Snow is expected tonight, so how about some winter wear for the dolls?

Thanks to Linda, she saved the day for me by sending a few pictures of her girls dressed up. We are supposed to get snow about 5am in the morning, so the last 3 pictures are perfect!

The first picture is one of the 40’s girls in their Christmas outfits with their dolls in matching dresses, and Betsy, who is wearing the new AG Christmas dress for Wellie Wishers.

Next the girls playing bingo while Molly serves Christmas cookies.

Then I have a picture of Kirsten in her Winter Woolens with her new sled and snowshoes. Actually the sled and snow shoes are from a Christmas shop in Branson, and the snowshoes are supposed to be Christmas ornaments, but they fit her!

Now the modern girls are skiing! However I only have one pair of skis, so Scarlet is waiting her turn after Ivy!

The 40’s girls are now ice skating with Betsy! Always something going on here!

Thank you SO MUCH Linda! Your pictures are always so fun to look at… You do a great job of setting up your little scenes. Thank you!!

Just a quick reminder…

Frieda’s dusty rose fur coat ends Sunday evening… so I’m sending out a reminder in case I forget… There are 529 views on it and 39 watchers. I’ve had quite a bit of interest in it…

I think Frieda is so pretty, but I’m debating about changing her name…

Thanks everyone,
Hopefully I’ll be back Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “Snow is expected tonight, so how about some winter wear for the dolls?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What fun, to see your pictures tonight, Linda! Thanks for sharing them.

    All the vignettes are wonderful. I loved seeing your 40s girls with their “mini-me” dressed to match, and I see that Betsy has her Elf on the Shelf, too! And I do have Kirsten’s winter set; it’s probably still in its box somewhere, bad momma that I am! My favorite, though is the ice-skating vignette. I do have ice skates for at least on of my AG dolls (probably for AbbyRose, but I might have some for Molly, too), as well as ice skates for my LeeAnn dolls, I think!

    Thanks, everyone, for your nice comments about the two purses I made. I had to laugh, though–those things take a Lot of fabric, not scraps!! Almost a full yard of one print, and half a yard each of two others. However, in this case I used only fabrics I had in my stash (which is, to put it mildly, considerable)! I made sure to point that out to Ron, too!! 😂🤣😂 (I think he thinks all I do is buy fabric.) . I was glad for that, because sometimes it can be difficult to find three coordinating fabrics that work really well together, but, after a bit of “auditing” fabrics (I had several black-background prints and several batiks from which to choose), I found combinations that–as I put it–“sing” together.

    Frankly, it would be less expensive to buy a nice purse in a good store, but not nearly as satisfying as making my own!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you Charlotte, for your kind words! I do have fun putitng my scenes together and it keeps my mind “fresh” on what I have, when looking for things to use! I love the skating scene too, which reminds me of my Madame Alexander Sonjia Henie doll I received when I was about 9 years old. Although she is long gone, skates on dolls just always caught my imagination!

    Oh, so those purses don’t use scraps, but a good size piece of material? Yes, I do guess it is hard to find three pieces of fabric that go well together, unless one is a solid color, which takes away from the fun looks!

    Jeanne, the snow is falling here now, and I hope you get better over the weekend. Thank you for showing my pictures!!

    1. I always look forward to your pictures of the girls in various scenes. The detail is so much fun to look at and the outfits are fantastic. It’s fun to enlarge and see everything up close. Thank you, Linda!

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Thank you, Paula! I try to use all my accessories every once in awhile, since why have them at all if they sit away in storage? Most of my outfits for my dolls are from AG or off .Ebay. I have made very few things for them, after sewing clothes for myself and my daughter for years, I am all sewed out! (Unlike Jeanne!)

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Sorry, but I DO know how to spell “putting”! My fingers get tripped up a lot of the times when I type!🙃

  4. Love the holiday photos!
    Feel better soon:)
    I just received my Frieda too, Jeannne, and she has been renamed Sofia. Still celebrating her Latin heritage, but she likes it so much better.
    The coat set is fabulous of course.. and pink!
    Looks like another very successful auction!💕

