Year in Review for 2020 Doll Dresses…Part 2

Well, I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s doll dresses from 2020 and today we will finish looking at the rest of the dresses I made. (If you happened to miss Part 1 of the dresses, you can see them by clicking the link below…

Part 1 of the 2020 Doll Dresses Year in Review

You might want to keep in mind your favorites because I think we’ll have a vote to see which dress gets top honors for Favorite Dress of 2020. I’ll show the rest of the dresses today, and then tomorrow I’ll show ALL of them in one post and you can vote on the ONE dress you think deserves Dress of the Year… Whoever bought that dress will surely think their dress is quite remarkable! :o)

So let’s start today with a dress back in August… “Get Out the Vote.” My new Chrissa doll was the one who got to model it… and she looked so pretty with her sparkling blue eyes.

Nyssa got a school dress that started a series on pleats for a few weeks…into the month of September.It was called “School Girl Charm.”

In late September Molly received a new School dress… you know… all the schools were “late” because of the pandemic… :o) This set was called “First Day of School.”

It was the first week in October before the next dresses were started. It was kind of a challenge… from Marilyn, to see if I could copy this young girl’s school picture…

My fist attempt was pretty much a disaster so I took a detour and went for this look… “Barely Beige” for Samantha…

…and “Blue Diamonds” for Nellie.

I couldn’t decide which dress to put on which doll but finally ended up with the beige on Samantha and the blue on Nellie…

Lian was seen looking pretty smart in her new purple and floral print Liberty of London dress set called “Welcome Fall.” (It didn’t seem like a big hit with my buyers as I had to list it twice, but I still LOVE this fabric.)

Still in October, Kirsten got to model a pretty blue gauzy like plaid called “Hello Fall.”

It was about this time I bought a Julie doll and of course she moved to the top of my “modeling” list… here she is in her taupe colored maxi dress… “The Sweet 70’s.”

Four days after I bought Julie, I found a Maryellen for a really nice price… she had some issues, but turned out wonderfully sweet in the end. Here she is moving us into November modeling “Thanksgiving Helper.”

Navi got the first Christmas dress of the year… “Christmas Cheer!”

Ten Ping was featured in “Happy Holly Days!” Charlotte discovered it because she won it… oops…thanks for letting me know I had missed it… I did have the pictures ready, just missed getting them in… Here she is…

Bailey received the next Christmas dress… “Old Fashioned Christmas.”

…and sweet little Noel got to wear the last dress of 2020. This was called “Winter Delight.”

Well, look over the dresses and Thursday I’ll put them all in one post so you can vote on which top 3 dresses you like… We’ll have a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. You can just zoom through them and pick your favorites… Will it be hard? I hope so!! :o)

Then I’ll announce the top 3 dresses on Friday. Let’s see who makes Top Model for 2020!!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Year in Review for 2020 Doll Dresses…Part 2”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, they are all pretty, BUT….

    You forgot one!! “Happy Holly Days” (I think it was) for Ten Ping! And that is MY favorite because I won that auction, and my Gigi is loving wearing it!!

    (If someone reads this before Jeanne adds pictures to the post, just search for Ten Ping in the list of tags in the right sidebar.)

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I just corrected my post. You were right… I did miss getting Happy Holly Days in…but it’s in the lineup now! I’m so happy you won it for Gigi! I hope Gigi will forgive me!
      Thanks for letting me know!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Looking forward to seeing all of the 2020 dresses tomorrow.
    I need a way to organize doll shoes by size and doll name and the size each wears. I have plastic divided boxes for shoes, but I’m forgetful of which doll fits each size. Also, a convenient way to store doll wigs by size/color and doll sizes and measurements. Patterns here are also a mess. Can’t find them conveniently. Anyone have any ideas?

    1. Hi Joy,
      I don’t have nearly the many sized shoes that you must have… so mine are just in drawers but maybe someone will give us some ideas today… My wigs are the same way… I know the smaller ones are on the left and the bigger ones are on the right.
      I would like to get my patterns organized this year… I do have them in protective clear sheets in 3 ring binders, but they aren’t organized by doll size. I want to do that in the near future. I do spend time looking for a certain pattern for a certain doll, but can’t remember which binder it is in… maybe we’ll both get some good ideas today…
      blessings, Jeanne

  3. Beautiful outfits and accessories! The little sized girls are just too cute! And of course I like any plaid dress.
    Picking favorites are really going to be tough. Every outfit will be hard to place as 1,2 and 3.
    It will be fun to see the favorites voted for… Jeanne, you have such a fun blog where everyone can be involved!
    P.S. I accidentally left a message for Anne and Julia yesterday in the post two days ago. Got in the wrong post.

    1. HI Paula,
      Thanks for your sweet compliments on ALL of the dresses, little and big!
      It’s always fun for me to see which dress was liked the most through the year… Happy voting!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Jeanne, when you ask us to pick a favorite, I just know it is not going to go well! I cannot for the life of me pick just one! It started out with that darling “Get out the Vote” outfit, and oh, I love that one! Then that darling pleated outfit of Nyssa’s, I just Love pleats! Then onto Molly’s cute red plaid skirt outfit. I’m perplexed at how to pick just one! THEN, the beautiful Barely Beige outfit, and I am just done! I do remember the fun we all had putting that one together, or rather giving you suggestions on that one, so I am picking that one!

