Glass Chihuly pieces in the St. Louis Missouri Botanical Gardens.

Yesterday we saw Kathie’s “Botanical Backyard Flower Garden” and it was wonderful… Thank you so much!

Today we will see the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis. Linda lives nearby and took some pictures for us to see. She saw the gardens in May and these are from that time…

These Chihuly pieces are GLASS and just incredible… if you click on them they will enlarge.

Then they went again yesterday… and it was such a beautiful day, she took MORE pictures. She said right now they are having another Chihuly exhibit, so she snapped some different pictures than the ones in May. There are 20 something pieces, but she said they didn’t get to see them all, due to, well, it is a trek, walking all over the place! In other words, we’re old!! LOL (Those words came from Linda, not me! I think she’s a spring chicken! :o)

Linda said she hoped all of us sofa sisters would enjoy them, and I assured her we would!

Love to you,

To finish off Linda’s pictures, she snapped a shot of this glorious bunch of flowers… they are SO colorful and I’m wondering if they aren’t Brown Eyed Susan’s? I love the colors together and think a fabric with those colors would be wonderful for Fall…

For the last couple of years, I’ve not had a Sunday post and for a little while, I’m going to probably pass on Saturday posts too. We are trying to get my hubby’s new stoma situation under control and it’s not cooperating as well as we had hoped. Too many leaks and too many changes… sometimes multiple times a day. I know it will get better, but some days it’s the only thing we get accomplished. Sewing and dolls will have to take a back seat for a little while longer…

I will be back Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

29 thoughts on “Glass Chihuly pieces in the St. Louis Missouri Botanical Gardens.”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What gorgeous pictures, Linda! Thanks for sharing. I would be hard-pressed to choose a favorite, although of course I do like the mass of lavender whatevers, and the red/yellow curly tree (sort of) thing is really wonderful, too.

    Some years ago our local PBS station did a special on Dale Chihuly (he’s somewhat of a “local boy”, you know), and it was so interesting–both how the forms are made, and how they are put together once they get to the site!!

    That flower picture is wonderful, too–yes, Jeanne, it reminds me of fabric, too!

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m so sorry you’re having so many problems with George’s stoma, the leaking and all. Reminds me of the first few weeks Ron had his colostomy (which was later reversed), and all the problems we had with it.

    Thank you, everyone, for all the prayers, and the suggestions about meds and such–definitely something to keep in mind! When he was in respite care, all his meds had to be in their original pharmacy bottles, and he could only have things (including OTC) if there was an order written for it. However he did have his own bottle of Tums, which he self-dispensed, and I think I brought something for him one time (although I don’t remember what but just a one-time thing), and that was okay, I guess.

    Anne, I went back and looked, and I didn’t see a comment from you anywhere on the post about the peach pie–I looked thru it 3 or 4 times, just in case I somehow missed it!! Do you remember what it was you said? I went back about three posts, and did see that you mentioned your dad in reference to my comment on having to find someplace for Ron. At least Ron’s eyes are still pretty good, and no macular degeneration that we know of. His problem is that he is just so weak, it’s difficult for him to stay upright very long, even with crutches or a walker, so he has a very high risk of falling.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Charlotte! I just recently discovered that Dale Chihuly is from your part of the world! How proud you must be! These pieces are just beautiful glistening in the sun, which really is hard to capture with a camera. There are more, I just didn’t get to take picrtres of everything, and some were in a forest, which was very magical looking, but photos did not do them justice. I certainly will miss them when they are gone in a month or two. The have Chihuly Nights, which is a guided tour at night with the pieces all lit up, and I hear it is just beautiful!

    I never mentioned yesterday that I hope you find a place for Ron that will please you both. It will be all at once, difficult and a blessing in disguise. I hope and pray that you both are happy in the end and things work out for the two of you.

    Jeanne, I fully understand not having a blog on Saturday! I really don’t know how you have managed to do it for so long, and still have things to keep us interested in. Take all the time you need. I hope George’s situation gets better and things get back to normal soon! Prayers for both of you!

    I will have my grandson over today, and might not get to everyone’s comments as soon as I would like, so I just want you to know. I’m not a grandma that sits and plays with her iPad while he is here! He is #1 when he visits!!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Jeanne, those flowers in the last picture are Coneflowers. They are on the sign at the bottom, but it is hard to read unless you make it bigger.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, thanks for sharing the photos of the Botanical Garden. I love the color and style. It is described as Avant Garde?

      Thanks also for sharing the photos of your garden. Pretty flowers brighten the day!

      1. Linda, thank you so much for the Chihuly garden! I have enjoyed his work more than once. There was an exhibit in the Atlanta garden and we saw that, but was before we had cell phones so the photos are on print. There is a hotel in Las Vegas that has a ceiling of Chihuly glass I saw and, since my younger son lived in Seattle I have seem more there. I never got to the museum though.

