The roofers are coming! The roofers are coming!

Hallelujah! The roofers are finally coming Monday morning… I’m writing this Sunday evening and it will be a quick set of pictures of what happened today. My hubby woke me up this morning and said, “Please, can you help me… we have problems?” I jumped out of bed and got dressed to find this mess on the roof… you see, we were waiting until the last minute to take the siding off the eave that is just above my sewing room… because we knew if it rained it would just pour in my room… but since the rain forecast was 0%, we had to go for it… the roofers will be here at 6:30 Monday morning. The siding at the bottom of that eave had to be taken off because they have to put a membrane down on that part of the roof… it’s not slanted enough and the water won’t roll off of it… which is the reason why this is like this in the first place… the roof never should have been at such a minimal slope.

There was a lot of damaged wood up in that corner…below it is that awful mess we had in the corner of my sewing room… remember it?

It was actually more than just “damaged” wood… let’s face it… it was rotten… and needed to be replaced…

But first the shingles needed to be pulled away from the siding so we could replace the end of the eave with some new wood and some insulation…

Long story short… I’ll just show you some shots and tell you it was miserably hot… the heat index was in the upper 90’s… so I’m not sure what the temp was on those hot black shingles… We had a couple of saw horses up there and used it (at a slant) for cutting things out…)

It was SO hot, my shoe sole came loose from the shoe…

We did have a pretty day, until the sun came over the big tree in the east and started beating down on us… my hubby brought a fan up on the roof…

We worked until 8:30 Sunday evening… my hubby had been at it since 6:30… needless to say, we are about as pooped as we’ve ever been, but we did get it finished… now we can only hope the roofers will approve of our patch on the roof…

We DID have a nice view from up on the roof… here’s a panoramic shot…

I put together some snacks for the roofers…and some drinks… I have a new appreciation for guys who work out in the sun all day on hot black asphalt shingles! (Rebecca said, “Mom…it looks like a concession stand!”)

Well, that’s it. Time for bed…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “The roofers are coming! The roofers are coming!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my goodness, what a day you had, and such temperatures! I hope that wasn’t your favorite pair of shoes that got ruined!! (Sometimes even old shoes can be our favorites.) But once again, the two of you worked together and accomplished that patch, and soon you won’t have to get the buckets out when it rains, ever again!! Kudos to both of you!!

    My Maya came!! She was waiting at our house Sat. when I got home from the church (graduation party and then practicing for this morning). However, I was so beat, it was all I could do to get the box into the basement, and there it is, as I was tired today, too. However, my music went fine this morning; the organist was also there, so the two of us played the hymns together (I, on piano), and it was really fun! I’d never done that before. Afterwards we took our pastor and his wife out for dinner.

    Next Sunday I’ll be on my own for the music, I’m pretty sure, so I will be practicing during the week again. At least there aren’t five other appts. during that time, like there were last week!!

    BTW, for those of us who are sewers, today (6/13) was National Sewing Machine Day! (Who knew that was even a thing?!)

  2. Charlotte Trayer, north of Seattle,

    P.S. When I say “we,” I mean Ron and I; he was actually feeling up to going to church this morning, first time in about a month. He was ready for a nap by the time we got home, though.

    1. Sally from Colorado

      Hi, Charlotte!
      Wow! So nice to hear that Ron was up for going to church. Thank goodness for those “good days!”

      By now you have opened Maya? Have you both decided what to sew for her? Have fun!
      I am not a sewer, but today I had the pleasure of taking my friend Kathy (SugarloafDollClothes on Etsy) out to lunch to talk dolls and sewing. We have been friends a long time. I always love our meetings and talks. I didn’t sew, bit I DID talk about sewing.

      A day or two ago I got an email from Happily Ever After and I gave it no attention until the time I was about to delete a lot of emails before going to bed. I opened it and found it was “Doll Day” and Ed was offering a 20% discount on dolls in stock. Glad I opened it. I ordered my first Siblie, Sydney. I am hoping I will be able to use a good many of my LD clothes for her. If I luck out, I will add Callie and maybe Bailey next month.

      Anyway, Charlotte, I love my two Mayas and hope you are thrilled with your girl. Can’t wait to hear!

  3. Linda from St. Louis

    Don’t tell me that it was just you and George doing all that and getting all of that stuff up on the roof?? My goodness, you two are pretty brave! I will say that yesterday wasn’t as bad as Saturday with the heat. It was hot, yes, but not as humid and that makes quite a difference! I too, was working outside in what started out as shade, but gradually became more and more sunny, and it was not too pleasant being out in the full rays of the sun. Wasn’t that shower you must have taken afterwards wonderful?

    It is almost 5 a.m. as I write this and I am sure you are getting up soon in anticipation of the roofers. Aren’t they lucky to have clients like you to “wine and dine” them?

    And a big Thank You to all you lovely ladies who complimented me on my Josefina! She is feeling the love!

