Just call me Joanna…

Well, maybe I’m jumping the gun just a little bit, but I felt like I’ve probably worked on my kitchen the last 2 days as hard as she does on the ones for her show. I even have the nicked up knuckles to prove it! :o) Slowly, very slowly, things are taking shape… Actually, truth be told, it’s a disaster around here, but I keep telling myself, just like on the kitchen at the church, you go through a whole lot of ugly, before the “pretty” comes.

Remember the glue on the wood planks just to the left of my door? Well, I decided to take that down and put up new tongue and groove on that whole wall with my window and over my sink. The planks that I took down will have the glue taken off with a heat gun and I’ll use them on another wall. You’ll see soon…

If you click on my pictures they enlarge!

This is what the wall looks like now… bare bones, huh? You’re looking at 126 year old 3″ oak studs in there!

I decided to take all the drywall off the stove wall to make it nice and flush where my cabinets will go up. It was a lot of work… I was up on the counters with a hammer and a wonder bar, sweating like a pig… but I got it all pulled off… put in 5 big black garbage bags and hauled out to the garage. Talk about a workout! (I still have to get that fake brick board off, but it’s not messy like the drywall was.) Here’s what it looked like in the process.

This is what it looks like now…

And one last picture to share. My new beadboard ceiling has all the boards up and is just waiting for me to sand off the spots where I spackled. A few planks and all those sanded nail holes have to still be painted, but you can see how pretty it looks. I absolutely love it! It makes such a difference in the way it feels in my kitchen. I even laid down in the floor to try and take a picture of it, but it didn’t get it as good as this shot.

If you’re on a desktop computer, do click on this picture…it’s wonderful full screen!!!!

Well, I’ve been busy… what have you been up to?

See you sometime,
Blessings, Jeanne

33 thoughts on “Just call me Joanna…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Wow, I see what you mean about clicking on the picture of the beadboard ceiling, Jeanne–it does indeed look Fabulous full-screen!!! I know it’s a lot of hard work in your kitchen right now, but it will be so worth it when you are done!!

    Hope all is going well with George. Do you have a date for his surgery yet? Prayers continue!

    What have I been doing? Aside from all kinds of medical appts. in the last month, you mean?! (echocardiogram, a Holter monitor, and then a stress test/special pictures with radioactive dye, all of which led up to the opinion I don’t need an angiogram quite yet and am cleared for cataract surgery, thank you Lord!) The cataract surgery will be 4/4 for the first one, with the second a couple of weeks later.

    Other than that….I’ve been making Rare Bears for Rare Science (rarescience.org)–it was out charitable sewing focus for the Puyallup Sewing Expo, and I made one for that, and then signed up to make three more. I have two almost done, one to go! They go to children who are suffering from rare diseases/conditions.

    And we got our taxes done today. Fun fun….

    1. Hi Charlotte, I tried to reply to you this am but I guess it just got sent to the big trash can in the sky. Anyhow, just wanted to wish you a great outcome on your surgery and to thank you for info on making Rare Bears & Puyallup Sewing Expo. I had never hear of either of them. I did check out the web site and watched the video on making the Rare Bear. I think I will try it, have tons of new fabric.
      Good luck and thanks again, Leigh

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Thanks so much, Leigh!

        You will need to order the pattern for the Rare Bears (not available in stores, due to exclusive tie to Rare Science), and I would advise tracing the pieces you’re going to use, and keeping the originals in the envelope. (Ask me why this is a good idea! LOL I lost the sole pattern and had to have a friend trace hers and mail a copy to me!) This is particularly good if you are going to make several, as the pattern tissue will wear out eventually.

        The web site for the sewing expo, by the way, is sewexpo.com. This is held every year, and is the biggest sewing show (that is, all kinds of sewing and stitchery, not just quilts) in the nation. There is also a Facebook page for Sew Expo, as well as a Facebook page for fans: Puyallup Sew Expo Fun. You’d be most welcome to join, and can learn more about the expo from the attendees’ standpoints!

        1. Hi Charlotte, I will do as you suggest and also will make a copy of the pattern pieces(I have lost a few pattern pieces too). I am hoping my 89 year old Mom will join me in the project. Also thanks for the sewexpo info I will be looking into that too.
          Wishing you a great weekend.

    2. Hi Charlotte,
      Isn’t my ceiling great? I’m glad you like it too!!! :o)
      George is sitting on a stool working on some electrical boxes…
      We don’t have a date for his surgery just yet, but we go to St. Lours on April 6th, to see the surgeon. I can’t even think about it, so I’m trying to stay busy.
      I’m glad your medical tests turned out okay.
      Oh, do send me some pictures of your Rare Bears…
      We finished our taxes and my mom’s too!!!
      What a relief. ..
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I will do that, Jeanne–I do have a picture of the one I made and turned in at Expo; now I have the next two almost finished, and another one in the planning stages.