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          Thank you, Sissy! This is the second time the Mo. Botanical has had a Chihuly exhibit, and they always keep a few for the Garden. One is a beautiful blue and white “ chandelier” hanging from the ceiling, which is in the Climatron, but we didn’t go in this time. The yellow rays around the gate in pictures I showed, which happens to be in the rose garden is another that is always there. It is beautiful when the sun shines on it. Another time we went to Crystal Bridges, in Bentonvile Arkansas, and they also had a Chiluly exhibit. They are quite popular, and rightfully so!

      2. Linda in St. Louis

        Dorothy, thank you! I don’t quite understand what picture you are asking about, so don’t know what to say! I agree that pretty flowers brighten anyone’s day!

        1. Dorothy in PA and the World

          Dear Linda, oops. I thought that the last photo was in your own garden. Now I see it is also at the Botanical Garden. Sorry about the confusion. I probably need a nap (smile).

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Paula! Yes, it is a wonderful place to escape from the worries and cares of todays world!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, of course you should take all of the time you need to care for your husband. We will be fine here on the sofa.

    Prayers continue for you.

    Happy Weekend to the Sofa Sisters.

  4. Susette from Southern California

    The first time I saw a Chihuly exhibit was at a then very small art museum in Newport Beach in the early 1990s. Next was in Santa Barbara with my now 27-year-old grandson lying back in his stroller, staring at the ceiling full of glass sculptures. Lastly in Las Vegas at the Bellagio in 2002. I’ve sadly never seen an outdoor exhibit and love Linda’s beautiful pictures of the St. Louis exhibits. Thanks for sharing them. Dale Chihuly was born seven months after I was in 1941. What a productive and exciting life he has led.

    So sorry George is having such problems. Perhaps a trip to be checked out by a doctor would be a good idea. I’ve sent along something to aid a person with such an incision, something I didn’t have when experiencing that kind of incision on three different occasions for unrelated issues, not cancer. It should arrive today. Use it in improving health.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Susette! I usually think of Chiluly exhibits as outdoor exhibits, since they are so large and so beautiful when they are in the sunshine. There are some that do hang from the ceiling, and I wonder how nervous the people who put them together must be when assembling them!

  5. Beautiful pictures, Linda! Those glass sculptures are just fascinating. I really like the first photo, the boatful one, and the lilac spires. Yes, I would have said those were coneflowers. The bees swarms them. We have rosy pink ones, but I hope to get additional colors once the backyard beds are revamped.

    Prayers that things get better for George soon, Jeanne. Take all the time you need.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Laura! My pictures really don’t do the sculptures justice, and they just have to be seen to appreciate them fully!

      Yes, those are coneflowers, and yes, the bees love them! In fact, bees were all over the place with all the flowers blooming! They have some very happy bees living there, and no wonder! They did not bother people at all, and why should they, with all those flowers?

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I always love seeing Linda’s pictures of the Botanical Gardens. And the Chihuly exhibits are amazing. I used to love visiting Longwood Gardens when I lived in Delaware. I don’t even know if they have anything like it in Houston. I avoid outdoor things in the summer around here so I never checked.

    Jeanne I am so sorry to hear about George’s situation. Once surgery is over we expect recovery time but not any complications. David’s first knee surgery was fine but the second had some bleeding and I had to take him to the doctor to find out why. Unfortunately we were in a traffic jam on the way and by the time we got there he was in a bad way. He passed out before we could get him on the examining table. We had two nurses trying to hold him up while I went to find a male doctor who might have more strength to get him on the table. Thankfully the bleeding had already stopped so they just cleaned and rebandaged his knee. I’m praying that George’s problem has a simple solution and you can begin moving forward with his recovery.

    I’m keeping Charlotte and Ron in my prayers for a wonderful place for Ron, hopefully the one closest to home. So many details to deal with but when everything falls in place I’m sure it will be better for all. Then Charlotte and Ron can spend time together just enjoying each other’s company knowing help is close at hand if needed.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Barbara, thank you very much! We usually don’t go to the garden or most outdoor things either in the heat of the summer, but we usually get a nice day now and then, and this was one of those days. We always go early, right when they open up, when it is cooler and less crowded.

  7. Joy in northern CA

    I’m sure Jeanne has Googled leaking stoma’s as there is some great information there and possible fixes. Hope George’s problem is solved quickly. Please don’t worry about us. Taking Saturday, off is a positive idea. Thinking of Jeanne and George.
    Sounds like Charlotte, has everything covered in her care home search. Ask lots of questions and not just from the person in charge. 🙂
    Loved Linda’s photos of the MBG. Fabulous displays and the Chihuly, works are amazing. Definitely on my list should I ever get to St. Louis.
    Well, had a doll episode yesterday. Received an update from RRFF that my Diana doll had been shipped. This order was coming FedEx. When I checked the tracking, it said out for delivery? What? How can that be? Just received the tracking. Anyway, the package had apparently started it’s journey on the 3rd and had been in transit all of that time. We had things to do so carried on. Started on a cleaning frenzy. Vacuum, washing floors, etc. Finally, got other person to empty the vacuum into the trash can outside. The minute he opened the door, he came back with a big FedEx white plastic envelope with an obvious doll box inside. Apparently, the package had been delivered and with the vacuum going, didn’t hear the truck. So, I got caught. Other person was definitely not a happy camper. Ugh.
    Thoughts with the people of Maui.

