Isabelle is going to get some photos taken by a PRO…

Once again I have tried to capture the “minty” side of this dress set, but only succeeded “slightly.” I was randomly holding Isabelle up in my sewing room snapping pictures and a couple of them actually showed the minty hue of this fabric…which is the REAL color I’m describing it as… apparently I AM THE ONLY one who can see it because the dress is right in front of me…

I was telling a friend this morning about my dilemma and she went home and told her hubby about it… He’s a GREAT camera guy and I got a text a little while ago… “I think Seb can come by sometime Wednesday or later in the week and help you!” I am very excited and hope he can make some kind of sense of all this madness… the fabric is mint green so WHY is it showing up as aqua?

Here are a few of the pictures that are semi close to the minty color…

…and here are a few that AREN’T…

Here is a comparison shot of the fabrics…

Aqua vs. Mint green…

I took her jacket off and laid it down on the fabric… and the top part of the fabric is a bit on the minty green side… can you tell?

I did make her a pair of thigh highs and a little half slip today…

Now her dress length looks better to me without those bare legs showing…

I have to admit, she DOES look very pretty in this aqua color…if ONLY it was aqua… but she looks awfully sweet in the mint green! :o)

Well, until I get with Sebastian, I’ll work on something else…and then get back to this…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

35 thoughts on “Isabelle is going to get some photos taken by a PRO…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Yes, I can definitely see the “minty” in those first three pictures. I’m hoping that Sebastian will be able to explain what is happening to make it show more aqua most of the time. Perhaps there’s some kind of filter you should be using or something?

    The petticoat and thigh highs do complete the outfit, and make the dress look even prettier!!

    Yesterday Barbara mentioned that she and her sister used to string “clothesline” between doorknobs so they could hang up their dolls’ clothes. I remember when I was maybe 7, mom put up a small clothesline between the two posts at one end of her clothesline (I think there were two vertical posts with the crossbeam between them, and the same at the other end, so we had several lines for clothes) so I could hang up my dolls’ clothes when we did laundry! That was a long time ago! (Early-mid 1950s). I think it was just long enough that I could hang maybe 3 or 4 little dolly things on it. Nowadays I just use the dryer. I’ve lived here almost 47 years, and we’ve never had a clothesline outdoors (even though Someone said he would put one up for me when we first got married!).

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I tried again today to replicate the place where I took those first pictures and couldn’t get it to happen again… it was just a fluke I guess… I’m sure it has to do with the light filter on my phone and my camera…
      What funny stories you all have shared about clotheslines!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Well, I don’t know what to think of the dress color now! The first three pictures look very green, not aqua at all! Both are very pretty though, and if it ever happened to me that I was lucky enough to get this outfit, I wouldn’t care a bit if it was mint or aqua! Have you ever had a dress this color before and had trouble showing it’s true hue?

    Oh my, that clothesline story I seem to have started! Like Barbara, I took the clothesline and had it strung through ALL the doorknobs, and furniture pulls I could find! My bedroom looked like a maze of string! I really went crazy doing it and can’t figure out where my mother was while all this was going on, probably outside hanging up clothes!! My little toy wringer washer was in the basement, so that’s where I washed the clothes, then broght the dripping doll clothes upstairs to hang them up in my room! I don’t know how in the world I got through all that string to hang them up! To top it off, I told my mother that my sister did it, and she believed me! Valerie then had to stay inside for the rest of the day! I remember telling her girlfriend that she was a bad girl and had to stay in, and I felt so awful about it! To this day, I don’t know if she ever forgave me! Isn’t it funny how when one of us mentions somehting about our childhood, so many others have had almost the same experience? Fun just remembering those days!

    1. HI Linda,
      I’m hoping the winner of this set will like either color… whatever color they see it as… ;o)
      I sure wish you had a picture of the clotheslines strung up in your room… what a sight that must have been! …and then you fibbed about your sister… poor Valerie! What a fun, but sort of “not so fun” memory!
      Thanks for sharing Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. That’s the funniest childhood tale I’ve ever heard, Linda. I can’t believe you did that! It would win in a contest for True Crimes of Childhood.

    I think I’ve solved the color of the dress mystery. I remember that you said you have cataracts, Jeanne. When I had the first eye operated on a couple of years ago, I covered the one that hadn’t been done yet and was astounded by the difference in the way colors appeared. The leaves on the trees were suddenly a totally different color. Before they were muddied and darker hued and after appeared clear and bright. I think maybe many of us have had the operations and as many haven’t or don’t need to. Of all the colors, green was the most notable for the difference. One is truly looking through a filmy filter that also changes the color when cataracts are present. I’ll be interested to hear if anyone else has experienced this.

    There’s a free video series running on Facebook right now called iPhone Photography School. It’s extremely comprehensive but one can pick subjects of particular interest.

