From California to Cardinals!

Rozen’s Aqua Dress set, “Let It Snow” ends this evening (Saturday) on Ebay. She will soon find out what it means when I say, “Okay… time to get undressed so we can send this to some other little Ruby Red Fashion Friend doll.” I hope she understands…
If you want to see this auction, you can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I had a very busy day and didn’t have time to start anything new, so I’ll have to use something old… or maybe just something I haven’t shared before…

The news in California is… Joy has some new dollies! Look at her My Meadows doll family…
On the left is Sophie Mae, in the skin tone chocolate. Ardyn, 19″ is the one sitting. Then Stella May, in fair and Joy’s newest in front.. Dumpling Minni in chocolate. They were celebrating Valentine’s Day and the year of the Ox… I love the lanterns they made! :o)

My sister, Cindy, found a new dolly prop for me and sent it my way… 3 of my girls jumped off the shelf and showed me how “well they looked beside it!” I told them whoever came up with the best story line could get a dress and be seen with it… now they are all on the dolly shelf asking the others for story ideas… :o)

The baby Old German Owl is feathering out very nicely and my hubby said they might go back to the coop if the weather gets warm like it’s expected next week… It looked like a blob of pink skin when it first came inside, but now look at him/her!

This was a look outside my kitchen window this morning… the icicles were dripping every once in a while…

How many Cardinals can you get on a bird feeder? I’m not sure but these guys were trying to break the record… (the picture isn’t great but I think you get the idea.)

The Cardinal is the State bird of Illinois and I always love seeing then in bunches… I looked out my kitchen window the other day and saw this… I took a short 7 second video of them… It was in the single digits and the wind was blowing like crazy. I think they were trying desperately to get a turn at the feeder… I wish we could have brought “them” inside…

Well, that’s it for me today… now you can go about your Saturday… doing what needs to be done… I’ll be painting!

See you Monday…
Blessings, Jeanne

13 thoughts on “From California to Cardinals!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Joy’s new dollies are so cute! It may just be the picture, but it seems that the Sophie Mae in “chocolate” is a darker skin tone than the Dumpling Minni in “chocolate”. Just looked again, and I think it’s because Sophie Mae is in the shade, and Minni is in the sunlight. Anyway, they are all cute, but I think at the moment I like Ardyn the best. (Of course, that could change! LOL)

    What a wonderful dolly prop Cindy found for you!! Wonder which little girl will get a new outfit?! (Gigi is hoping it’s Ten Ping, of course, while the LDs are all hoping it’s for one of Them!)

    The baby Old German Owl looks to be growing some, as well as feathering out. I’m glad your weather is starting to warm up some; they will probably be happier in their usual quarters, where they have a little more room to move around.

    Loved seeing the pictures of the cardinals! We don’t get cardinals out here in the Seattle area at all. I remember, though, that my cousin Gail used to get a lot of them at her bird feeders in the summertime–she lived in Allen Park, MI, a suburb of Detroit.

    Our snow is completely gone, except for a little bit here and there. This afternoon there was one little 2′ patch on the grass between our driveway and our neighbor’s, and a little around the base of the lilac, I think, and that was about it. I hate to see it go (we get snow so seldom), but driving is certainly much easier without it, since we have so many long, steep hills in this part of the state.

  2. I looked over your blog quickly earlier and didn’t get to make a comment, but there was something vaguely familiar with the pictures of Joy’s dolls. I just now put my finger on it, the dress that Stella May, on the right, is made from the same material that my
    Ruthie is wearing for Valentines Day! I got the dress from a lady onEtsy who lives in Colorado. Did you make that dress, Joy? All your dollies are so cute! Looking at the background, it is nothing like here, where you will find only white!

    Cindy’s find is just perfect for your smaller dolls, and I’m sure we will be seeing more of it soon! Perhaps it could be used as a hutch with dishes in the background for a tea party!

    So THAT’S where are the Cardinals are…….in Carbondale! We haven’t seen many at all this winter, and with snow on the ground a red bird really stands out when you do. We don’t have a feeder, since I just throw seeds out the patio door. If we have a feeder on the yard, you can’t easily get to it to fill it. Just two old folks here to slip and slide!

    Forgot to mention, it was good to hear that things are getting better for you,
    Barbara. This past week has been really a doozy for a lot of us!

  3. OMG! Those cardinals are amazingly beautiful! We rarely get any cardinals and hubby fills our many feeders constantly. One winter we had 3 or at least that was the most I saw at one time. A few have made a solo appearance in other winters. This year not a one.

