Anniversary #4 and a Giveaway!

How in the world has 4 years gone by since I wrote my first post and hit the publish button? I really have a hard time believing it! But it’s true… I have the statistics to prove it…

This post is my 1335th post.

I have averaged 334 posts per year!

That means I was only absent about 3 days during each month the last 4 years! (Of course the first 2 years I never missed a single day of writing.) Then I started taking Sundays off…

There have been 22,975 comments made by you and me, and there have been 231,593 views on my blog. (Actually there have been more, as I stopped the counter that I originally had on there. I liked seeing it, but I “read” in other blogs, nobody wants to see that little number counter. *sigh* So I gave in to peer pressure and did away with it.)

This was my most popular post, with 524 hits in one day…

Just call me Joanna”

I’m sure all of those statistics are just numbers to you, but I’ve always liked numbers (not math) but numbers… the kind like I just shared! I guess I like statistics! I tried to find all the places around the world that have visited my blog over the past 4 years, but someone I’ve forgotten how to find them. I used to know… *sigh*

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you just how wonderful it is to have you all for friends!!! Some of you I’ve met, some are die-hard regulars and wouldn’t miss your morning coffee without me, many have blessed me with gifts beyond my wildest dreams, some have sent the most beautiful cards, some have sent touching prayers in the night when I needed them the most, some have written encouraging emails to me, you’ve even sent my mom gifts and my kids gifts, oh, and my hubby too! Some have cried with me, prayed with me, believed with me, hoped with me and loved on me when I needed it the most. Oh dear…I’m tearing up and can’t see the computer screen…

Okay… I can see now…

There is no way I can ever or could ever thank you enough for being my friends. You all have a very special place in my heart and I want to thank you for sticking around these 4 years. Some have been here since day one and some have just recently joined.

I wanted to do something fun for more than one person for this 4th Anniversary Giveaway…so I’m doing something a little different. If you will, in the comment section below, or email me at and tell me what doll you’d like a half slip for. Maybe you have American Girl dolls that need a slip or maybe it’s an Effner Little Darling who needs one. Perhaps you have a new My Meadow Twinkle doll and she needs a slip. (I’d have to have her waist measurement as I don’t have one of them.) Answering this question will get you entered into the drawing for not just ONE, but FOUR doll slips…

You’ll have to comment or email me before midnight Wednesday night (Central, Illinois time zone) and I’ll add your name to the drawing. Then at midnight I’ll draw out 4 names… I’ll go by the doll you named in your comment and make your doll a new slip…(sorry, my choice) and send it to you…

I’ll post the winners of the slips in my post on Thursday! I hope we have lots of entries!

Here are a few pictures of some past half slips I’ve made…





Well, that should be enough examples…

If you’d like to read about my “other” Anniversary posts…here you go!

Anniversary #1

Anniversary #2

Anniversary #3

Thanks everyone,
See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne

42 thoughts on “Anniversary #4 and a Giveaway!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations on your anniversary, Jeanne! Although I haven’t been reading the entire four years, I do remember when you decided to take Sundays off, so it’s been over two years.

    My Little Darlings would love to have a new slip–I’ve been remiss in sewing for them lately, so maybe I will get “out of the doghouse” if I win a new slip! Haha…

    Our house isn’t very happy tonight–the water heater sprang a leak and I’ve had a mess to clean up! Ron is downtairs now (at midnight) emptying the water heater so that’ll be done when Puget Sound Energy comes tomorrow (hopefully–they’ll call us back in the morning). Our water heater is leased, so at least it’s primarily a matter of inconvenience, not a huge expense! (I’m concerned about what all that activity is going to do to Ron’s back, which is iffy at best anyway. Please pray he wont be Too uncomfortable tomorrow!)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks for your sweet anniversary wishes!
      Well, I hope your Little Darlings get their “wish come true” for a new slip!
      Sorry about your water heater troubles! I hope your problems are solved by now…and I hope your hubby gets a nap today!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, JEANNE! I remember when you first started your blog, and how thrilling it was to know a “famous” blog writer, and share in your everyday life! You have been an inspiration to me all these years, and I have found a wonderful friend in you, not to mention friends I have met through you!

