Showing dolls is my job!!

I have a pretty neat job! I get to buy pretty fabrics, make doll clothes, share those doll clothes with others, sell those doll clothes and then start all over again! How great is that? I really like my job! I really like that YOU LIKE MY JOB TOO!

One of the best parts of my job is buying new dolls to wear the outfits I make. It’s hard to just have one doll and be a Lone Ranger kind of seamstress…that’s why we need more than one… and besides… our dolls NEED sisters too! Wouldn’t you agree that more than just ONE doll is better?

Well, this post isn’t about MY new doll, it’s about another one of the Sofa Sisters who got a new doll… I was thrilled to see that she got a sister for her one lonely Ruby Red Fashion Friend doll. Let me introduce you to Rose, in brown, who is residing with Laura!!!

I will share what Laura wrote about her new doll and the pictures too!

Hi Jeanne,
My precious kitty, Truffle, had surgery this past week to clear the blockage and problem with her nose that wasn’t healing with antibiotics. I’m waiting on the culture and biopsy to see what is done next.I didn’t have time to even think or certainly care about opening my package until late this afternoon. That’s why I was absent nearly all of last week..

I thought I would share my Christmas present to myself. I ordered Rose in brown. I loved the combination of historical, her lovely ringlets, and beautiful green eyes. I thought the brown to be the most unique and it obviously was as fewer people chose it rather than the others. I thought it complemented her best. I received number #47. Typically, I only like the Sara sculpt but she looks very demure and pensive and it suits her

Like all my dolls except Felicity she is renamed. Please meet Lark Summer Eden Meadowgreen.

Here is Lark with her faithful friend, Wee Toddy.

Out for a morning stroll to “take the air”.

You are my BEST friend!

Requiem and Lark. It’s so nice to finally have a friend!

Thank you for letting me share!

Thank YOU for sharing your sweet Rose, Laura! I’m so glad you have a couple of sisters now! I bet they love being together!

Thanks and see everyone tomorrow,
blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Showing dolls is my job!!”

  1. Good Morning Jeanne,
    I agree with you about the very nice job you have, it’s lovely to be around dolls, laces, pretty fabrics and the sofa sisters to talk about it.
    Thank you Laura for sharing your lovely doll, she is so cute. I also love the beautiful, beautiful furniture behind Lark Summer Eden Meadowgreen. It’s perfect as a background for such a beautiful dress. Thank you Laura for sharing.
    Have a wonderful day all of you.

    1. Thank you so much, Angela! The furniture is my antique Victorian hall tree. I use the bench as my photo prop area and the carving you see is the area behind the bench. There’s a mirror with scrollwork above. It works ideally for Lark as she’s from that era. I pulled out two of my favorite childhood books for a couple of the photos.

  2. Karen from Kentucky

    It is great to see your new doll, Laura! I love her name! I hope that your cat gets better soon. My husband’s favorite dog in the whole world is a little Yorkie Chihuahua. She loves hanging around him. He named her Chloe.

    1. Thank you so much, Karen! I’m glad you like Lark’s name. I prefer to rename my dolls to really make them mine. I loved Felicity’s name so hers didn’t change.
      Thank you for your thought for my kitty.
      Chloe sounds so sweet. Yorkies are my favorite small dog. We’ve had two. I had one as a child and my daughter did as well. My favorite big dog was our rescued Collie/ Samoyed/ Keeshond mix. As gentle as they come.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Well, Laura, you’re not the only one who chose the brown. The Rose here also has the brown outfit. 🙂 Not sure of her number because she is still in her case. Hoping other person has to run an errand soon so I can free her from her current location. 🙂
    Hope you will give us an update on Truffle’s surgery when information becomes available.
    Thanks Jeanne and Laura for sharing Lark Summer Eden Meadowgreen. 🙂

    1. Thank you so much, Joy! Great doll minds must think alike. 🙂 I hope you get a chance to spring her soon. Her outfit is absolutely exquisite The only thing is you have to dress her backwards. A heads up, you must put the dress on first and then the bustle and petticoat. I made the mistake of putting her undergarments logically on first and it’s not possible to get the dress over them.
      I will certainly update on Truffle. Thank you so much for your concern. By the way, the “M” you mentioned on Truffle’s and your Charlie’s forehead is a distinguishing trait of a mackerel tabby. They come in various coat colors and patterns.

  4. Jeanne, you do have a great talent which allows you to have a great job! Where would we be without your exquisite creations?!

