Ten Ping and her shoes, her skirt and her dress…

Hi everyone,
I really wasn’t sure which direction I wanted to go with Ten Ping’s shoes, so I just started…

First of all, I did get her shoes finished… they look cute on her tiny feet…and Marilyn wanted a reminder of just how tiny they were…

Ok, so you’ve seen the shoes… now let me tell you the rest…

I found a nice print that I thought would work with the shoes…

I didn’t get the skirt added to the dress, but it would look something like this…

I found a wool felt that would work as a jacket….

But… I wasn’t feeling it… especially after a few of you mentioned a school girl look… with a pleated skirt… so I switched gears and did this…

Ten Ping wanted me to get the skirt completely finished before I went to bed…so I did…

Now, as I look at my last picture, I almost wish I had picked a green or a blue plaid… hmmm… never satisfied…

Well, that was my day…
See you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “Ten Ping and her shoes, her skirt and her dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, when I saw the brown print and the wool felt on Ten Ping, I thought they looked wonderful with the shoes! Nice colors and all (even though I’m really not a “brown person”).

    But that pleated skirt….oh, it is just Wonderful!! Love love love it! I’d better keep Gigi away from the computer for a few days. 😂 Knowing her, she’s liable to have her hand reaching out for the “bid” button!! 🥴

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    How tiny those shoes look when you have them in your hand or compared to the ruler! Your eyesight and the flexibility in your hands must be 110%!!

    When I first saw the brown dress material, I thought it looked too “old” for her, although the colors were right, but it just lacked that certain “something”! Then, the skirt…….YES! That;s IT! It gives such a cheery vibe and is just what I imagined for her. A perfect schoolgirl look!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, well I guess it’s “back to the ABCs” for Ten Ping. The skirt looks so sweet on her.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Wow, everything matches so well with the dress fabric, shoes, and skirt. I would love to see that finished outfit. The colors and fabric are similar to what I’ve seen from the Ruby Red Galleria group. However, I also love the plaid skirt. A little white shirt would look so nice with it. Maybe a vest too. You are working miracles for the small set. My little Sara and her Ten Ping friends would love new outfits, because their mother can’t find a pattern yet that she likes. Bad me.
    Well, my RRFF Dorothy2 has finally surfaced after a five day trip from China and many warehouse visits. So, guess I’d better gear up for her expected delivery on Saturday. 🙂
    A nice cool 54 here this morning. Just to rub it in. Hope everyone is staying hydrated and cool. This has certainly been one hot summer.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I can’t even remember what 54 feels like. As for patterns for Mini Sara/Ten Ping. Pixie Faire is getting more of them every day if you haven’t checked you might find something you like. And if you haven’t checked KathyAnneDesigns you must see the dress she did for them. It is totally precious.

  5. Cheryl Handelman

    Oh, Jeanne, this outfit for “Ten Ping” is going to be WONDERFUL!!!! The red plaid you chose goes WONDERFULLY with TP’s coloring, and the tiny loafers look very much like the “penny loafers” I wore to upper elementary school (back in the mid-1960’s!) with MY plaid, pleated, “kilt” skirts!!!!! BRAVA!!!!!

  6. Kathie from Omaha

    That pleated skirt makes a huge hit. No matter what you make to go with it. So many possibilities for styles and colors.
    Not a fan of the brown print although the colors are so good together.
    We are getting our turn at the hot weather for the next few days. 100’s too. My glasses fogged up when I walked outside this AM…humid, humid.🥹

  7. Wow, Ten Ping is certainly your model of choice this year. She must be loving all the attention.
    That plaid skirt is so cute. I had a some with knife pleats like that and a kilt pin worn with a white blouse, but back in the 80’s we mostly wore gored ones with patterned hose, and flats, topped off with angora blend sweaters. How I miss that decades’ wardrobe.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    I was not over the moon with the brown outfit although I love brown, but the tiny little red plaid skirt is absolutely adorable. I see it with a white blouse or maybe even a white turtleneck and a blazer-type jacket making it look a little like a private school uniform. I’m assuming they still wear uniforms. We have a private school in Houston that does not wear uniforms. It caters to the very rich among us so I guess the parents want the opportunity to show off how well they can dress their kids. They still look alike, blue jeans and t-shirts, but they don’t have to wear the same thing every day.

    That is what my kids basically wore to school just not as costly as the private school kids. But that reminds of a funny story. When we stayed at motels while traveling Andrea and Sean shared one of the beds. Sean always slept in his jeans and t-shirt. Andrea was crawling into bed one night and looked at Sean and said I’m not sleeping in the same bed with him in the clothes he’s been wearing all day. Sean said I took a shower and these are clean clothes. To which Andrea replied good grief you always look the same.

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