American Girl Molly, shows her new camping gear…

One of these days I’ll be back in my sewing room, but I don’t think I even stepped foot in there today… my hubby, the chickens, Reuben, Physical Therapy, making lunch and dinner, getting my stuff all unpacked and the bedrooms back in order, AND taking a much needed nap was what my day was all about! I didn’t even go to the Food Pantry, which I try to go to every Friday!

Then we have Linda, who saved the day with her pictures of Molly, showing off her new camping supplies with her friends. (I’ll post some World Dolls Day pictures soon… if you have something to share, please send it to me and I’ll add it to the ones I’ve already received.)

This is what Linda shared about her pictures…

I have all the camping gear that Molly has, plus a few add-on’s. What you can’t see are the sit-upons, that the girls are wearing around their waist.

Betsy is sitting on the new one I just got with the Capture the Flag set.

Molly now has her oar, and she is holding her can of bugs, which you have to know the story, to know why she has them! They all have their whistles and Ruthie is holding the flashlight that really works. The campfire is not Molly’s, just one I got from AG, but it lights up and also has children singing campfire songs. Betsy came along, and is roasting her marshmallows by the fire. She has no camp outfit, but a pair of red shorts and a white tip will do it for her. All in all, they are having a wonderful time! I do have a cute little red lantern,……somewhere! I’ll find it probably when I put this all away!

Thanks for the pictures Linda… so much to look at. I hope everyone clicks on the pictures and zooms in on all the little things that make camping so much fun!

I’m hoping by Monday things will have settled down and my life is somewhat normal again…

Thanks everyone, have a wonderful weekend,
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

28 thoughts on “American Girl Molly, shows her new camping gear…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, thank you for showing my pictures, although I can’t figure out why Betsy is so” fuzzy” looking! She must have been moving too much! Ha, ha! It took awhile to get all this together, so it is going to stay up a good long while, maybe 3 weeks before they go on to other adventures. Now, if my grandson comes over, oh gosh, it all has to be put away, except the dolls! As anyone can see, there is no room for a camper or tent of any sort! I can’t even open her sleeping bag!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend too, and celebrates Father’s Day if you have a special father in your life. We will be having chocolate pie, Michael’s favorite, for sure! The weather looks so much better for the weekend, before it heats up again to 101 degrees Monday, or is it Tuesday? It doesn’t really matter, it’s too hot to even think about it!!

    I hope George has some relief soon. It can only get better for him.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, your children are adorable. They are prepared for the meal and have set out a nice spread.

      I always think of campers as being accomplished at taking care of themselves in all situations. I bet they are very handy around the house.

      I love seeing the compass.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Dorothy, you saw the compass? Wow, I didn’t think anyone would notice that, since it is so small! Well, I don’t know about my group doing anything around the house! They sure have ME getting things out for THEM! They sure are fun though! Thank you for the compliment!

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    You definitely have your hands more than full these days, Jeanne! I’m glad you got a nap in there. Sometimes that’s even more important (gasp!!) than sewing!!

    Linda, thank you for sharing your pictures. I love seeing how you set up the scenes. I know I have the complete set of Molly’s books, but I don’t think I’ve read them all, so perhaps I can do that this weekend, and find out about that can of bugs!

    Dorothy, the mammogram went about as well as those things can, I guess. At least I don’t think there will be bruises this time. (Once there were–the lady was very rough, and I complained and she told me it wasn’t that bad, and I was okay…) As for something fun to do, not today, but Saturday (remember, I’m a night owl, it’s still Fri. night for me!) I am going to the huge CTA Sale not far from here. It’s an annual event (or was until Covid threw a monkey wrench in the works) and the fabrics, notions, and patterns that are sold are all donated. I saw on FB that they had an entire storage unit FILLED with stuff, and it took two box truck loads to get it all to the church where the sale will be held. Not that I need anything more (I donated six good-sized bags of stuff myself), but it’s fun to look, and to hang out with like-minded people. Undoubtedly I will see some people I know, too.

    By the way, CTA stands for Clothing and Textile Advisors, and they help out at our annual sewing expo, as well as teach summer sewing camps to local kids who want to learn. The money these sales bring in pay for supplies and such for the camps.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Charlotte! I too have all of Molly’s books, and had to read about the camp adventures to find out what it was all about. The trouble with the newer dolls, is, they don’t have much in the way of a story or background, they are just dolls. I hope AG brings back the 6 book format for them.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, I am glad that it is over. I agree, that procedure is not a happy one to endure. I wonder how that nurse felt when she was having the procedure herself.

      The CTA event sounds like it will be big fun. Please do let us know what you find.

  3. Jeanne, you are certainly a busy gal – always doing for others. Glad you got a nap in. Hope George’s therapy is helping him move along with less pain.

