Isabelle’s dress gets three sleeves!

Tiny sleeves in doll dresses can sometimes be a challenge….especially when you pick the wrong pattern and try to fit it in the armhole. Apparently I picked out the sleeve for Patsy Tonner and it just didn’t fit…I forgot to take a picture of it but you can see the difference in the fullness in this picture…

I found out the hard way by sewing one of the sleeves in and then had to pick it out…I forgot to take a picture of it sewn in, so I just sort of pinned it the best I could to show you..

We worked at our friend’s house most of the day so my sewing didn’t start until 9:30. I only have 2 little sleeves to show you, and looking at them, I think they need some tiny headers so they’ll stand up evenly.

I had written my post on my phone but when I came back to my computer to add my pictures, my satellite has stopped working and so I have no internet service. I managed to figure out how to add these 3 pictures, but that’s it…sorry…

Hope to see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Isabelle’s dress gets three sleeves!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, what a frustrating day for you, Jeanne!! I’m so sorry with the sleeve problems, and then the satellite problems. I do hope tomorrow is better for you.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      My satellite is working again and all things are good! My day wasn’t as frustrating as it sounded, but I didn’t get much accomplished…oh well….
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh dear, what a day, Jeanne! Let’s hope today is more productive and less troublesome. Is your refrigerator and pantry stocked up? More bad weather coming this weekend ;-(

    1. HI Linda,
      Well, today wasn’t productive in my SEWING room, but otherwise it was…
      I did pick up a few more groceries this afternoon…. I’m not ready for winter weather!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. You spent most of the day working productively at your friend’s house — that sounds like a day to be proud of to me. We could use a couple pictures of that project, if your friend doesn’t object.
    Your snow has melted? Ours nearly has as well, but we got so little that it doesn’t compare to what you had.
    Good luck with your computer problems, and I’ll hope to see your post tomorrow.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      My hubby asked me not to share any of the pictures on here of what we are doing…I think just for privacy.
      I’ve been so busy I haven’t watched the weather, but according to Linda we better be prepared! I’m not…except I do have plenty of fabric and plenty of dolls waiting for a chance to model a new dress.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Again, my comment is a no show, but I wonder if it will come up right after I write this! Who knows what is going on?

    I’m sorry that youday didn’t go your way yesterday, but today is another day! The second pair of sleeves are just perfect, so all is not lost.

    Do you have a dish for your internet connection? We used to, but got rid of it and now have all underground lines, so we don’t have nearly the problems we used to have.

    The snow is starting to melt now, and we are finally seeing blades of grass in places. It is very foggy at the moment, and we are under a fog advisory. Are you ready for bad weather this weekend? Better get the fridge and pantry stocked up! Good sewing weather, though!

    1. Jeanne, what is going on? Do I have to write twice for the first comment to show up? I am completelymystified as to why I have to write 2 comments and then have both show up! I can’t believe this! I certainly do not mean to be taking over the blog, but if you notice the first comment was posted at 4:19 and the second at 9:32. I figured if it was ever going to show up it would be there by then. So since it wasn’t there, I wrote the second comment, posted it and there was my first comment! 🙁

      1. H Linda,
        I’m not sure of what’s going on either but you seem to be the one who’s getting picked on! Sorry about that…

        We have Hughes Net for our Satellite service. We live outside of the city limits so there are no underground lines out here. Hughes was our only option.

        Sara, my webmaster, has been in Kenya since the first of December, but she’s supposed to arrive back in the United states the end of this month…I’m going to get some things figured ou when she’s back…
        Thanks Linda,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Love those delicate sleeves. Can’t wait to see the next step.
    I’m happy to say that the city inspector inspected, and the new heater passed with flying colors. And of course, even though we warned them, the city sent out a huge inspector. A very tall big man to fit through our tight attic access. But, using our ladder which was a bit short and shaky, (didn’t want to retrieve his from the truck as it was absolutely pouring) he managed to hoist himself up into the attic and crawl over to check the work. I pulled in other person so we would each have a foot on the ladder so it wouldn’t slip out when he came down. (Sigh of relief!) Now, I have no excuse not to get on the closet painting. Ugh!
    We had 2 1/2 inches of rain yesterday. And here it is at 7:30AM and it is pouring again. I asked other person last night if he noticed the lights blink? NO. Guess I was right, because there was a huge power outage, maybe 15,000 homes. So lucky ours stayed on. When the power is out, we have no heat.
    I too would love to see photos of whatever it is that you are doing to get your friend’s home sold. Staging? Painting?
    Nothing like making three sleeves. Perhaps, you should make another dress and use the sleeve for Patsy, because it should fit the Meadow Dumpling kids. Just saying. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      The way you describe “the tall man” sounds just like something from a novel…which was then turned into a movie!
      I did save those sleeves and hope to use them in the future for another dress..

