Today we put down a NEW bedroom floor!!!!!!!

I debated about putting a few more exclamation marks in my title but thought maybe there were enough. It was a glorious day around here…because after 17 years of walking on plywood…and I don’t mean nice plywood, but rough, splintery and nails showing plywood, we have new vinyl plank flooring in our bedroom.

A few years ago we put down Loose Lay vinyl plank flooring in our living room, dining room and extended it into our kitchen. When the pandemic hit last year, Rebecca wanted to take up the shag carpet in her room and put the same flooring in her room…so we did. Then later in the year, a sweet friend gave us a gift which enabled us to put down the same kind of flooring in my sewing room.

The store we got all our flooring from (Karpet Korner, in Marion, IL) was having a Christmas in July Sale and they made us a deal we couldn’t turn down. So we bought flooring for the rest of all our plywood floors…our bedroom, the sitting room and my hubby’s office. It was one shade lighter than what we had already used…but we didn’t care…

We decided to start on our bedroom, but with everything moved out, we decided after 17 years it was time to paint the ceiling and pick a different color for the walls…it’s Agreeable Gray.

So today was finally the day to put down the floor! I’ll show you how it went!

This is the flooring…it’s about 1/4″ thick, 9″ wide flexible planks and about 48″ long. Each plank weighs about 6 pounds and has a sort of rubbery-like grippy back. This color is called Moonlight.

The planks also have beveled edges on the ends.

We vacuumed the floor first and then the fun began…

…starting in the left hand corner, we laid a plank next to the west wall and, of course, it was crooked… touching the wall in some places, but not in others.

Using his oscillating tool (that I got him) :o), my hubby chiseled out the lower parts of the paneling where the planks were hitting. The grooving out of the paneling allowed the planks to slide just under the paneling and let them lay straight across the floor next to the wall.

On our third plank, there was a air conditioner and heating register in the floor that we had to cut out… I did the drawing on the plank, after measuring and my hubby used a utility knife to cut out the hole…

Then we started moving along a little faster.

I made a quick 11 second video showing how the planks go together by just laying them end to end. It’s not the greatest but maybe you’ll get the idea of how it goes together.

The light coming in the room makes the flooring look a bit blue in my pictures… but it’s like barn gray.

I like to put a piece of blue tape on the ends of the planks when we are cutting them. That way I always can match up a factory edge with a factory edge. You don’t want to put a piece that you’ve cut with a pair of cutters next to a factory edge… it won’t have that beveled look no matter how straight your cut is…

We’re getting there…

Just a few more rows…

We had a cold air return vent on the last row of the room that we had to cut out and work around…

And done!

There is still plenty to do…the new white outlets and switches need to be hooked up. The trim for the window needs a second coat of paint and put up, the trim needs to be put around the bedroom door, the bathroom door and the closet.
I do have some bifold closet doors we got at a 70% off lumber yard that was going out of business. We did put up the old slider doors for now, but maybe when the new white trim gets put up my hubby will find the strength to install them.

Then everything has to be moved back in…but I am hoping to purge a few pieces… that’s something I haven’t told my hubby just yet! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Today we put down a NEW bedroom floor!!!!!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer, north of Seattle,

    Oh, how wonderful!! Your new floor looks lovely! I know you are going to enjoy having it. Thanks for explaining about the blue tape; I was wondering!

  2. Sylvia from NH

    Jeanne, Coming along nicely, lots of work but it feels so good when you are finished and you are almost there! Hooray!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Everythng is coming up roses for your “new” bedroom, Jeanne! It almost looks like a new house, and actually, the more you think about it,….it is! I’m sorry I didn’t get to comment yesterday, but I have had trouble with my iPad. Whe I try to write anything, the keyboard on it slides up right where I would be writing, and although I can write, I can’t see a thing that I am writing! Regular email does work better, but the way the blog is set up, it is impossible to write. I’m on the desktop now, so that works, but just thought I would mention that, since I absolutely LOVED Sissy’s little rompers she made for her dolls! My Betsy is hankering for one of those! Such cute fabrics and those darling headbands with bows make them look like little flowers! Sissy, where di you find that pattern?

    About yesterday’s blog, yes, yes, yes, I know the problem of trying to choose a paint that looks the same on all four walls of a room! Never happens! My house faces north and south, and what a difference one side looks compared to the others. My living room faces the south, so any color looks warm in there, while my kitchen faces north and a lot of white in it makes it look cold. That’s why I have warm colors in the kitchen and cool colors in the living room.

    You will love bi-fold doors for your closet! I use them for my doll closet and it really helps being able to see everything you have and to get it in and out easily.

    Another hot one today for us! It’s just no fun trying to do anything outside in this heat and humidity, but it looks like cooler weather is coming over the weekend with…..more rain!

  4. Thank you all for the kind remarks about my 3 rompers. I loved making them, especially with such great “beachy” fabric. I have been so busy putting clothes and dolls I already have up for sale I haven’t had much time to sew, which is my real passion. Heading for a week in Long Island to visit family tomorrow, and then, on August 16th, off to Louisville for the Modern Doll Collectors Convention, MDCC. Y’all stay safe and have fun!

    ps. Jeanne, as I have said before, you and your hubby are simply amazing!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sissy, enjoy Modern Doll! I can’t wait to hear about it, especially the tribute to Dianna Effner. Safe travels.

