I’m back to sewing on Chrissa’s Coat…and she is thrilled…

I had a REALLY WONDERFUL time with my sisters and their hubby’s and I already miss them, but I know they have to go back home. :o( So I will turn my attention to other things… and you’ll be happy. I am back in my sewing room! Don’t you love it when I say that? Me too! I got some more done on Chrissa’s Snow Leopard coat and wanted to show you…

She is now sporting a pair of gray cable knit thigh highs and they are perfect for the colder weather we are experiencing…Right now it’s 24 with a wind chill of 18 degrees. Chrissa said a BIG THANK YOU for the thigh highs…

Then I made her a hat… it’s a perfect hat to go with this coat… it’s floppy and can be shaped however you like. I personally like it cocked a little bit to the side and slightly over one eyebrow…but that’s just me! :o)

Then I decided to make her a scarf out of a scarf I found… the gray and the shimmery silver threads make it dressier and I think it goes super with the coat…

If you want to just leave the two side dangling down but don’t want it this long, you can pull it up behind her collar and just leave it looped longer under your dolls hair…

I left the scarf a bit long in case you want to wrap it like this…

I hope you like it…

That’s it for me…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “I’m back to sewing on Chrissa’s Coat…and she is thrilled…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I love this whole ensemble, Jeanne! It’s so elegant.

    The thigh-highs look nice and warm, and would be fun to wear with boots, I think. Her scarf is really pretty, and goes well with the coat and hat! Another winner, I think.

    By the way, we had Lots of rain Sunday afternoon/evening, so a good bit of the snow is gone. Our side streets are still slushy and slippery, but the main roads and freeway are bare and dry. However, I had water in my basement Sunday night–it’s usual leak and “stream” that happens once in a great while when we are inundated with torrents of rain (and combined with melting snow….) Thank goodness I found it before it got terrible! I put down some big old bath towels, and I think it’s drying out well now–we had sunshine today, but we still could get a little snow or snow/rain mix. Then Thursday: 47!!!

    And…I ordered Freida!! About three days ago, I think. Happy birthday to me, from me, in about three weeks!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, Happy Birthday! A doll is the perfect gift to give oneself.

      Your namesake, Charlotte Noelle, says she hopes you have cake and ice cream to celebrate.

    2. Happy Birthday, Charlotte! I agree with Dorothy that a doll is a perfect gift to buy for yourself. I’ve bought every doll I have (except tThe Queen’s Treasures, Mary I won) as well as every piece of clothing and accessory set. either as birthday or Christmas gifts. Almost makes it more special having to save up for things. No one else would buy doll stuff for me.
      I saw your reply about the two emails from Jeanne.. Sorry my post was littered with typos, autocorrect at its finest.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Yes, “elegant” is the word for this ensemble, Jeanne! Although Chrissa is your model, I think any dark haired doll will make this coat shine! Or maybe it’s the other way around!!

    The hat is what I envisioned and so nice that thigh Highs are added too! Just what she needs in this weather that we are having!

    The scarf! Just perfect and adds a touch of sparkle and glamour! What doll wouldn’t want this outfit? Can’t really think of any!

    I’m glad you took the time off to relax and enjoy your company! What a great way to start the new year!

    Charlotte, sorry about the basement. Do you have drain tiles and a sump pump to help with that? We had to have that done years ago, so no problems now, thank heavens. Congrats on getting Freida!

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the coat is so pretty. I bet the Sofa Sisters would like one for themselves as it is cold now where many of us live.

    I am so glad that you had a great sister adventure.

    Well, here we go into 2022! There are only 117 days until May 1.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Glad you had fun with sisters. Do any shopping?
    Chrissa is the perfect model. The coat and thigh highs look so cozy. Maybe she needs a cuddly pet peeking out from under the folds. 🙂
    Keep warm.

  5. Karen+from+Kentucky

    I think she looks very nice 🙂 glad you had fun with your sisters and their spouses.

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    People will bid just to get those stockings. The scarf is a lovely addition and sets off the coat beautifully.

