Meet Eberdeen and Bythie…

Before you meet my guests…(ha) you’ll have to take a look at Nyssa’s shoes… They are done! I made them into a Mary Jane style, but you don’t have to undo a strap… (I heard you, Sally!) No buckle to feed through, no button to go through a slit, no loop to go around a bead! The button is sewn down and you just have to wiggle your dolls foot into them.

I am pretty proud of myself for getting them this close on the first try. The second pair and past, always goes faster than the first… especially when you have to create the pattern first.

The main thing about making shoes is getting TWO that look alike. Anyone can make one… but to make the second one an exact replica, or at least pretty close, is the trick. When you see my shoes from a foot or more away, they look like everyone else’s, but in these closeups, I’m showing you all my imperfections… although I’m still very fond of them… I hope you like them…

Here are MORE THAN ENOUGH photos of them… sorry…

Okay, who are Eberdeen and Bythie? They are a pair of sock monkey’s I made 50 years ago when I was a sophmore in high school. I had a friend who had an aunt and uncle named Eberdeen and Bythie and I’ve called them that ever since. They’ve been packed away in my cedar chest and they now have a few “age” spots… :o(

Bythie still has that same bracelet around her neck as she did back in 1972!

Okay, so what’s up with the sock monkeys? My Meadow just announced a new contest where you have to use sock monkeys or sock monkey fabrics and My Meadow dolls ( I have Bailey and Navi and “someone new” you haven’t met yet!) I’m hoping to figure out how to use my sock monkeys and the dolls in a photo. You can only submit one picture so it has to be a real eye catcher to win… there are going to be lots of prizes and one grand prize for a new Meadow doll!

I had a few sock monkey things already… a fat quart of the original sock monkey fabric. It’s cotton, but it certainly looks like the real socks! I also have 2 little monkeys… one is about 5″ and Bailey could hold it… Then I have the world’s smallest sock monkey and Navi or someone else could hold it… Somehow I’ve got to figure out a good picture using all this… I have enough fabric to make the dolls a little dress or something from it…

Well, that’s it for me. My hubby wanted me to make some homemade oatmeal cookies for the help coming tomorrow to work in our basement’s crawl space.

AND….I’ve been working on a purse for Nyssa’s outfit too, but it wasn’t finished, so I decided to make sure it was presentable before I showed you… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Meet Eberdeen and Bythie…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Nyssa’s shoes look pretty darned good to me, Jeanne! I’m no cobbler, though; I’m afraid I’d have trouble getting that second one to turn out so well! (Can’t wait to see her purse!)

    Eberdeen and Blythie are adorable! Definitely photo-worthy along with your other little bitty ones, and the two….THREE?!….dolls you have. From what you said about holding one of the tiny monkeys, it sounds like your “someone new” is a smaller size, like Navi. I’m not that familiar with the various sizes of Meadow dolls, so I can only suppose.

    Maybe have the bigger monkeys holding the smaller dolls holding the little monkeys?? And Bailey could be in back, between Blythie and Eberdeen?? Just some thoughts. If you only have the one fat quarter of that fabric, maybe Bailey should get something made from it, since she won’t have an appropriately-scaled monkey to hold.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Thanks for the vote of confidence on Nyssa’s shoes. It was a challenge being the first pair I’ve made for her, but I’m pleased with them… I think I love miniature shoes! :o)

      I haven’t had any time today to play with the monkey’s but the contest runs till June 30th now I’m told, so I guess there is no rush on this one right at the moment… but thanks for the ideas… who knows what I’ll do…

      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Very nice shoes, Jeanne! They could also go with denim outfits very well, maybe a denim vest or something like that. Not that you are supposed to do that with this outfit! Just if someone buys it, and they have denim anything, those orange shoes would go well.

    About the sock monkeys, they are adorable, but I was always of the opinion they were for boys! I have no idea why I thought that! Looks like you have the makings of a very cute scene! I bought some sock monkey scrapbook paper and notions for using on several pages of my grandson. Sometimes you can find things like that in the scrapbook section. Not sure if it was Hobby Lobby or Michael’s, since it was several years ago.

