We have 5″ of snow outside and I’m sewing “Spring” doll dresses!

Oh well, I guess it doesn’t matter…and it would break Noel’s heart if she didn’t get to show you what I finished on her dress set.

First I’ll show you why I stayed home and sewed today… We got plenty of snow… the wet, heavy kind!

It was very heavy on the holly bushes all around our house…

We also have some very tall Thuja (those evergreen Christmas tree-like) shrubs that were so heavy with wet snow, two of them were uprooted and laying on the ground, covered with more snow… They were bending over like the toes on Elf shoes… My hubby was taking the broom and knocking the snow off them and tying some of the limbs back up that were drooping down to the ground… Some of them looked like an opened, but broken, umbrella laying on the ground.

This is a holly tree just outside my computer window… and there have been birds in a nest in it… I hope they are okay since my hubby brushed off all that top snow…

We did have some tree limbs fall off our big pines…

It’s only supposed to get up to 31 degrees tomorrow, but maybe the wind will blow out the snow way up high in the trees…

Okay, I was able to get some sewing done, since I was homebound… Aren’t you glad? :o) Me too! :o)

My pictures are a little washed out… I’ll have to work on my lighting… this fabric is VERY pretty and not drab in the least…

I made Noel’s pantalettes first, adding a row of pink and white bias as an accent… You can see her boots too… I may change the laces…

Next up was her dress… just a simple sleeveless, empire waisted dress, with a piece of that pink and white checked trim at the midriff… The snaps were sewn on the back and then it was hemmed…

I hand hemmed her dress, but I’m wondering now if I need to shorten it just a little bit so her pantalettes show a little better…

Then I turned my attention to her pink wool felt jacket… there were many many ways I could have finished it off, but I had these die cut felt flowers that were a perfect match to the dress print, so I just had to check my micro mini buttons… I had blue, pink and red in them too… I knew what I was going to do… but first I wanted to machine stitch along the scalloped edges… It wasn’t totally necessary, but I thought it looked more finished this way…

I figured out the placement for the flowers and started sewing them on… then it was onto the buttons… and viola! It was done!

I need to figure out what I’m doing with her hair accessory…

Well, that was my day of sewing! Anyone else get anything made?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “We have 5″ of snow outside and I’m sewing “Spring” doll dresses!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, congrats on another successful auction! Someone’s Felicity is going to be ecstatic about her new outfit!!

    I can see that this is pretty fabric, even though you feel the print looks a little washed out in your pictures. I wouldn’t mind using it for a blouse for myself, in fact! And I do love the pink felt for the jacket. I have to confess, though, that the flowers on the jacket aren’t quite doing it for me. I’m not sure if they seem too large, or maybe too far apart (overlapping a bit more might help?) or if it’s just the red one that seems “too red”….(of course, I know that I’m just seeing it on a monitor, and not in “real life” like you are, and that can sometimes change our perceptions of the colors.) It could just be me, though.

    Well, I did get some more sewing done tonight on the sweatshirt conversion I’m working on! This is a Christmas jacket (starts with a sweatshirt), and, of course, breaking my arm in Nov. put a big crimp in my sewing for the holidays! But I have the lapel/collar done, and the back medallion is also sewn on and “framed”; all I have left to do is the pockets, which are basically quilt blocks. They are made, I just have to attach them. I can see the end of this particular project at last–yay!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I can’t believe what a difference a day makes with the scene outside my window! Most of our snow is gone already! Yes, it was a wet, heavy snow and made a mess when walking outside in it, slippery and slushy too! it sure was a pretty sight though when the first rasy of light came and it still was snowing! Your yard looks so pretty with the snow covering everything!

    Yes, I do think the dress shoud be a bit shorter so that her pantalettes can show better. and, I’m with Charlotte on those felt flowers! They just seem too big, and the red one is all you can really see when looking from a distance. Something smaller and daintier would work better, in my opinion. Maybe taking the flowers off and just adding matching buttons on the right side would work better, since it really isn’t supposed to close. Let’s see what others say about the flowers.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much for sharing your Sierra Cement, as it is called out here when the snow is very wet. 🙂 Your yard looks so pretty with the lovely snow. It will be spring before you know it. 🙂
    As to the outfit, I’m a fan of to the knee dresses. I like the more modern look. The jacket with the bright colors isn’t quite to my taste. I would like petite embroidered flowers in blue, pink with green leaves and no red or yellow. It might also be cute with blue embroidery all around the jacket to tie it all together. All of the buttons the same color would be my choice as well. It seems sort of clown like to me. I’d like the pantaloons to be less baggy and have a waistband so they would also work for pants pared with a white lace top for another spring/summer look. 🙂 Just my opinion. I forgot, maybe a cute little fabric tie or bow for her hair? And a fabric purse to match? 🙂
    I think my Talia, RRFF is due to arrive today. Tracking has been iffy on this one. And there is a new tiny one, same size as Ten Ping, but a Sara look alike coming out on Saturday. 🙂

