Flip Flops for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends…

I have been busy as you’ll see in a second. Every evening when I had a few spare minutes I was either cutting out soles or wrapping the ribbons around the various trims I was using. It’s just like my shoes, every pair I make I get a little faster and hopefully a little better. I have the size of my soles perfected, and know the order of putting them together, but still figuring out which trims work better and which edgings work best too.

As much as I have tried to eliminate steps and fine tune my flip flops, it still takes me about 45 minutes to get a pair made. I was thinking of tracing a whole bunch of soles onto the leather and taking them with me to cut out when I’m in the hospital with my hubby. There are 3 layers of soles for each shoe… the first layer has a hole cut in it and the toe strap run through a hole and glued in place. Then another layer is added making the sole a little stiffer… then the straps are pulled in place and glued under the second layer. A third sole is then put on the bottom to make it neat… then the trim is glued around the edges. Some of the waiting is for the glue to dry.

So I was planning on putting them in my Etsy shop… but I don’t want to put them in there this week as I’m leaving on Sunday to go out of town for my hubby’s knee surgery. Rebecca and Karn are coming in Saturday or Sunday… not sure.

I don’t want to be worrying about the shoes while I’m gone so I will have to wait… I’m going to sell them for $15.00 with free shipping. I hope that seems fair…

I did get my Etsy shop back… it was actually Karn and Rebecca who figured it out… and my shop ended up not being hacked at all. It was a mistake with 2 different emails for my shop. I called Rebecca one night and begged her to help me figure out some way to get back in my shop. I had received an email from someone with Etsy saying something about dual email addresses not being allowed. Karn asked me if I had changed my email address… I told him I could check and looked back at some notes when I first started my shop back in 2012. I gave him another email and he asked me if I happened to know the password for that email. He was on the phone with me as I was giving him this information… When I gave him the password I had previously used, and he tried it, INSTANTLY my Etsy shop was back up and all restored. You should have heard me whooping and hollering… them too! :o) Somehow, I’m still not entirely sure, but my email address changed back in August to the one I use now, and apparently that was the whole problem… whatever it was, I just had to contact Etsy and tell them the ONE email address I wanted to use and not have two! I was SO SO SO happy! But I haven’t listed anything in there yet… but I will soon…

Okay, now for some pictures of the flip flops… I have a dozen pairs made up… and you can see the fit on several of them on my RRFF doll. They stay on the dolls feet and if they would ever happen to get loose, you can take a small piece of scotch tape and make it into a roll and put it on the bottom of your dolls foot and stick it to the suede side of the sole… So far all of them seem to stay on very well…

Well, I hope you like them…
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Flip Flops for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, Jeanne, Hallelujah, that you got your Etsy shop up and running again!! Thank goodness for Karn figuring it out for you!

    The flipflops are just darling, and I’m pretty sure there are some girls here who would love some!! At the moment my favorites are the first two pairs being modeled (pinky/purpley and light green), but that could change!! Hopefully they’ll be in your shop soon (but let’s get George’s surgery done and over with first!). You said you’re “leaving Sunday”–is that the 12th, you mean? Will be keeping both of you in prayer, as well as George’s doctor, that all goes smoothly, and the knee turns out as is should this time!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, so glad your Etsy shop is again open! That’s a load off your mind, I am sure, especially now that you have all those darling summer flip flops to sell!

    I will be holding you both in prayer as George goes through his surgery. Let’s hope the third one is the charm!

  3. Yay! Etsy shop is back!
    The flip flops looks terrific! I need a couple of pairs:). Love those cork soles with the darker ribbon. My boys have picked out their faves:)
    Prayers for George’s surgery🙏🏻

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    Best wishes for George’s surgery. Both of you are knee-replacement recovery experts now. That will help a lot.

    Keep a couple pairs of flip-flops as inspiration for a couple of summer outfits. The ones trimmed in red with red roses on blue ribbon would start a cute outfit, and the ones with brown and white ribbons would work nicely for another market outfit — the past ones were winners.