        I still need to take a picture of that dress for you, too–my 57-year-old lavender gingham plaid shirtwaist dress! I expect I’ll need to press the dress before I take a picture, though! LOL

  2. I’m so happy to see that you are back, Jeanne! You just make my day, and a day without you is like a day without sunshine! As it looks now, you will be the only sunshine we will see today anyway, with all the rain!

    Actually, I think you are working harder than Joanna! She never does the physical stuff like you are doing now, just the decorating! You are one tough cookie, I think! Things are really shaping up in your kitchen, and I do see improvement, and a glimpse of what is to come. Your ceiling is beautiful! I was wondering why some of your old cabinets are white. Experimenting with color?

    George certainly picked a gem when he picked you! I hope things are going well for him, and know that he is in my prayers.

    Me? Well, I have started my spring house cleaning, and in the midst of that. I baked a cake for the church fish fry, we went to the Orchid Show at the Mo. Botanical Gardens, and I am starting to change my dolls over to their Easter outfits, two down, and 7 to go!

    Do take care of yourself, Jeanne, and please don’t overdo!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Thanks for missing me…you all are in my thoughts too! It’s kind of strange not to write a post every day, but my life us full of other things right now…
      I’d never seen one if her Fixer Upper shows before…until the other day when George had his surgery. When he was waiting to be discharged to go home, I turned on his TV and watched Flip or Flop and then an episode of Fixer Upper came on so I started watching it. George got discharged before it was over so I don’t know how it turned out. It’s probably a good thing we don’t have Cable or I’d be watching TV too much.
      Yes, every drawer is a different white…who knew there were so many !!!
      Spring cleaning? Oh, I wish I was…but it will have to wait!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Good Morning – You are sure bringing back memories for me when we remodeled our old kitchen almost 20 years ago now. We had the old ceiling tiles and when we tore them out we found the previous owners had spread bags of an insulation product I think was called zoneolite which was like a form of Vermiculite and it all came pouring down over our heads in a cloud of dust – I don’t think I will ever forget that.

    I took you advice and clicked on the ceiling pic – wow it is so beautiful, crisp and clean I just know you will love it for a long time. Kitchens are difficult because they are the heart of the house but so well worth it. You’re a great worker and I know you and George will knock this project out of the park.

    Prayers everyday for you both, wishing you a blessed weekend.

    1. I did a Google search for Zonolite and found this site: http://www.zonoliteatticinsulation.com. I may have occasion to thank you for saving me money as I just had the ducting replaced in the attic but not the insulation as yet. I’ll follow instructions on that site before contracting for the job. The trust at that site will pay for having a sample tested and, as I read it, cover the entire cost of having it replaced if one follows their instructions. It’s quite an education to read the Wikipedia entry as well that covers things we didn’t know 20 years ago, let alone when my house was built 44 years ago. Thank you for leading me to search for information.

      1. Wow, thanks Susette for the info. I had no idea, I thought vermiculite was a natural occurring mineral and also know it has been used in gardening to lighten up soil.

        I quickly checked out the web site you listed and a few others. After we were dumped on we did put on face masks & covered up but not like they do today. You never think that there may be some potential hazardous substance lurking within a home you are renovating but that is the reality now a days. Thanks for the heads up.

        Hope you have a great weekend

      2. Hi Leigh,
        The ceiling tiles in our kitchen were the only thing between the rafters and the insulation above. My hubby knew if we took the tiles off all the insulation and mice doo doo would fall down on us. That’s why we put the beadboard on top of the tiles. What a mess that must have been….Glad we did it the way we did.

        My hubby is actually kind of having a hard time not doing very much. Since his surgery he’s just be em mostly watching me. He did do some electrical work today sitting on a stool.
        I’m trying to finish up the ceiling tonight!
        Thanks Leigh,
        Blessings, Jeanne

        1. Hi Jeanne, hope you are enjoying your weekend and not working too hard. Re: ceiling “talk” we didn’t have another option had to wire, insulate etc. Just glad all that is done and behind me.

          We don’t have cable TV either so whenever we travel I OD on HGTV and just recently saw Joanna’s show which was fun to watch.

          Glad to hear George felt good enough to do some electrical – I’m sure it is hard for him to “sit”. Praying for the very best for George and you.

  4. You go, Girl! What a project you’ve taken on. The ceiling really is beautiful. I wish some of us lived closer so we could help out, if only by bringing dinner and not getting in the way if w couldn’t truly help.

    Me? All I did was sweep the patio after the rain yesterday but I had done several days of spring cleaning before that. More to go. I’ve got to clear out a closet in which to store the doll clothes and accessories I’ve acquired over the past couple of years. The “stuff” had taken over the house, but I think I’ve got it pretty well cornered now in the front bedroom.

