Addy shows you how she can model…

Don’t forget to check out the listing for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends that ends tonight (Thursday) “Oh, Oh, October” ends this evening on Ebay and you can take a peek at it by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or click HERE.
There are LOTS of watchers so make sure if you want it, you bid in time! :o) I had so much fun putting that one together, I’ll hate to see it go… Violette has already been undressed and has been sulking for days! (She doesn’t quite understand how things work in the house of a seamstress as opposed to a collector!)…although I have been quite the collector of these dolls, haven’t I?

Okay, now back to Addy’s dress. It’s all done, all photographed and I’m working on the listing as soon as I finish this post. It should go on Ebay Thursday evening…

I was hoping to maybe get some pictures of her outside in this set, but the weather didn’t cooperate and we had rain when I needed to be taking pictures, SO… I set up an outside scene as best as I could.. inside. A few leaves under foot and Samantha’s outside backdrop. :o)

I let her hair down and made a pretty “down the back” braided and tucked hairstyle. My Addy does have pretty hair and long too! It’s been a while since I styled it anyway except up. I made a little tie from the same fabric, so the winner can tie it around a braid or just wrap it around her head and tie it on top in a bow…

I found a basket and filled it with pumpkins, leaves and a few acorns… the winner will get those too…

She needed a slip to hold out her dress just a little bit, but I didn’t want her to have a boned crinoline, so I used 6 layers of tulle and added them to a dropped yoke, decorated, slip. It does a perfect job of holding out her dress out!

Well, that’s it for me…

I’ve been trying to divide my time up between the wedding dress alterations, a big birthday party for a friend, and a hayride at the end of the month… Busy is hardly the word to describe my life right now, but I’m looking forward to the end of the month! :o)

I hope to see you at the end of the auction Thursday evening… If not, I’ll see you Friday morning!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “Addy shows you how she can model…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    It will be interesting to see how this auction goes. Sometimes you start out with several bids, and it kind of stays there; then other times you’ll just have one bid for quite a bit and suddenly the bidding seems to explode!!

    Addy’s dress turned out beautifully, and it’s just perfect for her. If I had an Addy, I would definitely be tempted!!

    Can’t wait to see what you do for Molly!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, this is the perfect little dress for Addy! It’s not too fancy or too plain,……it’s just right! It looks comfy to wear too, and the slip holds out her dress perfectly! Love the sweet little hair ribbon you made for her!
    The basket of pumpkins will be perfect for her Momma to make some pies for Thanksgiving!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    How nice to see Addy with her hair down. Cute. So glad you switched to her as a model. Perfect dress for a fall scene and your indoor improvisation worked perfectly for photos.
    I was able to sneak in my latest Winona, Wyatt, and Kelly, without being detected by other person. Yay. We were in the backyard trimming a huge hedge. Other person was on top of the playhouse with the pole pruner when I thought I heard a truck. I stopped cutting up hedge and dashed through the gate and around the house and up the thirteen steps finding the package on the porch. šŸ™‚ Put the package under the bench and back down the steps, around the house, and into the yard. With other person still absorbed with the pole pruner, I tackled the thirteen back steps up to the deck, went into the house and out the front door. Retrieved the big box and deposited it in a secure location. Back outside, down the thirteen steps, and back to cutting hedge trimmings. šŸ™‚
    However, my last package (why do they all come on the same day?) is a fiasco. It was coming UPS, so I could track the truck. We had an errand, before starting on the hedge, and as we were driving, I actually saw the truck. Oh no, the package will be left on the porch and other person will see it upon our return. Well, when we headed home a half hour later, there was no package. I checked the truck’s progress and now it was far away. So, on with the hedge. On one of my trips inside with the other package that arrived safely, I checked the truck’s progress again and found that it was finally getting closer. We finished up the hedge and loaded the yard can. Then back inside. Now the truck was much closer. I walked out in front and actually saw the truck heading up the cross street not far from us. Other person was in the living room watching the news. I kept looking out the window for the truck. No sign of it. Finally, checked tracking again and it said “Delivered to the porch.” What? how can that be? Double checked the porch, the steps, by the garage, everywhere. No package in sight. Went back on the computer and filed a package not delivered claim with UPS. Apparently, the driver delivered my package to the wrong house. I even walked over to the neighbors house to see if it was on her porch. Nope. Not there. Not across the street on porches either. Have no idea where my dolly package may be, but it was not left here. So, my latest doll has disappeared. Wasn’t kidnapped by a porch pirate here and have no idea where he was inadvertently left. Can only hope an honest person calls UPS to let them know they have him. Ugh.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, oh my goodness, the Case of the Disappearing Doll. I hope she will be found.

