Bailey in “Funshine and Roses”

Thank you Joy, for that play on words… I loved it the moment I read it… I know that is Clematis in my picture, but somehow Funshine and Clematis didn’t work that well for me AND I do believe those are tiny roses in the print of her top… :o)

I ventured outside this afternoon and took some pictures that I think you will really love this time. I first used my camera and the pictures were “okay” but I tried with my phone and it picked up the colors better, so I’m using them… I have quite a few to show you, and thought I’d save some “extra” ones for the listing on Ebay, but I couldn’t decide which ones to leave out of this post. I don’t think you’ll mind… Bailey doesn’t!

Here’s a closeup of the pocket and capris.

Patsy said, “What about me?” So I took a few pictures of her…not the greatest, but you can see it on her. The hat is way too big on Patsy, but I can alter it if the winner buys this for Patsy…

I am CRAZY about this little girl… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Bailey in “Funshine and Roses””

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, those pictures are Wonderful!! I think you made the right decisions–outside, not in, and phone, not camera! How could anyone not love that outfit (or, for that matter, Bailey)?!

    It’s hard to choose a favorite pose, they are all so cute!

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      Well, being outside made a believer out of me… Maybe I’ll get a little spot set up after all to take pictures in. I really loved the way they turned out.
      Thank you so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh goodness, Bailey is the cutest little thing! Yes, I see now that the newer outdoor pictures are not so yellow, yet at the same time, still sunny and warm. I am looking for a new camera, and would love to get one that works on a phone, but, sit down ladies, I DON’T have a cell phone!! While I would love one for the camera, I see no use for it for myself, since we already have 3 landlines, and I am doing fine without one. But yes, the cameras on the phones are wonderful, just that you have to pay for the service, but when you buy a camera, it is done as far as paying goes.

    Wouldn’t you just love to have a talk with Bailey? She looks like she would be so fun to have a conversation with! Her outfit is a perfect match for her personality!

    1. HI Linda,
      I bet you would love a phone to use as the camera. It does work out fairly well most of the time. BUT… I still like my camera for some things… BUT… if all my pictures would turn out this well, my camera might be on the back burner for quite some time… dilemma’s… dilemma’s!
      Thanks for your sweet compliments Linda. I just love her to pieces! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Good morning Jeanne,
    You did a wonderful job on Baileys face up! She’s just the sweetest little thing. I love the outfits you’ve made for her, she certainly loves to model and is adorable to boot. What a good idea to show your sweet Patsy in “Funshine and Roses”.
    I’m happy to hear everything health wise is looking up for you, your Mama and your dear friend Alba, what a frightening thing to have happen during such an important time for her, tell her best wishes for a successful Wednesday meeting.
    It’s finally looking like spring around here… yeah! I have tulips where I’ve never had tulips before… me thinks the squirrels have been busy moving my flower bulbs around lol
    Continued prayers for you and your sweet family and Alba too.

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      Well, I couldn’t let Patsy not get in on the action… after all, Bailey has gotten all the attention for the last month or so…
      I took Alba to the doctor this afternoon and asked her if she was ready… She said she was… just finishing up her power point presentation for tomorrow. I know she will do well… She’s very smart and a good speaker.
      It sounds like the squirrels have been burying things in all different places…I just hope they were good at where they put the tulips… I love the way they look! :o)
      Thank you Indrid,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Super cute, Jeannie! The hat is actually my favorite part.. it’s “a little bit country and a little bit city sophisticate”:) sweet print .. spring many adorable details! I know the Meadow Fan FB Group will life love it too❤️
    Bailey rocks!!

    1. HI Shara,
      I did show Bailey’s dress on the Meadow Fan FB page and as soon as I got my post made.. not 30 seconds went by till Bobi commented on it.. .Woohoo… Thanks for your kind compliments.
      I saw your smocked dress for one of the dolls, Sienna? not sure who she was, but it was beautiful! VERY beautiful! You do such pretty work!
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Well, Hi, Bailey and Patsy! You both are outstanding models today. I do love outdoor photography and it looks like the phone is winning hands down. My favorite photo is the one of Darby playing with Bailey’s long hair. So sweet!
    Linda, I don’t have a cell phone either, only a cheap flip phone for emergencies. However, I am in the market and will probably pick one up at Costco soon. Why? I want the camera availability built into the phone, and I want to be able to check email and other sites when I’m not at home tied to the computer. I rarely use my flip phone and our land line not much either. But, I know I would use the cell phone to compare prices shopping or even check ebay prices while looking at antiques or vintage stuff. Or my big one, Google for information. 🙂 So, think we need to meet at Costco and decide on a phone. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Bailey and Patsy say hi back to you! I was surprised that my camera took as good of shots as it did… I thought I tried it once before and it was kind of washed out. Maybe I just have to find the right way of facing them in the sunshine. I was pretty pleased at how the pictures turned out.
      You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish with your phone when you are traveling… as long as YOU aren’t the one driving! :o) I can check my comments and answer them when we are in the car, or check on when some place is open, or when it closes, or compare prices, or answer emails… OR check to see what’s coming in the mail!
      I have a Samsung Galaxy S9. It has a 12 megapixel camera…
      Thanks Joy,

