~ PERFECTLY PINK ~ Fur coat for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends is now on Ebay…

Tonight, my gray fur coat, “Frosty Fur,” ends on Ebay. If you want to see it, please click the picture at the right side bar… or you can click HERE.

I just got all the “fuzzies” swept up in my sewing room last night, and then today I managed to make another mess… this time with PINK FUR! I wanted to see if this curly fur was as messy to cut out as the gray fur. It was! I even tried cutting it out from the backside, as Shara suggested a furrier friend of hers does. She said he drew the pattern on the skins and then used an exacto knife to just cut through the skin but not cut the fur. Well, since my fur isn’t real, it has a stretchy like backing and even though I tried to just snip the backing and let the fur dangle down, it didn’t work. I mean, it may have worked slightly better, but it was still a big pink mess in there.
Oh well, sometimes you just have to make a mess to create something pretty.

I’ll tell you about the coat, but also wanted to tell you I received several emails from readers with pretty Christmas trees and I’ll be showing them… I just wanted to get this coat up today so it can sell quickly… (At least I HOPE it does!)

I was also overwhelmed with requests for special orders for other dolls in fur coats. I had to come back to earth and settle myself and decide to only sew, and list and sell what I make. I have too much on my plate for special orders right now… my hubby needs me more than most people realize…and I need to be free to help him with things.

Okay, enough on that… I worked as fast as I could, and came up with this pink curly fur coat set. It’s almost the same, but I did try using my pattern with the pieces butted up to each other to eliminate that princess seam. It’s still a nicely flared coat, but there is no seam over the shoulder.

The hat is made the same way as the gray one… with that elastic under the chin and easy to put on. I think the 2 little pink bows make it adorable on Stella… She looks wonderful in this pink. Sara was too pale blonde and Rozen had those 2 big braids in her hair that makes her head look square when she has on a hat. So Stella won out again…

The thigh highs are made from a cotton stretch knit and fit beautifully.

And then there were the boots. Not my greatest, but they are shoes and from a distance, if you squint your eyes, and leave off your glasses and pretend… they look “okay.” I hope someone will like them and be able to accept them for what they are. I have made several other pairs in real leather and won’t use faux leather any more… it just doesn’t work like leather does! I will send a few different pieces of lacing in case the winner wants to change them out to wear with something else.

Okay, my post is written… here is the link to the Pink coat auction on Ebay… HERE… now I must go and sweep up all that pink fur! :o)

I’ll see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

16 thoughts on “~ PERFECTLY PINK ~ Fur coat for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends is now on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Another beautiful coat set!! That pink fur is so feminine-looking; what girl could resist?! I love the pink bows on her hat, too; adds a nice touch.

    Congrats on ten bids thus far on the “frosty fur” ensemble! Should be interesting to watch how it goes!

    Tomorrow is Ron’s pre-procedure covid test and labs. He’s still isolating (but can go to the hospital for these tests!), but we will probably go straight home afterwards, unless he wants to wait in the car while I run in somewhere. Wed. is the angiogram, and hope to know more after that.

    We had a beautiful, truly sunshiny day today–our first in probably several weeks, so it’s worth noting. (Even on days when it doesn’t rain in Seattle, this time of year we don’t see more than a peek of the sun now and then, so a day like today is noteworthy!) Rain is predicted for the rest of the week, however. There is a chance of snow/rain mix ON Christmas, and maybe maybe maybe some snow the day after Christmas! Of course, I’m the one who’s always jumping up and down and yelling, hooray!! It’s snowing!!! (You can take the girl out of Michigan, but you can’t take Michigan out of the girl! LOL)

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I’m glad you like the pink coat…. so does Stella…
      I’m praying for Ron AND you and all you are going through…

      I’m glad you had such a pretty sunny day for a change. Gloomy and gray days are not my favorites!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Oh boy, somebody else will have the chance at a Jeanne Marie Original coat!! It is so pretty and feminine and looks so warm and cozy! I just knew coats would be the thing for all those RRFF dolls that everyone seems to be getting now! You may need to make yet ANOTHER or a few more coats yet, Jeanne, since you seem to have the pattern down perfectly and there seems to be a need for them!

    I love the sweet, delicate lace around the neckline! I would have preferred lighter boots, but those that have these dolls do have, more then likely, some boots or shoes of their own that they can swap out. I myself don’t recall wearing boots to go out someplace fancy with my good coat, but then that was along time ago!

    Thinking of you, Charlotte, and so nice that you had a sunny day yeaterday! Unfortunately, for us, they say we will have 60 degree weather on Christmas Day. I want snow too!

    1. Thank you, Linda,
      Well, coats seem to be a great time filler when its too close to Christmas but still time for pretty wintery things.

      We are having a sunny day today but it’s 45 so a bit nippy!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Good to hear that some Christmas tree photos are forthcoming. Around here, we have the tree with lights only. Pretty at night though. 🙂
    Should you make another coat in the new year, I’d like to see a white jacket instead of a full length coat. Then it could be worn with jeans as well as a dress/skirt. Maybe some mittens and a scarf with it also. The flamingo coat is cute though, and I’m sure will be snapped up by a bidder.
    We’re in for rain this week also. Thought we’d be getting a lot, but doesn’t look like it with the latest report. Still need more storms around here.

