What’s white, skinny, about 15 yards long and was made by hand?

Before I answer the riddle, I’ll share some sweet pictures with you. Kathie sent them to me and I thought everyone would enjoy seeing them. These are her 13″ Little Darlings wearing outfits from previous Christmas swaps held on the Little Darling doll forum. Kathie didn’t specify if these were outfits SHE made to send to someone or if these were outfits SHE had received for her dolls. I hope she answers us… Pippi Longstocking, in the Christmas Tree dress, has on a wine bottle cover! I have done that before too! Great looking girls, Kathie! Thanks for sharing!

Her Little Darlings were trimming the Christmas tree and from the looks of her pictures, they were having a great time!

Okay…now back to my riddle…did you guess it?

Well, a scarf 15 yards long would be kind of hard to wear…

A sash this long would have to be tied in a huge, huge bow…

Maybe I made a long tail for a kite…

Maybe I made turbans for the wise men for a Christmas play…

Okay, okay, I’ll tell you…Kathie’s Little Darlings weren’t the only ones trimming their Christmas tree. I was stringing popcorn for my Christmas tree… It’s white, about 15 yards long, skinny and I DID use a needle… a #20 sharps, in fact! (they are pretty long and just like the name implies… SHARP!) You need that to go through the popcorn easily. I didn’t prick my finger one time! Yay! It took me about 5 hours but I was sitting on the couch watching a couple of John Wayne movies…so it went by pretty quickly. :o)

I looked down and snapped this picture of my lap, but I won’t show you my rug…because “Someone” will have to sweep tomorrow… Reuben cleaned up some of it. :o)

Here are a couple of tips for great popcorn stringing…

~ Use an air popper if you have one… you won’t have to worry about oily hands or it being too slippery. (it’s also not that appealing if you are a nibbler!)

~ Pop your popcorn the day before and leave it out in the air…it’s a bit stale on the 2nd day and not quite so crumbly!

~ Don’t cut your thread to any certain length… leave it on the spool. Just thread your needle and pull out a yard or 2 or 3 and start adding popcorn to your needle. Move it down a little bit and when you get about 12 or so inches, slide that group of popcorn gently closer to your spool. Keep adding popcorn until your thread is all used up.

~ Leave enough of a tail to wrap your needle around the last piece of popcorn and tie a good knot. (both ends)

So, do you want to see mine now? I discovered it’s kind of hard to take pictures with the lights on, but it’s not too bad… my phone actually did a better job than my camera, I think.

Here’s a close up of the lights and popcorn.

I liked looking at that picture so much that I took another one… :o)

Here are a few pictures using my camera… not too great, but you can see the popcorn.

This is a picture of the Christmas tree before I did anything… I am loving how beautiful it is. It’s actually my mom’s old tree.

She didn’t have room for it where she lives now so last year Deb and Cindy bought her a smaller 4 foot tree and she has it decorated in her apartment now…

…I mean REALLY decorated now! :o)

Maybe I’ll get some ornaments on my tree Monday!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “What’s white, skinny, about 15 yards long and was made by hand?”

    1. HI Lynn,
      It was MY pleasure to share my tree with everyone. I haven’t made it to the ornaments yet…but hopefully I will…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thanks, Kathie, for sharing your pictures with all of us! Your Little Darlings look like they are having a grand time!

    Jeanne, I had no idea a popcorn garland could look so pretty! Just the white lights and the garland made your tree look quite elegant! I hope you’ll share pictures when you have the ornaments in place, too!

    Thanks, also for the tips on stringing popcorn; it seems like I tried it once, but not very successfully! In fact, I may have just given up! LOL

    Oh, your mom’s tree is darling; she has a lot of treasured ornaments, and probably just couldn’t bear to leave any of them off! I can totally understand!!

