Rain came, so the chickens stayed inside…

QUICK REMINDER: “Cherries N Checks” ends tonight!

The dress I made and let Molly model is ending this evening on Ebay… it’s the black and white checked dress with the pink cherries at the right side bar. You can see it by clicking that picture or you can click HERE. I did find something “treat wise” that is PERFECT for this dress… but you’ll have to be the winner to see what it is! I will send it along if the winner is a subscriber to my blog!

Thanks everyone, for your prayers and thoughts today as my hubby had the Watchman implanted into his heart… It’s not a pacemaker kind of device… it just blocks off an area that blood pools in that makes you more susceptible to blood clots… He is very sore, but he came though wonderfully. Thanks to the Lord!

I got off easy with taking care of the hens today… we were supposed to get thunderstorms today, so my hubby decided at 4:45 this morning that they were going to have to spend the day in the coop… no outdoor activity for them… they get wet, then they come in and stay damp and it’s easier for them to get sick…

But I do have to get up in the morning and open the doors to the coop if it’s not raining. I’m almost praying for rain so I can sleep in. I’ve been a bit sleep deprived the last few days… I’m waiting as long as I can tonight before taking Reuben out one last time before I go to bed… then I’m hoping for sweet dreams!

I DO have a picture from Joy… she finished her St. Patrick’s Day dress for July Joy and it’s sweet as can be…

I didn’t have a backup plan for a post today, so if someone has a question or a topic they’d like to talk about, ask away… and then the rest of you can chime in with your comments… :o)

I plan to be back Monday and might even have the next “Top Model” picked out! :o)

Have a wonderful weekend,
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

33 thoughts on “Rain came, so the chickens stayed inside…”

  1. Alina from Krakow, Poland

    Hello, all the sofa sisters. How cute these little dolls are, not available in Poland. Glad to have at least AG and RRFF. The dresses sewn by Jeanne are perfect. I still knit or crochet. I wish you all health and serenity. It has to be better. We have an additional 2,000,000 inhabitants in Poland, that is, they came from the east. Everyone helps somehow, as can or finabs, or something to eat, clothes.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thank you so much Alina, and others from Poland for taking in so many of those desperate from Ukraine. The burden must be tremendous. Hoping that aide sent from the U.S. gets to those in need. Very perilous times. Please know thoughts are with you and your country for your great kindness.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Alina, thanks for checking in. We are all hoping that this will be over soon. We are sending our good wishes to you.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        So good to hear from you Alina. We here in Texas and other places in the U.S. certainly understand the dilemma of caring for so many new inhabitants. I hope that many of the people from Ukraine can return home soon. The need for help for them will continue for some time but seeing what many go through here with hurricanes and tornadoes, being in familiar surroundings with everyone helping out eases the pain somewhat. I think the people of Poland should receive the Nobel Peace prize for their unselfish endeavors to help others.

        1. Hi Alina, It’s so good to hear from you. How wonderful that Poland has opened their homes and hearts to care for the poor people from the Ukraine. What a blessing you all are to them.

    3. Sally from Colorado

      Dear Alina,
      It is so good to hear from you. What a precarious situation for you Poles and the refugees. Thank you for doing all that you can, and we pray for peace soon. Stay safe, and sending a hug with the prayers. ❤️

      1. Dear Alina, so hard to have that many people arrive and need help. Poland should receive some humanitarian award! Bless your hearts!

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Jeanne, I’m glad to hear that George came thru his procedure okay. It’s amazing, the things they can do for people with heart problems these days! Both my husband and Kathie’s have had pacemakers (mine went into ER on Christmas Eve two years ago with a heart rate of 40!), now your husband with the watchman, which should help with the afib problem! And today at the quilt show I ran into my friend Jane, who I hadn’t seen since the 2019 sewing expo–she’d had quadruple bypass surgery that Nov., and wasn’t able to do the last in-person Expo in 2020!

    Congrats are in order: I see Bailey’s outfit has already garnered one bid! I have a hunch there might be a bidding war on this one–it’s so cute!

    Joy, the dress you made is darling! I’m usually not a fan of that particular green, but, teamed with navy, it’s really quite lovely! I love how you put the different fabrics together, too–they “sing”!!

    Alina, it’s so good to hear from you. You are all in our prayers over here in America; it’s wonderful that you are able to help so many who have had to flee from their homes.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Charlotte. I’ll let Joy know that her dress is singing. She’ll love it. 🙂

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I’m so glad to hear that things went your way, Jeanne, that George’s surgery went well, and the chickens had no chance to “misbehave” yesterday! Yes, the rain………..a lot fell here too, sometimes in buckets, but that’s the way we get our beautiful spring!

    Joy, that dress is adorable! You certainly know how to sew and how to put together fabrics for such a darling outfit! Even a bow for her hair! Thanks for sending it to Jeanne!

