A few Back to School Doll Dresses…

Wow… I got lots of new recipes to use on HOT days… and it’s supposed to be HOT, HOT, HOT for the next couple of days.

This was the temp in the afternoon…

If I’m too busy to make anything, I’ll just use Joy’s recipe… for Ice Water! Works for me! :o)

Well, let’s see… to be entered into the drawing for the Lori doll…

…you had to submit a recipe, and the winner sent me an email this time… for Egg salad! She’ll be thrilled to have won, because she has 5 little girls… It was Karen in Kentucky whose name was drawn from the stack of entries.

Let’s see her name right side up…

Congratulations Karen! I’ll get this boxed up and in the mail hopefully Wednesday!

Now, I haven’t been able to get Ten Ping’s School outfit finished (hopefully soon!) so I decided to find a few of my favorite Back to School outfits from some of my past creations!

This first dress is a real “Oldie but Goodie” dress… one of my first back in 2009. I still remember I copied it from a Sears catalog and it was called “Cheerful Checkmate.”

Here is Molly in a fun and colorful School dress…

This next red and navy plaid dress was supposed to be just for Isabelle, but when Janie and Lian saw it, they begged me to let them try it on too…

Oops… I forgot Ten Ping was in this lineup!

Lian is wearing “one of my very, very favorite dresses… it’s not plaid but it definitely is a school dress…

Here’s one of my first school dresses for any of my dolls… Isabelle was such a cutie pie in this…

Janie is back to plaids again and she looks so sweet in this kelly green and royal blue color…

Molly is in a circle skirt school dress with her matching book bag and she has on maroon thigh highs…

Isabelle just might be the doll who has graced more school dresses than anyone else…

Oh, let’s let Eden show you her School Marm dress… it was definitely for school…

Molly shows you the last school dress. It was the neatest fabric… almost a corduroy but not quite… It’s quite the archive, being made in 2008.

Well, how’s that for Back to School?

See you,
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “A few Back to School Doll Dresses…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations, Karen,on winning the cute little doll! Will it be for your doll collection, or do you think one of your real live dolls will claim it?!

    The school dresses are sure cute, Jane. I think my favorite is the very first one, on Molly. It must have been fairly labor-intensive, with the applique design and all. It’s very reminiscent of the dresses that little girls wore in the 40s and 50s, I think.

    My other favorite is the cute plaid jumper on Isabelle. I like plaids a lot–but not on me! I had a red plaid dress once, some years ago. It was so pretty in the catalog!! But you know, it never “felt” right on me. I can wear a plaid skirt, but when it comes to an entire plaid dress, nope. It’s just not me.

    Well, an update: today when I went to see Ron, he told me he had decided to stay a few more days as I’d suggested. What? All I said was that it would take a few days to get things sorted out. But this is what mild cognitive impairment looks like–you get fixated on an idea for a while, and then, after a few hours or a day, the idea has changed to something else, or has left completely. So, we’re good for now, but thanks for all the prayers, everyone!! We may end up moving him to a larger place. That remains to be seen. We now have a trip to the barber shop on Thursday to look forward to, and possibly IHOP for supper with our friends, if he’s up to it, and he is looking forward to those! Elizabeth, the lady who runs the place, has promised to turn down the spices in her cooking, at least for him, too, which should help; in recent years, his tastes have changed, as has his tummy, and he can’t take the “hot” like he used to.

    Barbara, my husband is like that, too–doesn’t like fancy stuff on his food! He says eating should be for nutrition, not for an “experience”!! LOL He also doesn’t like “messy” foods (spare ribs, for instance)–and yet his favorite veg is corn on the cob! Go figure….

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, this is indeed good news. I hope things can work out for the current facility.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Charlotte, I guess things will run smoothly if you say flexible. LOL Actually you amaze me in how you handle situations like this. I’m pretty flexible but I’m also a planner and not too good with abrupt plan changes. Hopefully things will work out soon, but you seem to be going with the flow and that probably keeps your stress level down. I can relate to Ron not liking spicy foods right now. I always love things like jalapenos and Mexican food in general. We have a great Mexican food place in town but these days when we go I get what they call a “fresh salad”. I get it with chicken but you can get beef too. It is delicious and one of the few salads where I eat the whole thing, and it’s not spicy at all.

  2. Karen from Kentucky

    HOORAY!!! Thanks so much, Jeanne!! I waited to check the blog until I was with the girls this a.m., and they were having trouble believing that we won! Rose thinks it is really cool, and Marion thinks it is all very cute. ๐Ÿ™‚ Do you still have our address?