    Laura, Lark is beautiful and I’m glad Requiem has a friend now. You chose two very pretty RRFFs. Requiem is like an angel – she’s so sweet looking and dainty.
    I love Requiem’s hair style. Obviously, perfect for her era. And green eyes, she’s a beauty, Great choices! And her cute little doggie. Ideal size. I’m sure she takes Wee Teddy everywhere with her!

    1. Thank you so much, Paula! I appreciate your sweet comments. Requiem and Lark and enjoying getting to know each other. With Wee Toddy they will have lots of fun together.

  5. Li da in St. Louis

    Yes, Jeanne, you do have a REALLY nice job! What could be better than doing something you are good at and enjoy? We should all be so lucky!

    Well, Laura, I was sorry to hear about your.sweet kitty, and hope there is something that can be done for him. Having a sick pet is no fun!

    Your new doll, Lark Summer Eden Evergreen certainly is lucky to have found a home with you. She is a very pretty doll, and I love her face sculpt. Like you, I love the Sara sculpt, with the smile, but this one is a close second for me. She looks more pensive than sad, which some dolls look like. I love her dress as well, and she certainly fits well into your household.

    1. Thank you so much, Linda! My kitty is doing well. I’m just waiting for her treatment plan to be tweaked.
      Yes, the Sara sculpt is my favorite because of the smile. You’re right that a couple of the sculpts look a bit sad. This one (the Luca) does look thoughtful and works ideally for her era. I absolutely love the outfit! It reminds me of the old PC clothing I have, but even better as there’s no velcro!

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    Lark’s picture shows the pale pink in the brown dress better than any I’ve seen, and her dog is the perfect size. Queen’s Treasures?

    I’m still thinking about all of Jeanne’s new fabrics. Is the rooster design too large for the RRFFs?

    1. Thank you so much, Marilyn! I guess my Victorian hall tree in the foyer is the best place for photos. It was even a cloudy day so the living room window light wasn’t helping much. I just had the hall ceiling light on.
      No, the Yorkie isn’t the Queen’s Treasures one. I have that one as well, but it really only fits the PC/AG girls. It’s a bit too big for the Rubies. This one was one I found on Amazon under faux fur Christmas ornaments. It’s made Kurt Adler though not German made like the old 1940-1960’s Kurt Adler Christmas things I have. I have few kitties and other woodland animals from our local gift shop that are the right size as well.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Laura I love your new family member. I missed out on those dolls. Love her name too. I love brown so i probably would have picked the brown ensemble too. Thanks so much to you and Jeanne for sharing your wonderful pictures. What a cute little doggie. I have a friend who has a Yorkie who is going on 14 years. So cute. Her name is Harlee because her human mother used to ride a Harley. She and I are the same age so these days she’s traded it for a motor scooter. Says it’s easier to handle.

    Jeanne, you subscribe to the idea that “if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life”. Jo Flitton said that all the time. Sure wish she had been able to continue doing what she loved. As a collector of smaller dolls I really do miss her. My only option over the years has been finding something to earn a living. Creating was never on that short list. I was a secretary and did my creating whenever I could find time. Sadly I come from a family with amazing creative talent who tended to think of it only as a hobby.

    I’ve got an irritating job to do today. I have to move the things out of my refrigerator (yes, my new refrigerator) and put them in the one in the laundry room so I can turn off the one in the kitchen. Evidently there is a problem with the defrosting and ice builds up under what they call the pantry. A long drawer that is the width of the fridge. I love the idea but when the ice builds up you can’t get the drawer open. We tried what we thought might be causing it but on doing some research I found it to be a common problem. So why doesn’t Samsung recall them and fix them before they sell them? Good question, but they don’t. They used to be a hugely reputable company but it seems they’ve gone the way of so many others. Sean and Dionne bought a Samsung stove because of their reputation but they are constantly having to repair it. They get error codes while they are cooking dinner and worry they won’t be able to finish cooking before something gives out. They have a Samsung washer they are not too keen on either. Luckily my fridge is still under warranty and I’ve been told this will cost us nothing.

    Right now it is storming like crazy outside. Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. Sunny and cool. When David told me what we were in for today I figured he had to be wrong. Evidently some parts of Texas are in for it worse than us. Yikes! I just got a tornado warning on my phone. Guess I’d better go check it out.

