” Buttons and Bows,” for Samantha, is FINALLY listed on Ebay…

I was determined to get Samantha’s dress listed this evening and I DID! Just in the nick of time… and I even got dinner made too! :o)

I decided to take Samantha outside and take some pictures, but it was SO bright, it kind of washed her out and even made my pictures look a little hazy-like.

If you click on any of the pictures, they will enlarge.

So I brought her back inside and set up my white backdrop again and took a few more pictures of her. Her skin looks much nicer inside and you can see the details on her dress better… but I still included quite a few of the outside pictures anyway.

If you want to check it out, and see ALL my pictures, you can click on the picture of her at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Now in other news… I know many of you have heard Julia talk about her She Shed… well she sent me a few pictures and I wanted to share them…

Isn’t this adorable? What a great space to get away from it all… whatever that means to you! :o) The shape is just like our chicken coop… This is what it USED to look like…

…and then a big storm hit and and a huge limb fell onto the roof… UGH!

That’s pretty scary, Julia!

Now it looks like this…

This is her chicken coop for when her little baby chickies get big enough to move in. I love this and so would my hubby! :o)

Then I have a picture from Alina, in Poland. She told she was on a plot in Poland… I’m not sure what that means, but she said she couldn’t sew, so she was knitting. She made this green sweater and the openwork skirt for her #35 doll, Clotilde…

I hope she saves it for her doll for next St. Patrick’s Day…or makes a pretty red and green plaid skirt to go with it for Christmas! :o) Thanks Alina… great job!

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “” Buttons and Bows,” for Samantha, is FINALLY listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Good for you, Jeanne, getting Samantha’s dress listed! I think there are going to be some dollies hanging around computers this weekend!!

    What a cute she-shed, Julia! I hope you weren’t inside it when that huge limb fell on it. That would have been frightening. Your hen house is lovely, too.

    Alina, your knitting is lovely! I especially love the openwork pattern in Clotilde’s skirt. So pretty!!

    I wonder if “on a plot” meant Alina is on a trip or vacation? Or camping? That would make sense–most people don’t or can’t bring sewing machines on trips. (Of course, occasionally I have been known to bring a machine along, but that’s me! LOL)

    I actually got into my sewing room today for a little while! My girls are so glad. I found some micro-check ribbon in the perfect shade of pink to trim Maya’s new dress, so I have that started now–yay!

    Update on Ron: we saw his doctor today, and he has him on an extra diuretic pill for 5 days. Ron is grumbling, of course, but this will help remove some fluid from his lungs so he can breathe better.

    1. You’re right, my plot is a holiday house where we spend our holidays. This year, due to the virus, it is difficult to leave somewhere to have peace, so we are sitting on the plot. Greetings.

    2. HI Charlotte,
      I hope you’re right and lots of dolly’s watching… I hope they know how to use a computer too! :o)
      I think Julia’s She Shed is just adorable… and I’m certainly hoping she wasn’t inside… I think if she was, she would have told me…
      I thought on a plot was something like you suggested… a place where she didn’t have access to a sewing machine… it’s nice she can knit when she only can use her hands…
      Glad you made it into your sewing room and glad your hubby got some relief…
      Thanks Charlotte… happy sewing!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda from St. Louis

    Congrats on getrting Samantha’s new otfit on Ebay, Jeanne! I do see the difference between the inside picutres, since th eoutside pictures are more muted and not quite as crisp as the indoor ones are, but that outfit is just spectacular!

    Julia’s She Shed is adorable! I wish we could have seen the inside, and what goes on in there, Julia? Love the bike especially and cheery colors! A bouquet of flowers in the bike basket would be cute! Oh gosh, what a mess that must have been when that tree trunk fell! And that chicken house is adorable! Your back yard looks like so much fun!