    Take care, Jeanne, with your labors and we’re thinking of you and George.

    1. Hi Susette,
      My kitchen project couldn’t have come at a worse time, but now that it’s all torn up…we HAVE to finish as much as we can …

      I think I’m ready for some spring cleaning myself. I can’t wait, but I’ll have to.
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Good Morning Jeanne,
    I’m having tea with you today…. last night I had a late night snack with you back in 2014 LOL. I’m really enjoying reading your blog from the very beginning. Thanks again for sharing the post on how to get there. : )
    The kitchen ceiling is BEAUTIFUL! You put ladies half your age to shame.. my goodness you are a hard working women!!!
    As for what I’m up to today, well hubby wants to go buy a new trimmer (more like a mini chainsaw for cutting and clearing our walking path through the woods). We are dropping off some chains for his big chainsaw to be sharpened. Looks like we are getting some yard work in today. It’s pretty crisp out there, at least I won’t be sweaty. Hubby is Cali bound for work Sunday morning so looks like a bit more ironing today as well.
    Continued prayers.. hope you have a wonderful day!

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      I’m so glad you are enjoying my previous posts. I have enough to keep you busy reading for quite a while.
      It sounds like your yard work will be easier with some new tools…every man’s dream!
      Thanks for your prayers!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. So enjoyable seeing the bones of your kitchen. Interesting vintage oak studs. You should leave a message on one for the future. Like a time capsule. Looks like you can replace some insulation for more winter warmth too. Easy peasy. I think you will be very happy with the new tongue and groove in the conspicuous places. Can’t wait to see how that is installed and seeing where the old pieces will find a home. So here’s a question for you which may have been mentioned prior, but I didn’t catch it. The two old windows hidden in the kitchen wall behind the drywall? Were they outside windows or perhaps to let in light from a screened porch? or? The curiosity in me is alive and well. And the ceiling is magnificent. Did some little ceiling fairies appear during the night to help finish it? That is a simply fabulous work of art. All the fitting, measuring, filling, sanding, and painting is so worth it. I can’t believe how the ceiling detail can add so much to a kitchen. I want that. 🙂
    After a few loads of laundry, it will be back to sorting boxes of artifacts hauled from the other house. Re wrapping the beautiful vintage keepers for now and putting other things in boxes after pricing for that giant garage/estate sale. Takes so much time.
    Know you are keeping busy, just no major injuries please.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I just told George what you said about leaving a message somewhere in the walls…he laughed for a little bit, Rebecca too, and then we talked about how nobody in their right minds would buy this house…nobody but silly us!!!
      The two framed in windows were the windows to the outside of the old part of the house. My sewing room is on the other side of those window openings. We closed them up on both sides. My sewing room was originally a porch.
      I’m trying to get the ceilung completely finished tonight. I WISH some helpers had finished it last night, but, I think it’s all up to me.
      Oh, how I love a good yard sale!!! Wish I could come!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The ceiling is wonderful! I just love how it looks!! We need to replace some of the ceilings in our cabin and you have convinced me that bead board is the way to go.
    What am I up to this weekend? School work. I have papers to grade and classes to prepare for next week. I also have housework and laundry. It’s a typical weekend for me.
    Hearing from you has been a bright spot this morning. Please know that my thoughts are with you and George everyday.
    Have a great day!
    Take care –

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      If you do makeover you ceiling, take some pictures to show us.
      I hope you found some time after grading papers to enjoy the weekend.
      Thank you Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. That kitchen ceiling is wonderful! I love the look of it…is it your own idea to block it off like that? You will be giving Joanna a run for her money.
    Glad even a little area is getting worked on.
    Leigh’s story about the insulation coming out of the ceiling reminded me of our old farm house( same age as yours) …one day we had a sideways strong rain and it got in and made the ceiling in our dining room fall….thank God we were not home but what was all over everything were mice droppings….years and decades of mice droppings. It was so gross.
    Loved the old farmhouse dearly but it was one disaster after another.
    Hope all goes well.

    1. Oh Kathie, I just can’t even imagine your shock when you returned home. I dearly love old houses but there is something to say for newer ones!!

