Chibbi Poppy and the chickens…

I only had time for a few pictures with Poppy outside… It was 32 degrees and the wind was blowing and I was FREEZING! But Poppy was outside without a coat and in a tee and a pair of capris… poor little girl and I was such a bad mommy! Oh well, here’s today’s storyline… (I only have this traveling Chibbi named Poppy for 1 more week, so please indulge me if I spend time with her.)

I mentioned to Poppy yesterday that we might go see the chickens today… and she would NOT stop talking about them… So we got her little red wagon and she sat in it most of the time…

The first stop was to see the Old German Owls… she LOVED them and liked their funny heads… They like to fly up and perch high so putting her wagon on the ground wasn’t going to work for pictures… I held her up in the wagon so she could see…

Then we went to the chicken coop and she told me to set her down inside (in her wagon of course.) Yes, ladies from my blog, these are the baby chicks you saw recently… they have grown haven’t they?

She was okay looking at the hens from “afar” but when 2 of them got a little “friendly” she wanted me to pick her up so she could see them from a distance….so we went outside…

She stood up in her wagon and called “Here chickie, here chickie…” and a few them checked her out…

When she’d seen enough she waved to them and wanted to come inside to warm up.

I told her I’d make some hot chocolate to warm her up…

She liked it very much!

You’ll have to come back tomorrow to see what Poppy is doing…

See you then…
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Chibbi Poppy and the chickens…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my, Poppy certainly had some big adventures today!! Yes, I can see why it got a little scary for her when the chickens wanted to check her out–they must seem like Giants to little Poppy!!

    Good thing you had some hot chocolate for her when she got inside. It looks like she really enjoyed it! I’m surprised how neat she was–no “chocolate moustache”!!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Yes, Poppy certainly enjoyed the birds she saw today but not as much as she did that cup of hot chocolate… You never heard so many Ummmm’s in your life! :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh how cute today’s blog is, Jeanne! It is amazing how you can turn a little plastic doll into a little person with all the qualities of a little girl! The owls are beautiful! I’m wondering what do people keep them for…..eggs? I hope George dosn’t get mad abot me asking, but I was just wondreing why he has them. Do they wander about outside like chickens? I have no idea!
    The chicken coop adventure must have been quite fun, and scary at timesfor Poppy! Those beaks of the chickens can be very bad to deal with, as I well know! We had chickens too, and they can be quite unpredictible at times. My, how they have grown!

    I can imagine that you were chilly yesterday, but actually for us in St. Louis, it was about 54 degrees! Really balmy for us, but totally welcome! Cold times coming though tomorrow and the weekend.

    1. Hi Linda,
      Well, I’m glad you enjoyed the antics of Poppy today… :o)
      The Old German Owls are just a fancy breed of pigeon George likes… lots of people take them to shows and win ribbons and prize money and strive to get their bird in the top spot! There is a strict standard to meet that top slot… and we’ve only shown his birds once… it was our first time in Louisville, KY and we had no idea what to expect… needless to say, his birds didn’t place, but we learned a lot about what is required to get a ribbon of any color1 :o)
      My hubby likes to raise the babies and sell them to other breeders in the area… there are a few men who like to get birds from a different bunch than their own… to keep from inbreeding. His birds do have a pen they can go out in but it’s on the backside of the shed, so we don’t really see them outside very often… except in the summer time and then they love a pan of water to splash around in.
      I thought the hens would be a bit scared of Poppy, but when that one reached down a bit too close to Poppy, I said that was enough of that… the last thing I needed was for a hen to peck at her glass eyes… eek!
      Today was a bit warmer and we made it into the 50’s today! I’m not sure what tomorrow is supposed to bring…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Old German Owls. What? Pigeons by another name?

    It looks like you have a great set up for your hens! Did you have it before or did George build it just for this flock?

    Following Poppy on her adventures is fun because we get to go on the adventure with her!