    Wow, we hit 82 degrees yesterday and it was really nice! Today not so warm, but it was a wonderful taste of what’s to come!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m glad you like Nyssa’s shoes, and yes, they would look great with denim… I am so happy they turned out presentable and not like those little green turtle shoes I made for Navi one time… remember those? they were awful…

      Well, I guess if the sock monkey’s were supposed to be only for boys, I was out of style back in the early 70’s… I had a girl. I wish I could remember what I made them for… I’m not sure if it was for school or what, but they were on my bed for a long time…and then they graduated to my cedar chest. I wish they looked like they did way back when I first made them.

      Our weather was beautiful yesterday too…and today was nice, but just a bit cooler… It was fine with me though.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the shoes are adorable. I think you have discovered your new calling.

    Your sock Monkeys are so cute. I had one that my aunt gave to me. I named him Billy. I played with him all of the time. I even took him to college and put him on my bed. My roommate hated him. She said that he would stare at her.

    When I would go away for the weekend and return to the dorm, Billy would be in the trash can or in the bottom of the closet. Poor Billy. I had him for many years but I don’t know what happened to him.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m not sure shoes are my new calling, but it’s nice to make a pair of matching shoes IF you have some fabric or leather… I only have a few pairs of shoes for Nyssa… white, black, navy, red, some gold strappy boots, some lavender strappy boots, and some black boots. I guess I could have used the navy, but I’m glad I went for the orange… so they match her purse. :o)

      Oh poor Billy… too bad your roommate didn’t like him… poor little guy! To be found in the trash can or the closet…that’s awful! I’m sorry you lost him…

      I haven’t looked at the link you sent yesterday but I intend to!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love Nyssa’s spiffy orange shoes. The added detail of the X across the heel and the cute buttons are perfect. I think little short socks might look cute with the spring dress too.
    In my opinion, the organizers of the Sock Monkey contest have a lot more explaining to do. First, they can’t seem to get the final date of the contest right. It has been posted as the end of May and also the end of June. Three months or four? No answer to clearly state that. Posting all photos under one listing, but there are actually two, with folks posting under Discussion and under Sales. Then, it was also stated that for now, postings would be under one post, but that maybe “later” there would be another? Would everyone have to repost their original photos? The contest says only one photo per person. Who will be checking that? Probably hundreds of photos to go through. There is a mention of weekly prizes, but no dates of times for those. What day are the weekly prizes awarded? Who will be in charge of prizes and getting addresses to mail them out? Who will pay for the shipping which might be a lot? There is also no mention of who is doing the photo selection? And then something about people voting? How or when? It has to be the most confusing contest I’ve ever witnessed. It is nice that the person is doing this, but the rules need to be stated clearly and dates consistent to make it fun for everyone. When Meadow has a contest, everything is posted very clearly in one post. It has always been great fun. For this contest, it looks like anything Sock Monkey goes. Wish they had done this with more clarity. 🙂
    I am delighted to see your two sock monkey characters. So fun. Sock monkey collectors would probably give you a lot for that pair. 🙂 Not that you would sell them. I still have my childhood monkey, Jocko. But, Jocko was a girl. She had a little skirt that her tail poked through in the back. I wish I knew who made it for me? I made a sock dog in the monkey fabric, for our first grand when he turned one. I wonder if Lazlo is still around? I’ll have to ask.
    The excitement this morning! We actually had rain. First in two months. But, it is hardly enough to wet the deck and street. We jumped out of bed when we heard the downspout flutter and ran to the slider to take a look. It was strange to actually see some wetness. 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I should have said, that the Sock Monkey contest is not being put on by My Meadow, but by an individual who must have permission to do so. 🙂

    2. HI Joy,
      Oh good, I’m not the only person who uses “spiffy”… we use it quite often… I think Rebecca started it! I’m glad you like them… I’m glad they look as good as they do considering they were my first pair…

      I know what you mean about the contest… I was SO excited when I remembered Eberdeen and Bythie and wanted to use them for my pictures.. but now it seems so complicated and confusing… I’m not sure it’s worth the effort…
      Whoever heard of a contest that ran 4 months… that’s a long time…
      I didn’t understand all that stuff either…and I saw your comments on the thread… you asked a bunch of pertinent questions… but I still don’t quite understand it. I think the lady bit off more than she can deliver! IMHO…

