What’s the weather where you are?

I’m in a waiting room waiting for my hubby to see the doctor…I had to let him off at the door and find a parking spot because it’s pouring down rain here in Southern Illinois. It’s very humid too…you feel all clammy when you step outside.

Just to keep in touch with you all, what’s the weather where you are and what’s on your agenda for today?

Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “What’s the weather where you are?”

  1. Hi Jeanne,
    Weather here in central New York is 34 degrees, cold, windy and possible snow showers the rest of the week. March really came in like a lion and there is still 12 inches of snow on our property. We are all looking forward to Spring. Praying for your husband, doctor visits are not fun.
    Best Regards,

  2. Sorry about the downpour Jeanne, I suppose you are Monday afternoon in Illinois. Tuesday morning here, in New Zealand, at the bottom of the world. Also the beginning of Autumn (Fall) for which I am very grateful. Summer was the hottest wettest and of course most humid ever. Young and old said the same things. Take a shower- cross the room and you are dripping.
    Hurricane (Cyclone) season has not been kind to some parts of NZ. One is currently causing destruction in northern Australia.
    Weather today is bright and drizzly and cool. 19°c/66.2°f.
    On my agenda – some farm work, move cows, check others and then off to dolls. (Porcelain) Today I will put together Annika a 29″ child. I started her a long time ago, didn’t like/finish. Worked out her eyebrows were too high, sanded them off and her lips which I lightened.
    Also this evening I start packing to visit grandchildren. Sons ex wife. Might be strange staying, I’ll have to find out.
    Enough of me, time for others. We are all together caring for you and George, Jeanne.
    Many Hugs and prayers

  3. Good Afternoon!
    Hope the doctor visit went smoothly and you hubby are back home resting. We’ve had rain here in Cape May, NJ almost everyday for the few weeks. Damaging high winds also.

    Today we are cloudy but there is the 4th Northeastn’er on it’s way. Rain, high winds, rain/snow mix then changing to snow with up to 5″ on Wednesday. The locals panic if they say we are getting a coating….shelves at the market get empty early. You would think we were in Boston with 50″ and they won’t be able to get out of the house for days. Me, I can’t wait for the snow and hope it’s even more.

    On my agenda today is to finish building my blog and setting up my Etsy shoppe. I must stop changing my mind…I’ve done it over 4 times. grrr!

    Keeping your hubby, you and your family in my thoughts for good results.

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    So nice to see you! It’s been so sunny here in Western New York today, very deceptive as it’s only 27 degrees outside. When I stepped outdoors with Harley the grass was crunchy …brrrr I need spring to hurry up! Oh well it’s only March but a girl can dream right? lol No plans for today just a few errands and some ironing when I get home.
    You and George have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
    PS.. someone mentioned they wanted to read earlier posts. I thought that was a good idea. I have tried putting earlier dates in the search bar but that doesn’t work. Is there a way to start at the very beginning with your first blog post?

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      I did a post earlier on how to navigate my website…I’ll try to repost it…
      Thanks for your prayers,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Dear Jeanne, I am just checking your site in case you posted something and I see you did.
    The temperature is dropping and we are supposed to have snow tomorrow. It won’t be like the Boston snow; however, so we can’t complain too much. I confess that I am counting the days until May.
    Please know that you remain in my prayers.

  6. San Diego California.. 74 degrees and blue sky, white puffy clouds:) With all the negative things about California now.. the weather is the very best on earth!’:) that snd my family is what keeps me here:)!

  7. Charlotte Trayer

    hi Jeanne, for some reason I didn’t see the email notice of this post (probably just missed it), but did find it when you commented on it in the next one!!

    So….we’ve been in the low 40s at night, low-to-mid 50s during the day (although yesterday it got up to 61), and some clouds in the sky at times. Not too bad for normally-wet Western Washington!

    Keeping you and George in prayers….

  8. I missed this post yesterday! I checked when I first got up but I must have been too early. We had a pretty but cold day yesterday (Saginaw, Michigan). Toward the end of the day, the wind was picking up some. The weather here has just been goofy. Warm one day and snow the next. It will calm down soon, I hope.
    I hope things went well despite the rain and humidity. You’re in my thoughts.
    Hope you had a good day!
    Take care —

  9. Didn’t see this post until today (Tuesday)…weather here yesterday was sunny, windy and deceptively colder than what it appeared to from inside. Since we’re about 7-8 hours north of you (IL), I guess we’ll have to wait a while longer for the warmth to reach us.

    You’re not forgotten..


  10. Hanna Brassheart

    Hello there!
    Here in Rhode Island it’s very cloudy and chilly. Apparently another snowstorm will be passing through here soon. Oof, the weather has been just crazy this year.
    I just recently found you, Mrs. Jeanne, while I was on the hunt for historical doll outfits. You make lovely outfits, and I can’t wait to see what you will make next! 😀
    I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. Medical things are a real trial. You and he will be in my prayers. Joshua 1:9; the Lord is always with you <3

    Hanna (14 years and still loves dolls)

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