~ Changes for Josefina ~ FINALLY LISTED ON EBAY!!!

I know! I know! I can’t believe it either, but it’s true! I managed to pull myself together and get a few new pictures of Josefina in her new necklace and get the set listed on Ebay! Marilyn thought of the name probably 6 weeks ago… I should check back and see just how long Josefina has been standing in this set on my cutting table…

I just checked and I made her white camisa on July 5th and the blue skirt on the 9th… Oh my goodness…that’s almost 3 months!! IT WAS TIME to get it listed. Sorry for the delay, but when I think about it all, it has been kind of a blur…

Well, it’s time to move on to the next doll… don’t know who that is just yet, but I’ll decide…

In the meantime, enjoy a few new pictures I took today and then head over to the listing on Ebay… You can see it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

10 thoughts on “~ Changes for Josefina ~ FINALLY LISTED ON EBAY!!!”

  1. Oh, didn’t it feel GOOD to finally get back in your sewing room and do some dolly stuff again?!!

    Josefina’s outfit is lovely. Some momma will be happy to get it for her girl, I’m sure!

    1. I should have said, some Dolly momma will be happy to get it for her girl (doll)! Definitely collector quality, not play!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What a SURPRISE, Jeanne! Looks like you hung your shingle back up and are back in business! Yay! I love Josefina’s “wardrobe”, and it would be fun to mix and match it! The possibilities are endless, it seems! I quite forgot that she had so many pieces!

    The outdoor pictures are wonderful and so fitting for Josefina! She looks so happy there, and I’m sure somebody is going to be thrilled to be able to dress their Josefina in this lovely wardrobe!

  3. Kathie from Omaha

    It feels like you are back to somewhat normal☺️ Josephina looks so cute and I swear she is really smiling more than usual! Like her necklace. The pic in front of the stone in your yard looks for the world like a historical spot in Mexico😉
    Off to the Eye Dr.. cataract is next🥴

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Love Josephina’s outdoor photos by the fountain. Such a gorgeous day for photography. What a statement the dry water feature makes to your beautiful yard too. Love it. Josefina looks very proud wearing her two sweet outfits. Good luck on the auction and can’t wait to see the next featured doll. 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Excited. Received two emails. Both RRFF Freya & Elinda are on their way. Yay!
      Maybe Jeanne’s next outfit will be for them? 🙂

  5. Marilyn from Colorado

    I feel a little like Kathy since I had an appointment with the eye doctor yesterday and came home with dilated eyes, barely able to see, so I didn’t get to tell you that I enjoyed your trip to the antique shop — I do miss antique stores and shows, so that was especially nice.

    I just bid on Josefina’s outfit, to start the action. I think I’m really bidding on your yard, so don’t forget to include that if I win. It’s the perfect setting for Josefina. Kathy’s right about the decorative stone, and all the green really sets that outfit off. With the blue skirt and shawl, the camisa looks pale blue and with the coral skirt, it bright white. The fabric is lovely and the necklace closeups show it off. It’s a beautifully photographed auction. Linda’s right to call the a wardrobe instead of an outfit. Someone with a new Josefina will probably outbid me long before noon.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I had forgotten all the pieces that you made for Josefina for this auction. Some lucky winner is going to be very pleased as will their Josefina. I love color and this outfit has lots of color. I’m sure your glad to be somewhat back to normal.

    I didn’t get to comment yesterday. I was too busy fighting with shortening the panels for Sean’s curtains. I did want to say that the crocheted coverlet was beautiful and with different backgrounds would work nicely for all seasons. I remember when I was growing up we had a beautiful crocheted bedspread, a tablecloth, several doilies and antimacassars all handmade and handed down from my paternal grandmother. I have no idea what happened to them. I think they were gone before I was grown.

    Sally, prayers for your husbands quick recovery from his surgery.

    I hoped to get the curtains shortened and finished before Sean left yesterday but that didn’t work out. As I suspected the measurements were not exact and varied in length as much as an inch from one side of a panel to the other. I figured out a system and eventually got them cut to my satisfaction. They’re pinned now and ready for hemming. The pieces I cut off I’m going to make a valance for above their kitchen sink since their living, dining and kitchen are open concept. Before I get to that I plan on doing some dolly clothes sewing. Something I enjoy.

  7. Dear Sally,
    I’ll be praying for your husband for a fast recovery. So sorry about the inconsiderate person not wearing masks. Really unbelievable in a hospital no less. drives me crazy enough in the grocery where I charge through as fast as possible. Hope you’ll share your Fernanda photos.

    So nice to see that you have Josefina’s skirt and camisa listed Her blue skirt matches our blue skies here. Wondering whose clamoring from the dolly shelf to be next.

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