      My hubby asked mr not to share any pictures of the house, but maybe I can just tell what we did… A LOT!!
      Hope you haven’t floated away with all the rain you’ve had.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a lovely beginning of a dress, perfect for Isabelle. The color brings out the blush of her complexion and Mona Lisa smile (lip color too). So sweet! I think we need to start calling you Bunny as in energizer bunny! Love the variety of your posts, every morning the suspense of what’s today going to be? What size doll, what helpful sewing tip, will there be chickens, doves, a puppy, Christmas villages, gardens and fairy houses, will we go on a shopping excursion, visit family or friends or maybe an antique shop, love it all.

    1. Thank you, Dorothy,
      You are so kind with your compliments and I love how you summarized my posts! Glad you enjoy whatever comes up each day!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, Isabelle’s dress is coming along nicely. The colors are lovely on her.

    I see that you have a saddle stand. Do you use them for all of your dolls? I never thought about that before but it must really help in showcasing your clothing designs.

    We are expecting a snow storm this weekend. It is throwing off plans for MLK holiday celebrations. I am hoping that the snow fairies blow it in another direction (chuckle).

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      I bought 3 saddle stands for Ellowyne and my hubby cut them off for my Little Darling dolls. I do like using them as they aren’t so thick between their legs.
      I think I better watch the weather tonight to see what we are in for this weekend… I did have plans for something Saturday morning but I better check out the forecast first.
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. What a busy day you had yesterday. Productive and then frustrating. Having computer/internet glitches can be so frustrating and can mess up a day’s schedule. We live in a rural town. We moved here before internet was a thing. When it arrived here it was in the form of dial-up only. We had no choice of providers either. When I was doing an e-mail I used to type and copy, type and copy. I would do that till I was ready send so that if I lost the connection at any time, I would not have to remember what I typed. Then we got better service but still not totally reliable. It was frustrating. These days we’ve joined the modern world and things are much better unless a storm puts us out.

    The three sleeves did throw me until I read the story behind them. I love puffed sleeves. They look so feminine and sweet. It is annoying though when you have the sleeves put in anything, especially tiny doll dresses (most stressful part except for buttonholes) and then you look at them and they don’t look the same and you have to redo them. Sometimes when this happens to me I just have to come back later.

    Can’t wait for the next edition of “Isabelle’s New Dress”.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I was very thankful that when I got up this morning my satellite was working again. YAY!
      I was glad I could figure out how to get my pictures into my post… at least I learned something from the problem…

      I’m even later getting in my sewing room tonight than I was yesterday…but I’m still hopeful!!
      Thank you Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. The fabric for Isabelle’s new dress is adorable, perfect for Valentine’s Day. Puffed sleeves are just the thing for little girls or dolls. I would have guessed an LD was up next since one of them didn’t get a Christmas dress. Looking forward to what comes next.
    We’re expecting 6 inches of snow tomorrow night… so I’m heading out early for a few errand and groceries. Everyone stay warm.

    1. HiLaura
      Yes, I got some fluttering brown eyes from Lian and Isabelle and some glaring looks from Janie and Emmie. I told them I’d get to them as soon as I could…gotta keep ’em happy!!

      I stocked up on a few things yoo… I have plenty of things to make soup from…comfort food on cold snowy days!!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Well don’t you get the award for IT and sewing patience today! Comparing the 2 sleeves is interesting…the left one seems ok until you compare it to the right one which looks perfect , of course☺️ The piping at the edge is just what sets it off. Love piping on everything!
    Hope your friends house sells quickly…are we going to see before and afters ?

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I’m hoping my sleeve headers will make my sleeves look the same…right now they don’t!

      Do you know how to fix the rubber bands in Madame Alexander dolls? I had a friend email me wanting to know if I could do it…but I’ve never done that before…I told her about you..

      There actually isn’t any piping on Isabelle’s sleeves…just tiny narrow cuffs…
      Ok..I better get some sewing in before it’s time for bed.
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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