Why buy wool felt on a 98 degree day?

My hubby had another doctor’s appointment in St. Louis Wednesday…and afterwards he rewarded me with a quick trip to Jackman’s Fabrics, in Fairview Heights, just outside St. Louis.

It is a wonderful shop and I LOVE going in there, even when it’s just to look. I went in to see if they had any silk ribbon in pink shades… they didn’t! :o(

Next I looked at their white delicate heirloom laces… all the pretty ones were gone… :o(

I looked at the clearance fabrics, and as much as I would have loved a few, I talked myself out of any. :o( :o)

So I wandered around for a few minutes and found their wool felt… by the yard or by the square…I can only find about 4 basic colors around here and I already have them… so I looked through theirs and found several that I liked…

When we got home it was almost dark and I didn’t really have time to start anything in my sewing room, so I decided to see what fabrics I could use with my new wool felts. I tried to find 2 to go with the felt pieces. I have more than just 2 for several of the colors. :o)

I had my light on beside the fabrics and hope it didn’t wash out the colors too much…

Here are some pictures…

I’m glad I didn’t buy any fabric… :o) I’m proud of myself…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Why buy wool felt on a 98 degree day?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh, you got some Beautiful colors of wool felt!! I love how you matched them with some different prints from your stash, too. Normally I’m not a “brown person”, but I just love that rust felt with the band of rust/butterscotch print across it. Gorgeous!!

    I also like the light green (next to the strawberry print) and the pink in the bottom picture.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, so nice to hear that you were visiting here in St. Louis, while we were, and are still haivng this wonderful Chamber of Commerce weather, not to mention the lovely smoky atmosphere! LOL

    Oh, I do miss Jackman’s Fabrics that we used to have here in South County, about 5 minutes away from me! You certainly did get some lovely colors that will come in quite handily for making those darling little jackets you always do! I really like the first two samples you have shown. They make me long for those cool fall days we can only dream about!

  3. Susette from Southern California

    What great colors of felt! The matched fabrics are so different but perfect in each case. Now just match each set to a doll! Even the Joann’s smaller stores have closed here. The only fabric specialty stores are in Los Angeles now.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I certainly hope that the Joann’s here does not close as we have no replacement. Guess I’d have to buy everything online. Sorry about yours.

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    Charlotte’s right — that top combination is a winner. For now, though, the pale blue with the tiny blue and green print would would make a pretty RRFF outfit. You’ll get a lot of good out of this felt.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the colors you selected are very pretty with the fabrics. Thanks for the lesson in matching patterns and colors (said the non-sewer). I am never really sure how to do that.

    Here is some doll news:

    Today the Madame Alexander Doll Club kicks off its Convention in Indianapolis. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Alexander Doll Company. A few folks from my local doll club traveled to the Convention.

    The United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC) will hold its 74th annual convention August 1 to 5 in Bellevue, Washington. Next year, it will be in Kansas City, MO, where the headquarters is located.

    The Modern Doll Club Convention will take folks back to Indianapolis. It will be held there between August 16 to 19.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    The fabric and felt are lovely. Beautiful color combos. Instead of jackets, I would like to see felt hats like my grandmother made for my dolls. Would be so cute with a dress for late summer and fall. 🙂
    I know everyone is getting sick of our trials and tribulations with the air conditioner, so I’ll cut it short today. Let’s see. Lots of work moving water pipes and faucets, running up and down the 13 steps to turn the house water off and on, struggling to remove and turn the old pipe, finally, by noon, success, dusting, vacuuming, opening the armoire to find that everything had shifted east, but no damage, only things that fell out when I opened the doors were a few vintage aluminum film containers, removing the 6ft length of old records on the bottom shelf to lighten the weight, and the two bottom drawers filled with old movie reels and film equipment, moving my grandparents vintage baskets from the top near the ceiling, untwisting the wire wrapped to a nail in a stud holding the beast, somehow sliding the whole piece out enough to remove the old cord, testing the plug, it was good, installing the new heavy duty extension cord, sliding the armoire back once again so it didn’t rest against the new cord, leveling the armoire with furniture floor protectors under the wheels, reinstalling a new eyebolt and fresh wire to hold it securely, returning the 6ft of records after a quick trip down memory lane, drawers returned, everything pulled from kitchen storage cabinets returned, and finally done. 4:30 again and still watering to achieve. With a little rest, other person figured out how to put together the platform that the AC will sit on in the window. This one sits with the condenser outside so lots less noise we hope. Today, we hope to finally finish with the installation. So exhausting. Wish us luck. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      When we needed to add A/C and heating to our new addition we went with what’s called a mini-split. My son is a professional and he even had trouble with that so I would not suggest it be a diy. We had lots of troubles with it because Sean kept getting bad advice because most A/C people aren’t experienced with them, even the techs at the equipment companies. It was leaking and he wasn’t sure how to stop it. Someone told him don’t use stop leak it will destroy the unit. Finally he did his research and realized that the person telling him not to use the stop leak actually used one for a full-size unit. When he checked with the manufacturer he discovered they had one specific for the mini-splits. The stop leak for the full-size is a large can. When Sean received the stop leak from the manufacturer it was actually more like a hypodermic needle full. Quite a difference and would explain why someone had trouble when they didn’t do their research.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I’ve researched the mini-split which are being used a lot here now. In fact, the electrician we talked to at HD had just installed one. But, for us, this one window unit should work I hope. You won’t believe the things we’ve run into so far today. Wish your son lived closer to us. 🙂

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Forgot to add wishing you lots of luck in getting your A/C installed. DIY is definitely not for the faint hearted. Or the impatient.

    3. Kathie from Omaha

      My goodness it has taken lots of work and patience for you and other person👏 Hope it is just great after all the issues with it.😉🙏🏻

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I have tons of colors of felt but never think to do anything with them. I love your felt/fabric combinations. Any of them would work for me. What a great find. I would have had to leave with at least one piece of fabric. Your won’t power is to be admired.

  8. You got some very pretty felt pieces and the material you found to go with them are lovely.
    I especially like the rust felt group. Also the yellow group and the like colonial blue group. I’m not sure that’s what you call that blue.
    You did well at picking the colors.

    Joy, glad you got a lot done on your A/C. That’s a lot of work!

    Hard to believe we are headed into July already. 3 months till fall and 6 months till Christmas! Already found my first Christmas gift, a Scottish plaid winter scarf for one of my sons.

  9. Kathie from Omaha

    The colors of felt are so interesting! Love them all. You have lots of choices and depending on who is the model will depend on what print you use?
    Tried on dresses for the Flower Grandma and almost all were that very dark navy…like your one felt piece…so dark it looks black😉. My bff Carol went along to advise, take pics and help get them over my head. Only one had zipper..The rest had enough give to them you could put it on over your head. Seriously we hadn’t been shopping in forever so was a fun day.

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