    It is getting chilly out here in the Seattle area (night temps in the 30s, days in low 40s), but not cold enough for snow yet. If we do get snow this winter, it’s more likely to be in January, although I do remember two “white Christmases” in the 58 years I’ve lived here. It’s actually a pretty rare occurence–a white Christmas, that is.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I kind of liked the tree with just the lights and popcorn on it too! :o)

      I think momma’s tree is so sweet too.. she loves it and every time I go over there, just about the first thing she asks me is, “have you seen my tree?’ It does have some sentimental ornaments on it…
      I hope you’ll give the popcorn stringing another go… maybe just do a little tree for your girls.
      I hope you get your White Christmas this year!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Again, another fun post, totally unexpected, Jeanne! Kathie’s dolls are darling, those outfits are really lovely, and whoever made the outfits did a wonderful job! I have never seen a Christmas tree outfit for a doll, so that was a surprise for me! It is just adorable, and thank you Kathie for sending those pictures! You dolls are very well dressed!

    Popcorn garlands! How that brings back memories of our early trees! I have made popcorn garlands for years until I started back to work and had no time. I also made gingerbread men and had real candy canes for the tree! Fast forward, the popcorn and gingerbread boys are long gone, BUT I still have and use my original candy canes! They must be from 1972! I don’t know where I got them, but they are much thicker and larger than what you find today, and I just kept them in a Tupperware container all these years, and they still look good as new! They sure don’t make them like they used to!

    Your tree looks so pretty even without ornaments! It is such a pretty shape, and I was sure it was a real tree until you mentioned it was your mother’s old tree. Yes, I think it is hard to take a picture of trees so that they look as pretty as they do in real life. I like the ones with the lights on the tree, and the background dark. Is that a nighttime mode?

    Your mother’s tree is so cute, and I am sure she has a lot of happy memories just looking at all the ornaments from past Christmases. I know that I do!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’m glad you enjoyed my “unexpected” post today! I received Kathie’s pictures a few days ago, but was hoping to tie them in with my tree whenever I got it put up…

      I ‘ll have to do something else when I finally get my ornaments on. :o)

      Cindy saves her popcorn from year to year just like I guess you save your candy canes. I’m planning on saving my popcorn too!

      They are always doing something at Liberty with ornaments, so I’m sure momma will have a few more to add to her tree before Christmas gets here. Lo) I’m glad you liked it… I’ll tell her every one saw her tree on my blog!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Kathie’s sweet girls look like they were lost in the forest and discovered some decorated trees. And even find a real girl in a tree costume. What a wonderful dream.
    I had completely forgotten about popcorn chains. Your tree looks lovely even without ornaments. The lights dazzle. And all of your decorating touches are evident in the background too. Is that a stocking for Reuben? Very cute. And would you look at those gleaming new floors. Wow!
    Your mom’s tree is delightful. I’m sure she gets great pleasure showing it off to friends.
    You know, I think I just saw a glimpse of old Santa peeking out from behind your tree. The big day will be here before we know it. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      Yes, that’s a good story line… the Little Darlings found a Christmas girl in the woods…or maybe they just dreamed it!
      I’m still hoping to get my ornaments out of the boxes… my day has been quite busy already, but I hope there’s still time.
      Yes, that’s a doggie stocking, but it was actually Scruffy’s. I don’t think Reuben will object if Rebecca puts some new treats or a toy in it…

      I’m trying like crazy to pull together a Married Couple’s Christmas party… trying to get the date settled has been no easy feat. This is a really busy month.

      Well, if you saw Santa, I’m sure he didn’t have his bag of treasures, because I haven’t done one single thing toward Christmas…YET! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Kathie’s dolls are wonderful and a great inspiration. I love that long coat and want one in human size. The same color will be just fine.
    We are having a white Dec. 3 but I think it will begin melting soon. Sometimes the snow is pretty or cheerful or elegant or like Christmas. Today I am sorry to say that it mostly looks dreary.
    Your popcorn-laden tree is a needed cheerful spot today. It already looks beautiful. I hadn’t thought of a good popcorn stringing technique and am glad to know yours.

