Sandals for the Dianna Effner Little Darling dolls…

Hi everyone,
Two words to describe my weekend… BUSY and HOT! But I made it through and this coming week will be the real test of perseverance! The temps are supposed to be even higher… I’ve already decided I’m not going to complain. I have WE have much to be thankful for. My hubby is doing well with his new replacement knee and if he could just get past the pain, he’d be wonderful. Well, maybe not wonderful, but at least good! It’s just going to take time and he’s raring to do something outside or in his garage… maybe in a few weeks… Therapy will be two times a week for at least 6 more weeks… busy, busy, busy!

BUT… I did manage to find some time while he was sleeping or watching TV… to make a few pairs of sandals for the 13″ Dianna Effner Little Darling dolls. I used my new elastic I got when we were at the hospital last week. It’s working very nicely… and I see many more pairs in the future…

I made this first pair to go with Lian’s Fourth of July outfit and will get that listed as soon as I can…

Here are my two Little Darling models… well, at least their feet are…

I made this blue pair first, trying to tweak them as I worked…

I got the sole right and was working on the length of the elastic pieces and the trims for the across the foot.

Next I made this pink pair…

I was happy with how they were coming along…

Then I tried this purple pair…

…but I did a few things different on this pair… instead of trying to get the elastic pieces in the right place and holding them in place while the glue set… I decided to punch some holes in the top layer and run the elastic cord through to the back side. The nice thing about this way, was it was much more accurate when I cut the pieces of elastic. It was almost like a kit and there was less trying on again and again and again, seeing if the shoe was fitting right…

You can see where I punched the holes in the soles and I also decided to add a fabric to the bottom layer. It made the edges much more consistent and nicer looking too. I needed to use a little bit darker print for the bottom… my purple and white checked was too sheer and you can see where the glue was.

The last pair I tried, I had the measurements and lengths and this pair went together the easiest…AND I think they looked the nicest. I used a pretty green polka dotted ribbon and loved how they fit on the feet of my doll.

I used the same fabric for the sole as I used for Ten Ping’s recent outfit… I thought it was a fun statement for the bottom of the sandal.

This was the sum total of my DOLLY efforts this weekend… :o) I suppose I’ll be putting them in my Etsy shop along with the Ruby Red Fashion Friends flip flops… soon…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “Sandals for the Dianna Effner Little Darling dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Those sandals turned out just darling, Jeanne!! Brilliant idea, to punch holes for the elastic. They look very professional that way, and of course if it helps speed things along, you are ahead on that, too!!

    You definitely have a busy few weeks ahead of you! When I was doing PT for my back (I have about three different times in the last couple of years) it was almost like having a part-time job, as you are going in at least twice a week, plus they give you exercises to do at home! At least I was able to drive myself.

    I have to say, we finally did warm up–A. Little.!! I think it got into the low 70s today, and, for a while, a strange yellow globe 🌞 lit up the sky. There was even some blue stuff around it for a while!! 😂🤣😂 Of course, the clouds moved back in, and by the time I took flowers to the cemetery before evening service, it had cooled down some again. Oh, well, it was nice while it lasted. (My long-ago college roommate once told me that her dad said Seattle has two season–the rainy season and the 4th of July. That’s about right, too, except sometimes we get rain on the 4th of July, also!!)

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, you were hot this weekend? It was pretty nice here and I got to work outside finally, but the humidity was way down, so that is what made it much more comfortable compared to those scorcher days of last week. Yes, more HOT weather coming this week, doggone it, and it isn’t even July!

    I love those darling sandals! I was wondering if they fit Betsy McCall dolls too, since Betsy can wear LD clothes and shoes. Could you please try on a pair on your Betsy and show us? I know that Wellie wisher feet are wider, so I don’t think they will work.

    Yes, like Charlotte menitoned, going to therapy a couple of times a week is like a part time job, but minus the paycheck!!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am glad you are gradually getting back into your routine.

    The sandals look very nice. I am sure that all of the beach-bound and boardwalk-bound Little Darlings will ask their Mamas to buy them a pair.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    How fun to see the sandal parade. They are great. Where do you find that perfect trim around the sole? I’ve never seen any at Joann’s. The elastic is working perfectly as well. Love the colors. Have you ever tried those foam sheets for sandals? It is very easy to work with. I actually made a pair of sandals with it using plether for the straps. It is a lot easier to cut than the thick leather. Just a thought.
    Glad to hear George is recovering well. Was the surgery on the right or left knee? Because if it was the left, he should be able to drive himself to PT fairly soon. 🙂 Time will tell I guess.
    We’ve had great weather lately, but we’re looking at a very hot week like many others across the country. Not looking forward to it at all, but this morning is cool and refreshing.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    What cute shoes!!!! You will not be able to keep these in stock. I was wandering how the elastic cord would work. It appears to work well and looks really great. I love that the elastic matches the shoes.

    Hopefully George will be past the pain soon. After David’s knee surgery in the beginning, he was going three times a week. It was a bit optimistic, so he had to cut back to two times a week. A couple times I got Sean to take him so I could get other things done. He was dependent on David for instructions on how to do some projects so he would have been sitting here waiting for him to get back if I didn’t have something for him to do. The day David said he could drive himself to PT was cause for celebration not only because he could drive himself but it meant he was a lot more mobile than he had been.

    I just looked at our forecast for the rest of the month and it was pretty appalling. We never get this hot before August. It often lasts into September but then it starts cooling down. Some of our temps coming up are 106 and 108. Since the guys are not working outside in the afternoons it has really slowed down the completion of projects around here. But there is some good news – if it proves to be true. On July 1 and 2 (the farthest I could get) the temps are 92. Hopefully that will continue the rest of the summer.

    1. Hot seems to be the theme🥴 all week here too. I need to look at my cukes and zucchini …they have been attacked the past couple years and the vine dies but read about the bug that does it so am going on a hunt for them☺️
      Omgosh.the flip flops are amazing…it is so cool to have the elastic match the trim!! The edge trim is so nice too…and the fabric on the bottom…no end to how cute they are!
      Sorry George is still having a lot of pain… ice was always my pain killer but everyone is different. Every day will be better😵‍💫

  6. We’ve had a couple of welcome days of respite from the heat. This morning was even a “Michigan morning” (Charlotte knows exactly what I mean) in that I needed a light sweatshirt for a walk. It was about 60 degrees,but felt chilly after the upper 90s heat.

    Those sandals are super cute . Every Little darling will want a pair.

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