    I think putting a selection in your Etsy shop is a great idea — nice for all the RRFF owners, Congratulations on the reopening of your shop. Rebecca married a man who fits right into your family.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, wow, you have a real Flip Flop Factory going on at your house! The shoes are amazing.

    Take care of yourself and your husband. We will hold you both in prayer.

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Joy, thank you for the sweet comment on Samantha’s tiny tea. I can’t wait to see your Queen’s tea party pictures.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, you are welcome. I am sure Jeanne will post them when she has a moment.

        I just love dolly teas!

  6. Joy in northern CA

    A big Yay! on the Etsy shop. Who would have thought that an email could have caused the problem, but I thought that you had someone who had bought an item and then not received it and then you had to refund? Oh well, sounds like it is fixed now.
    So, the latest shoe production line is wonderful. Like Shara, we could use some thongs in dark brown for the boys around here, and even better, would be the same for the Siblie boys here who have no sandals at all. 🙂 Their feet are just slightly smaller than the RRFF kids. Could you shrink a pair with foot measurements for them? I don’t think you have a Siblie?
    Had a fun day yesterday seeing the grands and catching up with their swim meets, graduation from 5th grade, and amusement park activities on the big screen. So hard to believe that oldest grand it heading to middle school.
    We actually had measurable rain here. The plants are loving it. Today, it is back to clear blue skies. Hope my seeds sprout soon. We’re so far behind George.
    So, I suppose that George will have to spend a night or two in the hospital after his surgery? Then home for nurse Jeanne to handle. Will there be physical therapy at home for awhile? Hope so, as hopping in the car for that might take awhile. But, then you would know all of the tricks after the several surgeries already. Hope George has that ice machine that everyone recommends. I know that my mother in law had one years ago, which really helped her recovery.
    And on to a beautiful June day. 🙂

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Hopefully I can get this comment finished before the cable people come to replace my cable. My driveway contractor (that would be hubby David) managed to snag my cable the other day with his laser-controlled bulldozer mast and I was down for that day and part of the next. It did turn out to be a good thing in a way. Squirrels had done some damage and the cable guy replaced it with something that is squirrel resistant (notice I didn’t say squirrel proof). He’s coming today to rerun some of the cable to reduce the number of splitters that is also causing some of my problems (pixilating shows or losing them altogether).

    I’ll start with the comment that didn’t go the other day. I love Ten Ping’s hat and the cute little frayed flower. Such an adorable outfit. Will Ten Ping’s clothes fit my Ginny doll? She’s the same height but I don’t know about measurements. If they did I could bid on some of the outfits you make for Ten Ping. They might also fit my Heartstring/Little Charming dolls. If I had Ten Ping’s measurements I would know for sure.

    Now for today. Double Hallelujah that you got your Etsy shop back. Will Rebecca be adding some of her beautiful jewelry to your site? What a wonderful plethora of flip flops! I can tell that these will be a “best seller”. You may have started a ball rolling that could well occupy a lot of your time. It’s good you are getting flip flops down to a science.

    I can relate to Joy’s comment about finding it hard to believe when the first grand heads to middle school. That was last year for us. This next school year Skyy will be in 7th grade and once they hit middle school the years seem to fly until high school graduation. But we have a couple much younger in the mix. I’m hoping to still be hanging around when our youngest is in middle school. He’s 18 months.

    Weather here is hot and we keep being promised rain but it doesn’t make it this far. Hopefully we’re not in for a long dry spell. The grass is already getting crunchy.

  8. Laura in Ohio

    Happy for you that you got your Etsy shop back, Jeanne. The flip flops are adorable and so many cute choices.
    Prayers for George that this knee surgery fixes things completely.
    I enjoyed seeing Queen Elizabeth coming out on the balcony in her bright green suit.

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    I am flipping for your flip flops! Looking forward to seeing them in your Etsy shop. In the meantime many prayers for safe travels and successful surgery for George’s knee surgery.

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