    Linda, I always look forward to the photos of your girls. It’s neat that you always include Betsy. They all look like they are having fun. Perhaps they will sing songs and play a game of children’s Trivial Pursuit.

    I just can’t seem to get to my doll room. Seeing Linda’s pictures motivate me but only after I make some preparations for Father’s Day.
    Debbie, I hope you got my message yesterday about the zoo recycling items.
    Everyone enjoy your weekend!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Paula! Betsy insists on going camping too, so there she is. I always had a tag-along little sister, no matter what I was doing, so I understand her! As a matter of fact, I had 3 tag-along little sisters! I hope you can get back to your doll room soon. We need to “play” more in these uncertain times!

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    Linda has such a wonderful collection of accessories. It’s always fun to see her scenes.

    I’m so glad George is home safe for Father’s Day and hat there’s a chance normal life will resume soon.

    I love the idea of CTA members teaching people who want to know how to sew. It’s so useful and creative.

    My doctor is looking into seeing if there is something that can be done to make my hands better (they are stiff and numb from a rare disease) so that maybe someday I can sew again. Cooking will be easier with functioning hands too. Still, my balance has improved so that I barely remember that less than 2 years ago I was afraid I’d fall on the oven door whenever I put something in the oven. Normal is good.

    1. Thank you, Marilyn, I’m glad you enjoy seeing my scenes. Here’s hoping your doctors can come up with something to make your hands work better. It must be very frustrating to not be able to do the things you used to. A year from now might be a completely different story in a good way!

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Love Linda’s camp setup. The girls all look so ready for fun. Using the space she has makes for the most creative scenes of perfection. So inspiring. But, I still really want that big camping trailer. 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this summer’s great show. Maybe sweet Betsy will ask mom to make her a blouse for next year. 🙂
    Glad the PT went well, but think Jeanne needs to cut herself a break and order some take out for lunch or dinner occasionally. You can even pick it up on the way to or from PT. 🙂
    Sounds like R&K have headed home. It was nice that they could be around to take care of Reuben and the chickens in your absence.
    Wish I could say that my RRFF Venus had arrived, but a no show. Yesterday, she made it to Oakland from Ontario, and then left for our region, but not a single update since. The UPS delivery kept saying delivery by 5:45, but nope. Never made it. And this morning, it says no delivery date available. I wonder if she decided to take a side trip and meet the Warriors plane landing in SF late yesterday? 🙂
    Have a great weekend.

  6. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Joy! Yep, that’s the space I have for this group, and it doesn’t look like it will get any bigger! I really liked Maryellen’s camper when it was available, but again, no place for it. Me, make a teensy blouse for Betsy? I have enough trouble sewing for the 18 inch dolls! Smaller in this case is harder!

    1. Linda,
      I think your scene looks WONDERFUL! WOW! I can’t believe you have camp outfits for all three girls! That is amazing! Again, wonderful job and I look forward to seeing more of your photos in the future!

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Thank you very much, Lauren! I have collected AG for quite a few years now, so I do have quite a collection, but most of my dolls are the older Historical dolls. Molly is closest to my heart, because her stories are similar to what I did as a girl. Yes, I’m THAT. Old!

  7. Always fun to see your scenes, Linda, and what your girls are up to. It’s great that Betsy could come along and join the camping fun. No one will be lacking for food or drinks, that’s for sure. What a wonderful array of accessories you have for everyone. I really like your little pine tree, it’s very realistic and just the perfect size.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Laura! After setting up the scene, I thought it looked like maybe all they thought camping was, was eating! I cleaned out the lunch boxes, plus other food sets! The pine tree is something I bought at Christmas time one year. It fills the scene in pretty well and gives the scene a camping vibe!

  8. Thank you for setting up the Camping Scene Linda☺️ I’m sure the girls enjoyed the change of clothes for summer and the campfire. It makes me want a roasted marshmallow so bad I may do one on my gas stove😳 !
    You will be running ragged Jeanne…there is no getting around that… it just goes with the knee surgery. It makes normal feel so good….when it is over. George will owe you big time ☺️
    Enjoy Fathers Day 🥴

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you Kathie! My girls are always getting their clothes changed several times a month, so if they are in one thing too long, I hear about it!☺️ They do love to go camping and being outdoors, and from the looks of it, eating! Roasted marshmallows are the best for camping, I will agree, but on a gas stove? Gas stoves scare me with the open flame, harking from back when I was a teen and we had a gas stove that had to be lit by a match. Now THAT was scary!

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am glad that you were able to squeeze in a nap.

    I hope you get to have some sister time this Summer. That usually involves visits to great thrift shops and restaurants that we get to share vicariously.

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne you certainly are in my thoughts and prayers. I’ve been where you are but you definitely have one advantage over me that I’ve seen several times. Your creative skills don’t take a holiday when stress arrives on your doorstep. You would think that creating would be a good thing under those conditions but I just seem to sit around “anticipating” what will be needed of me next because when I get started I don’t like interruptions so I just don’t get started. Normally my hubby is pretty low maintenance but not so when he’s in any kind of pain.
    So I’m more than happy when things get back to normal so I can get back to creating.