    You have given me a lot of inspiration with your beautiful sewing, your love of your wonderful family, and decorating tips too. It’s always so nice to wake up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, and read your blog, without all the troubles in the news we all too often have to put up with.

    It was wonderful meeting you in person, and I found that the Jeanne Marie in person is the same sweet Jeanne Marie we read about here!

    I do have several of you slips for my 18 inch dolls, but little Betsy is hankering for one too!

    1. HI Linda,
      Oh brother…me…a famous blogger?” Not hardley! It was so nice to meet you and your hubby too! I really enjoyed our visit, and it’s funny…I don’t even think we talked about dolls at all, did we?
      Ok…we’ll see if Betty gets her new slip this time!
      Thanks so much, Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. A big congrats on the anniversary! Way to go, and hope you have many more.
    Loved seeing the slip fluff this morning. The girls look so sweet. I actually have an adult slip collection along with all of my other collections. Nothing as fancy as those above though. I believe the slip is becoming a clothing item that will soon be considered archaic. Like the girdle. If wearing a dress to school today, young girls usually wear shorts or leggings or the like underneath.
    I’m sure little Twinkle Romey would love a slip/dress in her diminutive 6 1/2″ size. She is wearing a Barbie top right now for size comparison.
    Keep on bloggin. 🙂

    1. Thank you Joy,
      Wow…I’ve never heard of a slip collection, but if Romey wins a slip, you’ll have one more to add!
      I think you’re right about slips becoming a thing of the past…
      Thanks so much, Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Happy Anniversary! Those numbers are super impressive and shows your love for those in the doll world that love your creations, your humor and how much you care about those that have been lucky enough to stumbled one way or another to your place in blogland. I am fairly new to your blog but I think I’ve ready just about every post. Sorry that I have been MIA for the last month or so but health issue decided to have a mind of their own which sidetracked everything. I do ready every post but commenting has been out of the question.

    Even with the events of this year that have sidetracked being able to see you still posted and kept us up date with all that is going on in your world. So glad that your husband is on the road to recovery and feeling well.

    I love slips. Always wore one and wish ladies would go back to wearing them. Nothing worse than catching a pair of undies in a see thru dress or skirt. I cherish my collection of antique slips. This is a super giveaway and I would love to own one of your slips. My choice will go for a American Girl as they without undergarments. Thank you so much and here is to four more years.


    1. HI Sandra,
      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed going back and reading my past posts. Thank you, too, for the anniversary wishes!
      So you AND Joy both have a collection of vintage slips! I love it!
      I’m sorry you’ve been under the weather lately and hope “your weather” gets better soon! :o)
      I hope your girls win a new slip!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Four years already!! That’s a lot of posts… the best part is we get to “hang out” with you almost every day.. through good and not so good times.. laughter and prayers.. just like we are real friends knocking on each other’s doors every day, checking in?

    My choice for a half slip would be Meadow 18” Saffi (9” waist).. shes my current Diva . I have Little Darlings too.. they always appreciate new things, especially Desiree, my new darker tone, blue eyed #1:)
    I was going to get a Meadow Twinkles at ITDS convention in June, but my fingers talked me out if it.. something along the line of “ do you think we can handle 6” doll clothes?..” and I reluctantly agreed .. the ol’ hands dont do tiny anymore:)

    Thank you, Jeannie, for the privilege of answering your Internet door knock… looking forward to many more chats!

    1. HI Shara,
      It is fun to meet with friends from all over, isn’t it? I’m glad you enjoy it!
      So you have a big Saffi and she needs a slip? I love Saffi”s sweet innocent face. I haven’t seen a doll that wasn’t painted to look sweet!