  5. Joy in northern CA

    First off, Freida, as spelled on her box as well as her advertisements, not Frieda, is a great name. However, I can certainly entertain new name choices. Around here, it is hard enough for me to even remember their proper name let alone make a change I’d probably never remember. Ha Ha. But I do like the new names. For whatever reason, whenever I look at the Freida here or Jeanne’s in that adorable pink fluff coat, she reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor. I know she doesn’t have violet eyes, but it is just her look. Maybe her new name can be Liz? I wonder what everyone else thinks?
    So glad Linda sent the photos. The Christmas one with Betsy, and her reminder that the new dress is from the Wellies was a great one. I had forgotten that Betsy is also a similar size. Now, I will have to pull out some of Betsy’s clothes and have a try on with the RRFF girls. Recently, I did order an outfit for a Wellie and it fit my RRFF kids although, the shoes are smallish. I understand some like boots might fit, but others too small.
    Love the cookie baking and the great bingo game. Is the game AG? Maybe Linda can pick up a snowboard for Scarlet?? Might be fun. Love the hats on the pups too. 🙂
    All of the ice skaters look well prepared. Great outfits and such a lovely snow scene. Thanks for the photos Linda.
    Hope to see some snow photos from Jeanne. No snow here and no rain either. It’s been a dry January, but we have hopes of some more rain before summer. Last year we only had a few drops though.
    My RRFF Anniversary couple arrived yesterday afternoon late. I saw the UPS truck heading up the hill, but it didn’t stop. Then awhile later I heard a thump/thud and looked out the kitchen window. The truck was leaving. With not a second to spare, I gently opened the door handle and turned the lock, and there was the huge package on the mat. Other person was in the office, so I tried to grab the package which was difficult with one hand because of the weight. Pulled it inside and frantically looked for a place to park the box while I closed the door. Nowhere to hide!! Ended up taking the package all the way to the family room and returned to gently nudge the door closed and then lock the lock. Turned around and other person was coming out the the bathroom. He hadn’t been in the office as I thought! That gave me a fright. Just steps away from the door was he that I couldn’t believe the huge thump had not been heard. But, fortunately, it had not been noticed. Now, I need a block of time to get the package opened and debox the latest RRFF kids. Hopefully, today they will emerge from their box prisons. 🙂
    Maybe there will be a snowball fight at Linda & Jeanne’s?

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Joy, thank you for the compliments, and yes, the bingo game is AG. It is from Melody’s collection, and I managed to get it on sale. It is darling and really works!

      As far as a snowboard for Scarlett, I am trying to find one that fits. Most of them fit a certain outfit with boots and since the forms for the boots are already on the snowboard, it might be tricky to get the right size forms on the snowboard. But I am trying! Scarlett gets rather impatient waiting around for Ivy to finish!

      So funny hearing about yet another ‘near miss’ with other person!

    2. Loved the arrival story of the RRFF couple !! So funny! And I agree, Freida in the pink coat does remind me to of Elizabeth Taylor.

    3. Too funny, Joy. Glad you managed to get the couple in out of the cold. when your Dawn arrives maybe you’ll share a photo of them all.
      Our snow is coming it tonight sometime. We’re already down in the 20’s
      Your Northern Lights RRFF needs a few tiny white sparkle pom poms for snowballs. Just curious as I believe you have both. Are Anaelle’s and Northern Light’s lip color the same? NL’s looks lighter pink.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I’ll see what I can do to compare lip color. Hopefully tomorrow if other person heads to the store. 🙂

    4. Theresa in Indiana

      And wasn’t it here on this blog that I read the pronunciation of “Freida” is “Fryduh”, whereas “Frieda” is pronounced “Freeduh”? I kinda like the name Freida – it’s unusual.

      Freida is so, so tempting! But since I just got Jennifer for Christmas, I need to hold back. I’m running out of room! I’m sure RRFF will come up with more dolls later, and there will be one I won’t be able to resist….. 🙂

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Theresa, I just got Scarlett, too, but that didn’t stop me from ordering Freida!! Haha…

    5. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, I just love your stories about Other Person. You are a great storyteller.

      It’s a good thing the anniversary couple didn’t knock on the door to be let in. That would have been difficult to explain (chuckle).

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Ha ha! How right you are! Strange guests arriving unannounced would be very difficult to explain. 🙂

  6. Hope the weekend will cure your ills Jeanne!😉We did get quite a bit of snow…looks like about 5 inches but the temp is almost 40 so hopefully it will melt off the streets.
    Linda your photo shoots amaze me. I know it takes sooooo much patience to get the little cuties to be in just the right place and their heads aimed the right way…let alone dressed so perfectly!
    The scene with Kirstin is my fav… it looks so real and she looks so happy! Thanks for sharing. Maybe you should make yourself a Shutterfly book? I think they have the 8×8 one free right now. They are fun to make and the quality is awesome.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you Kathie! Maybe I should get a Shutterfly book, but I do keep all of my pictures on a special photo system on our computer. It goes waaay back, and I have no idea how I would pick the ones for a book! Every time I change their clothes, I take pictures! Believe me, there are a LOT of pictures, but it helps me to see what I have already done, and a lot of times, what goes with what.

    Yes, it does take patience to get things right, but at least I am photographing and fixing dolls, not wiggly children!

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    Linda you do always seem to have all the small parts to make your pictures wonderful. Betsy looks great in the Wellie dress. I never thought of their clothes fitting each other. All your girls look absolutely marvelous no matter what they are doing or wearing. My Wellie, Camille, has a snowboard but she hasn’t taken it out on the slopes yet this year. Your pictures will surely motivate her. I always loved ice skating when I lived up north so I really enjoyed all the girls in their skating attire.