    Joy your dollies are all adorable. Did you make their clothing? Cute!

    The prop is also cute! Did it come with the little things? They are perfectly in scale.

  4. Love the cardinal video. So hungry and cold. Glad you are feeding them.
    The German Owls look like proud parents sitting there with their little one. Love it. Great photo. 🙂
    Bad Joy did not make any of the outfits. Wish I could say I did. Sophie Mae is chocolate by Charlene, a painter of Meadow Dolls and chocolate Minni is a factory Meadow Dumpling so that is why the variation in color. I like both a lot.
    The idea for the lanterns came from Pixie Faire although, I also made them as a child as I’m sure many of you did too.
    Love your new hutch prop. Looks like the girls do to. Please get poor Navi some panties. I’m sure she is cold. 🙂
    Have a warm weekend everyone.

  5. To answer a question you asked from yesterday about how my dolly daughters weathered the freezing temps, well, all I can say is they are not at all happy with me. Many of them have warm weather clothing and there they were mostly in little Valentine dresses with nary a sweater or jacket among them. They want to know why they didn’t get to go along to Sean’s and were left here to freeze to death. They were thankful the heat came on later that evening or who knows what I would have come home to. Geez, such drama queens.

    I love Joy’s sweet little Meadow dolls. Ardyn looks like a real little girl. They are all adorable and always dressed so nicely. Good job on the lanterns girls.

    What a wonderful prop Cindy sent you. Can’t wait to see who gets the first outfit to show it off. Cardinals were my mother’s favorite bird and I believe also the state bird for West Virginia. My sister is moving there and she mentioned that she thought it was an omen that they were doing the right thing. They have wanted to move from Delaware to there for years and now that her husband has retired they’re doing just that. They sold their house in less than a month and are renting in West Virginia until they find their forever property. Can’t imagine making plans and actually having them happen. We just keep revising ours. Right now, as far as birds go, what I’m seeing in my yard are a ton of Robins. We’ll be sending them back up north soon but I’ve seen more of them here this year than ever. I remember as a kid in PA being so excited when we saw our first Robin of the year. I think they just keep moving south to find warmer weather. I guess word got around that it’s supposed to warm up here soon so they decided to hang around to see if that’s true.

    I don’t do a bird feeder here because all manner of things take it over such as tree roaches, hornets and even fire ants, but there is always lots to be found to eat in the grass and when I mow the birds are in hog heaven and tons of them will flock to dine effortlessly on things I’ve stirred up.

    Beautiful weather here again today. Power is stable (our cable is even staying on) and the water is improving by the day. It’s most likely that this was a once in several lifetimes event here in Texas as often in February I have days when I have to use the A/C. This is the first time in several years we’ve had a hard freeze at all and the first time I can remember, and I’ve been in Texas 50 years, that we’ve had a week or more of freezing or near freezing temps. Hopefully it will have killed back the weeds and we can get a running start on keeping them down come spring.

  6. Joy’s dolls are always a joy to see. They are always so active and doing something interesting and have such cute clothes. They are as crafty as your grandchildren, Joy. They’ll be as jealous of the little hutch in the next picture as I am. Great find, Cindy.

    Thanks for the cardinal pictures and video. Of course they don’t live in Southern California. No blue jays either. The owls are so cute. Glad you brought them indoors. I see Rosen’s dress is doing great already. My Sara arrived yesterday. Hurray! I like the happy faces on the RRFF dolls.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Joy’s girls are adorable. They are so talented to make those pretty lanterns.

    What a cute find Cindy sent to you. I wonder which of your girls will convince you to create an outfit for her. We have a couple of holidays to celebrate next month. And, of course, there are only 70 days until May!

  8. What lovely birds cardinals are. I have only ever seen them on Christmas fabric so it was lovely to see your pictures and the video.
    What a cute prop Cindy found. I can’t find anything at all unless I want to spend toy shop prices. Not even the little planters or the screens. Look forward to seeing you using it.
    Joy, your photos of some of your girls are just lovely.