      The smallest doll I’ve ever sewn for was 7 1/2″ Ripley Kish…I can’t imagine a 6″ doll! Yikes that’s tiny…and I might have passed too! But I’ve seen some beautifully sewn outfits for them…so somebody’s doing it!
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Hi Jeanne – I want to add my congratulations to you on your 4 – Year Anniversary – Way to go!!!! I truly admire you for your commitment to this wonderful blog. I am in awe of your tenacity to keep your blog going through technical problems, family and health issues. You are amazing and should be proud of yourself! And that doesn’t even touch on your many sewing and design talents; your commitment to God; your church; your family and those in need. You inspire us in many ways and for that I am very thankful and grateful.

    While I started reading your blog for your dolly posts, I have to say I love all your posts. Your blog mirrors life – things happen that we don’t plan on, sometimes our time isn’t our own and I have really enjoyed your readers input. I have learned a lot about sewing (I love your tutorials) home renovations and recipes just to name a few. Like others have commented, I enjoy starting my day reading your blog usually with a cup of hot chocolate except when it is so hot out.

    Like Sandra, I have been MIA in commenting but I always read your posts. Grandkids 4-H fair recently finished up here so things will be getting back to normal – whatever that is.

    You are always so generous with your give always. I know my AG Elizabeth would be so happy to have one of your beautiful slips and oh I forgot to tell you I FINALLY recently received my 1st Little Darling painted by Geri!!! She is so beautiful. So either size would be great.

    Thank you Jeanne and blessings to you, George and the rest of your family

    1. Thanks do much for your very kind words, Leigh. I needed them this morning because I wrote to a fabric company asking about partnering with me for some fabric to make new kitchen curtains and he turned me down…boo hoo!
      I’m glad you enjoy being in the group because I KNOW I have the greatest readers anywhere!

      Congratulations on getting your first Little Darling! Aren’t they the sweetest little dolls?
      We’ll see if Elizabeth gets her wish for a new slip!
      Thank you again for your kind comments!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, I have been a member of the blog family for about a year. I still remember one of the first blogs that I read. It was entitled something like “Let’s introduce ourselves.” I read the comments and immediately felt that this was a place I wanted to be.

    I felt a connection with the words, yours and those of the other women. I am sure you have guessed by now that I am a writer. I hesitated in the past to sign on to blogs that only centered on crafting or sewing matters as I am not good at those things. Your blog, centers on “life” matters, and folds in crafting and sewing. This provides something for everyone; it’s inclusive.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us and allowing us to share ours. It is those down-home, speak from the heart, blessings-to-you connections that we all need in life. The older I get, the more I believe this is true.

    I am raising my glass of lemonade in a toast to you and to this wonderful blog. Here’s to another 4 years. This remains a place I want to be.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      OH gracious me…you’re a writer and I’m most definitely not! I like to tell stories..
      Maybe I’m a beginner writer, but I bet I could learn a lot from you!
      I like how you said my blog was about life with a little bit of sewing and folded in. That’s certainly the way it’s been for quite some time now!
      Thank you for your sweet thoughts today! You made my day…and here’s a glass of lemonade back to you for that toast!
      Thank you, Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Jeanne!! I have enjoy reading your blog ever since I found it, just a few months in I believe. I have enjoyed seeing all your post, even the ones not about dolls or sewing. I had to laugh at Joy’s comment about slip becoming archaic. I was in a department store late last year and asked the lady for a full slip. She was probably in her late 50’s and repeated slowly to me “full slip??” I responded “Yes, full slip, please as opposed to a half slip.” She was clueless. I finally said it’s a camisole attached to a half slip. Believe it or not, they had none. Just half slips. I do know a couple of catalogs to get them from.

    How sweet of you to offer slips as a giveaway. Your giveaways are wonderful. I would LOVE a Civil War style slip for my Civil War girls Marie-Grace and Caroline to share. Thank you so much.

    1. Thank you Laura,
      You’ve been here through most everything, haven’t you? I’m glad to have you and appreciate all your expertise on the “historical” front! Thank you!