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m so glad you made another coat — this one looks like it’s made of feathers, like the capes of Hawaiian royalty. A friend got to try one on — she was 10 and her father was a visiting dignitary. She says it looked heavy but — well, light as a feather is an expression we use for a reason.

    The other day the post that is supposed to support part of the front porch came loose. The carpenter said I needed a shim. A year or so ago, I would have said, “What?” but that was before some of your house repairs, so I just nodded to show comprehension. This is such an educational blog.

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Good morning!

    I was wallowing around eBay and Etsy last night and, whoa! She’s done it again! Another JM coat set! And after cleaning up from the first one! Personally, I much prefer the Frosty Fur for the classic look and color and shoes rather than boots, but I know someone is going to be “tickled pink” to win this one. Good luck on both auctions, Jeanne. BTW, I liked the suggestion for a jacket set for these dolls. For me, though, it would be great to have a couple sets of jeans, shirts, sweatshirts for the boy RR dolls…they could be unisex to appeal to a broader audience.

    Charlotte, our thoughts are with you and Ron this week.

    Barbara, hope that “to do” pile is shrinking and David making more progress.

    Joy, please, please send some of that rain over here?!?

    Looks like good weather to drive to Frisco on Wednesday for my year follow up from my total reverse shoulder replacement done not once, but twice last December. Seemed like I finally had my full ROM back, as far as can be expected with this, but then, this last month….well, I needed the year follow up to begin with…so, hoping for a nice, pat, easy answer. 😔
    Have a great day!

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you have made another beautiful coat that is going to make some little dolly (and her Mama) very happy. I look forward to seeing holiday photos from the Sofa Sisters.

    Geez Louise, we can hop on one foot to get to Friday (laugh). I am so not ready for Christmas.

  7. Good luck with the tests for Ron this week! Hope Davids knee is coming along…what….2 weeks now?
    Jeanne you are a machine! Turning out the coats so quickly….love the pink one even more than the Chinchilla 😉 I’m making some Gnomes on table runners and their beard is fake fur too.. so I sympathize …I actually put on a mask when I cut out 6 of them. Cutting from the back is better so you aren’t cutting the fur so much .
    I have never been so frustrated trying to order a doll… maybe Freida is not meant to join Bella. 😟 My friend said use your desk top and that almost worked….at least I could enter all my CC info..but it wouldn’t complete the order…so now my CC info is out there floating around which is not a good feeling. I did get a response from them saying to “send a screen shot so they can see the problem” Ugh! No time for that today😏
    I took tree pics and will send some of my Angel Dolly tree that always makes me happy…I’d keep it up all year if I could. Enjoy these busy days😉

  8. Debbie in North Carolina

    Those soft, furry coats! Just in time for these cold nights. Two lucky RRFF will love you Jeanne. I think they would look great displayed together, I love grey and pink together.

    Best wishes and prayers to all who are facing medical tests and appointments this week. I hope all reports and treatments go well.

    Thank you Joy for the heads up on Estelle and Francis. I might need a reward for unpacking over 150 boxes, 8 left to go!

    Our couch arrived from Highpoint at 7:30 am today! Thankfully we were up by 6:00 am but not fully fed or caffeinated. Now we have decided that every piece of furniture is in the wrong place!

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Love the two coats Jeanne. I see there are 10 bids on the grey one now and I am sure the pink one will do as well
    Charlotte I do hope Ron’s procedure goes well and Sally i hope you get your ‘nice, easy pat answer’.

    Have to make my Christmas cakes today. My fruit cake recipe has no butter, sugar or eggs in it so I can make one for my friend who is allergic to dairy, eggs, gluten, potatoes and probably something else that I can’t remember. I make him one with gluten free flour and he loves it. He and his wife took in two of my foster daughter’s children so with three children of their own they have a full house! Still have mince pies and cookies to make and haven’t finished my Christmas shopping yet. I have made 6 reusable crackers but need four more plus stuff to put in them. Can I have another week please?

    From several weeks of cloudy (sometimes drizzly) weather and no sun then a week of heavy rain we now have 27+ degrees C! It is supposed to cool down on Thursday and be cooler for Christmas day with no rain. I hope they are right.

    It is 8 am and already 21C so need to take the dog before it gets any warmer. See uou all tomorrow

  10. Anderson, Christal

    Jeanne, I sewed with fur when I lived in Alaska. I would cut it with a single sided razor blade using just the tip so I wouldn’t cut the fur. When I was sewing seams, I would lightly tape the fur out of the way (pull it toward the inside, tape, then sew). This kept the fuzz under control.

    1. HI Christal,
      Thanks for the tips about cutting out fur… I’m going to give your method a try… I actually bought some more fur today and will see if it works…
      Thanks for taking time to tell me how you did it!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Christal Anderson

    PS I forgot to say that I would remove the tape after sewing my seams, and hairdressers styling tape worked well.

    1. Christal Anderson

      I guess I didn’t hit post on the first comment.

      I sewed fur when I lived in Alaska. I would use a single sided razor blade’s tip and just cut through the leather not fur by taping the fur back lightly.

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