    It is fun to see all the school dresses. Each of them are lovely.

    1. Hi Karen and girls,
      Yes, I still had your address, and will be mailing it in just a little while!
      Congratulations again!
      Hope you and the girls love it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Karen from Kentucky

    Thanks a lot, Charlotte! It looks like we may all end up sharing her ๐Ÿ™‚

    I wanted to mention that when I worked as a nursing assistant at the nursing home, we were supposed to reposition the residents that could not do it by themselves every 2 hours, I think, in order to avoid pressure sores. I hope things continue to go well for you both otherwise ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what cute outfits! Can it really be time for going back to school? Can we have a do-over Summer? 252 days until May!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      If you spent the summer with me, you would definitely be glad for it to end. Unfortunately that’s not till somewhere around October. I think it’s already somewhere around 100 degrees here at 11:30 a.m. I keep the Bethlehem weather on my computer and it says it’s 73 degrees there right now with a projected high of 77 degrees. I remember going through Bethlehem coming back from Nova Scotia in 1996. It was the middle of August and 79 degrees. It’s not hard to see why you enjoy summer so much.

  5. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh, here we are! I was getting a weird kind of message where you put your comments about how often you wanted to see other comments, and I just didnโ€™t know what to put. I just checked in again, and that is gone! So I will carry on!

    Congratulations, Karen! I was hoping the winner would have some little girls or grandchildren for the cute doll and it happened to gov that way! Iโ€™m sure she will have a nice time at your house with all the little mommies!

    Good to know, Charlotte that Ron is getting more attention, and maybe thatโ€™s all he needs! (If it were only that simple!)

    Well, Jeanne, all. Those back to school dresses are just darling! Not a bad one in the bunch!๐Ÿ˜Š. I love it that Molly got a lot of them! Anything plaid, pleated, with apples, or red and blue accents just say โ€œback to school โ€œ to me! I love them all, and hope to get my dolls dressed for school soon. I can tell you this, nobody around here looks as well dressed as those dolls are! Itโ€™s way too hot for dresses and sweaters now, so shorts are what most real live girls are wearing, boys too for that matter!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’m looking forward to dressing the girls for back to school, but if this heat doesn’t let up I might have trouble getting them out of their swimsuits – and the pool.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Congrats to Karen and crew on winning Sienna. I can see lots of fun play with this set. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Isabelle, in the denim look skirt and top with cherries is just the cutest thing. That red beret adds to her look as well. Really enjoyed seeing all of the school outfits. Such a great variety.
    Looks like we may be up there with Jeanne, temperature wise soon. Usually, we can cool down the house with windows open overnight, but last night, the air smelled of smoke blowing down from all of the fires up north and Oregon/Washington. We’ll see what today brings.
    Hope George is on track and progressing well.
    Have a great day everyone.

  7. Marilyn in Colorado

    My favorite is the green jumper. Nellie looks very happy in it. I loved the back to school parade.

    It looks like Lori has chosen a perfect home for herself. Now we need a report on your hand.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Congratulations Karen and girls. I know there is a lot of excitement around your house right now.

    I love all the wonderful back-to-school outfits. It would be hard to pick a favorite. I loved making back to school clothes for my daughter and hoped to continue that with a granddaughter. Sadly that is not to be the case since my granddaughter wears a uniform. But my dolly girls are loving it. Just means more back to school outfits for them. And I need to get started on that since some have been wearing the same back to school outfits for several years now.

    Yesterday we actually had some good rain. It was totally unexpected. We have that tropical storm south of us but we were not expecting any rain because it was staying south and going into Mexico. We had some pretty good showers that were on and off for about an hour. And then it got very humid and the temps did not drop as they sometimes do during a rain.

  9. Karen congrats on winning the doll…your girls will love it!
    How is your hand doing Jeanne?
    The back to school dresses are some of my very favorites! Red and blue combo and that pretty lace you love make the nicest combinations:) One of my favorite dresses as a 6 yr old was a red and blue plaid with white eyelet ruffle over ths shoulder. A classic look.
    Charlotte…nice of Ron to wait a few days to decide about moving. Hope he can adjust and hope his wound is better too.
    Stay cool!

  10. Oh, I’m so glad Karen won. Yes, her five little girls will love the doll and accessories and I recall she had found a couple of the AG minis because they were playing “The Borrowers”.
    The red plaid on the Little Darlings is so iconic for back to school. I also like Janie is the royal and green plaid and Eden in School Marm. Eden’s was just lovely.
    Three kitties returned this morning with Carrie from their neutering adventure. Jimmy, one of our porch kitties, was happy to be home.

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