    I have several girls that have ice skates but we’re waiting for the ponds to freeze over. Well maybe an imaginary pond, although it is about 46 here with a windchill several degrees below. The wind is fierce right now and I have to take the dog out because today is the party for Jaiden and Azure (it’s his first birthday) and I need to walk her before we leave. Sean and Dionne are doing a joint party this year, but I took issue with doing that every year. Having a Christmastime birthday myself as Jaiden does and having to share our special day with all the holidays around that time, I really appreciated my parents keeping my day separate and I didn’t want to see Jaiden’s joined with anything else. I was promised this was a one-time deal and I’m holding them to that.

    Well I’m off to walk the dog. Hopefully I won’t get blown away.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Barbara! Did you know that Betsy, WW’s and LD dolls can all share outfits? It makes a wardrobe go farther that way. RRFF can share some, but I really don’t have one to know for sure. Probably some do and some don’t.

      I do have my eyes on the AG snowboard for the Wellie’s and Betsy keeps asking for it! Maybe she will get her wish! My dolls live in an imaginary world where things always go to plan, and it’s more fun that way! If they want to skate, ski or snowboard, then that’s what they do!

  9. How fun! Well, Linda, we can always count on you to have your dolls dressed appropriately for the month and with lots of cute accessories to boot. Those of us with not much time can live vicariously through it.
    Love your ’40s girls with their sweet dolls and pups in Santa hats. Kirsten is darling in that outfit. I have the skirt and blouse that my daughter didn’t want anymore, but she kept the hand knit sweater, hat, and mittens. I’m happy to claim those also should she ever change her mind.
    All the other photos are sweet and wonderful.

    Freida is a fine name. I’m not as familiar with it as Frieda, my grandmother’s name. Freida, the doll’s name is of English extraction and Frieda, my grandmother’s is German. Freida is very pretty and does look a little like Elizabeth Taylor though lacking the violet eyes and lighter skin. She’s your doll, Jeanne, name her what you will. Except for Samantha and Felicity, I’ve changed my other four PC/AG girls which were AG assigned historicals and my RRFF and I couldn’t be happier. I like the creativity of making up my own names and character

  10. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Laura! Oh, I don’t think I have any more time than most everybody else! Last I heard it was 24 hours a day, but I MAKE the time for my dolls! I always was a doll person, but never was able to have all the dolls and clothes I wanted as a child, so NOW I can do that! Since my children and grandchildren are mostly grown, I have more time for my dolls. I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures as much as I had creating them!

    And yes, Kirsten’s outfit is special! I’m so glad I have it!

  11. Debbie in North Carolina

    Linda, I always love your doll’s scenes and groupings. Betsy wears the wellie wishers Christmas dress like it was made for her; that is a festive Christmas group! The winter outfits on your dolls make winter inviting and fun. The accessories bring each group to life. Kirsten’s outfit is a favorite of mine too. Not too long ago I owned two, one was my daughter’s original. I finally convinced myself to give up one of them. I can always borrow my daughter’s because she shows no interest in her childhood doll and does not understand why I do!

  12. Linda in St. Louis

    What wonderful comments on my dolls, Debbie! I certainly do appreciate them, and yes, Betsy looks as if that dress was made for her! However, the Wellie Wisher shoes aren’t a great fit, too wide, but she has plenty of her own to wear.

    I too think Kirsten has some of the best outfits AG ever made. Be sure to hang onto the ones you have! EBay prices are out of reach of many, and it is getting worse every year.

    Again,, thank you for your compliments!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, thanks for passing along your doll photos for us to see. Your children are definitely photogenic and they are so well behaved. I have to bribe my doll children to take their photos. Luckily there is always a stash of cookies in the house (chuckle).

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Dorothy, I certainly will pass along your compliments to my girls! They know they are spoiled doll children, but take it in stride! I will say they are very well behaved and very patient during photo shoots!
        Thank you for noticing!😊

  13. Dear Jeanne, I hope you are feeling better.
    Oh, Linda, how wonderful you shared your beautiful photos. Your dolls are always dressed very pretty and they look they are having a very good time in the settings you prepared for them.
    Thank you Joy for your fun and interesting story about the arrival of your new RRFF dolls. And I agree with you, Jeanne’s model reminds us of Elizabeth Taylor.
    I hope all of you enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a very good night.

  14. Linda in St. Louis

    Angela, it was a joy to share my doll pictures with everyone! Thank you for the compliments!

  15. Susette from Southern California

    I missed commenting on Friday, too, so here goes. The purses are great, Barbara, and are inspiring me to try sewing one myself. I do have patterns. I really like the print combinations you’ve used.

    Linda’s pictures are so much fun with all the amazing accessories she’s collected. It’s quite challenging to change all the dolls and find the accessories right down to the caps for the dogs! The bingo set is so cute and the table settings are so realistic. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Joy sure is challenged but creative with keeping secret her stash of dolls. It is somehow reassuring to know you’re not the only one with a “collection of little children.”

  16. Linda, thank you for sharing your photos–I love the details! I seem to collect a lot of mini things, thinking “this would be great in a scene,” then stashing the items and forgetting where they are, so I never get around to staging the scenes! One of these days I will get organized. In the meantime, I will enjoy vicariously via your lovely photos!

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