VOTE for your favorite Doll Outfit of 2021!

A couple of little tidbits first…

DON’T FORGET: Chrissa’s Snow Leopard coat set ends Sunday evening on Ebay. I’m reminding you today in case I forget to send out a message Sunday! You can see it by clicking the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

NEXT: If you’ve already voted for your THREE favorite outfits of 2021, you can look at these pictures of Anne’s cake she made for Ashley.

This is what Anne said about the cake.

Here is the photo of the cake I made for Ashley with her red panda on it. The party went off sort of OK. They were supposed to be outside on the deck in the tent but the only boy who came found the tent too crowded so he spent the night on the swing seat (a three seater). The girls decided about 1am that it was too scary outside so the four of them got into Sam’s bed and she slept on my couch in the lounge – a two seater so not very comfortable! I think the kids enjoyed themselves anyway!. However, I now know why I don’t go to the children’s parties! Instead of goodie bags of lollies (candy in the States and sweets in the UK) She gave them a sheet of paper and felts etc and they made a design on the paper which she scanned then printed off on transfer paper then ironed the picture on to white tee shirts she had bought. I think they enjoyed that very much. I’m sure the parents preferred it as well.

Now, if you have already voted you can just look at the doll outfits again, or you can go about your Saturday as you please. If you haven’t voted for your top THREE FAVORITES from the pictures below, please do so in the comments or click the “Contact Me” tab up at the top and send me an email with your 3 choices. The voting will be open until 11:00 p.m. Sunday night. Then I’ll tally up the votes and announce which THREE doll outfits received the most votes… I’ll announce 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!

My dolls are on pins and needles hoping they are one of the top winners! So far, the voting looks pretty varied! :o)

Here are the pictures again for those who haven’t voted…

Addy received the first dress of 2021… here she is in “Winter Elegance.”

Bailey was next in “Precious in Pink.”

Sara, my new Ruby Red Fashion Friend, was looking adorable in “Spring Chic!”

Chrissa modeled a Jeans and skirt set I sold off my blog…

Elizabeth looks darling in this blue Regency dress called “Winter’s Dream.”

Rozen, my second Ruby Red Fashion Friend doll, amazed me her in debut dress, “Let it Snow!”

Sara got another turn at modeling in her purple and black corduroy coat set.

Navi looked so cute in “Turtle in my Pocket.”

Emmie, my 13″ Dianna Effner, Little Darling, looked so sweet in “Promise of Blue Skies.”

Felicity wowed us in this faded Mint and coral set called “Colonial Spring.”

Isabelle got her turn modeling “Ready for Spring.”

Julie took us back to the 70’s in this sweet set I called “Summer of Love.”

Kirsten looked ready for Spring in “Swedish Sweetness.”

Stella, another of my Ruby Red Fashion Friends, was a big hit in “Farmer’s Market.”

Samantha looked lovely in her Lavender dress.

We’re halfway there!!!

Next up was Rozen in “Summertime Sweetness.”

Stella stole the show in “Monkey Business.”

Josefina was never so pretty as she was in this set… “Changes for Josefina.”

Sara won her chance at modeling again and looked beautiful in “Christmas Berries.”

Stella HAD to wear the green dress called “Christmas Gold” and she got the Gold shoes too!

Rozen got her turn again modeling “Christmas Plaid.”

Addy was back again in “Golden Elegance.” She must like the word Elegance, it was used in her first dress of the year. ;o)

Rozen was beautiful in “Victorian Charm.”

Navi looked pretty cute in my tiniest Christmas dress this year… “Happy Holly Days.”

Emmie was a little “blue” in “Christmas Sparkle.”

Stella was back again in “Frosty Fur.”

Stella was back one final time of the year in “Perfectly Pink.”

Janie looked so cute in “Merry in Mink.”

And Lian ended the year in “Fluffy Fur.”

Happy Voting!
See you Sunday Night at the finish line on Ebay OR Monday morning!
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “VOTE for your favorite Doll Outfit of 2021!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you, Anne, for sharing your cake pictures! You do such a lovely job. I used to decorate cakes for family now and then (took a class–for about five weeks Ron thought he was in heaven, because I had to bring a cake to decorate every week, and then we got to eat it!! LOL), but my hands just can’t take much squeezing of that icing bag any more, I’m afraid.

    Did you make the beautiful patchwork place mats/ runner on the table, too? I’m assuming so. I noticed them right away!

    I’ve already voted, so won’t comment further on the outfits.

    Ron had a Really Good day today! Not only did he go to Panera to meet with his old buddies this morning–AND stopped at the post office on the way home!–but this afternoon he went to the barbershop for a haircut, and then met me at Chick-fil-A for supper! Now, granted, tomorrow he may be totally exhausted, but this was the most “normal” day he’s had in a long, long time! And we heard from the doctor–no significant abnormalities on his vascular study/ultrasound yesterday! Yay!!

    Now if this endless rain would only quit and we get some sunshine! (Snow is long gone.)

