Hide your Little Darlings if you don’t want them to see this dress…

I’m not totally done yet, but I did get a few more things finished on Emmie’s dress. Several of those things are hidden though… like sewing on snaps, hemming the dress and doing some handwork.

I did change a few things too… Joy mentioned the ribbon seemed like it had a Native American kind of feel… Actually it was a Christmas ribbon… and I think the design was supposed to represent snowflakes… that’s why I picked it… to go with the snowflakes in the dress. But after I read her comment, every time I looked at the dress, I could only think of that. So I traded it for a sheer white and silver ribbon. I also took off the silver toned glass seed beads and replaced them with a bigger silver bead. I had to go to Hobby Lobby to find something (as my bead expert has moved to PA! :o(



So here are a few pictures of the changes… still not finished, but closer than I was yesterday.

Tiny white buttons are on the back…

I think Emmie is such a pretty doll… I waited 3 years and 3 months for Lana Dobb’s to paint her… Those eyes and eyelashes are PAINTED… not glass eyes with eyelashes…

So I didn’t make it to “the other piece” I was hinting at… you’ll have to wait a little longer…

I was busy with other things today too… Wednesday evening is our Staff Christmas Party from church. I am helping with the food and made the carrot cake this afternoon/evening and tomorrow I have some other things to make…

Here is my cake… it’s yumminess makes up for the sort of skinny layers I ended up with. Oh well… :o)

I didn’t really know how to “decorate” it, so I just used some carrot shavings and put them around the bottom…

Well, I need to get to bed… I’m late again!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Hide your Little Darlings if you don’t want them to see this dress…”

  1. Hi Jeanne, The little Darling dress is so pretty. Blue is my favorite color. The little beads on the front maybe needs some more thought as the beads just don’t show up. so maybe a darker blue might be better as buttons. I’d also like to see a lace collar. Just seems so empty on the front. Your little girl looks happy to be wearing such a pretty frock

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Funny, Lynn, I was thinking a bit about a lace collar, too…although it’s easier to add a collar while you are constructing the dress. Perhaps just a little larger button/bead, or maybe a little ribbon rose or small lace applique might work, too.

    However, I do love the ribbon you put on, Jeanne! I mean, I kind of liked the other ribbon, too, but seeing the two different ones and comparing, this new one is much better!

    Your carrot cake looks delicious! I wouldn’t think it would need to be “decorated” at all, and the little carrot shavings might wither by the time you’re ready to slice the cake.

    Just to let everyone know, we now have a date for Ron’s angiogram. It will be Wed., 12/22 at 10:30 a.m. PST. Since he has hearing and cognitive issues, I can go with him during the pre-procedure period, but then I can’t stay and wait at the hospital, or join him in his room after the procedure is done–new covid protocol, I guess. He has to self-isolate for seven days previous, and have a covid test within 48 hours of the procedure (which he can do when he gets his labs done). Thank you all for your prayers.

    Barbara, I hope your husband’s surgery went well!

    Sally, congratulations on your win! I had no idea there was any kind of contest!!

      1. Dear Charlotte, So glad you have an appt on the books. Praying for some answers for you both.
        I wasn’t aware there was a RRFF contest either.

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the dress is so pretty.

    Please do post information about it on our ning site. I am sure the members would like to have a chance to purchase this beautiful dress.

    I love carrot cake! It’s my second favorite cake (wedding cake being my first). Here is a question: Do you put coconut in the icing? I am not a fan of coconut so I don’t like it in my carrot cake icing. Some folks here in PA do put it in their icing.

    Can you believe that Christmas is almost here!

  4. Sally from Colorado

    Good morning, all.

    First, thanks to all for your congratulations upon my win of the still elusive Freida doll. When we got into the hotel again late last night, I made replies to you on yesterday’s post.

    Jeanne, I am liking the changes on the dress. You and I both ordered our Lana dolls within about a week from each other. Remember the trouble we had getting in touch with her and the waits kept getting longer because she had taken on so much? And then, poor you had to wait another two or three months beyond me? Well, my Lavinia and your Emmie were worth the waiting.

    As for that cake? Man! I added a couple pounds looking at it. YUM! I agree with Dorothy…carrot cake, wedding cake, and I’d add German chocolate cake.

    Charlotte, sending love and prayers.

    Have a good day everyone.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I really like the new ribbon belt with the silver sparkle. Now, Emmie needs a bunch of silver jingle bells to shake or hang on the tree. I also like the lace peeking out from beneath the skirt. Sweet.
    Trees up. Just lights. Looks good to me. 🙂
    I believe my RRFF Maya/Minnie set will arrive today, and with luck, also Phanie coming from France. Have no idea how they might be smuggled into the house past other person though. Will be a challenge. 🙂

  6. Emmie’s blue dress is going to be so pretty. i also like the idea of a small lace collar. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you put a collar on a LD dress though, Jeanne. The sheer and silver ribbon is lovely.
    The carrot cake looks delicious and is good any time of the year. I typically make that as a fall dessert and sometimes spring. I never put coconut in the frosting. That is reserved for coconut cake.
    I’m like Joy, trees up , lights on and some unbreakable ornaments on the tree my kitties are allowed to touch. They are very good and don’t bat at anything. 🙂

  7. Thanks for the close up pictures of Emmie. It is amazing how those eyes and eyelashes can look like glass and real lashes. I love the way you made the lace show just a bit below the hem…that is so pretty! Either belt works for me. How come the beads are so tricky on that fabric? The latest ones look nice though.
    Glad all Of Ron’s appts are lining up. Quite the extensive prep for this one!
    Hope Barbara’s hubby is doing well.The carrot cake looks like a magazine cover! I have made lots of cakes but never a carrot cake…the ones I have had did have coconut in them and it was good🙂 Going to try a new cake in a pan from Pampered chef..it is shaped like 6 mini Bundt cakes… egg nog flavors added to the mix and pecan topping.☺️

  8. Hi Jeanne,
    Emmie is a beautiful girl and her dress looks great on her. I like the new bead/buttons down the front and the sheer ribbon at the waist IMHO is a nice improvement. I love blue too and this dress is adorable. If you are adding a little jacket/shrug there is no need for a collar but add me to the list, I’d love to see a collared dress too. I forgot to comment on that cute wig you made Brava! Well done you added wig maker to your repertoire. The cake looks yummy, care to share the recipe?

    Sally congrats on your win! A free doll! That is so exciting! We need pictures when she arrives.
    Charlotte continued prayers for you and Ron and some loving hugs too!
    Barbara, prayers for a quick and complete healing of Davids knee.
    Joy you crack me up! Trees up. Just lights. Looks good to me… hahaha wish that worked here. My four year old grand made me set up the tree and we hung ornaments for what seemed like hours!
    We have snow that’s sticking, yeah! It finally feels like Christmas.
    Hope this finds my sofa sisters all well!

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