    Alina did a wonderful job on her doll outfit, and I too, love the intricate skirt!
    Thank you both for sharing!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      I had too many interruptions with Samantha’s dress and was really happy to see it on Ebay!
      I should have taken some pictures later in the evening when it wasn’t quite so bright, but I just wanted to get a few to show the real color of the dress…

      I’m hoping Julia will send me some inside pictures of her She Shed.. I think it’s so cute… I wonder how much time she spends out there?

      I wish I knew how to knit and could make cute little sweaters like Alina did… I wonder if I could teach myself? I remember knitting a few things when I was a kid… but I think it was just a scarf or something really simple… maybe it would come back to me… :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Thanks for the compliments on my hen house! I was not inside when the giant branch fell. I was in the basement! That’s the kind of storm it was! For those not familiar with Midwestern weather, when a tornado or cyclone has been sighted, we head for the cellar to be safer. Think Aunt Em in the Wizard of Oz. I could probably send pictures of the inside. Twist my arm!

    I think we are all fascinated by the lacy skirt, Alina. Very pretty and very versatile!

    Jeanne, do the washed out pictures make Sam a white body? LOL! I know. Wrong body parts! 😉

    1. Hi Julia,
      I’m glad you were in the basement when the storm hit… I bet you were sick when you came out and saw that of all the places a big limb had to fall, it just “had” to hit your Shed… Well, at least it didn’t smash it completely… but I bet it was a pain to repair…
      Yes, do send some inside pics… we want to see the inside… :o)

      Alina’s lacy skirt is very pretty… great job!
      Ha ha… Julia’s being funny! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Glad you have the lovely dress for Samantha listed. Wish you great success. 🙂
    Kind of late today because I was shopping. I bought “that pattern” I’ve been struggling with in an LD size. Thanks Jeanne. Maybe making it in a larger size won’t be so daunting. 🙂
    Alina’s little outfit is so sweet. I would love to see a white knitted lacey top with that cute skirt too. So fashionable. And the green sweater is adorable. Oh, I wish I too could knit. Have a great holiday, Alina.
    And the Hen House survived the storm and wasn’t blown away to OZ. It is adorable and that bike the perfect accent! Can’t wait to see Julia’s chicks in their new digs. 🙂
    Speaking of She Sheds, you might say that I have one too. It hasn’t had any attention lately. Some years back, I renovated the old playhouse as a summer project. I did the entire thing myself. Must have had a lot of energy back then. Should I become energized again, maybe I’ll pull weeds and sweep the place out. It is actually shaped much like Julia’s grand palace. 🙂

    1. Oh Joy,
      We must see your She Shed too…even in it’s unfinished state…we won’t care…and we can all give you ideas… ;o)

      I’m glad you decided to buy a pattern to figure out how to make the dress. I hope it helps you figure it out…
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I know you’re glad to finally get Samantha’s outfit listed. It is so lovely. Now you can just sit back and relax and let all the 18″ dollies take it from here. Probably not because I’m sure you don’t relax much when you have an outfit up for auction. I know this one is going to be fun to watch.

    What a wonderful chicken house Julia’s chickens have. First class. And I love Julia’s She Shed. Too cute. I’m glad she wasn’t hanging out in there during the storm but how sad when she came up out of the basement to see that limb on her sweet little shed. I had a bit of a surprise in that vein the other day when I was mowing. It was my first time to mow this year because Jason usually has been doing it and David did it once. But everyone had other things to do and with all the rain lately the lawn really should be mowed twice a week so I did it. I needed some sun anyway. Well, I haven’t been down to the lower 40 lately (that is down by David’s shop) so I was really taken aback when I came around one of the buildings to do the garden area where David had his grape vines (now dead) and the green house he and Sean built years ago once stood. It needed to come down anyway but now it’s a matter of cleaning up the debris.

    We have no idea why it just fell. We’ve had a lot of rain but most of the bad storms have missed us. At the moment no one has the time to clean it up and truthfully it will be a better job for cooler temperatures. Thankfully it is lying flat and not visible from the road so it can be put off for a little while. It was not being used for anything since Sean moved from Sealy. He was going to grow Calla Lilies but he realized he would have to grow tons of them to make any money so he got married and moved away instead leaving the unused greenhouse behind. Quite frankly I’ll be glad to get the thing out of there. It was huge and hard to mow around.