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      My Talia arrived at 7 pm yesterday! The delivery truck driver honked until someone came to the door. You can guess who answered, it wasn’t me. 🥹

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Ha ha, love the honking. Not. And I got caught with Talia big time today. Other person was out mowing the lawn and up pulled the truck. Driver ran it up the steps, but other person saw him coming back down. He actually stopped mowing, came all the way up the steps, picked up the package, and brought it inside plunking it down on the counter beside me. I really got “the look!” Not a thing I could do. 🙁

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    Hm. I was quite charmed by the outfit, and when I saw it complete with the jacket, I thought it was perfect. For me, the red is a nice accent that pulls everything together. I usually agree with the comments, but this morning, I don’t. We’ll have to wait to see what you do next — I nearly always agree with your revisions. Will Noel have a simple bonnet with matching flowers?
    I’m looking forward to Ten Ping’s new outfit too.

    1. That floral print is just gorgeous and looks so cute on her. Love the checked trim. I think Joy has the best idea adding a waistband and making the pantaloons into slacks with a lace or eyelet top which would make an amazing bonus outfit. The jacket would be cute with both versions. Not a fan of the flowers or buttons.. maybe a smaller white 4-5 petal flower with the colored buttons for the centers?
      Maybe all that snow will give you another sewing day?🤗

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love snow and when I lived in PA we had some beautiful snows. But when we moved to Wilmington, DE, our snows were usually the wet and heavy kind. Fun to watch falling but not much after that. In the afternoon the wet snow would melt and then freeze overnight so the next day you had to be really careful walking around. If you weren’t on top of things and shoveled the sidewalk and steps before it melted and turned to ice, you were stuck with it until it fully melted. Unless you were up to spending hours chipping away at it. We lived on a corner and had a lot of sidewalk to shovel but it was better than letting it ice up.

    Debbie, I hope you have the same luck with the Romy shoes I have. I have problem feet. I have a high instep and the front of my foot is broad. A “B” width is fine as long as the toe box is not tapered. Also bunions run in my family and I didn’t escape the genetics on that one. I had surgery years ago and my right foot is great, but the left still has a small problem now and then. It sometimes creates a pressure point in certain shoes. I don’t seem to have that problem in these shoes. A few years ago I had plantar fasciitis. I haven’t had it since, but it lasted for months. Wish I had these shoes then. Hopefully they will work well for you.

    I do think the dress needs to be shorter. The pantalettes are so cute but they don’t show enough. I’m not sure how I feel about the flowers on the jacket. When I saw the jacket I didn’t immediately think anything so I guess the size of the flowers didn’t grab me. I was a little iffy about the pink gingham trim when I first saw the pantalettes. But when I saw it on the dress and with the jacket it looked okay and actually looks like something I might do. I haven’t made or embellished many jackets so I don’t know for sure what I would do myself. It’s hard for me to critique the work of others because what I might not like others might love to death. In truth it’s usually more the other way around. I have very eclectic tastes. Kind of like one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. So I will just enjoy the commentary and see what comes of it.

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      Thanks Barbara, you have pretty much described my feet. I will let you know if they work for me.

  6. Debbie in North Carolina

    I am also a fan of Noel’s outfit. I was finally able to purchase a Boneka Monday on Etsy. Her batik print dress is very colorful. I like softer colors for my Little Darlings but I like bright prints on the Boneka. Enjoying your snow day sewing!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Congratulations on your Boneka. I have two, Charlotte and Mary-Ellen. I love them. I was fortunate enough to win the auction where Jeanne made the two dresses and capris with pretty white tops. The dresses are their go-to Easter dresses each year since I can’t find anything I like more.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’ve decided I like the flowers on the jacket. When I look at the full picture it all works for me.

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