I’m going to have to pass on a “regular” post today…

Hi everyone, (I’m writing this Friday night… late!)
I’m still at the hospital and it’s almost 12:30 at night, but I’m getting ready to leave soon. My hubby was the second to last “add on” for today’s surgery schedule. I thought I’d write my post on my phone while the nurse is tending to him, so I could go to bed when I got home.

Well…things didn’t turn out quite as we had hoped with my hubby’s surgery. We didn’t get the miracle we needed and my hubby is now facing the dreaded “remove your bladder” surgery he was told he needed to have last year. Not to make this any more than it is, his bladder cancer has aggressively spread and now it’s become a stage 3 or 4 cancer, depending what the biopsies come back saying. His doctor says we can’t monitor it anymore with Cystoscopies… things have to be done and quickly now. He said 4 to 6 weeks tops!

So, I need to take a little time off…to reboot, to make some plans, to get things in order, to be with my hubby as he’s got to recover from the 2 biopsies he had today, so he can be healthy enough for the major surgery he’s facing! It’s very hard as I love him dearly and can’t believe he’s going to have to have this done… but my faith in the Lord is holding me… him too! He’s been a really good God to us and we praise His name even in the middle of all this.

It was his birthday too and he turned 60! A pretty crummy day… no food, no cake, no ice cream, no water until 8:00 at night, just a cup of orange jello and 2 graham crackers finally at 10:00! Poor baby! He had lots of people praying for him and I appreciate all of your prayers and kind thoughts. We are surrounded by loving friends and you all too! This will definitely be our biggest challenge but with the Lord by our side and holding our hands, we’ll make it!

I’m not sure when I’ll be back but as soon as I’m able, I will.

Thanks everyone,
Love you all,
Blessings, Jeanne

35 thoughts on “I’m going to have to pass on a “regular” post today…”

  1. Dear Jeanne, what a very difficult blog post for you to write. Of course a miracle would have been wonderful, but reality is often the converse.
    Take all the time you need away from your blog to find the strength to support George in the coming weeks. Always remember that the loving relationship you have is a precious (and somewhat rare these days) thing. You will find the courage to face the coming weeks in your faith and each other. Thinking of you both,
    Your turn for blessings Jeanne – Kia kaha -be strong, Jane.
    Birthday treats for George only delayed, I’m sure.

  2. Dear Jeanne, along with this being a difficult post to write, I’m sure you are completely exhausted, and in denial that something like this could happen to the love of your life. We certainly understand that you need to take the time off for yourself to do what is necessary and to help George heal. You are taking your wedding vows, “in sickness and health” very well, but that’s no surprise! He is as devoted to you as you are to him, so no worries there.
    I guess we need to rethink “Thy will be done” from the Lord’s Prayer. Instead of wanting a certain thing to go our way, we need to let God have His way, and accept that. There are other people who have gone through this, and you both will too. You are lucky to have a faith that will help you through, and yes, you WILL get through this!
    I know it wasn’t a very happy birthday to George, but I was thinking of him and wish him well. He will be in my prayers for as long as he needs it.
    So Jeanne, take all the time you need and we will be here when you come back! Hugs!

  3. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I am so, so sorry. I will be one of the “prayer warriors”, you can be sure. I do hope he will eventually get his birthday celebration!

    Now, I hope this next will be an encouragement: a lady I knew at our former church had bladder cancer and had to have her bladder removed a number of years ago. I ran into her one day (several years later), and she was doing very well; said the little bag wasn’t a problem to use at all, etc. As far as I know, she’s still around–we don’t cross paths any more since we are going to a different church now, but I haven’t heard any news of her death, so I’m assuming she’s still chugging along! She must be well into her 80s by now, I think.

    I wish you both the best; you and George will be in my prayers as you face this latest crisis. Hugs…..

  4. Oh, Jeanne I am so sorry to hear this. I have been praying for George and you and was so hoping for a better turnout. I know God has a plan, but sometimes, it’s a hard one. I will continue to pray for you all and you take all the time you need to help George and get him as healthy as possible.

