Two more pieces for Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Violette!

HI everyone,
I had another full day and hope to maybe share a little of it with you in a day or two. (I just remembered Joy mentioning wanting to possibly see Violette in the beret with the gathers taken up a bit for her… I’ll try and remember to get some pictures of that!)

But let’s get right to Violette and her ever growing list of things for her new debut outfit! I had told you I found a pair of sheer black thigh highs I was using in my pictures as I showed off her new black boots… they were actually some I had made for my Wren Pistachio doll and were pretty long for knee socks, so they were scrunched up in her black boots. I found some nice little girls tights in my stash (it’s what I used to make my socks and thigh highs and occasional tights) so I made Violette a brand new pair of knee socks to go with all the other new things she’s gotten lately! They are wonderful and easily slide up her legs.

I also wanted her skirt pleats to flare out just a little bit, so I made a slip for her with just a few gathers and it works just as I had hoped…

So I think I am done! YAY! I will do my best to get it listed Tuesday evening, but again, you never know what might happen around here.

Here are the pieces included in this set!

I will see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Two more pieces for Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Violette!”

  1. What a great set this has turned out to be, Jeanne! I suspect a bidding war may take place–especially if the dollies get access to their mothers’ credit cards!! 😂🤣😂

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    This is the kind of outfit I would dress my daughter in when she was still a little girl, Jeanne! I loved to put outfits together for her, and outfits like this hit it out of the box! Maybe I’m treating my dolls like a daughter! LOL

    The slip is perfect, and who would go without a slip anyway? Seems like a lot of people do now! In my mind dresses and skirts need a slip! The stockings are just the thing too, and so glad they fit so well!

    Whoever gets this set will have one lucky little girl,… I mean doll!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’m with you about the slip thing. When David and I first met his girls were 7 and 9. It was in May and their mother never had them wear slips under their dresses. That might have worked when they were toddlers but at 7 and 9 I got tired of seeing their panties through their lightweight summer dresses, but I had little say-so at the time. My mother came to visit the following October. The first thing she said when she saw them in dresses was your girls need slips. I told her that if I bought slips for them they (the slips) would end up at the church thrift shop because if they came from me their mother wouldn’t let them wear them. So my mother had a great idea. She just bought them slips for a Christmas present that year and she did that each year until they were old enough to take care of the situation themselves.

      1. Your mother was brilliant, Barbara! Problem solved!

        I remember years ago when we had to call our neighbor girl (then a teenager) after she’d been over to show us her new prom dress. We saw her cross the street back to her house, and she had no slip on! So I called and told her, the dress is to sheer to wear without a slip–we could see your underwear when the sun was behind you as you went home!–and she did put a slip on. (she had them, just hadn’t thought to put one on under the long dress, I guess.)

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Prayers for you, Karen! We will be thinking of you, and hope you will be holding your new little baby girl soon!

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Great news, Karen. I’ll bet her sisters are very excited to meet her. Girls Rule!! 🙂

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Karen, you are in my prayers. I hope that as I type these words you are holding your precious baby in your arms.

    4. Barbara in SE Texas

      Praying that all goes well for you. A new arrival is so exciting. For me these days it’s grandchildren but having my own just seems like yesterday. Love to see pictures of your lovely, growing family.

    5. Dear Karen, may God bless you and keep you and your baby girl safe in His care. Prayers for a safe delivery and we can’t wait to see and hear all about her.

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        Thank you all ladies! She is alive and well and I will send pictures to Jeanne and more details.

        1. A big congratulations, Karen. I’m sure her sisters are over the moon with her. Just think, a real live doll to dress.

    6. Marilyn in Colorado

      Congratulations on you beautiful new daughter. We’ll hope she likes dolls, but really, she can like anything she wants. God keep you all healthy and happy.

    7. Oh Karen!!!
      What a special day this has been for you and your family! Congratulations on your new baby girl. May the Lord bless both you and your new daughter with health and stamina. Thank you Lord, for the miracle of life!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Just looking at those great boots makes me think that a video of the evolution of Jeanne’s shoe making would be fun to see. It would be inspirational. The “now” shoes are works of art. You had better keep an eye on them, as Violette, may be planning on hiding them away. 🙂

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, this is the perfect go-to-school outfit! The winning little dolly will be delighted.

  5. If that isn’t the cutest set! Violette looks amazing in it along with the slip( yes it is the perfect fullness) and socks …and shoes…and purse…and beret. Wish little girls still dressed like that!
    Off to Doll Club to make Hankie dresses… Can’t wait.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love this adorable outfit. It has it all. Can’t wait to see what this goes for.

    It’s around 11 a.m. here and still only around 70. David usually takes the dog out in the morning but he’s on his way back from Kansas so I did it. Usually when you open the door around 8 a.m. it’s like someone threw a wet blanket over you. This morning I actually got goosebumps when I opened the door so it must have been in the 60s then. Dare we hope some fall weather is on the way.

  7. Violette’s whole set is just lovely. She is perfectly dressed from head to toe. She looks the way I used to dress my daughter with all those extra little touches. She always wore slips under dresses

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    This is a different look, entirely in keeping with Violette’s personality and RRFF’s best looks. Send Rebecca back to the drawing board once every few months.

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