      Jocko sounds like she was a favorite toy from your childhood. My sister Cindy had monkey toy when she was little.. his name was JoJo… We had a wreck one time and our old chevy turned on it’s side… somehow she lost JoJo… I can remember her calling out for him…

      Congrats on getting some rain this morning… I bet you would have liked for it to be more, but maybe more is brewing and heading your way. I hope so…
      Who would have thought rain could get you SO excited?
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  5. Thank you ,Angela, yesterday for your sweet compliments. I really appreciated them. I know I even inspired myself to want to branch out to decorating some doll clothes soon.

    Nyssa’s shoes look so nice, Jeanne, and how wonderful that you nailed the pattern on the first try.

    Your sock monkeys are just too funny. I love Eberdeen’s eyelashes. The contest sound like fun and I’m curious who your newest My Meadow doll is. i don’t know a lot about them other than seeing the ones you and Joy have.
    I never had a sock monkey, but I do still have my Dakin hugging monkeys,Booby and Cindy that my grandparents gave to me for Christmas one year.
    Looking forward to Nyssa’s purse. I guess she’s all dressed up for a day on the town.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I really got a kick out of the Pink Panther Theme yesterday. I can remember doing a routine to that way back. Ha ha! Tomorrow on, they are making available a cute pink/purple bunny girl named Avril/April and the new boy doll Alex, who will be one of the regulars. 10:00AM Eastern. In case anyone is interested. The pictures are up now. 🙂

    2. HI Laura,
      Thanks for your kind compliments on Nyssa’s shoes… No one is as thrilled as I am… except maybe Nyssa! :o)

      Actually it’s Bythie who has the eyelashes… She was pretty charming in “her day!” Too bad for their “age spots!” Oh well… they’re only 50 years old…what do I expect?

      I think I remember the hugging monkeys… I’ll have to look them up and see if they are the ones I remember…

      Nyssa’s purse is all done and you’ll see it tomorrow…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I have been otherwise occupied for the past few days – not sure what I was doing but whatever it was it took a lot of my time. I really think it was just a lot of interruptions that interfered with my normal routine. So I read the blog but every time I went to comment someone showed up with a question, problem or just to talk. Everyone is off doing one job or another today so I think I might actually be able to comment.

    First, Laura, I want to tell you that your workmanship on your daughter’s dresses was lovely. And how wonderful to be able to collaborate with your mother on the dresses. Your daughter is truly blessed to have two such caring women in her life.

    About the sock monkeys, Idon’treallylikesockmoneysoranyotherkindofmonkeyverymuch. That is me mumbling because I seem to be on my own re sock moneys. If you can figure it out, please don’t hold it against me. I don’t like clowns either. I hope they get the contest figured out though because as it is I wouldn’t want to mess with it.

    Jeanne, the little orange Mary Jane’s are adorable. I’m not sure I mentioned yet how much I love Nyssa’s outfit and I think I do like the orange at the waist. But the blue is good too so that means both would be great.

    We received an unexpected blessing last evening. Sean and family joined us for the Ash Wednesday church service. After they moved from Sealy we chose this church in Katy to attend because it was half way between us. So for ten years we attended church together and when they lived next door, because we had to be at church early for choir practice, we would take Skyy and Jaiden to Sunday School giving their parents some alone time and they would come later for church. We have not been in church together since March of 2020. When they returned from their Spring Break trip everything closed down. Even after church reopened for in-person they did not return. It had nothing to do with COVID, I think they just got “out of the habit”. It was too easy to sleep in on Sunday morning. David and I were not happy campers because of the grandkids and Skyy had just become an acolyte and loved it, but it was not our decision to make so we just mentioned occasionally how we missed them. So I was blown away when Sean said they would see us at church on Ash Wednesday. All the time our children were growing up we kept a piece of advice from Dr. James Dobson in mind. He said be patient with your children while they are trying to find themselves even if it appears they are not looking. I guess that advice remains cogent even as they get older.