    My friend Nikki just emailed me a source for dollhouse wallpaper. It may inspire us all for the new year. https://www.bradbury.com/dollhouse_wallpaper.html It would not be bad as doll picture backgrounds either.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Leave it to Colorado to get the white fluffy stuff before anyone else. It’s pretty chilly here today. It’s 41 here, but the wind chill makes it feel 33 degrees. I’m cold here in the house. I need to get up and do some dishes in hot water or just move around with the vacuum. NAH… I’ve got other things to do.
      I’m glad you liked Kathie’s dolls decorating the tree and me decorating mine. I thought the two went together well!
      I looked at those dollhouse wall papers and they are beautiful.. I remember wall papering so many rooms in our houses when I was younger. It’s too bad it went out of style… it can really warm up a room. Thanks for sharing the link.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dear Jeanne, wow, you stumped me with the “guess what.” I thought it would be a scarf.
    I like the popcorn decoration. It’s very festive.

    Kathie’s dollies are delightful. I hope she posts the photos on ning. I love to see the Little Darlings celebrating Christmas, or any holiday for that matter (chuckle).

    Your mother’s tree is so cute. I am sure that she smiles every time she looks at it. Santa will have no trouble deciding where to put the gifts.

    A little more than three weeks until Christmas. Yikes! I haven’t gotten anything. I hope the Christmas elves come to my house soon.

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      I’m glad it didn’t turn out to be a 15 yard long scarf…popcorn for my tree is much better.

      I emailed Katie to make sure she sees her dolls in all their glory… :o) wouldn’t want her to miss out on their 15 minutes of fame.

      Christmas always sneaks up on me…and it has again…I am very behind.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I love seeing Kathie’s dolls and trees. They are just darling and dressed up so cute in fancy dresses. The scenes are great. Thanks for sharing them. I’m with Marilyn; love the long burgundy coat and just bought jeans and a sweater that color.

    Your tree looks beautiful with just the lights and popcorn strings. How helpful to share directions with everyone. There is a technique as it doesn’t work if the popcorn is too fresh and crispy. Your Momma’s tree is beautiful and just the right size. Glad she is so nicely settled this Christmas. There you are, taking care of everyone again this year with the Christmas dinner. Hope you get lots of help.

    1. HI Susette,
      That long coat on Kathie”s Little Darling looks like something right out of the 1900”s to me! I can just see Samantha or Nellie wearing it!

      Thanks for your compliments on my tree and mommas too. We both like our trees this year.
      Now if I could just find time to finish it…it sure hasn’t been today!!!
      Thanks Susette
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. First, I keep forgetting to thank you for the wonderful recipes. I plan on making them all. I love your tree. I thought it was real at first too. I don’t know if I’d have the patience to string all that popcorn. Looks like a lot of work. Your mother’s tree is so sweet and perfect. I love Kathie’s dolls and wonderful Christmas trees. And the coat is absolutely gorgeous. This morning I was lamenting that I might not ever be able to get another Little Darling. My husband was in construction for years doing sitework. He retired from that because he was getting older and driving his heavy equipment was hard on his neck. He has come out of retirement to work with my two sons doing A/C work. They have a chance for a big contract starting next year fixing the A/C systems in homes damaged and abandoned during Hurricane Harvey. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime for all three of them. Hubby told me that if the job came in and was going well he would buy me another Little Darling. Oh yeah!

    Since I’m not sure if people check back to see new posts I’ll respond here that I will definitely take pictures of my Christmas village and send them to you for posting if you wish. I got a new dining set during the year. My daughter-in-law’s dad was downsizing and the kids had no place to put it right now but I was wanting to get a new set and I’d always loved his. Dionne was sad when he said he wanted to sell it since they had it all her life, so I thought maybe we could act as a place keeper until the day they were ready for it. They had just bought a dining set shortly after they moved into their new home two years ago and they love it. They weren’t ready for a change. Since this table is new to me and somewhat different from my former one, I’m not sure yet if I’ll need to change my configuration so instead of sending a picture from a previous year, I’ll just wait and see how it turns out this year.