    2. Hi Kathie,
      I’m glad you like our new ceiling…I do too and sometimes just stare up at it.
      I did my ceiling with half sheets so I could evenly space them with 1 1/2″ spaces between. Then my 4″ planks covered the spaces up. The only hard part was finding the studs in the ceiling with the long boards. They were exactly where the tiles met, but once the beadboard pieces were up, we could only see them one way. We figured out eventually where the studs were crossways but had to a few extra holes for me to fill.
      Oh my goodness…two stories about falling ceilings in the comments today! Yikes…what a disaster…
      Thanks Ksthie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. My goodness, you have been a busy bee, Jeanne! You and George are so hardworking and industrious, I think you would put Chip and Joanna to shame, let alone those half your age! You are making wonderful progress on the kitchen remodel, and your beadboard ceiling IS beautiful. It is interesting to see “the bones” of your 126-year-old house. Builders definitely don’t use 3″ oak studs any more, but you can take comfort in the knowledge that the foundation of your home is solid. And are the two framed areas on both sides of your stove evidence of one-time windows? It is so exciting to see your work progress and your kitchen coming together, Jeanne. You and George have certainly put your hearts into “the heart” of your home, and you have been blessed with your family’s help along the way, creating special memories for you, too. The finished remodel will bring you joy for years to come, and knowing you created it with your own hands will double your pleasure. Together with your new floors, your recently painted porch, and your lovely outdoor property, you will surely be a candidate for the upcoming “Home and Garden” tour! I would buy a ticket, for sure!

    We are off to Menard’s today to take advantage of the sale for some building materials of our own, as well as to run some final errands before the Easter holiday. After dinner I plan to to spend a bit more time gazing adoringly at your wonderful pictures of sweet Emmie in her charming Easter finery. Is she still standing in her tent, beaming with delight?!

    Hoping George is taking things easy and recovering well from his surgery, and wishing you both a wonderful spring weekend that includes a bit of the activities you love, as well as a bit of rest. Enjoy the wonderful work you have completed on the kitchen, and take encouragement from the great progress you have made, knowing all things will be completed in time. Blessings for the Holy Week ahead, too, and may George get some sweets in his Easter basket!

    1. Hi Anne
      Thanks for the compliments on our new ceiling. We are loving it very much. Yes, those were 2 windows that opened onto a porch…my sewing room now. We don’t know how old the newer part to our house is…
      As much as I’m enjoying the thoughts of my new kitchen, George is having mixed feelings…he’s definitely not one to sit on the sidelines and let others do the work. A friend is coming to help us on Monday. I’m hoping we can just get it semi presentable before George has to have surgery. It was supposed to be OUR project, but I’m having to let go of that…
      Emmie IS still standing in her tent, holding her bunny. I had to run to Lowes to get a few more trim screws to finish the ceiling and while I was out, I picked up the Sweet Treat for the winner!!
      I hope you had fun at Menards…we always do.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. What am I doing? Spring cleaning, yard cleaning, trying a couple of new recipes, and, like everyone here, thinking of you and George and wishing you well, and truly admiring all the work you are managing. You are a super-woman.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’m trying not to be jealous of all the spring cleaning going on around here.so, if you find any good recipes, pass them along… :o)
      I don’t think I’m super woman…I think it’s more like super crazy!
      It WILL be nice when the ceiling is all finished…it’s hard work with your arms raised up for long periods of time…
      Thanks so much, Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Jeanne, your kitchen is really coming along. Love the ceiling. It is crisp and sharp looking. It turned out beautifully. It has been so nice seeing your house come together as it has. The bones of the house are good, it just needed updating. You should get a photo album just for the transformation of your lovely home. My husband has photo albums of anything he’s restored and it is really interesting to see the changes.
    I have so loved seeing all of your house pictures and like Susette said, if only we could come over and help or bring dinner for you. It is your hard work and George’s hard work that will make your lovely home even more beautiful.
    We have bought ourselves a winter home. We have been busy getting the necessary things for it. We have beds and a sofa set is coming this week. I’ve been cleaning and just wish I could get down on my knees to clean like I use to. We’re excited about it but have put in long days making changes and I sincerely wish I had the energy I use to have in younger years…but it’s getting done little by little and it has been exciting.

    Thinking of you and George every day.

    1. Thanks so much, Paula,
      It’s nice to be able to share the progress of our house with everyone. I do like your idea of making a scrapbook filled with pictures of the progress of each project.
      Congratulations on your new house. I hope you make it just the way you want! I have no doubt it will be perfect when you are finished.
      Thanks do much for your kind thoughts, Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Your new kitchen is going to be fabulous. I full screen picture of the beadboard ceiling is wonderful.
    Seems like many of us are in the midst of spring cleaning and freshening things up. My next door neighbors are hauling a bunch of things out of their house- they’re downsizing it.
    I’m also looking frantically though the garden catalogs to decide on seeds for the garden. Of course, they should have already been in peat pots, growing.

    1. Hi Laura,
      I’m glad you’ve enjoyed my kichen remodel… and like the new ceiling. It changes the looks of the kitchen so much!
      Since I’ve had to have minimal stuff in my kitchen now, I’m sort of enjoying the pared down feeling. It seems easier to manage. Maybe I’ll keep it that way when it gets all finished.
      Thanks so much, Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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