    The ensemble is another triumph of design and skill. Total Winner!

    1. HI Susette,
      Well, I was fully intending to hear a story about a clothesline tale from you too, Susette… guess not?
      I wish I could blame the color differences on my cataracts, but it’s definitely mint green in person and aqua behind the camera lens! When I first had my surgery, I DID see colors differently, but I think my brain has adjusted and now I see things pretty much for what color they really are…
      I don’t have an iphone, so I’d probably be frustrated to see how things might work for those phones but not mine…
      Somehow, someway, I will get this listed and hopefully in the minty color it really is…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        And I’ve had Both cataracts done, and I am still seeing the different tones you are seeing, Jeanne, so I don’t think that’s it.

  4. Oh my, I can really see the color difference in the first few pictures. I will be interested to find out what is making it look so aqua. That must be so frustrating for you trying to capture the color correctly, especially since you are listing it for sale. I am sure you will want the color to be represented correctly.

    Charlotte, I still have an outdoor clothesline. I like to hang my sheets outside to dry. Well, really any bedding. It smells so fresh when put back onto the bed.

    1. HI Carolyn,
      I just hope the winner gets to see it in the true color it is… instead of just having to take my word for it or see a few shots that are correct…
      My mom had one at her house for as long as I can remember… she loved the smell of fresh laundry, sundried! :o)
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. The color mystery continues. Aqua has more blue in it while mint could lean more yellow. How that affects the photos l do not know.

    1. HI Julia,
      I’m really hoping Sebastian can solve the mystery of the colors for me… so the next time I encounter this, I’ll know what to do!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Sandra M Lyons

    The saga continues.
    The pictures you show at the beginning of the post all look mint! I don’t think we don’t believe you but in the post the dress and jacket look two different colors.
    Today they both look mint! I think it came down to what lighting your were using at the time. Maybe in the original images that lighting was too bright because the lighting in the new images doesn’t appear to be that bright. I’m thinking it will come down to brightness. Hope your friend can help.

    Oh that clothesline story is so funny. Me and my sister use to do that also. I always had a clothesline until I moved into an apartment. I miss hanging my bedding out to dry as they always smelled so clean and fresh. You can’t get that from a dryer.

    1. HI Sandra,
      I’m thinking it has to do with the lighting too, but maybe more the lighting settings on my phone… I tried with my camera today and all it took was aqua pictures… no minty colors at all..
      I can’t believe all the clothesline stories we’ve heard… I like the smell of fresh laundry from being outside…
      Thanks Sandra,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Interesting, as the first two photos look overexposed. Perhaps because there is light coming from behind. Those photos taken with the white screen behind are also looking overexposed. The three photos at the end showing shoes and thigh highs, all have a shadow on Isabelle’s face and her hair appears so dark, it looks like a blob rather than with texture. The last photo has Isabelle’s face looking perfect without a shadow and her hair lovely. However, the dress again appears overexposed. Not sure if you are using the camera or your phone. I think part of the problem may be from where you are aiming the focus which automatically sets the lighting. If using your camera, have you tried taking it off auto and setting the focus/lighting yourself? I’m sure your camera geek friend will have some answers for you too. My take is when overexposed, the dress looks aqua. When underexposed it looks minty. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I don’t know what in the world is going on… overexposed, underexposed, no light, too much light, shadows, no shadows… I took these pictures just like I always do, but for some reason the colors are fighting me… and they aren’t going to win… at least I hope Sebastian can tell me why they are so strong! :o) I was using my phone on all the pictures I’ve taken so far… and tried today using my camera, but they all came out aqua… no minty colors at all…
      I guess I’ll wait and see what Sebastian thinks…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Yes, the first couple definitely look mint green. The rest aqua. This is so strange. I can’t wait to see what Seb has to say. It’s a real dilemma. There’s never been such a contrast before that I can remember in my time on the blog. The outfit is absolutely adorable and Isabelle looks beautiful in it. She is one of my favorite Little Darlings. I was never able to get one because the website was closed for ordering every time I looked.

    My mother rarely used our dryer. Only for towels because she said they came out softer that way. Nearly everyone back in the 1950s dried their clothes outdoors. It was also a social time when the women would visit over the hedges while hanging clothes. Most people back then had white sheets. In the winter my mother would hang the sheets out letting them freeze overnight. Then the sun would dry them during the day and they would be naturally bleached to a pristine whiteness. And the smell was wonderful. In Cedar Edge, CO, where we spend our vacation most of the women there hang their clothes out. They dry in no time because there is usually a breeze and the humidity is very low. Here in Texas women were glad for the advent of clothes dryers. The humidity is high and there is often little breeze so it takes clothes forever to dry outdoors.