      I think slips are slipping away… (sorry…I had to…)
      BUT maybe you’ll be a winner and can add another slip to your house!
      Thank you, Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Hi Jeanne, and Happy Anniversary!

    I think I have been reading your blog since almost the beginning, or maybe just after your first anniversary… All I remember is that it was close to your birthday, which is the same as mine, only you are a year older. 🙂 And you wrote 7 days a week at that time. And while I never officially “subscribed” to your blog, I have you on my toolbar and check on you every morning.

    I don’t comment a lot – I’ve always been that quiet person who listens to what others have to say, but don’t speak up much. But I have enjoyed your blog, no matter what you are writing about. I’ve laughed a lot, prayed a lot, and learned a lot, and have very much enjoyed my time spent here with you and your readers. Oh, and I guess you could say I’ve spent a lot, by buying a couple of your Little Darling dresses on ebay, and falling in love with your Nyssa and having to buy one of my own… 😀

    Speaking of Nyssa, she’d love to have a half-slip, and would share it with the other Wiggs girls I couldn’t resist…

    God Bless you and your family,

    1. Thank you Theresa,
      I’m glad you have enjoyed your time here with all of us! It really has become quite a close knit group of ladies… and possibly a few lurking men out there.
      I love hearing or not hearing so often from you, just knowing you are enjoying yourself is good enough for me.
      I’m glad you found your Nyssa and I would be honored to make her a slip if you happen to be one of the winners.
      Thank you so much for meeting with me each morning!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Congratulations Jeanne, on another year of blogging. I think it’s interesting that even though your blog is primarily about sewing for dolls, your most popular post was about your kitchen remodel. I guess that shows people are interested in whatever is going on in your life whether it involves sewing or not. I think we can all identify with the ups and downs of daily life, and your style of writing makes it all seem like a chat with a friend! I hope you will continue blogging for many more years to come. Thank you for another fun giveaway—I would like to have a Little Darling-sized slip if I were lucky enough to win.

    1. Thank you Carolyn,
      When I saw that statistic last night about my most popula post being a home decorating one, I was surprised too… oh well, I guess I have something for everyone.
      Thank you for your sweet thoughts. I hope to keep writing for years to come too.
      Another wish for a Little Darling slip…
      Thank you, Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Congratulations, Jeanne, on four years of blogging. I found your blog earlier this year and have been reading it every day you post since then. I originally started reading your blog because of the posts about dolls and sewing, but kept reading when you posted about other things. I read several blogs and find yours to be one of my favorites. I don’t think I’ve commented on your blog before.
    My daughters and I have some Pleasant Company dolls (Felicity, Samantha, Kirsten, Molly, Just Like You) and some AG dolls (Samantha, Josefina, Kanani, Molly) who would love to have a new slip.
    I wear a slip every day and sew them (and my dresses) myself. None of the stores where I live have slips. One time I asked a sales clerk in a store in our mall where the slips were and she looked at me like I was from another planet or something. I’m glad I know how to sew. I’ve taught 3 of my 4 daughters how to sew and will teach my 7 year old daughter this year. The four of us sew clothes for ourselves and our dolls.

    1. Thank you, Dena,
      I’m glad you found my blog and am so glad you enjoy it. Thank you so much for your kind comments!
      You must have a lot of fun with sewing with your daughters. My Rebecca had no interest with sewing when she was younger, but she sure enjoyed making jewelry. It worked out well for both of us…
      I’ll put an AG slip next to your name if you win.
      Thanks Dena…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. I’ve enjoyed your posts so much and can’t believe it’s been four years. I’ve certainly learned a lot and enjoyed following you through thick and thin. Your energy level is way beyond me and the time you invest in answering our Comments is truly amazing. Don’t know how you’ve kept up the last couple of years, but you certainly have, and, believe me, you ARE a Writer.