    1. HI Julia,
      Yes, the Old German Owls are a fancy breed of pigeon… my hubby likes their disposition and their looks. He’s had pigeons since he was 9 years old and only got rid of the ones he had when he got sick a few years ago… the hens are something he always loves to have and just recently got back into them… we’ve had birds of some kind for almost 40 years… he just loves them… they are like pets to him.
      The coop the hens are in now is the same as it was before, he just moved the fencing around a little bit differently and used the back fence as one of the walls, so it made the fly pen area a little longer. I like it this way…
      I’m glad you enjoyed Poppy’s adventures…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. So glad to see the Old German Owls. Looks like a couple have darker black feathers and the rest gray? They look very healthy. And the chicks now all grown up. I think Poppy was glad for the rescue as they appeared in attack mode. ๐Ÿ™‚ Or maybe they thought she was lunch! You could make a scary stop frame movie of that. Ha ha. Poppy is definitely going to be the star of the Chibbi Travel group.
    So fun also to see Poppy having her chocolate. Sweet little tea set, and delightful how she can hold her cup so well. Love how you used a table/chair that are a bit large for her. Just adds to the realism. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. HI Joy,
      There are all different colors in the Old German Owls… they are called Black Shields (if they have sold black wings) Red shields (red wings) Lavenders, Lace, Mottled, Red Bars, Blue Bars, ( stripes on their wings) and on and on with lots of different variations…)

      Well, I don’t know about the star of the Chibbi Travel group, but I have certainly enjoyed her… My sisters are coming tomorrow… maybe they can help me think of something else for her to do…
      She really is a cutie… you have one already don’t you? did you win her on a drawing?
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Yes, I have a Chibbi. Lucky me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Won rights to buy her on the Modern Doll Convention virtual. ๐Ÿ™‚
        Thanks for the Old German Owls info. My dad raised pigeons as a young boy. I somehow remember that he said they were white. Not sure. He always loved birds. Although helping to take care of 500 chickens in the backyard during the 1930’s wasn’t probably so pleasant for him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. How nice to see your Old German Owls and my, how the chicks have grown. I’m sure Poppy enjoyed visiting them both.
    Yes, it was very cold here yesterday as well. Good thing you had some hot chocolate to warm Poppy up after her adventure. That’s a sweet little cup and pitcher and I’m sure she enjoyed the coronation biscuits as well. I love little miniatures.

    1. Thanks Laura,
      Yes, Poppy enjoyed the birds… but “mostly” behind the fence… me too. I was a little worried when that one hen got a little too close… I certainly didn’t want to have a storyline of a hospital visit! :o(
      I love little miniatures too and I think that’s why I’ve enjoyed her so much… she really is fun!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. What a big adventure for Poppy today! She looks so cute in the red wagon. She poses so well in your pictures too. Iโ€™m afraid sheโ€™s not going to want to leave your house. However, she is going to love taking her pretty dress when she goes to the next home. She looks so cute drinking her cocoa after her big tour.
    Iโ€™ve never seen those types of owls. What are they used for? And yes, the chicks are all grown up. Wow!

    1. HI Paula,
      Actually Poppy’s legs and arms are a bit “kicky” and sometimes they have a mind of their own! Sometimes you think she’s all set for a picture when all of a sudden a leg will pop up!

      I think one of my posts will be her looking through the thing she’s gotten from her previous visits…
      The owls are just fancy pigeons my husband loves as pets… they can be show birds if you get them bred to perfection and win ribbons and prizes… but he just loves to raise them and watch them have their babies and then when they are grown, he sells them to a few men in the area who like to have new stock in their flocks…
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Well Miss Poppy has had her โ€œday on the farmโ€ learning about all kinds of feathered friends. Can you imagine how scary that chicken would be to someone that tiny?
    The chickens look healthy even in their awkward age. They will be all pudgy and filled out soon.
    Canโ€™t wait to see what else Poppy gets to do.

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      I guess that would be scary to someone my size if a big bird like that came at me… I guess it’d be like a dinosaur… Yikes!
      The hens are in that gangly stage and it will be nice when they get bigger1
      We’ll have to see what Poppy does next… maybe try on wigs! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Yesterday was a busy day for me with accompanying David to his heart surgeon appointment, lunch at Red Lobster, picking up the new deck for our old lawn tractor and checking out the power lift recliners at a local furniture store, I forgot to check out the blog and am commenting on two days. Addy’s dress just blows me away. I’m a fabriholic so fabric is everything to me. The fabric is not only gorgeous, but your use of it is so effective. Along with the bonnet, it’s a truly lovely outfit. And Poppy’s dress and jacket is so cute. And she made her own slip! Maybe she’d like to visit me and teach me how to do that. Such a talented young lady as well as being too cute.

    The Old German Owls are absolutely beautiful birds. I love the close-up picture. I totally understand Poppy not wanting to hang out too long in the chicken coop. Those beaks do look dangerous. Cute little red wagon.