    Barbara I am so glad things are coming right for you. Believe me, I know what you were going through. After the Feb earthquake some places were without power and water for 3 months like my Dad’s friend. One of the (many) jokes that were around at the time were ‘You know you are in Christchurch when you use the toilet in one suburb, shower in another and do your laundry in another,’ and ‘The only thing worse than a Port-a-loo is no Port-a-loo’. We cleaned out all the stocks in the world of Port-a-loos and chemical toilets. There were so many of these jokes ‘You know you’re from Christchurch when…..’ that they put out a book of them lol. Googling it I see there is a volume two available! Breaking news on One News last night, Wellington had a massive? quake yesterday, 4.5. The latest, ‘You know you’re from Christchurch when you go pffft when Wellington has a 4.5, 25kms down’. None of ours (30,000 of them) were more than 20kms and most were 10 and under, believe me that makes a difference. Ashley was 8 weeks old at the time and Sam had no power no water and no sewerage. They just got in their vehicle and went to one of the many people further south that offered free accommodation. Dad and I went over and cleaned out their fridge and freezer. We had to stay with my son and daughter in law as the house wasn’t safe. They had lost their house in the Sep one but the one they were in wasn’t that good either (and was eventually deemed not to be safe). That wasn’t the easiest time. Everyone was stressed anyway and Deborah isn’t very good with people living in their house so the minute the power came back on (it took till Thursday) she was on the laptop finding us somewhere else to live and we were in there by the weekend! The one thing we didn’t lose was land line phone coverage so I was able to ring my sister in UK to tell her what had happened. Dad didn’t want me to as it was about midnight there and they would be asleep! I ignored him as I knew it would be on the TV News there and of course they were glad we did. They were fielding phone calls all the next day from family and friends wanting to know if we were OK. They all knew how bad it was before we did. We only knew about our little bit. 10 years tomorrow (22nd) and it still feels like yesterday sometimes.

    1. Your earthquakes are like tornadoes around here. One day your home is there and the next day it’s either gone or unlivable. About three years ago Sealy had a microburst. It’s like an upside down tornado. Instead of lifting things up it actually smashes them down and it can impact a larger area all at once. It didn’t reach our side of town but it was too close for comfort. David was down at his shop preparing for the storm and heard it hit but didn’t know what it was. He’s from Kansas and has heard many tornadoes. He says a tornado makes a wobbling kind of noise but this was a loud bang. I’d never heard of them before. There was a lot of damage but it hit the side of town that is mostly farms and ranches. If it had hit our side of town the damage would have been far greater.

  9. Congratulations, Joy on your new dollies. Your Camp Meadow Club members with enjoy meeting some new friends.
    What a sweet little bookcase Cindy sent to you, Jeanne. I wonder you will come up with the best story line.
    The baby Old German owl sure is cute now all fluffed out. He looks quite happy in his basket nest.
    The cardinals are just beautiful. They are Ohio’s state bird as well. We see quite a number at our feeders as well. I had to make a quick run out this morning as I used the last bird seed. What is lovely is when the cardinals, blue jays, chickadees, and sparrows are all flocking together. I’ve seen a couple of flickers and woodpeckers. A few weeks ago I saw a Cerelean Warbler, wow are they beautiful.

  10. We had very few Cardinals but we did have small and large woodpeckers and a couple dozen little Snowbirds. But… since the nasty cold weather the past two weeks the only thing around is a squirrel who loves the bird seed…. not a bird to be had😧😳
    Joy your Meadow dolls are the sweetest family! Can’t wait for mine. What is the usual wait time? All the various skin tones are good… I can’t remember now which one I chose. All I know is it is Giggi. What size wig does she wear!
    Have fun painting… great inside project😊

    1. Congrats on your Meadow girl to come. Depending on when you ordered, it is usually about 9 months until you receive the doll. Maybe will be sooner after covid. Factories were closed and mail was crazy. Not sure of the size Giggi you ordered as there are two. If you go to the site, all of the dimensions for the dolls are listed including eye and wig sizes. Also on the FB page, at the top, you can find the information under files. About the time the dolls are due to ship, Meadow usually makes a post. Then, everyone that receives one posts a photo to share. Usually those in Europe get theirs first. Then for the U.S. they have to go through customs in NY or Chicago. Both take a number of days. Finally, the big arrival. 🙂 Hope this helps.

  11. My family enjoyed yesterday’s mail. Avila has certainly bonded with her doll. Only a couple more hours until you auction ends. You’ll probably have a new outfit nearly ready for Monday. What about a paint/garden outfit to go with the clodhopper shoes you made — and then on to another doll.
    You should be getting warmer weather — we should be getting more snow and then, I hope, better weather for my first vaccine on Friday.

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