“Bunny in my Pocket” is NOW listed on Ebay!


I don’t know exactly how it happened, but somehow my listing got posted on Ebay! We were dealing with a lost/late Medicare card for my hubby, the tax returns were supposed to be taken to a nearby town, (they weren’t finished yet!), Kristoffer called, Rebecca called, I was hoping to get outside to take some pictures in the sunshine, my software program changed the size of half my pictures when I uploaded them… and more… but anyway, it’s 8:45 Tuesday night, my listing is on Ebay now, we have eaten, and our tax information got delivered. I’m a pretty happy camper for now!

You can see the listing on Ebay, by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

As I said, I did make it outside and took some sweet pictures of Lian in her new purple dress. It was a bit on the windy side, so you’ll see some sprigs of hair in her face…

Once she was standing on the gnarly roots of this tree…

…and a wind gust came along and she did a face plant right on the ground. I was so concerned when I picked her up that she was going to have a mark on her face… but thank the Lord, she didn’t… no more windy day picture taking…

It was a nice day, but almost too sunny for pictures…

Then when I uploaded them to my software I use for Ebay, 14 of them were the right size but 18 of them were small little boxy pictures. When I tried to enlarge them, they became blurry…

Oh well… I’ll try again when I do the next dress… hmmm… who shall it be? :o)

That’s it for me today…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on ““Bunny in my Pocket” is NOW listed on Ebay!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Lian’s outfit is just beautiful, Jeanne! Another winner, for sure.

    I’m sorry about her face plant, though–yikes!! I imagine she needed a Disney Princess bandaid to make her owie better, though?! When we had a little one, I think it was Scooby Doo bandages, or maybe Mickey Mouse, I don’t recall.

    I’m mostly packed–yay! I went to see Ron so we could eat lunch in their dining room today, and poor guy was all tuckered out. He’d had a little tummy issue when he first woke up this morning, and his tummy still wasn’t feeling great. However, when I called him tonight, he had just gotten back from dinner, and he sounded more like himself. He did want to know if I’d “brought any shirts” for him!! LOL I guess he wasn’t paying attention when I showed him which drawers each type of clothing was in, yesterday! I knew I should have put sticky notes on them!!

    1. Thank you Charlotte, I think Lian looks adorable in this pretty purple dress too.
      My heart sank to my stomach when she fell over… right between two tree roots!! Yikes!! Thar was a close call!

      I’m so glad you are going to Expo and I’m sure you will have a great time… and especially not having to worry about your hubby, as it sounds like he is in good hands!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Another busy day in the life of Jeanne Marie! You certainly did have quite a day, but so good that you got Lian’s dress listed in spite of all of the other things going on! She looks adorable, and none the worse for her fall!

    I did manage to get some yard work done yesterday, since it was so nice, but yes, the wind started picking up in the afternoon, which didn’t make it any easier for blowing leaves out of the Ivy. Today looks better, and, woo, almost 70 degrees here!

    March is coming in like a lamb, if you ask me, although I know not for everyone! Happy March, everyone!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Glad you were able to get the dress listed. Always something it seems.
    Doesn’t look like a warmup around here. Heavy frost last night and it is still only 32. Supposed to have a temperature drop on Saturday as well. But, there is an actual sunrise this morning. Yay.
    Happy March, everyone. 🙂

  4. Sally from Colorado

    Oh, Jeanne. Reading about your days just exhausts me. Oy vey. Anyway, lovely outfit, of course, congratulations on getting so much accomplished. It just astonishes me though, that you are able to take pictures outdoors and it looks like spring, for crying out loud! And you did those pics the end of February. Color me green, that’s for sure.
    Very happy Lian survived that fall. Uffda. My heart would have been in my throat. And the church looked beautiful for the celebration.
    Charlotte, three cheers for you and Ron. You will have such a great time away. Well deserved.
    Ladies, there have been fantastic pics from Sylvia, Linda, and I can’t remember who else, and thank you all for sharing.
    Glad Dorothy is doing all right, and Anne, I echo everyone else. Hope that hip holds up until repair time. Ugh, poor woman.
    Snowing here. My Damarella from Spain is supposed to arrive today after I opened up an investigation on her spending 12 days in Louisville. Amelie is coming soon with an as yet useless tracking number. Thank heaven, the last two Siblies and the two new ones revealed today do not ring my chimes at all. Whew. Easter dolls will likely be revealed in two weeks. I am both looking forward to them and NOT looking forward to them. You know what I mean, right?
    Good luck on this auction, Jeanne. Lian looks incredible in purple.

  5. Lian is the perfect Easter Model. Her hat has to be my favorite style . Glad she didn’t a scratch from her fall🤪 she will do very well.
    Have a great time at the gathering Charlotte👏 Glad Ron “found” his shirts😲
    You poor California people..seems you have endured so much crazy weather…I can’t believe all the SNOW but maybe it will fill up your reservoirs? We have some shrub roses that still need cutting down… maybe if we do a few a day🥹

  6. LIan’s dress is so sweet and it was nice to be able to take outdoor photos.
    March came in like a lamb here. We are maybe going to hit 70.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, you do manage to accomplish a lot in a day in spite of roadblocks along the way. I have to take a nap just reading about all that you do.

    Where I grew up March pretty much always came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. Not so here in Texas. Right now it is definitely coming in like a lamb but I’m not assuming anything. Both Andrea and Sean were married in March. One on the 12th and one on the 26th – different years thankfully. March can often be a very rainy, windy month. We held our breath for our daughter’s on the 12th because she chose to have an outdoor wedding in early March. We could have moved indoors but it would have been tight quarters. We were blessed with an amazingly lovely day. Our son also had a beautiful day but we did breathe a little easier since it was late March and indoors, so weather was not so much of an issue. I have no idea why they both chose March but when we looked at the dates they chose we realized Andrea and Jamey were married on David’s parents wedding day and Sean and Dionne were married on my grandfather’s birth date. Easy dates for me to remember and I’m happy with that.

    I hope everyone’s new dolls arrive safe and sound. So much dolly fever assuaged. Several months to go for me. Sigh….

    Charlotte, hopefully Ron has found his shirts by now and you are all packed.and ready to enjoy your Expo experience. Wish I were coming along. I know all we sofa sisters will be anxiously awaiting all the details of your fun time. And maybe pictures too. Have a great time!!

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