      That happened to me once. I bought a doll on etsy. The vendor sent the tracking information. Somewhere between the vendor’s house and the USPS pick up truck, the doll disappeared. The vendor was very pro-active in trying to find out what happened. We never did. The vendor let me pick out another doll for no charge.

      Good subterfuge tactics with the other dolls!

    2. Joy in northern CA

      I have a very happy ending to my lost dolly package story. A few minutes ago, a neighbor down the street brought the package to our door. As I thought, it was delivered to them instead of us. Our addresses aren’t even close. I think it was the end of his route and he was probably tired. Regardless, UPS should be more careful. Anyway, my new guy, James is here now. However, other person was standing right inside the door and of course saw the box. I told him it was a doll bed. šŸ™‚

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Joy, well the box was kind of a bed that James used while he traveled so technically you were accurate (laugh).

        I am so glad that the story had a happy ending. Dolly stories should always have happy endings!

  4. Barbara in SE Texas

    Addy’s dress is perfect and I love her hairstyle and tie. I love plaids and I love browns so this dress is absolutely perfect by my thinking.

    Yesterday we had Chelsy put to sleep. It was supposed to be on Tuesday but the vet’s wife had an eye emergency (detached retina) and he had to rush her to Katy. That made two days we had to think about it. Not fun. But she is now in doggy Heaven romping in the fields and back to her healthy former self. She will be so missed.

    Well, I got my new fiber optic internet yesterday and as luck would have it, it’s not working. My modem is not connecting. So I sent my technician a text message and am waiting to hear back from him. He said let him know if there was a problem. So I’m back on my other internet since I didn’t want to cancel it until I was sure all was good to go. I wanted this off my to-do list before we left on our trip. Hopefully it will be a quick fix.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Barbara, so sorry to hear about your doggie. I am sending BIG hugs to you from PA.

    2. Dear Barbara, my heart goes out to you for Chelsy. I’ve shared this here before and thought it would bring some comfort to you as well. i’ve loved it since i found it many years ago

      The Loss of a Beloved Pet

      I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep.
      I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep.
      I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear,
      “It’s me, I haven’t left you, I’m well, I’m fine, I’m here.”
      I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea,
      You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me.
      I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore.
      I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more.
      I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care.
      I want to re-assure you, that I’m not lying there.
      I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key.
      I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said ” it’s me.”
      You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair.
      I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there.
      It’s possible for me, to be so near you everyday.
      To say to you with certainty, “I never went away.”
      You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew…
      In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you.

      The day is over… I smile and watch you yawning
      and say “good-night, God bless, I’ll see you in the morning.”
      And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide,
      I’ll rush across to greet you and we’ll stand, side by side.
      I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.

      Be patient, live your journey out…then come home to be with me.