    I’ve got a childhood story I hope no one can top. Scary story but funny ending. When I was about 5 and my sister was 3 we lived in the top two floors of a large home in Fountain Hill (Bethlehem), PA. The top floor was a finished attic and that’s where my sister and I had our bedroom. We were “cleaning” one day and shaking our dust rags out the window when suddenly Beth was not there. She had gone out the window. I ran to my mother in hysterics yelling “I didn’t push her” a thousand times My mother was frantic of course and ran down the stairs and outside in time to see Beth getting up and walking toward her. She had landed in the yard of the funeral parlor next door. We had rain that day and the ground was soft and her head was not involved thankfully. She had only hurt her little finger. After being checked out she was found to be okay. Her guardian angel had been working overtime that day for sure. As we grew up we mentioned the event now and then but being kids, we didn’t worry about what could have happened like my poor mother who shuddered every time it was mentioned. For the next part of my story you have to know that my sister is not given to humor and when she is she’s like my grandfather. It’s very dry humor. So when I mentioned the event once a few years ago she told me she knew all along I had pushed her. I said no way. She said she knew because all the way down she heard me saying “Can I have your dollllllllllsssss”.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Barbara, Barbara, Barbara, that is such a funny story! Oh my goodness, I am still laughing. Your poor sister. I am glad she was alright.

      I believe you. She probably just leaned out a bit too far. And you were certainly right to inquire about her dolls. Someone would have to take care of them (smile).

      I also love your story because it occurred in PA!

    2. Hi Barbara,
      Yes, it’s just a matter of waiting now to see what Sebastian can tell me…

      Oh, another story…Oh my goodness, Barbara, what a story… your poor sister, your poor mama and poor you… all these years being blamed… well, kind of! “Can I have your dolllllssss” will live on forever in your mind, I’m sure!
      Thanks for the story,
      blessings, Jeanne

  9. Interesting about the photos. The first two look mint green and the rest are aqua to me as well. I’m sure with Seb’s help you will get the mystery solved. The thigh highs and slip complete her sweet little outfit.
    We had a clothesline as well, but the towels always went in the dryer. My grandmother had one in the backyard and I remember helping to hang clothes when I was visiting.
    That’s when I tended to was my doll clothes because she had a small washboard and I thought that made it more fun. I would then get to hang my clothes outside on the line.

    1. HI Laura,
      I hope tomorrow I might get an answer from Sebastian and most of all a SOLUTION! I want a mint dress not an aqua one!!!
      It’s funny how a clothesline story sparked so many memories from everyone!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it is great that you will have a second pair of eyes to help with photographing the outfit. I have thought about trying to connect with the local photography club to see if I can find someone to photograph my doll collection.

    As for washing doll clothes, I didn’t. As the resident non-domestic (I will really have to come up with an “official” name for that), I didn’t do any sewing, cooking, or washing of doll clothes.

    I did do some crafts, though. I made fried marble jewelry. I also made booties from a kit. Really all one had to do was sew the bottoms to the sides. There were pieces of felt in the kit. I did some paint-by-the-numbers artwork too. I always seemed to run out of a certain color so I would just use another one. My finished results never looked like the cover of the box.

    This is probably why I don’t craft now. I have used up all of my crafting talents (laugh).

    1. Well, Dorothy, you aren’t alone… as I don’t recall ever washing my doll clothes either… maybe I did, but I don’t remember it if I did… I guess when MINE got dirty, I just made NEW ones! ;o)
      I KNEW you had some craftiness in you! So you made felt booties! YOU CAN SEW after all! I knew you were holding out on us! And fried marbles… that’s a new one for me… you must tell me more!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Dorothy, I loved the fried marble jewelry. It was beautiful. Wish you had been my neighbor. I would have loved to have you make some for me. I could sew for you in return.

    3. Charlotte Trayer

      Dorothy, I remember doing the fried marbles thing, too! It was fun, but, frankly, I preferred crafts having to do with textiles, so I only tried it once, I think. Still, the results were quite pretty!

  11. The first three pictures are definitely different, dare I say it, I prefer the aqua but that might be because the picture isn’t such good quality. It will be interesting to see what happens when Sebastian weaves his magic!
    Too answer your question yesterday Jeanne the ‘Get the Look’ pattern was the Freebie Friday pattern’
    I don’t have a dryer at all. Since I am on my own I can pick and choose when to wash. Christchurch has very low humidity and the sun has quite a lot of heat in it even in the winter (the hole in the ozone layer near Antarctic is right over us here in NZ which is why we have very high rates of melanoma) and usually plenty of wind. If it rains for too long (very rare), and I really need to wash I use a clothes horse in the sun room. I agree that towels are nice from the dryer but the sun is free!