    1. Well, we actually went to Costco today and I am the proud new owner of a fully functioning phone that will serve as my camera too. So exciting! Now, I have to figure out all of the fun things it offers. Gonna take me awhile to figure it all out, but other person also has a new phone too, so we can compare notes. 🙂 I did pick up a copy of iphones for Seniors that should help me along. 🙂

      1. Forgot to mention Susette giving me the needed push to move forward! Thanks Susette.

        1. HI Joy,
          congrats on your new iPhone…I just told you I had a Samsung Galaxy S9, but I had a feeling you might get an iPhone. :o)

  6. Wonderful photos! I love the little bench. Such a perfect size. I’ve never tried any outdoor pictures for my dolls. I would have to create a spot because there is no place where things are small enough for dolls. My Azaleas have finished blooming or that could have been a good spot. Fake flowers on Azalea foliage? Hmmm…

    Did you have to make many adjustments to get the pants to fit both Bailey and Patsy? What about for the top? I’m picking your brain so I can start thinking about making clothes for Lolla.

    I’ve had a cell phone for years. Even back to the days of the bag phone. I had a long commute to work and a lot of it was empty space. I loved the empty space, developers didn’t so it’s pretty much filled in these days. David bought me the phone so I could call if I broke down on the way home. But I had to remember to hide it when I wasn’t in the car and took it in the house at night. It was such a pain I would often forget to take it with me. I was glad when the smaller phones arrived.

    When David got a cell phone it was a big relief for me since he was often out-of-town or out-of-state doing jobs. One time before he had a phone I called the motel in Connecticut where he was staying and they told me no one by his name had checked in. Knowing he had a long drive up there, I was panicky until I finally heard from him. It turned out the desk clerk was spelling our last name wrong and never asked me how to spell it. From then on I do it automatically. But we never had smart phones until about a year or so ago. I didn’t want to face the data charges and lack of control since my stepson was on our plan and he often let others use his phone. One time someone was using our plan to call Mexico. I use my phone for calls and texting. David finds his useful in business because he can ask the phone for information on places to buy supplies, etc. I do like the convenience of a camera, since I always forget to take my digital camera with me. But then sometimes I still forget to take my phone with me. I seem to have no “need to be constantly connected” gene.

    Prayers for Alba for today and tomorrow. Looking forward to finding out how she’s does on both accounts.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      After seeing how well my pictures for Bailey turned out, I’m going to work on creating a small area in my yard or with some flowers to make a nice area to take pictures in. I loved the way the natural light worked so much better than inside.

      The pants I made for Bailey and Patsy was just a sort of wide legged pants pattern that I had… I didn’t have to adjust it…fit it for Bailey first, since she got the biggest bum, and then it fit Patsy just fine too. As far as the top, I made IT fit Patsy first since Bailey is just a wee bit smaller than in the bodice than Patsy.

      You’ll have to check the comments above… Joy is now a phone owner… She’s quite excited!
      I remember my mom having a bag phone in her car… oh, those were the days, weren’t they?
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, Bailey is adorable! Sorry Patsy but Bailey is really “working” that outfit (laugh). My favorite photos are of her sitting on the rocks. She has such a sweet face.

    As you know, I am contemplating a name change from Dorothy in PA to Dorothy of Oz. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this. I also discussed this with Charlotte. I just want the blog family to know in case I do change.

    I am going to a Mother’s Day tea at my favorite tearoom on Sunday. I will be taking along one of my Gotz girls. Tea and dolls, two of life’s greatest joys!

    1. Thanks Dorothy in PA… who might soon be Dorothy of Oz! :o)
      I’m glad you liked Bailey’s outfit… she does look pretty cute in it, doesn’t she? do you have a Dumpling… I can’t remember? I think I’m thinking of Ingrid!

      I hope you have fun at your Mother’s Day Tea, Dorothy! I’m sure you and your dolls will! How could you not?
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. If I didn’t know better I would think that was a real little girl! The poses and expression are are so clear and lighting is so nice and bright. She is going to be a fun addition to your doll family.
    Rain has stopped for a bit so must hurry and put some flowers in!
    Good luck with this collection!

    1. HI Kathie,
      I’m afraid Bailey is already a fun addition to my family and I’m having a hard time not sewing for her constantly. I know I have to sew for my other girls, but I just want to sew for her and Navi and make some sweet sister sets… but *alas* I must make some other doll lovers happy too.
      Have you been sewing for your Paola Riena doll?

      I think the rain is coming for us again tomorrow or the next day. I have certainly been enjoying our sunshiny weather lately!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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