A new Christmas prop for Noel…

The sweet little “Anne of Green Gables” dress set I made for the 6″ My Meadows Twinkles dolls ends this evening on Ebay…It’s called “Tiny Traveler” and if you want to check it out, click the picture at the right side bar or click HERE.

The other day I was at the Thrift shop here in town and I found a really cute prop for my dolls.

It was the perfect size for Noel, who is the recipient of the next dress. She’s a sweet 10″ Boneka doll and she looks really pretty in this print…ESPECIALLY next to my new find.

This is how it looked on her…before the Thanksgiving Dinner put a halt to my sewing.

…and this is how much I managed to get done on the dress “since” the dinner… Not much, I agree, but soon it will look like a dress…

Here she is standing next to the hutch… Isn’t it perfect?

Okay, now a few pictures from our church’s Thanksgiving Dinner for the students at the University. We had the dinner at another church because we don’t have a big enough room for large groups. Actually I didn’t get many pictures of the people, and the ones I did get are kind of dark… sorry.

I helped with the decorating, so here are some of the tables…

We have some big tubs filled with all kinds of things, so we had lots to decorate with.

We used green, orange, and gold tablecloths to make it a little more colorful too.

This is what the room looked like when the tables were all finished…

We had about 110 students and 30 nations represented at the dinner and it was very nice to hear the students visiting with each other. We had traditional Thanksgiving foods, so they were sometimes getting tastes of things for the first time. I was busy and didn’t get a single picture of the foods on the tables… oops!

Each table had a Host and they played a few games. Then we ate and had a presentation about the history of Thanksgiving.

The kitchen crew did an amazing job organizing and getting the foods set out…

A bunch of people helped clear off the tables and clean up the room, and it definitely went MUCH faster than the set up!!

Until next year, I wish you all an EARLY HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Do you have all your recipes lined out for what you plan to make? Me either! :o)

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “A new Christmas prop for Noel…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That little cupboard is just darling with Noel standing beside it. I’ll bet Twinkle Bailey would look cute beside it, too!!

    I like the start you have on Noel’s dress; that’s such pretty fabric!

    Looks like another successful dinner is in the books for you. The tables certainly looked festive. I’m sure everyone appreciated your efforts!

    I still have some Copper Pennies left that I made for our church dinner on Saturday. For Thanksgiving Day, I think I will pick Ron up and we’ll just go out for dinner, as we have the last few years. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, how cute that darling hutch is, Jeanne! I think I know how big it is, because I have a few of those little things in my dollhouse. Noel is going to be so happy to have something new to stand by in addition to her very festive new dress! That style says “Jeanne Marie” to me!

    Your table settings were just wonderful, Jeanne! The cloth circles certainly gave the added touch to highlight the pumpkins and other accessories in the center. Those students are certainly lucky to get to learn from real Americans what Thanksgiving truly means!

    We are awaiting our son and family driving in from Colorado today, yes, in all the rain through Kansas and Missouri! Hope they get here safely!
    Charlotte, how wonderful that you and Ron can go out to celebrate together!

    A note to Anne in New Zealand, Thanksgiving is this Thursday, the 23rd of November, but a lot of people celebrate early, or even late!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Love your latest prop! Might work for larger dolls as well. What a find. 🙂
    Noel’s dress is coming along and will be perfect for the December holidays. Maybe Jeanne, can decorate a tiny space at her place with the new prop and a dolly or two? Might be fun. 🙂
    Thanks so much for sharing the table decor. The tables really looked festive with the fabric circles centering the decorations. Good Job Jeanne!
    Looks like we’ll have clear weather through Thanksgiving. Now, for more leaf raking. 🙂

  4. That’s an adorable prop. It looks like Noel will be baking Christmas cookies. I figured the next doll up would be a little Darning and I was close..
    The Thanksgiving tables look so festive. Yes, I have my recipes ready as they are exactly the same every year -Tradition!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the little hutch. It is actually very versatile. It looks like a real sized hutch for small dolls and for larger dolls it could be a toy hutch. It is an amazing find. You sure do find some great things, both for your dolls and you. And I love Noel’s pretty little (half) dress. I know it is going to be charming. I know my Charlotte and Mary-Ellen will be giving me serious nudges to make it their own. I guess they would have to flip a coin to see who will get to wear it first.

    Your church Thanksgiving Dinner looks very enjoyable. The table decorations were very nice. You are so blessed to be able to share our culture with those of other cultures and the students are richly blessed to be a part of it. One of the ways peace was brought to Ireland was to create situations where the children would be together so they could look at things from a different perspective and not just the one point of view they were presented daily. It was an experiment with fingers crossed but it worked.