    I know this is a different kind of cancer, but my grandmother was diagnosed and had her colon removed at 83! She had a colostomy bag until she passed at 97! Having the bag wasn’t an issue at all. I am hoping all goes well and that once this is done, George will have no more health issues anymore.


  5. I’m so sorry to hear this. I was going to refer to Charlotte’s story of her friend’s successful procedure and of her long life and here it is above along with Christine’s grandmother’s experience. I have a friend who had chemo and is fine, although it was difficult at the time. There are many reason for optimism.

    I’m sending my email address to Joy in case I can find a Chinese Princess Dress for her doll. She may have missed the previous one on eBay as one may come up occasionally: willsus@aol.com.

    We’ll keep praying for you and await the next post with hopefully good news. So glad your reader’s related encouraging results from their friends’ experiences. We love you and George. Please let us know if there is anything concrete that we can do. Love, Susette

  6. Dear Jeanne and George….you’re not forgotten on this end.

    Do take ALL of the time you need Jeanne, to do what needs to be done. We’re on your team and do understand. Of course I will continue to pray. As a friend once told me, “God’s got this” although we may not understand.


  7. Charlotte Amaro

    Oh, I am so sorry the news wasn’t what you had hoped. Please don’t worry about us. We’ll all be here waiting to hear from you. Whether it be an encouraging word or a quick dolly distraction from the day’s events, you can count on us to be here. Until you return, I think I will review your earlier posts. I missed many of the earlier posts and there is lots I can learn from them. That way, I can still have my daily dose of Jeannie Marie as I have my breakfast.
    Silly as it may sound, it will make me feel closer to you. If there is anything we can do, please, please let us know. Until we talk again,
    Have a good day!
    Take care –

  8. Jeanne
    I was thinking about your husband when I read yesterday posts and hoping for the best outcome. As much as we wish that is not only the case and I know that all too well having gone through cancer with my father. That was in the ’80 and little was know how to treat it but we’ve come along way and people are living lives with treatment.

    I will keep your husband and you in my thoughts during this difficult time and know that when you can get back here we will all be here waiting. I know I am not going anywhere. All you can really do is stay strong, hang onto your faith and depend on others to do things that you won’t have the physical or mental strength to do. One thing I learned over the years is you need to take care of yourself also otherwise when you husband needs you most you won’t have the energy.

  9. Dear Jeanne, mega prayers are heading your way for you and your husband.

    Don’t worry about us here. We will all be sitting on the sofa together holding hands and praying for you.

    Please take good care of yourself in all of this. Your husband needs you; your family needs you; your dollies need you; we need you!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I love how you put that, Dorothy–“We will all be sitting on the sofa together holding hands and praying for you.”

      And we will, too.

  10. Thinking of you and holding you and George up in my prayers.
    I’m so glad you have wonderful loving family and friends around you.
    Stay strong and trust in the Lord!

  11. Hi Jeanne,

    I know I hardly comment, but I do read your posts everyday. I wanted to simply add my voice with all the others saying: take all the time you need. I cannot imagine how emotionally draining this is for you, though I can empathize since I am married myself. You and your hubby have my prayers during this time.

    In friendship,

  12. I’m so sorry to hear the news. I will keep praying though, and I believe we serve a God of miracles. I can certainly understand needing to take a break from everything except George. We will be here when you return.

  13. Jeanne:

    I can only imagine how difficult yesterday was. Please know that you and George have a whole army of prayer warriors pulling for you and doll power prayers are the very strongest!

    Take all the time you need to be with and for your wonderful hubby. We will be here loving and supporting you both every day.
    As someone said”God’s got this!”

    Love, hugs and continued prayers ???❤️

  14. You will be greatly missed by all! When you are able, please give us an update on how things are progressing. I want you to take “be strong” pills so that you will be healthy, ready, and able for George. Rest whenever you can and don’t let the unfinished kitchen worry George. The about finished ceiling is more than enough remodeling for now. I’m so glad you have enough kitchen left to still cook and manage for for the time being.
    I would look at the upcoming surgery as life saving. And that’s what we want.
    Know friends and family will look after you both. We’ll be waiting patiently for your return with positive results.