      Author ~ unknown

      ((HUGS)) Laura

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Thanks so much Laura. It is such a beautiful poem. I think the sense of loss is worse today because I keep looking for her. She used to lie behind the breezeway door to the garage and we would have to look through the window to see where she was before we came in. She couldn’t hear us coming any longer so we looked out for her. In the morning she would bark when the boys came to start work. That would tell me they were here safe and sound. I was sure I heard her barking this morning. Last evening I watched David put the dirt over her beautiful casket. He had made it years ago not for her at the time but for any of the animals who might need it. We covered a cushion and put it in there. David said it still looked new. He laid her in her favorite sleeping position. We had another dog years ago but she was mostly Andi and Sean’s. On camping trips they had backpacking tents and she took turns sleeping in one tent and then the other. Chelsy was David’s and he hoped to take her to the shop each day but she just got under his feet which is a bad thing around power tools so she and I spent the last twelve years hanging out together each day. Mostly she sat on her settee in the breezeway communing with the nature outside until there was a thunder storm. Then she got very cuddly. Thanks again for the lovely poem. Maybe I did hear her barking this morning.

    3. Joy in northern CA

      So sorry to hear about Chelsey, but know she is in a better place. So hard when one of our pets becomes uncomfortable. Our last and final pet was Charlie our daughter’s cat. I cried so hard when it was his time. I’m even crying now. Thinking of you and family.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a pretty dress for Addy to wear as she makes her way along the streets in Philadelphia.

  6. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Barbara I am so sorry about Chelsy. It is always distressing. Sam’s dog (Gizmo) is showing all the symptoms of Doggy Dementia so we are trying to prepare Ashley for the inevitable. Sam looked it up on line, there will come a time when we have to let him go. At the moment he is confused but not unhappy. The person on line said it was time to end their misery when the confusion scares them and he isn’t at that point yet. He is also still not messing in the house (which will probably come) I’m afraid that will be a step too far for me.

    Joy I do hope you find out what happened to your baby and they make it home safely. Loved your latest antics with the delivery that did make it. You should write a book it would be a hit lol.

    Jeanne, Violette must have thought she was being especially favoured as the only one with lovely clothes while the other girls had to sit on the shelf with nothing but their panties! It was a hard lesson for her to learn. I’m looking forward to seeing the end of the auction tomorrow. I love Addy’s outfit she looks great.
    I can’t believe how busy you are. I’m exhausted just reading about it lol. I had covid about a month ago, I wasn’t very ill and those symptoms didn’t last very long but I struggled with doing more than the basics. Finally this week I am starting to feel a bit better and more ready to tackle other things.

    Take care everyone

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks Anne. I thought I was prepared. Whew can you ever be. We were having the problem where she was messing in the house and in her kennel. She would never have done that before. David sleeps in his recliner in the living room and Chelsy’s kennel was nearly beside him in the dining room. We would always put her out before she went in her “room” but if David heard her whimpering in the night he would get up and let her out. Lately we have had to keep her in the kitchen/breezeway area because of this. It broke my heart that she couldn’t come in the living room with us even though she usually didn’t much. But when I went to the kitchen she would be laying close to the door and I knew she wanted to be near us. The past couple weeks she had spent a lot of time in my study with me which she rarely used to do. In some ways she was more like a cat than a dog. Sure wish animal and people years were more compatible. But in dog years she was 91. A ripe old age.

  7. Addy looked so fallish and color coordinated. Her hair was sweet down with the hair ribbon too. Perfect dress for right now.
    Joy you must be in really good shape to be running..up and down stairsā€¦and trimming the hedge and up and down stairs againšŸ˜‰ That UPS man may remember where he left itā€¦can you contact him?
    Iā€™m finishing a pretty dress from a kit that was meant to fit a Bleuette, but since I only have one and she has many dresses Iā€™m trying to make it fit my Little Darling.
    I have a whole new admiration for you Jeanne after putting on 6 teeny snaps up the back. My handwork leaves a lot to be desired. I took out gathers and seams that were only 1/4ā€ and made them 1/8ā€ to get every little bit. Luckily there was a piece inside covering gathers that I took off and used to extend the dropped waist band. Now there is a velveteen coat that needs to be longerā€¦took the hem down but the hem line is still visibleā€¦any ideas to help it disappear?

  8. Exceptional added accessories to a perfect dress. A collector will be so happy to win your creation! Love Addyā€™s hairstyle and her photo background.

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