    1. So sorry you got caught, Joy. Not funny this time, but just think of the many times you were quick on the draw! My first husband was so tight with $$ that, even though he was a successful dentist, and I taught school to put him through dental school, he still hated to give me any money. I cut his hair and made him pay me for it. When I would buy something I would tell him is was from the hair cut fund. After I started selling some of my hand made ceramic pieces I would use that as my funds. He never caught on that I went beyond those amounts.

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Joy! Yes, if you ever get here, please stop by the Mo. Botanical Gardens! It is delightful!
      Sorry about the fact you got “caught” this time!

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, oh no!!! I am sorry that the caper was derailed this time.

      Maybe if it happens again, you can say something like, “there it is! I have been waiting for this replacement doll for six months. Let me tell you what happened to the first doll.” With that, I am guessing he will want to resume whatever it was he was doing. It least it will make it sound like it wasn’t a “new” purchase (smile).

  8. Kathie from Omaha

    Chilhuly is so amazing…. He did a huge display at the Joslyn museum here in Omaha several years ago and then again when the Buffet Cancer Center had him design pieces for them. Thank you Linda. The picture with the coneflowers is many colors! Glass flowers among thermal ones make for some amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing!
    George needs checkups again anyway so that is a good thing. Maybe a change or two will help. Bless his heart….and you for a Nurse and patience.
    You do need to have your weekends to yourself. Responding and setting up all your pics and all is sure time consuming. We understand!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you Kathie for the kind words. If you have seen his exhibits, you know how beautiful they are!
      I just could not get over those beautiful coneflowers! They were amazing and so many of them too!

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    I think Saturdays off is a fine idea. You might consider Wednesdays as well. You need to get through this as easily and quickly as possible.

  10. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Linda Your pictures are amazing, I had never heard of Chihuly glass but it is fabulous and looks wonderful in the gardens. the cone flowers you mentioned look like what I know as Ecinacea. (Lol, I just looked up Ecinacea to make sure I spelled it right and underneath it said Coneflower). My sister is an amazing gardener and calls everything by its botanical name, I only remember a few usually because I have seen the name somewhere else (often connected with cake decorating flower demos, they always use the botanical name).

    Jeanne, I will keep praying for you both and take all the time you need. I’ll still get the blog on Saturday anyway because it is your Friday. I think you have been amazing keeping up with it while doing so much for George.

    You mentioned yesterday and I forgot to comment, about missing your sewing room. I hadn’t been able to use mine for 6 months because my hip got too bad to actually do any work, then it has taken a while after the surgery to be able to negotiate the steps from the deck and over my not very smooth lawn with the walker. However this week I have been able to get in there (no walker, no stick, yay) and actually work! I made a selvedge bag for my Block of the Month stuff (It is my committee position at the guild) and I also made a new cross body bag that I use every day for my phone and other odds and ends since I hardly ever wear anything with pockets, ladies don’t need pockets don’t you know.

    I also forgot to comment on the Maui fires which is shocking. Both that I forgot and the fires themselves. Living so close to Australia and with a son living in Melbourne, Victoria I remember Black Saturday when 176 people lost their lives. My daughter in law was out seeing a client and the road home was between two of them she said it was pretty scary. I visited Maryville, the town destroyed by the fire. soon after and it was quite eerie. The trees were already regenerating but there were all these plots with driveways and letterboxes but no houses and here and there were the odd house that for some reason the fire didn’t touch. Fire terrifies me, I’m not sure I can think of anything worse than to be caught in one.

    On an almost different note, the book club I belong to is reading ‘Remember, the Science of Memory and the Art of Forgetting’ by Lisa Genova. Really interesting as well as informative. As well as helping you to understand why we forget things (and sometimes why we should) she explains how we can remember (or forget) better and how important it is to be able to forget some things. I have found it very helpful.

    Charlotte, I will remember you and Ron in my prayers that you will make the best decision for both of you.

    Gosh it will take you forever to read all that, sorry I got carried away. Take care everyone. See you again on Tuesday.

  11. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Anne! That’s funny that you remembered the biological name of the Cone flower, and Coneflower is a lot easier to remember than Ecinacea! But the sight of them all together was just breathtaking!

    So you never heard of Chiluly glass pieces? You do live a bit farther away, so I guess it is a reasonable excuse! 😊. Well, now you can say you have seen a few!

    That book you are referring to sounds like it is very informative, and something I could use!😊

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