~ FROSTY FUR ~for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls is now listed on Ebay…

Well, this set certainly came together pretty quickly! I love it when that happens. Of course, all the fuzzie furries in my sewing room will take some time to get cleaned up. They are everywhere!

I thought I’d show you a few new pictures we took this morning… Stella is a wonderful model and VERY photogenic!

Okay, so now how about the link to the listing…

It’s a THREE DAY AUCTION this time… instead of my usual 5 day listing. I hope you’ll check it out by clicking the picture at the right side bar or click HERE.

Well, I’m going to tackle my sewing room for a few hours before I go to bed… maybe I’ll hear my phone do a little “cha-ching” or two before I head to bed. In case you didn’t know, the “cha-ching” sound is a bid on Ebay. I love hearing “cha-ching!” :o)

Well, I’m off to my room with the vacuum… :o)

See you Monday, and don’t forget, this ends Monday evening…
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “~ FROSTY FUR ~for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Absolutely gorgeous, Jeanne! I think this might be my second-favorite thing of yours (after the LD white lace/black velvet dress)!

    I was thinking, maybe some of that Cuddle fleece would work well for something like this. Not as dressy as fur, but a fun and more casual look. Thinner fleece could be used for smaller dolls, too.

    ‘Tis the weekend before Christmas already! How time flies.

  2. Marilyn in Colorado

    That’s strange — my message just disappeared.

    Charlotte says you have a bid, but now there are 3 bids, 4 bidders. It looks like the coat was a popular project. You might consider making a pattern for a simple shift dress to go under your coats and make 3 or 4 this winter. It looks like dolls are demanding them.

    I was hoping you used the top picture in your auction, and you did. That should sell your stockings — and even several Stellas, if there are any still available.

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Wish I had that coat for myself right now. It’s taking forever to heat up the house this morning. Very cold here in northern CA. Looks like lots of bids on the coat too. Perfect timing.
    Received word that my RRFF Alexandra who has been traveling forever it seems, made it to the U.S. but wasn’t accepted in customs and is now off Informed Delivery tracking. Where she is, nobody knows. Poor thing. Maybe in an unheated overflow warehouse somewhere. Don’t know. Dara, however, is still in the system and due here next week if she is lucky. 🙂 Ed at Happily.com now has the anniversary of his business couple up on his site. A red headed boy in a cute suit and a girl with a lovely dress and hair pinned sort of like Anaelle. They are a great pair. Haven’t ordered yet, but am certainly thinking about it. 🙂
    I’m sure everyone has lots to do this weekend. Stay safe and warm..

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, so Ed has posted photos of the new dolls. He showed them to me at a Zoom doll gathering a while back but he swore me to secrecy (smile). I just checked the site and I can’t find them. Can you share the link for the Sofa Sisters? Thanks.
      Happy weekend!

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I hope you receive a ton of cha-chings!

    If you have any fur left, you might want to make a coat in the new year for a smaller doll (Little Darling, Boneka?).

    Seven more days and then Christmas lights ablaze!

  5. That pic of her putting on her shoes is a hoot…so realistic! she is so poseable I would think the coat in other fur colors would be popular too…and a ski jacket:0)
    I have been sooooo frustrated trying to order Freida…have tried and tried. Today my friend said use your desktop to order…not i pad. At least Igot further but still wouldnt complete. I dont want to use Paypal or Apple pay…just my CC ..and they have no phone listed ;O(

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Well I went and did it. I put in my preorder for Freida. She is so lovely I just had to have her. Now I really am running out of dolly room. I’m going to have to seriously rethink my organization. The other day I was looking for patterns on the Farmcookies site. Kathy has some lovely new things for 18″ dolls and she often redrafts the patterns for Wellies and Little Darlings and I was hoping she had some new patterns in those sizes. She said she’s working on some of them, but while I was there I noticed some pictures of her sewing studio that was created from a room above their garage. What a wonderful place she has to create. Her doll “shelves” are such a nice idea I think I’ll see if my hubby can create something similar for me. But I have no hope that my room will ever be as uncluttered as hers. It’s worth a looksee if you get the chance.

    The high for today was 71 degrees at 7 a.m. The temps have been dropping ever since to 56 last I looked. A great day for finishing up some of my Christmas errands if only it weren’t raining. It was supposed to clear up by 2 pm, but it’s after 3 pm now and still very wet out there.

    Yay!!! Hubby got back in his recliner by himself this afternoon. I usually had to hold his leg and put a pillow underneath, but he doesn’t seem to need the pillow now. He has his two-week check-up Tuesday.

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