  2. This is a very hard assignment!
    1 Isabelle Ready for Spring
    2 Kirsten Swedish Sweetness
    3 Emma Christmas Sparkle
    I do love aqua and blues
    We had snow yesterday and it is 10 right now but no wind so that is a blessing!
    Have a good day

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    The red panda cake is the most exotic cake I’ve seen, though we had one at the library on Feb 2 one year that came close — a standing groundhog on a large sheetcake. The groundhog was only about 3″ high so no one had to violate their vegetarian principles. The cake was by Masterpiece Bakery, the same bakery that was later made famous by the Supreme Court case — they made very good cakes and decorated them beautifully. We were sorry to lose them.

    Is your frosting fondant? I’ve never had any luck with that — it may have to do with our elevation — sugar boils at a different temperature here. It does make a beautiful cake.

    I’ve already voted, but I think I underrated Farmer’s Market. Really, Jeanne, you had a very good year.

    Sorry about typos. There are floating black “log in” boxes obscuring what I’m typing. Is anyone else having that problem?

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Well, it sounds like Ashley’s birthday was a great success! Fun idea on the T-shirts too. That cake is a dream. So special. Please congratulate Ashley on being 11. Our oldest grand turned 11 in November. It’s a fun age.

      1. Hi Joy, I saw Dawn on the doll board a couple of days ago. She’s unique with her light eyes. Love the little fan. You must love the adrenaline rush of smuggling all those new girls in.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Anne, what an adorable cake. I’m sure Ashley was over the moon to share this with her friends. You are brave doing the “slumber party”. I did that once for Andrea and that was it. The girls didn’t sleep a wink and neither did David and I. They were middle schoolers, but I still didn’t trust them to make good judgment calls. They were all good kids, but I remember my father-in-law, who was a teacher/principal/superintendent once saying “one boy-whole boy, two boys-half a boy, three boys-no boy at all”. Well that goes for girls too. One–on-one no problem. In a group, potential problem unless carefully supervised.

    Charlotte, I tried the cake decorating thing when my children were little. I gave it up pretty quickly. I just didn’t have the patience and I didn’t enjoy it so I just went to Wal-Mart and ordered one of their cute cakes. Cost more in money but less in time and stress. I’m so glad to hear Ron had such a wonderful day yesterday. I know how it feels when our hubbies are more like their old (that is previous lol selves). David has been going to his shop for some of the day depending on the timing of his PT and I’m having more time these days to get done what I need to. Several months ago my daughter bought my grandson a cap for me to embroider an “A” on the front. I just haven’t been able to carve out the time I needed to get this done. Not to mention that the color they picked has been hard for me to match. I finally found a thread brand that seems to fill the bill. My sewing room at the moment looks like the wreck of the Hesperus but until I get the hat project done and a couple t-shirts I promised to embroider for my grandson(s) finished, I’m going to work around the mess.

    Freida arrived yesterday. I took her out of the shipping box but haven’t taken her out of her box yet. I’ll do that after lunch. I spent the morning tidying up my kitchen, which was beginning to look like my sewing room. It took a lot less time to reach fruition.

  6. Ashley’s cake is wonderful, Anne. So realistic looking. Sounds like a nice party even with a few snags. The place mats go perfectly with the cake colors. Like Charlotte, I assume you made them and they are lovely.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Anne, I enjoyed seeing the cake you made for Ashley! What talent you have, and the artistic abilities to make it happen! I’m sure girls loved it, and that’s what counts! I remember getting a book about doing cut- up cakes, and made several of those for my children’s parties. I especially remember the rocking horse cake that I made, but for some reason, I have no pictures of it, since we didn’t take pictures back then like we do now!

    Since I have already voted, I won’t be doing that today. Yes, Jeanne, you did have a very good sewing year! It was very difficult to pick just three favorites, and if I voted today, I would have more than likely picked three different ones. They all were winners in my book!

    Marilyn, my problem the other day was there was no place to log in to make a comment!

  8. Dorothy near Pgh Pa

    This was difficult, I must have changed my mind 10 times!

    1. Felicity’s Colonial Spring
    2: Stella’s Monkey Business
    3. Rozen Victorian Charm

    Sounds like the red panda was the only one to get some sleep. The kids will remember a fun night forever. Good job on both the cake and patience.

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    Thank you Jeanne for the two day window to vote. We had a very busy week finding new doctors for what ails us, and contractors for what ails our “new” old house. I wish I could clone you and George! My vote is: 1. Swedish Sweetness
    2. Let It Snow
    3. Colonial Spring

    Anne, that cake looks too good to eat! It should be in a museum of natural history : )

    Stay warm everyone!


  10. Ingrid B in Western NY

    Congrats Jeanne, 29 outfits that is wonderful! 2021 was indeed a very productive year for you. I’m sure there’s a great sense of accomplishment as you think back at the projects brought to fruition. As always it’s hard to select just three because all your lovely outfits deserve first place.

    Im picking Victorian Charm, Colonial Spring and Winter’s Dream.

    Anne your cake is delightful, I’m sure it was a hit with the kids.. Those placemats are so pretty!

    Freida arrived but I haven’t felt well enough to play with her yet. I’m fighting a nasty flu bug and so is my grandson Dominic. I took a rapid covid test Thursday which was negative. It made me feel better knowing it wasn’t covid but just a flu bug like I suspected.
    I hope everyone is well

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Oh Ingrid, first thing I thought was not Covid again. So glad it isn’t but the flu isn’t fun either. Hope you and grand are both well soon.

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