character so well. Your Cecile is just beautiful, but you don’t have her anymore, right?

    Of course, I have no one to make that darling dress for, but will watch along with the others on how you do things! The pattern reminds me of the ones I used to make for my daughter in the 70’s, simple and flared. I do think if I lived in any other era, like Civil War or Victorian, sewing would not appeal to me very much!! Are you making a tote bag too like the one in the picture? She could put her dolls in it!

    Size 3 should be fun and easy to do, just a tad bigger than a doll, and I bet she will look like a little doll after she get to wear her new outfit that Auntie Jeanne made for her!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I DID sew lots of dresses in the past…she loved modeling!
      No, I don’t have Cecile anymore… she’s another one that got away!!
      Sewing 5/8th inch seams will seem really strange!! When I used to make little girls dresses and sell them, sizes 2-4 were my favorite ones to make.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. I’ll be watching, too. I’ll be interested in sewing a dress like that for a doll. It will have to be a very light fabric to be able to tie knots at the shoulders. I don’t think there is anything that light in my stash. Fat quarters are usually heavier cotton used for quilts. I hope the bows will be positioned such that they will cover the shoulder joints. Have fun with the Sew-Along.

    1. Hi Susette,
      As I was cleaning in my sewing room today, I thought of a way to make a dress/jumper like this pattern and it would be a snap!!!

      Thanks Susette…hope you’ll be watching as a cheerleader!!
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  4. Going to be such a cute little dress. I was thinking that you might be making the beach bag into a bull dog version? Would be so cute. If so, perhaps it should be made smaller to fit a 3T child or it might be overwhelming. Anyway, looking forward to see you making this. I didn’t see any Simplicity patterns on sale for this week. Maybe I missed it in the flyer. Every pattern I’ve looked for lately is not available at my store and has to be ordered directly from Joann’s. Strange. I wonder how to draft this pattern into a smaller size? I always get the skirt circle wrong. I didn’t think about the shoulder ties being tied. Thanks Susette.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I might have to make the tote bag after I see how much she likes the dress…it might be fun!!
      Like I told Susette, I think I figured out how to draft a pattern pretty easily like this dress I’ll be making.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

      1. I found a pattern that will work I think for maybe an LD. So, I too can sew along in a smaller version. Of course, I have to change it up. Can’t leave well enough alone. 🙂

  5. All my grand girls are too big and or old for this pattern but I’m going to love watching this all happen.
    What a great idea!
    Hope you will do it for dolls too
    Take care

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I just might have to do it for the dolls…I just wanted to make Jaycee something before she got any bigger.
      “Someone” might come tomorrow!! :o)
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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