Take Saturday off…play with your dolls

Hi everyone,
I don’t have a doll post for today… I was going to show you better the American Girl outfits I gave you a peek at yesterday, but that will have to wait.

I worked at the Food Pantry today and was fine until I went in the outside building where the freezers of meat and frozen things are kept. It was extremely hot today, with the heat index over 100, but as soon as I stepped inside that building, I felt sick… it was like opening the door to an oven. I only stayed in there 4 or 5 minutes but knew I had to get out. When I got back to the main building, I got sick to my stomach twice. My arms and hands were tingling and my whole body felt like it was pulsating. One lady was still there and she stayed with me while I sat in a chair and drank some water.

I think I was about 1 minute away from a heat stroke…

I managed to drive home and when I got home I had the chills and just wanted to go to bed. I did and didn’t get up until 8:00… I feel better but not enough to write a post… I’m just going to bed soon…

Hope you have a nice 4th of July weekend.

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “Take Saturday off…play with your dolls”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    OH, no!! I’m so sorry you were ill today, Jeanne. I hope that heat stroke was “all” it was, and you are feeling Much better when you read this. Please be sure to stay well-hydrated (when I was in Africa 23 years ago, we were told to just sip-sip-sip all day long, and not wait until we got thirsty. It worked well, I never got overheated to the point of even slight illness, and I’ve carried that into my everyday life).

    I like my water COLD, so I bought several Tupperware Eco bottles, and keep them washed and filled with tap water in the fridge all the time. We have six of the ones that hold about a pint each, and three of the smaller ones. When it’s hot, I will even partially fill one and stick it in the freezer overnight, then add chilled water to it and carry it with me in an insulated bottle tote I made (I’ve made a few of those). It works for me!

    I am making progress on the seventh and last pair of shortalls for my LD dolls! I need to hem the pant legs, and then attach the bib/waistband assembly. After that, it’s just the inseams and the snaps.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh Jeanne, I completely understand how you were feeling! It was terribly hot and humid yesterday, and I did not stay out long at all, just enough to water the flowers. You have to take care of yourself, since you are the caretaker of someone else! Sipping water every now and then, like Charlotte mentioned, is the right thing to do. Sometimes we don’t realize that we need it, and just go on our merry way, until we start feeling sick. Then too, all the in and out of air conditioning is not a good idea. Please take care of yourself!!

    I would love to get to the Botanical Garden to see the daylily display, but for sure, this weather is not helping! We may even miss it this year, which is a shame. I do have a few lilies blooming in my own yard, and they might be the only ones I see this year!

  3. Oh no! Thank goodness you recognized that a heat stroke was coming! Too radical a temperature change and our bodies can’t handle it. You’ve gotten perfect advice for helping prevent another one in the future.
    Take good care of you!❤️

  4. Take care Jeanne. Hope you our are feeling better. I experienced heat stroke once- not fun. It’s a scary feeling.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Jeanne, you were very lucky that someone was still at the FP. Should you have remained in the outer building and collapsed, it could have been much more dangerous. Your body told you to do the right thing. Get out! There are two different heat related possibilities, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. I believe that you had heat exhaustion.

    What is the difference between heat exhaustion and heatstroke? Found this medical explanation.

    Both heat exhaustion and heat stroke are serious conditions. Heat exhaustion begins with general muscle weakness, sudden excessive sweating, nausea and vomiting, and possible fainting. A heat stroke is when your body’s internal temperature reaches over 103 degrees. You begin experiencing a loss or change of consciousness, agitated, unexplained behavior changes, hot, red, and dry skin. All of these symptoms should be taken seriously. Call your medical professionals immediately upon onset. According to Healthline, If you experience heat exhaustion for an extended period of time, heatstroke may occur. While many experience heat exhaustion symptoms before heat stroke, it’s not always the case.

    I also read that one shouldn’t drink cold ice water in this situation as in an affected individual, the extreme cold water can cause stomach cramps. Just cool water is best. Now, don’t do that again please and take it easy today as they say it can take a few days to recover completely.