    The grandkids are off from school all this week so I’m staying flexible regarding visits. So far I have not seen either of them and it was raining this morning so they may have decided to stay home. I know Skyy was planning on coming out and helping the guys so he could earn some money. He has a bank account and debit card and his balance is getting a little low. I have something for him to help me with too but we can’t do it in the rain.

    I think I mentioned once that we changed churches a few months ago. Our current church had no choir and that has always been David’s and my ministry since we met in a church choir 45 years ago. We are thankful to still be able to do that but keep having issues with the churches we belonged to not being big on supporting a choir. Thankfully our current church was glad to get us and one of the other new members also joined and with the three of us and three other members who didn’t want to do it if there were just the three of them we now have a six-member choir. Two sopranos, two altos and two basses. Our priest – who has a lovely voice – said he would fill in as a tenor when needed. Our “debut” was yesterday when the Bishop was there for confirmation and reception. We did three pieces and they came off great so I guess we will be singing more in the future. With Advent and Christmas on the way I’m sure we will have the chance to do some lovely pieces.

    Wishing all my sofa sisters and their families a great Thanksgiving. The weather at this time of year can be very dicey so I’m praying for safe travels for those who will be traveling.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So, Barbara, I’ve been pattern searching for the RRFF Design your own doll and the Li’l Dreamers. They are pretty slim in size. Maybe you’ve mentioned it before, can’t remember, but have you found any nice patterns for their size? I’d like to try making something. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I’m trying to keep my head straight about who I found patterns for but I think lately it was the L’il Dreamers. I’ve been nudging Kathy at KathyAnneDesigns to do more for the L’il Dreamers. She will be doing a pattern for bathing suits for them next summer and she said she’s going to work on some school/winter clothes for them. Also she has an adorable pleated skirt, top and jacket pattern she just did for the Siblies. And I checked with Marsha Olson at PerfectPatterns and she said the 11″ LeeAnn patterns will fit the L’il Dreamers if the waists are elastic such as the pants pattern. LeeAnn is a little smaller in the waist and I think just a little adjusting would be needed if the waist is not elastic. Otherwise she said they should fit fine and she has some cute ones.

        1. Joy in northern CA

          Okay, this is great. I have a hard time keeping all of my dolls straight pattern wise. You’d think they would come up on Etsy, but not for me. Anyway, I’ll check Kathy Anne. I have a lot of 10″ Ann Estelle patterns, and I’ve been able to share LeeAnn patterns with them, so I might have to do some digging to find them. Thanks so much.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Forgot to mention, congrats on your new choir. I’m sure it is a lovely addition to your new church.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Thanks, Joy. David and I are over the moon at having the chance to be members of a church choir again. When we first met our choir was large and we had no trouble getting members and we had a two-hour rehearsal on Wednesday evening. Our rehearsal is Sunday before church.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the prop looks so sweet. Noel looks very proud to be the chosen model.

    Your church always does an amazing job of planning programs for the international students.

    Hmmm, recipes, what are those, asked the non-cook (laugh)? I won’t get to see family as I don’t drive too much now, especially at night. I have been invited to a friend’s house. She lives locally and usually takes pity on me because she knows my kitchen ineptness. I might just stay home and have Thanksgiving with my dolls, though, that would make them very happy.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I can understand the stay away from night driving thing. Last evening, we decided to head to Target to pick up presents for the grands as they had what they wanted in stock. We do not usually go out at night, so it was a shock to find that we both had great difficulty seeing, especially, where the line street markers were faded. Then when we stepped inside the store, the lights were so bright that I was blinking. Guess it’s time to think about cataract surgery for me. Other person is already ahead of me on that, so maybe it doesn’t make much difference. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        I used to love road trips but these days I find it stressful to go places I’m not familiar with. I notice David does not see (that is in notice) things sometimes and I find myself having to stay alert in case he doesn’t catch something. He sees fine but he misses things more than he used to. Not to mention that he second guesses the GPS all the time and turns before she says turn. Our trip to Tennessee last fall was a nailbiter, especially with all the big trucks on the road who don’t pay attention. I was actually glad not to go anywhere this fall. I don’t fly anymore but I’m thinking the train might be fun. Then we could rent a car after we get where we’re going for local trips to restaurants and things.

  7. That dress is the start of something fun for sure. Perfect Christmas colors and pattern and of course your favorite waistband lace. It is always fun to check each day to see what is added.
    The Thanksgiving party was lovely. Was this the first American Thanksgiving for most of them? The background story probably isn’t well known to other countries so it was good to give them the whole story🦃. The centerpieces were so colorful and beautiful! Wonder what they nought of the menu? Did many of them say? No matter what it was a lovely traditional party.

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