    Barbara, I don’t know if my story tops yours or not (yes I have yet another one). When I was about 6 or so we lived in a facility where my Dad ran public baths, Not a swimming pool type but real baths. Most of the very old houses in UK at that time (the 50’s) had no bathroom facilities inside and just an outside toilet. A proper bath in a proper bath tub was a luxury, Mostlty people had tin baths that they would bring in front of the fire and fill with water heated on the stove. Anyway in the cellar was a huger boiler where Dad burned coke to keep the water hot. The coke was delivered through a hole in the yard and ended up at the bottom of the very old wooden stairs, just slats really and since Dad didn’t need much light there was only a 25 watt bulb down there. I was very jealous of my younger brother, he was the one everyone seemed to like and they didn’t like me so much. This particular day we were both standing at the open door to the cellar, I am not sure now if we were having an argument or not, but probably since we often did! For whatever reason I pushed him down the steps (see, I wasn’t a very nice person really). My mother saw what happened and rushed to the door where she could see my brother lying at the bottom of the steps with brown stuff trickling from his mouth. She started screaming that I had killed him! Dad rushed down the steps to discover that John had been eating chocolate (that was probably what we were fighting over) and it was that that was coming from his mouth, not blood. He was fine and lives to torment me to this day lol. Okay not really we get on really well now on the few occasions we see each other. UK is a long way away.

    1. HI Anne,
      Well, I’m a bit torn on the colors… the aqua is pretty but the mint green is pretty dainty looking… I like either…
      Oh, another story… Anne, that is pretty hard to beat… and to think I thought you were close to an angel… guess you weren’t so angelic when you were little… I bet your brother DOES tease you about that… it would be a hard story to live down…
      Thanks for the laughs…
      blessings, Jeanne

    2. The movie “Billy Elliott” is a really good example of the outside water closets in England. Jamie Bell, the star of the movie, does and amazing dance routine using them. Definitely worth seeing.

  12. What I think is strange is that the color of the dress is, as you keep saying, mint, but shows up aqua, but the problem doesn’t affect Isabelle’s coloring at all. She always looks lovely and perfect. I’ll be glad to have this mystery solved.

    My father built our house over our heads, so for several years we lived in the basement and therefore could not fall out of windows. I remember the lilacs that grew next door. and I remember that my mom covered the windows with army blankets when we had measles. Light was considered dangerous to our eyes. Does anyone else remember that? It was the longest time when I couldn’t read in my life.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I’ll be glad when it’s solved too! I hope Sebastian can help… if he can’t I’m sunk with showing an aqua dress only to tell everyone it’s mint green!
      Maybe we’ll get some responses to your story like we have the clothesline stories… I do remember hearing that light was bad for eyes when you had the measles… Poor Marilyn, it’s a good thing your eyes weren’t affected… as we need you to research things for us and you need those eyes for that! :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      blessings, Jeanne

    2. I definitely do remember the darkened room during the measles, both kinds, and the chicken pox. I had them one after the other in the spring of first grade. Funny thing was my mom was a nurse but she had never seen a case of the measles so when I came down one morning with spots all over me, she had to look it up in her medical book.

    1. Thank you Sylvia!
      I hope the winner will be surprised AND happy with what they get!
      Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. Hopefully the answer to the color change is something that can be used again if the color shift problem rears it’s ugly head! I love both but for description it is best to match your dress.
    Another chlothesline story. When we first moved to the farm I noticed there were a set of very substantial poles and multiple lines. I didn’t always hang clothes outside but one day it was so bright and warm and I had a huge loaf of whites….undies andT shirts. Hung them out to take advantage of the suns whitening power…. We lived on the south border of a 25,000 head feedlot. Most of the time it was Ok because the wind blew to the north.
    I was busy inside when I noticed the sky had darkened and the wind turned around. My beautiful white load of undies had been covered in feedlot dust. Not the fresh outdoor smell that was planned. Had to wash them all with Biz and Thank the Lord for the dryer

    1. Kathie, this is hilarious. What a disappointment. My husband once lived as a boy in a small town in very far eastern Colorado, almost to Kansas. One year after visiting our farmers in Kansas we headed west to visit our daughter near Denver. Hubby decided he wanted to visit his old stomping grounds. When we got there the smell was awful. The town was host to a huge feed lot. I asked my husband how he could stand living there with that smell. He said it wasn’t there when they lived there, thank Heaven.

    2. Hi Kathie,
      Another funny clothesline story… What a horrible ending to your story… and what a smell they must have had! Our neighbor has cows and he likes to spread their manure on his garden… just to the south of our yard… when the wind blows from the south, we get a terrible whiff of his manure… it’s awful and if you are outside for any length of time, you have to wash all your clothes!
      Thanks for the chuckle,
      blessings, Jeanne

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