    I’m nearly finished with my Christmas shopping, which is highly unusual so soon. I asked my son what he and his family wanted for Christmas. He sent me texts (several) with links to things they wanted/needed for me to choose from. All were on Amazon. I shopped quickly to make sure they were available and things started arriving today. Hubby and I went to Home Depot today and found a lot of small items for him and our oldest son. He (our son) has asked for money toward something he needs, but he needed a few things to open and he can always use small tools and things. I bought me a new little tool bag and 32 piece homeowner’s tool kit. My hubby’s tools are down at his shop and trying to find a hammer or screwdriver around here is difficult. So I bought me my own. I also bought several sizes of spring clamps for my sewing/craft room. So many times I need something like that and don’t have it. So with my four new dolls and those things, I probably already have my Christmas. lol Will start on my village tomorrow.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Well, I’m hoping your hubby gets that big contract with the AC installations… everyone needs more than ONE Little Darling! :o)

      We’ll be waiting to see how you Winter Village turns out on your new table… no rush… there’s still plenty of December left!

      Congrats on getting your shopping done so soon… Me? I don’t have a clue yet what anyone is getting… I have a little tool area of my own too… I’m always needing a hammer or a screwdriver or a small nail to hang something up, some wire, wood glue, a pair of pliers, etc… A girl HAS to have things available to her so she can do her stuff without asking! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Carole L Hopkins

    Hi Jeanne Pretty tree. I have a question for you. You use some kind of tool for ironing your small sleeve seams. You showed it in a pic one time-it looks kind of like a small wooden ironing board without the pad. I hope I described it so you can tell me what it’s called. I thought it would be an excellent Christmas gift for a sewing enthusiast I know. Can you help me? Thanks Carole

    1. HI Carole,
      Yes, I use a wood sewing tool, sometimes called a Tailors Clapper and some people call it a Point Presser. It’s so easy to slide a little doll sleeve over the end of the pointed end and open up the seam to press it flat. I use mine just about every day, at least when I’m sewing a doll dress. There is just no way you can get those seams opened up and flat unless you have it raised up like this tool is. It is worth every penny you have to spend. Some Joann’s carry them and you can use your 40% off coupon if they do.

      Tailors Clapper or Point Presser

      Here is an example of one… once you know what they look like they are easy to spot.

      I hope the link went through…if not, I’ll try again or you can just look up the names I called it…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Good thing you emailed me…I was gone all day!
    Thank you lovely ladies all for the nice comments. It is fun to play with your dolls even at my age!
    No I didn’t make those outfits…they all are from previous Little Darling Christmas Swaps. Those swaps are so much fun! The one in the long coat has a full length Silk Dupioni dress the same color under it. They are all so festive I love getting them out every year.
    I will have to change one of them into this years Swap outfit which is a New Year’s theme and my swap partner wrote the sweetest story to go along with what she sent. ( and you all know her too but can’t give anything away yet) Thanks for letting the Little Darlings show on your blog. Yes, that long coat and dress would have worked for this years theme too ( a vintage New Years celebration)
    I’m so tempted to try the popcorn strings. We did it one year when we were at the farm and after we put away all the ornaments we had an influx of mice…yes, they loved that popcorn !
    We have the prettiest snow…it was heavy and deep and now it’s cold so it may be here awhile. It stuck to all the trees and houses and looks like a Christmas card.
    I thought that was a real tree..the shape is perfect and the white lights and popcorn look great.
    Thanks again.

    1. HI Kathie,
      I just knew everyone would enjoy your dolls in their Christmas dresses and coat! :o)
      It doesn’t matter if you made them or received them…we loved seeing them. Thanks so much for sharing them with me…(us)
      You’ve got all those grandkids… maybe you could thread the thread all the same length…say 2 yards on each needle and let them have a race… first one to the end of the thread wins…or set a timer and see who has the longest length in say 10 minutes! It might be fun to watch them. Whoever doesn’t do it could be cheerleaders! :o)
      Have fun in your snowy wonderland! It sounds beautiful but I’m not ready for snow yet…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. How sweet your girls look, Kathie. I’ll bet they enjoyed their tree trimming party.
    Popcorn looks nice and old-fashioned on a tree. I managed to get the outside decorations up yesterday in time to light them for the first Sunday in Advent. Looking forward to seeing your completed tree.

    1. HI Laura,
      Congratulations on getting a big job done… Christmas decorations on the outside! YAY!

      I don’t think anyone will see ornaments on my tree tomorrow… too many interruptions in my day… rats… I wanted to get it done!
      Maybe tomorrow,
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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