  5. Congratulations on the new floor! It looks strong and sturdy. You did a nice job making the planks fit over the registers. I get confused about to tell if a register is for returning air or not.

    It is very exciting to have a new floor! My husband put brown planks in our kitchen and living room. We used to have a white floor in the kitchen that looked dirty very quickly after it was mopped, so we are appreciating ours, too.

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Oh my, the vast expanse of Midnight! It is absolutely lovely. What a difference it makes from the old plywood. Love it. I think you might have cedar in your closet? How wonderful. Will you run the same flooring into the bathroom or do tile? You know me, always questions. Can’t wait to see the baseboards installed as that always finishes off a room. Hope you don’t have to wait on those like a friend, twenty years without any in the whole house. šŸ™ I was only able to view about 5 sec of the video, just at the click point and no sound, but got the idea. The overall effect of the changes in the room are so noteworthy. What an upgrade. And it’s not even Thursday and almost done. Fantastic work Jeanne and George!

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you are using all of the math skills we were taught in high school. I was lost after algebra (laugh).

    The room looks so lovely. It will be truly beautiful after the trim is put on.

  8. Joy Lynne Carter

    Hopefully the comments are ‘feeling better’ so I can tell you the new floor is gorgeous and I’m so happy for you. I, for one, enjoy the ‘reno’ posts as much as the doll clothes posts (but maybe I’m biased because I too live in an old house – 91 years this place has seen).šŸ¤— also I believe I have learned as much from your ‘reno’ posts.

  9. Sally from Colorado

    Hello, everyone.

    I didnā€™t get on the stick yesterday here, so first, Sissy and Jeanneā€¦.thanks for sharing those super adorable pics of those wonderful dolls and their play suits. The suits are sweet as can be, andā€¦since Joy has been talking about these dolls, it was nice to see the height of each. Well done, Sissy!

    For myself, I really enjoy how paint looks different given time of year and exposure. Itā€™s like getting BOGO! Your colors are restful and window trim makes a huge difference, and now, the floorā€¦wow. No more splinters! Not going to cry about that, are we?!? So great to see your progress every day, Jeanne. You will really love the bifold closet doors and I hope you donā€™t have to wait too long for those. So proud of you guys finding good bargains. Way to go! šŸ‘šŸ‘

    Dorothy, so glad you had fun in Baltimore. I sure hope you got some fabulous crab cakes during that event. Looking at the pictures, it was hugeā€¦and no masks? That would have made me nervous. But when you said next year was in St. Louis, I thought, hmm, maybe. But that city in the summer is a regular sauna, which sure gives me pause. Thank you for sharing that site. It is now included on my FB.

    Hope you all stay comfortable today and congrats on all your progress, Jeanne.

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    I can relate to your excitement at getting the new flooring down. Been there, done that and am still waiting for more to come. What a pretty bedroom you’ll have when all is completed.

    I love bi-fold doors even though I don’t have any. Except for our master bedroom, the bedroom closets have mirrored sliding doors. Our bedroom closet has two regular doors but due to the configuration of the closet and the fact that back in 1945 when the house was built most people did not have a lot of clothing, widening the opening and going with sliding or bi-fold doors would have lost two clothes rods. Hubby redesigned the closet and did the best he could to give me more hanging rods but it meant having to keep the two doors. I’d love to replace the mirrored doors but that is not on the remodeling agenda anywhere down the road, even though one in my guest room (daughter’s old room) is cracked but it’s down in a corner and is hidden by a portable closet when closed.

    Looks like your new bedroom is nearing completion. Can’t wait for the next episode.

  11. That floor is beautiful and so nice with the paint color! You are getting so much done each day too! Stay cool…at least you are NOT on the roof :0)

  12. Ingrid B in NY

    Hi Jeanne,

    How lovely your bedroom looks! The wall color is so pretty with the new floor. I can feel your excitement and I’m so happy for you. Like Joy Lynne I also enjoy the reno posts as much as the doll/sewing posts.
    I also wanted to comment how nice it’s been to see all the lovely creations from our talented ladies. Thank you for sharing, it really was a real treat.
    I also need to thank you and all the wonderful ladies that sent me sweet words of comfort and prayers it was very much appreciated!!! I had a procedure yesterday, August 9th I’ll know more. Jeanne I completely agree the “W” word it is no fun at all. Waiting for yesterdays procedure and now waiting for the results and the next doctors appointment is difficult but I’m keeping myself busy and trusting in my Lord and Savior! He WILL see me through it all. Thanks again my sweet sofa sisters!


    1. Alinafrom Krakow, Poland

      Dear Ingrid,
      I commend you in my prayers to the Lord Jesus. You have to trust the Lord. He knows what’s best for us. Best regards.

  13. I got through, Jeanne. Iā€™ve been trying for days!

    Love the look of your new bedroom!! Iā€™ve also enjoyed seeing everyoneā€™s pictures!!

    1. I’m sorry its been so confusing lately…Sarah told me my “theme” has expired so nothing is updating. The theme is how my website is laid out…colors for background, where you want the side pictures, what do you want at the top in your header, and everything that makes it unique to you. I have no idea how to fix that without Sarah’s help…and we haven’t been able to connect…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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