    Alina, how wonderful you and your fellow Poles are to take in all the people who have come to your country! We read about it daily here and you can be sure of our prayers for the whole situation to end and to have peace once again.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks so much Linda. On another note, yesterday, I bought a new to me metal dollhouse. Thought I had found one like what I had as a child, but upon seeing others, needed that rec room. So hopefully, next week it will arrive and I can start looking for some furniture. 🙂

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Very glad to hear that George is doing well with his Watchman. With George to keep an eye on, glad the chickens are behaving. Sounds like Reuben is on the job as comfort puppy as well. Please take care of yourself too Nurse Jeanne.
    We were supposed to get some sprinkles earlier today, but no drops so far. We’ll be counting them should any appear. Crazy climate.
    Hope everyone has a great spring weekend.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I forgot to mention how much I love the way you embellished the center of the bodice. I had to enlarge the picture to see exactly what it was you did. Really nice.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Thanks Barbara. I only had large rick rack which made it pretty thick to sew the layers. I’d try the medium size should you do something similar. And my black dotted fabric was sort of stiff which didn’t help either. 🙁

  5. So glad to hear George is okay and that he’s doing well after this procedure. Hopefully his soreness will settle down soon during his recovery and both of you can get bit more rest and sleep.

    Joy, your dress is really neat. I like how you used both colors and prints together. Very pretty. The center panel design with the buttons is really unique and clever too. Glad we all got to see your creation.

    Alina, we thank your country for helping the people fleeing from Ukraine. It is hard to understand this atrocity.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Paula. I’ll see if I can produce something for Easter, but that is cutting it close for me. 🙂

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Nurse Jeanne, our prayers continue.

    I wanted to let you and the Sofa Sisters know that UFDC has launched a YouTube Channel. I will post the link here. It only has two videos so far as the rest of the content is being prepared for upload. It sounds like it will have a range of videos, including sewing and crafting ones.


    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks Dorothy in PA and the World. I will definitely be checking into this. What would we do without you and your up-to-the-minute knowledge on dolly stuff!

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, you are too kind, friend. Dolls (and tea) are my only points of contribution since I don’t sew, cook, or craft (laugh).

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you for the link, Dorothy! I just watched the introductory video, and saw three modern dolls (including a RRFF Bella, on the far right of the screen) in amongst the antique dolls around the lady who was speaking. Glad to see that! For a while–some years back now–I got the impression that only antique or vintage dolls really “counted”. I’ll be checking from time to time to see what other videos they post.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Charlotte, I think that was true in the earlier years. Now UFDC embraces ALL dolls. There is even a UFDC club specifically focused on BJDs.

        The other good thing about UFDC clubs is that many of them are going to hybrid meetings so they can have members who Zoom from all over the country.

        Here is another link for you and the Sofa Sisters. Back in January, UFDC did a program called Passion for Fashion. It looked at doll clothing over the years. The program was divided into segments. They are available for viewing on the UFDC site.


  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    So glad George is doing well. I’m glad you explained how the Watchman works. David asked me last night and I didn’t really know. I’ve just seen ads for it but they don’t tell much.

    I think animals just seem to know when it’s best to behave themselves. You should give the chickens a special treat for behaving so well for you.

    I just finally got around to looking at both the auctions. Bailey is one of those dolls that just looks real in pictures and the changes you made to her (brows and eyelashes) just make her look even more so.

    Joy, what an absolutely ADORABLE dress! I love the combination of fabrics and the style of the dress. I put the few girls that have St. Patrick’s Day dresses in them the other day and will keep them in those dresses until the end of March when I will change them into their Easter/Spring dresses. I hope by next year I have a few more girls that have St. Patrick’s Day dresses. I’ve had trouble finding appropriate fabric for smaller dolls. Hope you get some rain soon. We’ve had some lately and I’d share but never knowing what kind of summer is in store for us, I’m a bit selfish on that.

    Still cool and springlike here. Hope it stays that way for awhile.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thanks Barbara. This is the only St. Pat’s Day dress for the Ruby Reds around here. Definitely need some for the others. 🙂 I don’t think we have much for Easter/Spring either. Everyone is clamoring for something cute. Even the boys want something. Guess we’ll have to draw names. 🙂

  8. So glad to hear that George is doing well. Snuggling with Reuben will certainly make him feel better. With caring for George it’s good the chickens don’t require as much so will both have time to relax.

    July Joy is a sweetheart, Joy. I love the dress you made for her. the shamrock with blue flowers fabric is my favorite. The way you added rick rack to the center of the bodice is unique and lovely. Her little bench and puppy friend are adorable.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I like that shamrock fabric too, but because the scale is sort of large, I didn’t want to use too much for the RRFF size. Would work much better for the 18″ set. Thanks so much. 🙂

  9. Sally from Colorado

    I am so far behind in comments. Please know that I still enjoy all of you and thank you and Jeanne for sharing your pictures and stories.
    Jeanne, I am so happy George came through well. Your dolls and outfits are so dear, and great job on those eyebrows and, gulp, those eyelashes!
    Joy, I already told you what a wonderful dress this is on your JJ.
    Have a wonderful rest of your weekend, ladies.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sally, not to worry. We are holding your spot on the sofa. Wishing you a lovely weekend also.

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Dear Dorothy,
        You are such a sweetie! A tip of my tea cup to you, dear sofa sister. 🥰

  10. Hooray for George! These hubby’s sure need TLC luckily there are all these medical miracles to help them along!…and caring wives to watch over them😉
    Joy…such an original looking dress. You have a talent for combining pretty fabrics. Are you a quilter? If not you should be🤗
    Good luck on those last two auctions…both just so pretty!

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