    1. HI Barbara…
      You and me both… the last few weeks of mine have been insanly busy… and I’m not exactly sure what’s going on… doctor appointments, house fixings, people needing alterations, taxes, picking up new glasses for my hubby, etc… just a lot of busyness! So I know exactly how you feel.. kind of unsettling when you get out of your routine, isn’t it? I relish the time when I have to sew anymore… uninterrupted time especially! :o)

      I’m not so sure this contest is going to be one I’m going to let control me… it’s a little unorganized at the moment… maybe it’ll get better… sorry you don’t like monkeys…when I was little I saw an advertisement in the back of magazines of a little monkey that could fit in a tea cup…and I wanted one SO BAD! Unfortunately my parents said no… I’m sure it wasn’t a real monkey…

      Wait till you see Nyssa’s set tomorrow… it’s all done! just not listed on Ebay yet… I like it too!

      I’m happy your prayers were answered and your children and grand children were once again along side you at church. I remember that phrase from Dr. Dobson… “trying to find themselves…” what a comfort! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Susette from Southern California

    I loved the outfit you made for RRFFs that used the Sock Monkey fabric for a vest and included one of the monkeys if I remember correctly. I actually ordered fabric and the little monkey patch but haven’t made it of course! I think it would win a contest hands down. Maybe two monkey brothers but sell it later with just one or even no monkey 🙊 if you’d rather keep them. American Girl has a small Sock Monkey if you check on eBay. You sure were quite the seamstress already when you were in high school.

    The orange shoes look a little big. Nice style though. Cute outfit.

    1. HI Susette,
      I would enter those pictures of Stella in the Monkey Business outfit, but unfortunately the contest is only for My Meadow dolls this time…
      Yes, I was quite the seamstress in high school. I skipped dating in high school and stayed home on Friday nights and sewed. How boring is that? Not EVERY Friday night, but lots of them. I sewed EVERY SINGLE day…

      Nyssa has funny heels… they are curved so the top of the heel is way more indented than the back part of her heel. I know they look at little long at the area on the top of the back heel, but if I curved the shoes in, I’d never be able to get them on her foot. They are snug on her foot, because the middle part of the back of the heel is tight in the shoe… If they were boots, it wouldn’t be nearly as noticeable…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Sally from Colorado

    Miss Jeanne, great compromise on those shoes. Should the day arrive when you might want to sell them somewhere, I would be one of the first in line. And if they are a tiny bit big, I would applaud that because I do not enjoy struggling in any way with getting footwear on a doll. These shoes are so cute from any angle. You’re awesome!

    Sounds like Joy has some very good questions about the contest. Laura was right to include Pink Panther music yesterday for Joy’s capers of getting her dolls through the door with no detection from other person. Seems like Joy is Inspector-ette Clouseau herself!

    My thoughts on the monkey theme picture…your dear old monkeys embracing a small doll wearing a sock monkey suit from head to toe, holding her own little sock monkey. Just a thought that every other entrant will consider. My one cent. 😝

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Love your sock monkey entry! I’d vote for that one, if they had posted how to vote. 🙂

    2. HI Sally,
      I’m glad to hear you like the orange shoes so much! They are pretty cute when you pick them up and hold them on your outstretched fingers.. I love little things though… I think they fit Nyssa “just right!” Not too big, not too small!

      I don’t know what I’ll do for the contest, but since it has been announced that it’s a 4 month long contest, I guess there is no real hurry… I think the thrill of it will be long gone by the time the end of the contest finally gets here… people won’t even remember there WAS a contest going on…
      Thanks Sally,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m with Susette on the outfit. The one you made couldn’t have been better. Can you remake it for a My Meadow doll?
    The orange shoes are charming. I think the slight large look is just right for Nyssa. The X in back may be finctional, but as Joy pointed out, it’s a style plus.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’ll have to find out more about the contest and see if making a Monkey Business set might be worth it… I did love that set too!

      The shoes actually fit Nyssa’s feet pretty well… I traced around her foot and then added just 1/8″ to the edges… that’s where I stitched my 2 pieces of leather together… so they really aren’t too big on Nyssa… she just has big feet… I should show a picture of her feet…

      The X on the back was just for reinforcement to hold the seams in place and keep them from folding down.. the leather is very soft…
      Thanks for your kind words…
      Blessing, Jeanne

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