    Sometimes I wish we had a tiny piece of property with a little cottage with a white picket fence rather than the large piece of property we have. Too much room for “stuff”. Things keep getting bought or built on whims and then abandoned leaving the detritus behind. Doesn’t seem to bother anyone but me. I’m kind of like Maw Kettle in the Maw and Paw Kettle series. She had company one day and had to move a ton of things for them to find a place to sit. She said she used to stress herself trying to keep things perfect but she was the only one who seemed to care so she just gave up and accepted the inevitable. As long as I can keep the house and the area around it to my liking, I consider the rest foreign territory and on the back burner of my life. One time when I was still working one of my co-workers came into my office and remarked on how tidy it was. She said my house must be immaculate. I told her she assumed I was the only one who lived there.

    I love Alina’s pretty little outfit for Clotilde. One thing I have noticed is that people in other countries do a lot of knitting. Far more than here. I’m not sure why that’s so but they are amazing at it. I love looking at some of the knitted doll fashions. They are absolutely beautiful and so detailed. I crochet but I don’t knit but I sure wish I did. I used to give it a try but got frustrated easily. A woman that used to go to my church could knit anything but she’s the only person I’ve known in my whole life who really enjoyed knitting. My mother was good at it but only did it when she wanted a gift for someone. She never did it just to relax. I’ve always liked crocheting because it went quicker. I always have a crochet project to take with me on vacation. I’ve never tried to take my sewing machine.

    My Paola Reina Liu arrived the other day. She is so cute. And I bought a Maypole. It will be perfect for my smaller dolls next May. I was going to make one but saw this one and the price was right so I bought it. It’s mainly for a centerpiece but will be a great dolly Maypole.

    1. Thank you for your kind compliments, Barbara. It’s so much more fun sewing a dress for a doll that doesn’t have “football shoulders!” I love this Samantha doll…

      It was probably a strong burst of wind that pushed the building over…maybe all the rain soaked the ground and made it loose…

      I am like you, Barbara…when too much stuff is around me, I get overwhelmed. Just today, I was noticing there were too many things on my kitchen counters… I like simple things and the older I get, the less stuff I need to have.

      I can crochet a little bit, but sure would love to make little dolly sweaters…even if I only had one pattern…

      I’m glad Liu arrived and you like her…I think she’s a pretty little doll…and congrats on the Maypole… you’ve got a year to figure out what you’ll do with it… :o)
      Thanks Barbara
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Joy in northern CA

      I would love to see your Maypole even if it isn’t May again for awhile. Maybe your girls can have a Halloween theme party and dance around the Halloween pole? Ha ha.

      1. Barbara in SE Texas

        Joy, it’s called a Beltane Mini Maypole and I got it on Etsy for $15.00. I’m surprised it wasn’t more. It’s very nice.

  6. Kathie from Omaha

    Buttons and Bows makes a very impressive auction she looks great in the purple print and the bows down the front are my favorite thing. Is that the first dress you have made for the AG Anniversary ? Were there 6 originally?
    Julia’s hen hose is just the cutest….any hen would be very lucky to be able to live there! Nice way to reconstruct it after the tree disaster. My hubby made a He she’d but it is now a machinery shed. Residing mower has taken over most of the space and now we have a woodchuck who thinks he owns the area under the shed. Sheesh…we didn’t have this many ornery critters when we lived on the farm!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      Well, I had made the pink and blue one just after AG announced the news…so I guess she was first…Samantha is 2nd.
      I’m doing another doll next and then get back to the American Girls…
      Yes. The first six were Samantha, Kirsten, Molly, Addy, Josefina and Felicity…

      Julia sent some inside pictures I might share tomorrow… it looks like a great place for peace and quiet or a place to do some hand work…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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