    Several years ago, I wanted to give my nephew’s 10 year old something different but and meaningful. His grandmother said he had no real interests that she knew of. I knew he liked his dog and thought — animals. I gave him a WWF snow leopard adoption. He was thrilled — not because of the stuffed animal that came with the adoption but because “no one has ever adopted an animal in my name before.” His mother and I thought he might become a biologist, but when the time came, he chose youth ministry.
    We didn’t care what path he chose, only that he chose well. The message was, “you are important. Your decisions are important. You make good decisions.” And he did. And it all started with a snow leopard.

    1. Susette from Southern California

      What a wonderful gift. It gave not only to your nephew but to you and his family as well. Well done.

      The fur coats are darling, as can be seen in the reactions to them and reflected in the bidding.

  7. Glad you had a nice time with your extended family! Nice to start the New Year that way.
    Charissa’s coat is beautiful and love the hat and stockings. Glad it’s faux fur too.
    I gift to myself for Christmas was By The Sea Kayla. Tried to find the Siblie Sydney but she’s sold out in the places I looked. She’d have made a nice little sister. But… I don’t want to get carried away with the RRFF. The AMC dolls are still my favorite, although I’m not crazy about the modern girls.
    Have a nice day!

  8. I am amazed with now this coat has turned out.at. I love the set in sleeves and waist seam and collar and the silver buttons and of course the stockings. It is a top 10 for sure. The hat is just the perfect shape too.
    Glad you had a great time with your sisters. My sister was here a couple weeks…she gets to see all her friends that she misses and family that are here. It makes for fun times.
    Taking down Christmas and putting up some favorite Snowmen…I always wait till Jan for Smowmen☃️❄️

  9. Chrissa’s coat looks warm and cozy. The hat style is perfect as is the way she’s wearing it.. Those cable knit thigh highs are definitely needed. We’re in the high 30’s, but at least the sun is shining. Love the scarf with its bit of sparkle. I really like a touch of sparkle to winter accessories. i have gloves to go with my dress coat that have a couple of different color metallic threads in them. Looks especially pretty in the sun.
    Glad you had fun with your sisters. Any outings?

  10. Sally from Colorado

    This is really a stunning coat set, Jeanne. Lucky winner, lucky doll! So pleased you had fun with your family, but don’t you always? Anyway, well deserved after your whirlwind fall.

    Congratulations on the new birthday and holiday dolls, ladies! My Alice showed up yesterday. Very pleased, but there are enough Sara faces here now.

    Ingrid, I hope the parents like that house; looks and sounds like a beauty.

    Marilyn, we have used the WWF adoptions with our grands and Heiffer Project. These gifts mean a lot to a lot of people. Good choice, and I read your late comment yesterday. You were very smart to do what you did in case you needed to evacuate.

    Two days ago it was 2 here when we woke up. The streets cleared a bit yesterday. Started a water biking class this morning. Felt great to be back in the water for these old joints but I’m pooped! Need to rally to walk the dogs and battle the wind. It’s pretty fierce.

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love the coat set! Really classy looking and the thigh highs are perfect. The ensemble looks great on Chrissa and she really looks great in the hat.

    Glad you had a great time with your sisters and their hubs. Will we be getting details on anything like shopping later or did you just really relax and enjoy yourselves with no plans?

    Ingrid, I love your prospective house. Being able to see real estate online is the best. I’m not looking for a house but I do enjoy seeing what’s out there. The house is in a perfect location for me. I’m not a big “acreage” person. That would be my hubby. I would be happy living “in town” here in Sealy but he wouldn’t like it at all. I love all the pretty houses being on smaller lots that don’t take huge amounts of time in upkeep and money to do it, but it wouldn’t allow for a shop and storage area for David. I’m guessing all the concrete covered ground is due to the need for a parking area for the business that used to occupy the house. I like the house to the left of the one you’re looking at. I love that style.

    David is off working with the boys today. Actually more straw bossing since he is not totally back on his feet yet. They have to put in a pad for the new A/C at the church. While David won’t be doing any of the work, neither of the boys has any experience at preparing the pads for air conditioners so he’s providing the expertise. The pads are usually there for them, but the church wants the current A/C moved so a new pad is needed They will be putting in the new A/C unit as soon as the pad is ready.

    The past two days here have been chilly here with nights in the 20s but it’s starting to warm up again. It looks like we’re on a roller coaster ride for at least the next week or so, but the highs are pleasant if the humidity stays low. – some 50s, 60s and 70s. I’m sure the “snow birds” are loving it here.

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