  15. Jeanne I am so very sorry to hear this update. I will be keeping you and George in my daily prayers.

  16. I stayed up until midnight to see if you’d be sharing news of the biopsies. Then I decided to wait for morning to write. Everyone here has shared strong, caring, helpful messages. They have said that you are strong in courage and faith, and certainly you have proven that in the time we’ve known you. They have spoken about your family — both your birth family and your children, and the way that they and friends, like Sara’s family, care about you and George. We all get strength from different things. While I was walking around with a hat to cover my chemo-induced lack of hair, what I really appreciated were the people who would say, “I had that 15 years ago” or 18 or 22 years ago, so some of my favorite messages were from Christine and Charlotte T, assuring us that they know people who celebrated many birthdays after their cancer.
    I had my biopsy the day after my birthday and decided that I could have a sort of gratitude birthday celebration later, whenever I felt like it. It took awhile, but I did it.
    I also liked Charlotte A’s reminder to you and us that whenever you don’t post, we can turn to earlier posts and enjoy them again or for the first time. We’ll be with you and you’ll be with us, whatever the day brings, just as we all have been.

  17. Oh Jeanne, I’m so sorry about your news – I am praying and will continue to keep you and George and Rebecca and Kristopher in my prayers. We will all keep you in our hearts. This is a time for your family to be together so don’t worry about your post. Keep in touch when you can.
    Wish we could sit with you from time to time – our prayers are being said. Hugs Jeanne.

  18. Dear Jeanne,
    You and your hubby are going through a very difficult time. We hope that you can feel the prayers encourage you as you go through this trial. My mom had colon cancer in her 40s and is now in her upper 80s. She has had a colostomy this long. She just refers to it as ” a different route for the plumbing”. We hope that this surgery will remove all cancer from George and that he will adjust well to the changes he faces. Knowing you and others are there to support him will help him immensely.
    Please keep us informed when you can about his progress.

  19. Oh gosh, I was hoping for better news too. It’s just a constant fight sometimes and your family knows how to deal with big bumps in the road. You have a great faith, church support, awesome family and now you can all draw strength from them. Let people help you when they offer.
    As others have mentioned there are ways to get around that awful bladder cancer and being without that pain will be better. Our friend of 25 years had his bladder removed as ayoung man and just recently we learned of it and all this time never had a clue… so at least this day and age there are good products to use. Getting past the initial shock is so hard though.
    Be easy on yourself dear (((Hugs)))

  20. Sending love, hugs and wishes for as many miracles as he might need! Happy Birthday to him as well, and wishes for many more! 🙂 – Melody

  21. Dear Jeanne and George,
    So very sorry to hear of the sad news. Take all the time you need, Jeanne. We will always be here praying and thinking of you both. We can visit amongst ourselves and you can check in whenever you are able to.
    I’m also sorry that George’s birthday didn’t turn out as you had hope, but that will make next year’s all the sweeter. Thinking of Rebecca and Kristoffer as well.
    On a note of encouragement regarding cancer ( a different kind though) . There is a lady at our church who had bone cancer as a young girl and had to have a leg amputated. She is in her late 80’s now. This was obviously long before treatment options had improved to the point they are now. She got married and had three children.
    Please let us know if there is anything we can do. Wish i lived closer. ((HUGS))

  22. Dear, dear Jeanne, I am so very sorry to learn of your hubby’s condition. My heart aches for you and George and the trial you now face. Yet in your post, I can hear the strength and courage you already possess for what lies ahead, even if you don’t realize it now. Your faith is strong, and you and George will tackle this challenge as you have so many others — steadfastly together — with unwavering love for God and each other.