    I’d like to win a slip for an American Girl doll. I’ll give it as a present to a child who needs one as my granddaughter, Riya, has enough AG things. I wanted to mention regarding the Christmas scene, I ordered it for her along with the school room and she loves posing her dolls with them.

    Thanks for being there for us and bringing us together. Thanks, too, to all the ladies I’ve “met” through the Comments.

    1. HI Susette,
      I was wondering where you were…glad to see you have arrived.
      Thank you so much for all the pictures and comments and encouragement and love you have showered on me!
      I’m looking forward to using my Christmas scene…it’s a nice start without having to get everything in my Christmas box out…

      If you’re a winner, some little girl will be very happy.
      Thank you for all your comments and love!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Hi Jeanne,
    I’m so late in commenting today. Happy 4 years and here’s to many many more!
    Sorry about the fabric for your kitchen curtains. I’m guessing you have something special in mind. I wish you luck in finding it.
    You are so Kind! It’s just like you to be so generous to your readers. How fun that you would bless four readers with one of your sweet slips.
    As I’m expecting two new girls from Magilie this month I’m going to ask you to put my name in for a little darling slip. thanks so much
    Continued prayers

    1. Thank you Ingrid,
      Good to hear from you even if it is late…
      I do have something in mind…and even got a sample of it ….from the place that turned me down. My hubby told me not to give up and we might go to 2 different places about an hour from here to see if they carry it. Also we go back to see George’s Dr in St Louis in September and there is a great fabric store to check out.
      Oh how fun that you are getting 2 new Little Darlings from Magalie!!! I’m sure they’ll be thrilled if you are one of the winners.
      Thanks for all the kind words and things you have shared with me. It’s a joy having you as a friend.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  14. Four years, and good and faithful ones, through one interesting thing after another. Here’s to a smooth rest of 2018 to us all and two or three toasts to your 4 years so far, with many more to come. This may have started as a doll blog but it has become, as so many of us keep saying, a life blog, and a lovely place to come as a break from too much bad news.
    I was so happy to see the busiest blog day of all and to see the ceiling shining like a sign of hope. I wonder if I would have had the same faith in the remodel without that beautiful shining ceiling.
    I think everyone on here deserves a slip for every doll mentioned — wouldn’t that be nice. But if I want to see the new dress completed this month, I suppose you’ll have to choose. I now have Marie-Grace and Cecile, so I think I’ll go with an AG slip.
    I’m late today, but better than I might be. I was meeting a friend for an early dinner but didn’t know when — I was in the bathtub thinking I had some more time when she emailed, so she was waiting before I was ready to leave, but fortunately not long before and not far away. Our meeting place was Starbucks so she could wait in comfort.
    I’d better finish or I’ll miss the midnight deadline.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      You can breathe now…you made it before the deadline….if your girls found out they had a chance to win a new slip and you didn’t even enter…well I think there might be mutiny in the doll room!!! I can just hear it…”MOOOMMM!”
      It really has been a conglomeration of emotions over the last 4 years…I’ll take 4 more of the normal kind, if you please!!!
      I’ll put you down for an AG slip if your name is drawn…
      Thanks for all the things you’ve taught us these last 4 years…my little researcher of all things!!! I appreciate the many kindnesses you have shown us and the many words of encouragement you’ve shared…
      Blessings to you,
      ~ Jeanne

  15. Congratulations on the 4th anniversary! I’m not really sure how long I’ve been reading – maybe 2 yearI I do look forward to reading each day, even tho I rarely ‘comment’. I find your ‘confections’ very inspiring (especially the civil war designs!). I wish you health and happiness as your journey continues! 🙂

    1. Thank you Mary,
      I just now am getting your comments so I thank you for your congrats on my 4 years of blogging! It’s been really fun and I hope you’ve enjoyed it!
      I LOVE the Civil War dresses the best too! In fact, my hubby and I went out of town yesterday and I stopped at a little fabric store I love, and picked up 4 new fabrics for Civil War dresses. I’ll show them in a few days!
      Thanks so much Mary,
      blessings, Jeanne

