What can I turn this into for Nyssa?

A few of you let me know you didn’t receive the blog post Monday… I was concerned, so I called GoDaddy and checked on my domain name just to be sure it had been renewed for the new year… It was and the guy checked all the things he needed to and said everything was okay on their end. I’m hoping it was just a glitch for a few of you… The techy side of my blog is not my favorite thing to have problems with… I don’t know how to solve them… :o(

I’m sorry to have another day where I didn’t get to your comments. My day was pretty much packed from morning and it’s morning again and I’m still up… ugh!

But I did find time for some sewing…that’s good news!

So I asked the question, “What can I turn this into for Nyssa?”

Well, let me show you the picture…

If you take this…

…and keep tweaking and tweaking your pattern…

…and trying them on Nyssa each time you do something different… (it’s just basted quickly each time I tried)

You eventually end up with this…

I edge stitched the blue wool felt with an orange that matched the dominant flower color…

Believe it or not, I had ALL the right colored felt flowers and silk ribbon for this little handiwork on her jacket…

Nyssa was too tired to be in the mood for modeling… so excuse her lackadaisical look…

I told her just one shot of the whole look… and she complied…

I have some other ideas for it, just didn’t have time for them so far…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “What can I turn this into for Nyssa?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    OH, that blue jacket is just Perfect to go with that dress for Nyssa! Wherever do you find those little felt flowers? I must not be looking in the right places, because I don’t remember ever seeing them in the fabric stores I’ve visited.

    My Freida is getting very excited because I have made a little progress on her dress. She still wants to keep the details a secret, though!

    We have been getting So. Much. Rain. the last couple of days! I wish I could send it to those parts of California that most need it. In exchange, however, I would like some of your sunshine!

    Hope both you and Nyssa are getting a good rest tonight, Jeanne!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      This is the link to the company… they carry lots besides these flowers too… just go to their home page.

      Creative Impressions

      This is the company I have been buying from for years and years. The flowers are called Blossoms and come in small, medium and large. You can buy 48 in a pack or in bulk with 480 to a pack… I noticed there are no brights in the 48 packs… only the bulk. There are 3 colors, Pastel, Heritage, and Bright. I always buy the small sizes. They are really nice flowers and I’ve used hundreds of them.

      I can’t wait to see Freida’s new dress… sounds like you’ve been very involved with it…

      I’m trying to make my way back to my sewing room… too many interruptions to suit me…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I did get your blog today, Jeanne, finally! Yesterdays never did show up. That happens every once in awhile. but I always save the last blog I received so that I can use that to find the current blog. So, all is well, at least for me!

    I was thinking that one of your felt jackets would be in the works for Nyssa’s dress, and it was! The felt flowers are just the thing to make it stand out in a perky and fresh way! The colors match up so well too, Nyssa is going to have a very cute Easter outfit, well, some OTHER Nyssa will! Are some pretty blue boots in the works?

    Today it goes up to 70 for us!! Can you imagine that last week at this time we were getting ready for sleet, ice and snow? But it’s March now, and Spring can’t be far behind!!

    1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

      My experience exactly Linda. Once I knew that if I went into a previous blog I could find the current one I didn’t always mention it but it has happened several times.

    2. HI Linda,
      I’m glad you got the blog back as usual today… I’d “hate” for you to wake up to me not being there! :o)
      With those bright colors in the fabric, I thought a bright jacket was just in order…
      I can’t believe I had the right colors of the flowers…but thankfully I did!
      I’m working on something in the shoe department… :o)

      We are at 70 degrees today too… it’s beautiful outside!

      I’m sorry, but I never made it to the Post Office with your slip yesterday, but it was mailed this morning… sorry…:o(

      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh Jeanne, don’t worry about mailing the slip a day later! For heavens sakes, I can wait!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    The little jacket is very cute and definitely picks up the darker of the blues in the Rifle print, but now it makes the waistband stick out. I wonder how another of the colors as a ribbon covering the waistband might look? Maybe it will grow on me. Definitely stick with the blue jacket though as the beige color gets lost. 🙂
    Thanks Charlotte for the rain offer. Boy do we ever need it.

    1. Hi Joy,
      The beige was just a test run on the fit of one of the patterns I was tweaking… It was never in the running for her real jacket.
      As far as the blue print in the midsection… I’ll see what I can come up to make it more to your liking…
      I hope you get some rain soon too… our ground is still pretty soggy from all the snow and ice…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Happy St. David’s Day to anyone else with Welsh origin. Unfortunately, way to early for daffodils to be blooming here, but we use to always watch “How Green was my Valley” and have daffodil decorated cupcakes. I even had a friend in high named Bronwen from the movie.
    Well, March came in like a lamb here with a bit of sun and temps in the low 50’s, far cry from a few days ago.

    Nyssa’s blue jacket is just the thing to go with her colorful dress, She looks like she’s ready to leave on a tropical vacation. I’m not surprised you had the right colors of felt flowers and embroidery floss in your stash. Your sewing room is like a small fabric store. 🙂

    1. HI Laura,
      We are enjoying a sunny day and temps at 70 degrees today! I like this weather much more than the ice and snow… but I’m glad to have the seasons where we live.
      My sewing room IS like a fabric store… I was at the counter of Joann’s the other day getting a quarter yard of something and the lady ahead of me was talking about having too much fabric, so I chimed in and said, “I pretty much have a store in my sewing room.” Then she said, “Oh honey, I’ve got fabric in my whole house and here I am buying more!” :o)

      It’s probably a “sickness” but I can’t help myself… at least mine is confined to my sewing room! :o)
      thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. This shaping up to be one awesome outfit! Even pouty Nyssa may let a grin slip when no one
    Is looking. Can’t wait to see the rest of it come together!
    We are in better shape too. Mike had a pacemaker put in…( twice…don’t even ask) and a myriad of tests and a visit lined up for this Friday too. His blood pressure is good and heart rare as well so things are looking up…now two get the lung issue fixed he will have had a total tune up🤗

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Your hubby sounds like mine right now…fix one thing, two more pop up…
      I hope he is doing better now…
      I will pray for his lungs…
      I’m glad you have a sense of humor still…”total tune up!”
      Just as I was reading your comment a commercial for Car Shield came on…it kind of made me laugh…
      Remember to take time for yourself!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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