    1. Thank you so much, Barbara! I’m so sorry you missed out on this doll. I think Sally was the first to mention her so I uploaded my certificate for my Requiem (Anaelle) to the fan club in case I liked the anniversary doll and did get to vote on one option, I think. When I saw she was historical, I was very interested. Still I did debated on spending that much and actually placed my order less than two hours before orders closed. Like Anaelle, I knew I would regret it and buying later off of eBay wouldn’t be an option. There was a brown one already for sale on Ebay (I checked just for fun and put her in my watchlist).The listing shows just “ended” so maybe the seller changed her mind. She was asking $300.00!!
      I know an Easter one is coming and there have already been three releases as well as two new core line dolls to come. The fan club probably has stuff first, but Red Red Doll Archive shows them as well.

    2. Joy in northern CA

      So sorry about the refrigerator. They don’t make them like they used to do they? We’ve looked at so many appliances and have yet to make a move. I wonder if your particular model is the only one with the defrost/ice problem? Have they redesigned it since your purchase? When we do decide on appliances, I’ll be asking you for sure. And it isn’t just Samsung that is slacking in the appliance department. Since very few if any brands are made in the U.S. anymore, I don’t have an answer as to which are the best. Hope yours can be fixed. Let us know how it goes. 🙂

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        As far as I know the problem is prevalent across the spectrum of Samsung fridges. The first problem I saw in my research involved an RV fridge. Evidently the part that heats up in the defrost process is not large enough and needs to be replaced with another part. I don’t know if this is the case with mine, but I’ll sure let everyone know what I find out tomorrow.

  8. Susette in Southern California

    Laura, your doll is beautiful. The underpinnings are certainly as beautiful as the dress. Cute accessories. I have Rose with the green dress. I wonder whether anyone on the blog has noticed how well the AG furniture fits the RRFF dolls if you have any, actually much better than AG dolls. My Rose has the Cecile desk which suits her just fine. I have yet to sew anything for RRFF dolls or any others since I had back surgery. Someday.

    1. Thank you so much, Susette! I was blown away at the quality of the outfit. Yes, someday I might sew something for my two as well as it would be fun to choose a specific fabric and pattern. I am perfectly content currently to have them wear what they came in as it goes with my bedroom furniture perfectly and they look sweet displayed on my chest of drawers.

      Yes, I saw on the doll board people who show RRFF with PC/AG furniture and it looks perfect. I only have Samantha’s PC desk, but I do intend to try it as it couldn’t be more ideal for this doll. I’m sure the NOLA desk looks beautiful as well. I also have tried certain pieces of the accessories (Felicity’s Reading and Writing lesson, Addy’s abacus, Josefina’s ink bottle, and even some of the food items and they all look great. Very helpful since these dolls have few accessories comparatively.

  9. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m posting later than usual today because Jeanne’s blog wasn’t up yet when I went to bed at 3 this morning (PST)!! I did email Jeanne, and she replied–just a matter of not hitting the “post’ button, apparently, so all is good again! As we all get older, I start worrying that “something has happened” if I don’t see an email or blog post when I usually see it!! Silly me….

    Jeanne, you are indeed fortunate to be able to do what you love as your occupation! I have done that a couple of times in my life–first as a Stretch & Sew instructor (early 80s) and then working in a doll shop (late 90s/early 2000s). It hardly felt like working sometimes!

    Laura, congratulations on the addition of Lark to your family! I’m sure Requiem is thrilled to have a sister and friend! I considered getting Rose myself, and sometimes I think maybe I should have, but….I would have doubtless chosen the magenta if I had–it’s one of my favorite colors–but I have to admit, the brown really does suit her better. I am thinking about getting Rita–I really love her deep blue eyes! I guess I’d better decide pretty soon!!

    I don’t usually rename my dolls (unless I have more than one with the same name, such as the Leeann dolls), but I usually do give them middle names. Thus my Molly (PC) is Molly Caroline (my paternal grandmother’s middle name) and Kirsten (PC) is Kirsten Augusta (my maternal grandmother’s middle name). However, if I get a doll that doesn’t have a name, that’s when I bring out the baby name books (I have quite a few!), and try to figure out who she/he is!!

    Barbara, I replied to two of your posts in yesterday’s blog–one about the Brussels sprouts and one about that restaurant.

    1. Thank you so much, Charlotte! I’m really glad I got this doll. Most of the RRFFs I can let pass without any or too much thought, but these two I have I don’t think I could have. I looked at Requiem probably 30 times over a couple of days and luckily she wasn’t sold out when I got her. For Lark I purchased within two hours of orders closing so very under the wire. The cost makes you pause.
      It’s fun for me to rename my dolls and personalizes them for me. There are so many fun choices.
      Oh, and by the way I forgot to mention we always called them scalloped potatoes as well. In fact, that’s all I see when you type it into a recipe page.

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