    That said, hope everyone can keep cool if they are having heat. Here, it is another foggy morning and cool. Should be perfect weather for continuing our work in the yard. We’re trying to uncover things eaten by blackberry bushes. Ugh. But, the highlight yesterday was discovering a rosebush I had forgotten about buried under vines. And it was still alive. We are fortunate that the vines haven’t taken over all of the yard, just in a few places. 🙂
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Joy, we constantly battle blackberry vines here in western Washington! I’m glad your rose bush was still alive! Hopefully it will begin to thrive again.

  6. Judi in Oregon

    Jeanne,, how awful for you. I hope you are feeling better today and take it easy this weekend.

    Take care everyone and have a great weekend.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, I am so glad you are feeling better today but that was a close call yesterday. I’ve been keeping an eye on the guys as they work outside, but they have kept time in the sun to a minimum and are staying well hydrated. It took twice as long to prepare the areas for the concrete but it was definitely worth the wait. All this was supposed to be done in early spring but life definitely does happen when you are making other plans, as you well know. We had to wait on David’s knee replacement recovery to get started.

    Normally I’m terrible about drinking except for meals and then I usually drink water, but I’m mostly in A/C all day. If I’m outside for any length of time in the heat here in Texas I make sure to stay hydrated. But where I ran into trouble was in Colorado. When my daughter moved there she kept a water bottle with her 24/7 but I didn’t think about that when we used to go there on vacation. I kept getting migraines and we thought it was the altitude, but then I read somewhere that staying hydrated would stop that. I tried it and never had a migraine in Colorado again. I’m just rarely really thirsty so I have to think about drinking.

    Thanks, Joy, for posting the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke. I’ve had heat exhaustion and managed to get into the house and cool down before it got worse. But one year when we were in Arlington, TX (near Dallas) for Highland Games my friend stayed out too long and to make matters worse she was drinking alcoholic drinks. She collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. She recovered but it was pretty dicey for awhile.

    Jaiden and I made it to American Girl yesterday and had a great time. She got a skirt and top for herself and a matching outfit and a pair of shoes for her 18″ doll. She wanted one of the big stuffed animals and got the multi-colored kitty plus the one for her doll. Then to my surprise she wanted a Wellie. She has Willa but never played with her but I bought her before Jaiden knew what to do with a doll. She picked Ashlynn and an outfit for her. To my surprise Wellie Kendall jumped into the shopping bag and said she wanted to go home with me. I’ve wanted Kendall for quite awhile so that worked for both of us. When we checked out Jaiden got two free items. One was what they had put together for the Olympics. It was a jacket and several medals for her doll and a medal for her. The other item was a scrunchie for her and one for her doll. Since the bistro was only serving meals for special occasions and you had to make reservations, we decided to have lunch at Wendy’s. I’d been wanting to go there while I was in Houston since we don’t have one in Sealy. They have their summer strawberry chicken salad right now and I always loved their special salads. It was very good. We both had strawberry Frosties for dessert. It was a fun day. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do this again but we did make a memory. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures.

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Barbara, I’m so glad that Jaiden and you had a lovely day at AGP. How fun that you each got a Wellie. Those dolls can be sneaky and slip into your bag when you don’t expect it.

    2. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

      Hello Barbara,
      Your day with your granddaughter sounds spectacular! I went down to the AGP last year with my Aunt and cousin and had so much fun! My aunt made reservations for the restaurant so we were able to eat there! Your Wendy’s experience sounds good though! I do really want to try that strawberry 🍓 frosty!

      Dear Jeanne I am so sorry to hear of your terrible heat sickness! The sun ☀️ can be great thing to give us warmth and vitamin D but when we are in it too long we have to be careful! I remember when I was at a Volleyball Camp. They let us get in the pool for a while to cool down but for me it wasn’t long enough and my body just wasn’t cool yet. So we got out and start playing again and my dad had to come pick me up. I was dizzy, my head hurt and so did my stomach! When he got there I laid down in the backseat and I felt SO bad because I threw up in the backseat of his car!!!!