    Of course we understand your need to take time away from your blog to prepare for the path before you, and I can only echo the caring and supportive sentiments of the many readers who have written here. Dorothy, especially, always expresses things so succinctly and profoundly, and I hope you are comforted a little by her notion that, “We will all be sitting on the sofa together holding hands and praying for you.” Prayers, blessings, and love, to you and George, for the days and weeks ahead.

  23. Thank you, everyone! I am overwhelmed at the kind thoughts and words of encouragement you all have shared. I’m sure I will read these comments over and over…

    My hubby was discharged from the hospital this afternoon as we’ll go back sometime next week (probably) to get the results of the biopsies. He was sent home with a Foley catheter and he is miserable with bladder spasms. He gets it out on Monday and is practically counting the hours till then.

    After some time off, I’m hoping maybe I could do a post 2 times a week just to keep in touch with everyone. I’d like that…and hope it would be okay until things get in order here.

    Thanks again and hugs for everyone!
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. I think two times a week would be terrific or whatever you can manage. Thank you for the update. I would like George’s pain to vanish immediately! If it continues, maybe give a call to those in the know for some pain relief. Maybe they can remove the catheter tomorrow. I’d ship you some medical marijuana since it’s legal here if it would help. (I’m kidding, but it does help many.) Hope you both can get some rest. Keep nourished and know I’m thinking of you both.

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Two times a week is fine, if you feel you can do that–but if you have some times when you just can’t, don’t worry about it. We’ll all still be here, lifting you both up in prayer, and rooting for you.

    3. Two times a week would be awesome. But like others have said, do whatever you need to do. I’ll still be here and praying for both of you. Thanks for taking the time to write.

  24. Oh Yes, Jeanne, we will take whatever you have in you to write and let us know how things are going. You can count on us to be your prayer warriors! Know that you are surrounded with love and affection, and we will always be here to perk you up when things get hard to deal with. Hugs!

  25. Dear Jeanne,
    I’m so sorry to hear the news about your Hubby’s condition… I just hope things are going to be better and better for both of you…
    I will think a lot about both of you and you will be in my prayers…
    Take time for yourself and for being with Him.
    Please, take care of yourselves.
    All my Love,

  26. Of course, Jeanne, we will look forward to any number of posts you might be able to manage. Even in your absences, we will be right here, carrying on, but waiting patiently for updates, and engulfing you and George with all the warmth and caring and friendship we are able to give! Wishing you “every good and perfect thing.” Blessings for your Sunday.

  27. I love Anne’s thought, above. Do have every good and perfect thing. The rest of us will try to do the same.
    We just had a rainstorm, complete with lightning. It didn’t last long, but maybe there will be more. We do need it badly.

  28. I’m glad George is home and soon will be more comfortable. Hearing from you now and again would be great. You are in our thoughts and prayers. We aren’t going anywhere so don’t be worrying about that.
    Have a good day!
    Take care –

  29. Just checking in to keep wishing you and George the best. We did get more snow and may have more today and next week. Sometimes you get what you need.
    It must be good to be back home. I was surprised at all the precautions they wanted me to take after the biopsy — more than after the surgery, or perhaps they knew anyone with that many stitches would take care after the surgery. After the biopsy, you still have the cancer, after the surgery, you don’t. So — sleep, food, movies, rest — all the things that would make some of us happy but will make someone as active as George restless. You two have experience with this, you know what to do and will do it. Have a nice cup of coffee and think of all of us thinking of you.

  30. Dear Jeanne, I just returned home from a visit with my grandson and was so very sorry to read about George’s results. As everyone has said, my prayers are with you both for a complete and speedy recovery. I’m sure we all wish we lived close to you so we could be of more help but we know you have such a loving family as well as many friends who will be by your side. Praying God will wrap his loving, healing arms around you, George, your wonderful children and family.
    Sending positive, loving, healing thoughts your way

  31. “Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” ~ Christopher Robin, to Winnie-the-Pooh, by A.A. Milne.

    Monday. A new beginning. A fresh start. A laser focus. Today, with God’s grace, you begin to move the mountain. We all are your cheerleaders. Mark 11:23-24.

    You and George continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you love and hugs for your Monday.

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