  4. Jeanne, the two of you just continue to amaze me. You are the hardest working folks I have ever heard of! I hope that house appreciates you! As for feeding the roofers, I totally agree. We had workers here at our house for a couple of months, taking care of damage done by an undetected leak from our HVAC. I made pies and Dump Cakes and Peyton made pigs-in-blankets and we fed them these snacks every day. Also we had to have a tree taken out and branches cut from others over the roof. We fed those guys too, and when they were working next door, one of them asked, “Where is the cake?” Of course, I went back to our house and brought them some.These kind acts for workers are always rewarded. We made friends and the guys working on the house showed appreciation by helping us in extra ways.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Well, it must be close to 9:00 your time so hope the roofers are there. This would not be a good week for roofers here either. Fortunately, we’re not having any work done. I’m sure your workers will be the envy of the local roof repair people. Such a wonderful treat setting for them. Expected to have our hottest day on Thursday in the triple digits. Bad enough that we are saving water from the shower warm up to haul out to the plants, but with the heat, not sure how anything green will survive. Your lush green yard makes me so envious. The view from the roof is lovely. Maybe you need to add a widow’s walk up there. Then you could take up star gazing in your free time. Just kidding about the free time. What a perfect repair job. Be thinking about you and George today. Keep cool.
    Have to add, I finally finished week two of the Sew Along. Now the Ruby Red crowd has two switch a roo outfits. I’m hoping to get a picture today, and then on to week three. 🙂

  6. Kathie from Nebraska

    Now I’m hungry for powdered sugar donuts…or Rice Krispie bars! What a nice thing to do for them! We did lots of drinks for our roofers a couple years ago but now I feel bad we didn’t feed them too. I hope you can stay inside today and do some “Jeanne” activities😉
    Josephine will have a fun week I’m sure☺️

  7. Wow, Jeanne! You and George have done half the roofers job for them. Is that the difference between getting a roof re-shingled vs getting the roof replaced? We got a new roof a few years ago and the roofers did everything.

    Today is Flag day. I made a red,white,and blue maxi dress a couple years ago. I combined a whole pile of t-shirts. I wore to my folks 4th of July party a couple times. I’m going into town this afternoon so I’m wearing it today.

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    I know we often compare you and George to shows on HGTV but we really wish you didn’t run into some of the messes they seem to on those shows. Surprises during renovations are most unwelcome because they are not usually the intent of the renovation and cost time and money not often appropriated to the job. Of course the same goes for what should be routine repairs but are not. We’ve run into some of that stuff ourselves.

    My favorite (not!) was the water leak under the house. Our house sits on a small slope above our mobile home park. One day I started noticing water in the mobile home park and it hadn’t been raining. David checked all the water lines in the park and came up with no problem. Both of us went into shock when we realized it must be coming from our house. Our house is on peers and the plumbing is run in the crawl space under the house. There is an opening in the garage to get under if necessary. We looked and yes, it was full of water under there. Getting a plumber for the job would have cost thousands of dollars.

    Over the years we always had young kids who were still small and agile enough to get under comfortably but not really any longer when this happened. But Sean was still somewhat able so David suited him up in fishing waders and he crawled under the house to make the repairs while David and Jason opened up the area from outside. To get Sean out from under the house David and Jason had to grab his arms and pull him out the fit was so tight. But they got it fixed and did things to help make it easier to repair should this happen again (hopefully not while I live here).

    I had the saddest couple days the end of last week. I could not access the blog. I was getting it in my e-mail but could not access it on the internet. I don’t know what you did Jeanne but thanks. Saturday evening is was back up but it was late when I read it so I didn’t comment. Belatedly I want to say that your Josefina is lovely and the clothes you made in the past for Josephina are really beautiful. I love bright colors and some of the outfits toward the end looked like some of the pictures I’ve seen of women in Argentina. I don’t know Josefina’s history but I’ll be looking it up. And Linda from St. Louis your Josefina dressed in her First Communion ensemble was absolutely beautiful. I never liked wearing hats to church but when I was a teen I chose to wear a mantilla. I wouldn’t mind wearing that even today. They always looked so lovely. I think I’ve caught up on the past.

    Hopefully your roofers showed up on time and can maybe knock the job out in a day. And all the yummy goodies. Makes me want to become a roofer for the day at your house. Well maybe not with the heat, but everything does look tempting.

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, bless you for being such a good neighbor. My mother used to feed people who needed it and those who just wanted to visit. The mailman used to take his lunch break at our house. I could never just run downstairs in my PJs.

    I am glad that your roof is being repaired. That will be a great relief.

    I head off to the Madame Alexander Doll Club convention on Sunday! I am so excited to see all of my MADC friends after our “year off.” I will be gone for the week and I won’t have access to the internet as my cell phone doesn’t have any features. It just rings.

  10. Marilyn from Colorado

    I am so glad this is happening. I’m not sure the roofers will have time to roof, they will be so busy eating. I suppose you and George will be out there all day answering questions and making sure they have what they need. Tomorrow needs to be a day of rest but I’ll bet it won’t be.

  11. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Dear Jeanne, Boy what a time you had on Monday. I hope your sewing room is not damaged and everything is okay there? Your husband is so good at fixing and figuring out problems like mine is. You are so lucky to have him because being married to a guy who doesn’t do things like that can be costly. I know. I don’t know how you do it, standing up on that roof, up so high with the heat bearing down on you? I could not do it. I would feel like I was going to fall off. You are so very brave. Good For You! You remind me of me when I had work done on my 1898 house that my son and his family live in now. We had plumbing problems and found out that when the guy came over to jet out the sewer lines that he busted the clay pipes in our long backyard. All that had to be replace with PVC pipes and we were charge also for the main connection in the alleyway to the City’s sewer lines as well. What a nightmare that was. This was in the hottest month here in Colorado and the poor guys were dying over there in the heat and they had their back how and were digging away for a week. It destroyed out whole backyard. So every day I made them smoothies with fruit and gave the a fruit platter cold from the refriegerator. I had them sit under out patio cover on the side of the garage and they were so gracious and told me that they never were treated so good. They told me when they worked at the rich homes, they got nothing from the owners. I think that is so sad. It made me feel so good that you treated them so well and fed them. You always treat people like you wish to be treated. That is what the Lord teaches us. I am so glad all this mess will soon be over and you can get back to the things you enjoy the most. Dolls and sewing and sharing photos and creations with all of us. Get some rest. You and George deserve it. Your kitchen looks beautiful as well. I love it.

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