    Anne, your comment on the New Zealand earthquake ten years ago caused me to do some research on New Zealand and earthquakes. I never realized how earthquake prone it is until I saw the total list of earthquakes since the 1800s. When I studied geology I loved plate tectonics. What bad luck to have such a beautiful country riding on two converging plates. Not to mention scary. I saw some pictures that were sad to see. I totally understand your emotion regarding this. Glad to hear your perspective.

    Now for David. His surgery right now is scheduled for January 28. It was the 26th at first but within an hour it was rescheduled due to keeping ICU beds available for COVID patients. The COVID protocols have not been hard to deal with and things have flowed smoothly during the process. My county has just received the Moderna vaccine. Due to storage problems with the Pfizer vaccine, there was no way to store it here but the Moderna vaccine only requires regular refrigeration. Healthcare workers and first responders are in the first phase and the second phase will be people over 65. Our county actually got it more quickly than anticipated and we are a small county. Except for wearing masks to enter restaurants, etc., and having to make reservations where they absolutely wouldn’t take them before, I don’t notice much difference here and with the arrival of the vaccines, I think things will be back to normal pretty soon. Our schools have always been in session in person. But they really need to stop lumping the flu cases in with the COVID. That’s why it seems young people are getting COVID now. According to healthcare workers here, they actually are getting the flu.

    Lately we have had “hot chocolate” weather here but I don’t have any hot chocolate. I totally ran out. Will need to remedy that before heat returns. Maybe Poppy will share her biscuits with me.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I hope you are holding up okay… with all the things on your plate lately… I can relate to you… I have a list… and try to get things crossed off it…

      I’m glad you enjoyed Poppy’s stories… maybe it took your mind off things for a few minutes… Sometimes that’s all I need… a few minutes to just think of something else besides what I’m supposed to be doing! :o)

      The 28th will be here before you know it and then before you know it, your hubby will be well on his way to recovery!

      I’m sorry, Barbara… Poppy AND I ate all the biscuits but we still have some hot chocolate left… that sounds good.. I might have to have some tonight…it’s a bit chilly even in our house… the wind is blowing…
      Thanks Barbara…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I wonder what evolutionary thing caused the Old German Owl feathers to grow that way. There must be a reason. This breed was first recognized in Germany in 1956, so maybe it was the result of selective breeding rather than evolution. Here’s the club site and here are some recent champions
    I have heard that chickens are descended from dinosaurs and I’ll bet Poppy agrees. The fence between seems like a good idea to me.
    The sun is out here and the snow has melted — more on Monday. If it’s a wet enough winter, maybe we can keep the fires under control.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      It’s so funny that you pulled up that OGOC site… that is the one my hubby wants me to pull up for him all the time to read the latest newsletter…
      I know both of those guys with the champion birds… Bill Henderson and Leonard Kuzminski… in fact Leonard sold a pair of his birds to my hubby at the Louisville show a few years ago. Leonard is a BIG time bird guy and he KNOWS everything about them… we got lots of tips from him…

      I hope there are no fires this year… we don’t want them , do we? but rain, yes, we’ll take rain!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. It is so fun to see your birds! I didnโ€™t know you could own owls! Our two hens are reddish, too. One recently laid her first egg! Do you know how long it takes a chicken to learn how to sit on her eggs? Haha. We want to have some baby chicks, but the rooster is becoming very bothersome and dangerous. Thank you for sharing! It is fun to see Poppy going on her adventures! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. HI Karen,
      I’ll find out the details from my hubby and let you know… He said some breeds of hens are more broody than others… broody means they want to sit on their eggs… and even some breeds are better at having broody hens…Still some hens have to mature before they become broody and want to sit on their eggs. If they don’t, you have to use an incubator…
      Your rooster sounds like he’s just “doing” what roosters do! :o)
      I’m glad you enjoyed today’s post…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Thank you for finding out for me! These are a barnyard mixture, so they will hopefully be good brooders at some point. ๐Ÿ™‚ This morning I got to see two red foxes run across the road! I think that is the closest I have ever been to a fox out in the wild. Hope you have a nice day!

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a sweet story. Poppy has definitely worked her way into your heart. I love seeing her in her wagon.

    How wonderful that she got hot chocolate as a reward.

    1. Thanks Dorothy,
      Poppy is such a fun little tyke to pose, and it’s addictive to think of things for her to do…
      Tomorrow she’s into wigs! :o)
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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