      On that note 📝 Everyone, have a Wonderful and Safe Fourth of July 🇺🇸 Weekend!

      If I learned anything from “Hamilton” it’s that the war for Independence came at a BIG PRICE. So, VALUE YOUR INDEPENDENCE!

    3. Joy in northern CA

      Oh, what a grand time for Jaiden, and you too! I’m sure it will be a life time memory for her. What a fun time for both of you. 🙂

    4. Charlotte Trayer

      What a fun day you had with Jaiden, Barbara!! Even though you didn’t take pictures, you (and she) will always remember it!!

      Congrats on the addition of Kendall! I seem to remember your mentioning her once or twice in the past, so I’m really glad you got her.

      We have a Wendy’s about two miles from us, and when we were their a week or so ago, I had the strawberry chicken salad, too–one of my favorites!! (And Panera has a chicken salad that has strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, and mandarin oranges in it, which is really good, too! 😁)

  8. Laura in Ohio

    I hope that you’re feeling better, Jeanne. I do agree with Joy that you probably had heat exhaustion. If you had continued you would have had heatstroke. I had heatstroke as a young teen because I didn’t recognize the symptoms. i was taking tennis lessons and nearly past out on the court. Luckily, my instructor knew what to do fast.

    I do plan to play with my dolls today, my furry dolls that is. =^-^=

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Laura, we have more in common than I thought. I too passed out from the heat during tennis lessons. That was a very long time ago. Never did do well in the heat or tennis for that matter. 🙂

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Hi Joy, I don’t do the best in the heat either and the amount of humidity has a lot to do with it. I didn’t do well at tennis either. Lessons that summer were my dad’s idea because a dentist collegue’s daughter was taking them and he thought i should,too, plus we had just moved and it connected me to a couple friends. I did end up choosing tennis and volleyball for Phys Ed because they beat track or something else..

        1. Joy in northern CA

          Ha ha on the P.E. I made the dance team so no sports involving round objects for me. I had dance all through high school. I was so lucky. 🙂

  9. Holy moly Jeanne! I was so scared for you just reading about your heat exhaustion. We think we can do anything but sometimes Mother Nature catches up and gives us a reminder to be careful. What awesome advice you were given from these knowledgeable ladies. Charlottes water hints and Joys explanation of heat stroke vs exhaustion and Barbara’s hint for altitude we’re all great. I know I don’t drink enough either so will try to be better about it.
    Barbara your AG adventure will be such a wonderful memory for you and your granddaughter. I remember my trip to the AG store in Chicago with some doll friend…. what a memorable day it was.
    Keep resting and drinking Jeanne and really watch it for the rest of the summer…once it happens at least you will recognize the symptoms.((HUGS))❤️

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am so glad you made it home safely. You have been moving at warp speed over the last few weeks. Your body was probably telling you to slow down. The heat on top of that didn’t help. Do rest and stay hydrated.

    For you and the Sofa Sisters who would like to stay dolly connected during this long weekend, you can watch UFDC’s online videos from past programs. Here is the link:

    Happy 4th to everyone who celebrates it. A toast to all who worked and work so hard to keep our country’s flag flying high!

    1. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

      I second that Dorothy!
      “Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.”

      This is still Lauren. I just finally feel comfortable sharing where I am from!

  11. You have to be more careful with yourself. This hot weather can be really bad for some of us. I hope you feel better soon, but you need to just take it as easy as long as you need to. Maybe eat some ice cream, and drink cold lemonade.😊😊

  12. Hi everyone,
    Just wanted to let know I’m okay… I slept until 10:00 Saturday morning and when I got up I was a little weak feeling, but felt better as the day went on. I think it was, as Joy said, heat exhaustion… it was incredibly hot and super humid and I just couldn’t handle it.
    I plan to carry on just as I was going to. ..Trying to get things done in my sewing room…
    Thanks for all your prayers!!
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better, Jeanne–thanks for the update!

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Jeanne, I echo Charlotte. We are glad you are doing better. Happy 4th tomorrow!

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