  16. I might be too late to post. We’ve had company and I’ve had homework. But my Josefina or Addy could use a half slip.

    1. HI Christal,
      I’m so sorry, I’m not sure what happened, but I never received your comments that night when I drew out the names. The post was on Wednesday, August 1st, not the 2nd. I even waited until 5 after midnight… but I am just now seeing your name and it looks like a few others too.
      I knew some of my posts were messing up and arriving at different times, but I never dreamed it was happening to me… I just thought it was an “outgoing” thing not with comments coming in…

      I’m so sorry, but the drawing is over…it ended Wednesday evening.
      Keep an eye out for the next one… Maybe I should announce a week ahead of time that I’m doing a drawing…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  17. Congratulations on your 4th year anniversary of sharing your life with others. As others have said, we enjoy hearing about you. That includes your sewing expertise, but also your day-to-day life which is full of things besides sewing. Thank you for sharing with us your ups and downs. I will continue to keep George and your family in my prayers. I’m glad he seems to be getting his strength back. I pray he is adjusting well to his changes.
    I receive your posts a day after you write them, so am too late for the give-away blessing.
    I’m so glad I stumbled on your blog just a few short months ago. May God continue to bless you as you have blessed many of us!

    1. HI Lynn,
      I’m so sorry you missed out on the drawing for the slips.. I have no idea how to fix my posts that are arriving late and sometimes not at all… I am so sorry…
      Thank you very much for your kind words about my blog and how you enjoy it. I sure have enjoyed getting to know all of you and it’s just as fun for me as it is for you.
      Thank you for your prayers for my hubby. It’s getting easier, but still a challenge.
      Thanks so much Lynn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  18. I hope the deadline is next Wednesday and not yesterday as I just got my email this morning! But if not, happiness will come to someone else! Congratulations and may God give you many more years.

    1. HI Connie,
      Unfortunately the drawing for the slips was on Wednesday, Aug. 1st… it looks like my post arrived too late for your to enter. I wish I knew why that was happening. It looks like about 4 or 5 of you didn’t get it in time… I’m so sorry…
      Thanks for your kind words on my blog!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  19. I’m late again. Congratulations on you anniversary though!!!
    I’ve so enjoyed being a part of your online friendship circle. You will never know what it means to me.
    I have a new Girl for all time (Elinore) and she only has her meet outfit. If I were to win, I would love a slip for her. Good luck to everyone though. Knowing all of you is the best prize of all.
    Have a good day!
    Take care —

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      You must be one of the ones who received the blog post a day late. The drawing was Wednesday night… I’m so sorry… I never received your comments, because it was a day later when you received the information.
      I was looking at the new Elinore doll on Ebay… I think she’s the prettiest one they’ve ever made… I hope you are enjoying her!
      Thanks so much for your kind words…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  20. Thank you first of all for sharing your knowledge, humor, and good Christian attitude with us. Then of course having your blog to look forward to each day. I’ve told you I don’t let myself read your blog until I have done all the other “business ”
    Ones done… so your blog is my treat to myself☺️
    If my name gets drawn I do have a few sweet Little Darlings

    1. HI Kathie,
      I think you must be one of the ones who received my blog post late… the drawing was Wednesday night, but you must have gotten that post too late… I’m so sorry… but the winners have already been chosen… I might have to do something about that… hmmm…

      Thank you so much for your VERY kind words about my blog and me… My treat is that you read it and enjoy it so much! Thank you very much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh sorry! I may have read it too late!
        No worries.
        Omgosh I went to an estate sale today of a life long quilter and she won…. she died with the most fabric! The living room was lined with shelves and they had bigger yardage… the one bedroom was just fat quarters and I bought kits that had fabric with the patterns
        She had the pricey Quilt store fabric that retails for 11-12.00 a yard
        It was priced at 3.00 and today was 1/2 . The kits I got were say 20.00 marked 5.00 and then1/2 of that
        I may go back tomorrow!

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