    Linda, as usual you’re scene is over the top. I love all your accessories. All the big girls have on their camp uniforms and Betsy looks pretty close. I sew for my Betsy and Tonner Jane, and now I will be sewing for my 11″ L’il Dreamer, Evianna, plus I sew for my 10″ dolls but much smaller and things don’t look as good.

    Thanks, Paula for the information on zoo recycling. I’m going to check out the website you mentioned. I don’t think we have that here. We are strong proponents of recycling and repurposing, but I was glad when we went to single-stream recycling since before that we had to drop off recycling at several different sites. Some of it was in different bins at one site but often we were required to go the opposite direction to get it all done. Then once a year we have electronics recycling. I love that since before that we had TVs, computers, printers, etc. hanging around for years looking for a place to take them. Now we just put them all in one spot in the storage room and collect them on the day of recycling. We have helped out a lot of people because we rarely throw anything out, and David is known to bring home anything useable from job sites. We’ve given a lot of people materials to build fences and once David saved a local restaurant a ton of money by selling them lights that had been on tennis courts. They had been replaced but were still in good shape. David repainted them and sold them for a very good price helping us and the restaurant owner. Then there’s the air conditioners that the guys replace. I’ve seen them sit outside David’s shop for hours breaking the old units down then taking the parts to recycling. It’s just what we do and we never had to be told to do it. It’s just the nature of the beast.

    Charlotte, I so wish we could send you some of our heat. And I’d love to share some of your cool temps. Ten days ahead we will be looking at 105 one day. These are temps we never see until August and maybe some in September so we are concerned with overloading the system. That’s another reason why we are glad to install a new unit. The other was efficient but this one is much better. We keep hoping that maybe these high temps mean less heat later on. One summer we had temps that never went above the low 90s all summer. It was heavenly. Warm enough to go to the pool but not so hot you didn’t want to as it is right now.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Barbara! Yes, I finally now have everything the girls need for camping! A tent would be nice, but when I was in Girl Scouts, and went to camp, we slept in cabins, so I think that’s what my girls do!
      Sewing for Betsy is not my idea of fun, and since the other girls have “professionally made” clothes, poor Betsy would look like an orphan in anything I made for her!

  11. Debbie in North Carolina

    Thank you Linda! I have been waiting for these pictures of your Molly and friends in their camping outfits with the new accessories from AG. I have a vintage set of Molly’s camping accessories but no Molly. Your Betsy on the sit upon finally jogged my memory – a sit upon. LOL Now I actually remember making those every summer at Camp Echo Trail. Those hot dogs almost look good enough to eat! I also never figured out the can of bugs. I haven’t read those books since my daughter was a girl. Maybe a reread is due : ) The perfect summer display!

    Jeanne, I am glad you found time to get things back in order and take a nap. I call that a good day. Wishing George a little more recovery and a little less pain for father’s day.

  12. Linda in St. Louis

    You’re welcome, Debbie! I made sit-upons too in Girl Scouts, and we stuffed the inside with newspaper. So you don’t have Molly but have her camping gear? You need Molly, for sure! The can of bugs is quite a story, and I will let you read to figure it out! No spoilers here!😊. I had a good time figuring out what kind of food to pack in that basket, and it looks like they might gain some weight after camp is over!😊

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      I know I never said no to a sing a long or a s’more! Looking forward to reading Molly’s camp story again. I do need another Molly. I had a vintage Molly but did not want to move her again so I sold her on eBay. I still have two early 90’s Pleasant Company dolls but I have been trading up for newer versions because my hubby keeps reminding me that I am not a museum or a restorer. All of my AG dolls have been to the hospital or are new. I love the three that are in your display. I have none of those.

  13. Linda in St. Louis

    Debbie,mMolly is now the only doll in that trio of dolls in the camping scene, and she was just recently brought out of retirement. The other two are Ruthie and #21 Just Like You, who I use as Molly’s friend Susan. What two Pleasanr Company dolls do you have?

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Looks like I am missing a few words in the above comment! What I meant to say was that Molly is the only doll in that trio of dolls that are currently available.

    2. Debbie in North Carolina

      I have always loved that #21. She can span many generations and look just right. My first loves are Kirsten and Felicity. I was able to buy vintage dolls but new in box several years ago. It was very difficult to take them out of their original rubber bands. They are the two dolls I would have bought for myself when my children were young. I have Nellie and Kit. My Irish grandmother would have been Nellie’s age. My mother was Kit’s era and looked just like her. I found a new Elizabeth to go with my Felicity. I did have Molly and Samantha but I had to sell them or restore them. The historical American Girls will always get my vote for best play doll and a great collector doll.

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