    1. HI Linda,
      The voting gives me a good idea of what was liked the most from the dresses I made last year. It would be hard for me to even pick my favorites but I might give it a try…

      Don’t forget you get to pick THREE dresses… then we’ll see what happens… maybe it won’t be so hard if you get to pick three! Don’t stress over it Linda, have fun!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Since I started my county fair theme yesterday, I will finish today. By tomorrow everyone will have forgotten and can start over. 😉 I am declaring these to all be blue ribbon winners. Now in a real 4-H dress review, that wouldn’t have happened. But all the entrants were young girls with limited experience. Here we have a professional with an exquisite eye at the pinnacle of her skills.

    1. I am awarding the pink Reserve Champion ribbon to Molly’s Coral Charm. Did we ever resolve the discussion about the various colors in the coat fabric design? Green or khaki, it all worked together beautifully. 💗

      The purple Grand Champion ribbon goes to Lian in Liberty of London, Welcome Fall! The embroidery on her jacket along with the additional dress fabric ruffle under the collar is what did it for me! 💜

      1. Oh Julia,
        What a sweet bunch of compliments you presented me with today. I am humbled and so thrilled at your comments, I can hardly stand it. Thank you SO much!
        Maybe there should be a dolly 4H club… I’d be the first to join. :o)
        Blessings, Jeanne

  6. 25 doesn’t seem like a lot until you see them. This has been a spectacular year for your creations. The bonnets, the colors, the fabrics, the designs – this may have been your best year yet. For design, I may choose Regency Romance; for theme, the vote dress; for excellence in the use of color, I’d have to agree with Julia and Lian. There is something about the fresh simplicity of the sisters dresses that I find very appealing; and for determination to see it through beautifully, the challenge dresses win.
    Next — Victorian (with a straw bonnet) and colonial (with a big brimmed hat).

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I was getting my paper ready and had the 25 names written down but when I double checked them, I only found 24… discovered it was because I made 2 sets of the yellow and blue for Navi but only counted it once… problem solved.

      I was just talking to Rebecca and she said I should do a few days posts on exactly what you just said… a post on the best fabric, the best use of color, the cutest picture, the one that was hardest to make, etc… I might have to give that a try… unless everyone is ready to move on to what’s next…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I’m going to have a tough time tomorrow choosing just three, I love all of them.

    I have to ask, what is 4H? Obviously some kind of competition but not sure where, when or who for.

    Sam and the girls will be over tonight to see the New Year in. Hopefully I will be able to stay awake that long, way past my bedtime lol.

    1. Hi Anne,
      4H is an organization where kids can do a variety of things to earn ribbons and compete with each other… there is livestock…to see who has the best cow, pig, chicken, horse, etc… then there is sewing, which is what I was mostly involved in… competition was stiff and the judges were strict,… there were cooking demonstrations, share the fun … softball, just all kinds of things for kids to be involved in… Their logo was a 4 leaf clover with the 4 H’s being Head, Heart, Hands and Health. You can google 4H to see what each of those stands for. I was in a 4H group called The Boskeydell Hustlers… probably wouldn’t go over too well today… but we had a great group.
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. I will add to Jeanne’s comment, as I was in 4H, also, as a kid (Saturday’s Happy Sewers was my sewing group, I was also in a cooking group for a while and, that first year or so, Good Grooming). This was in the late 1950s–back then you had to be 10 years old or in 5th grade to join.

      Nowadays, there is a primary division, too–from 1st grade up–but the primaries only get participation ribbons, although we do judge their workmanship (or, in the case of food contests, their proper food handling, clean-up, conduct in the kitchen, etc.

      Additionally, there are many MANY different 4H topics than there used to be–not just animals (rearing and, in some cases, handling), sewing and cooking, but things like photography, art, robotics, computers, model railroads, performnace, etc. Something for everyone!

      And yes, I said “we”. I am a 4H judge now! I judge sewing, baking, and cooking, and have for about 14 years. This year, Covid shut down our fair, and I didn’t get to see “my” kids as I usually do–and boy, did I miss it!!

      Of the kids I’ve judged in clothing, three stand out. Two sisters–one of whom has gone on to major in fashion design and the other who, at the age of TWELVE won best in show for a bias-cut, plaid, A-line skirt with a contour waistband and a full lining (and who, although now in college, is still sewing!)–and the third, who is now an assistant manager of a nearby branch of the local sewing machine “chain”–and who, for the last three years, has been SUPERINTENDENT of the 4H sewing division at our fair!!! Am I proud of them?! You bet!!!

  8. Old fashioned Christmas is so sweet on Bailey and the Sisters in their beige and light blue dresses are my three favorites from this group. Feeling guilty playing on Jeanne’s blog since I made New. years cards and MUST get them in the mail today. More decisions tomorrow🤗🤗 will be fun

    1. Thanks Kathie,
      It sounds like you already know which 3 you are going to vote for… They were awfully sweet… so glad you liked them…
      Hope you get your cards finished… I’m bad.. no Christmas cards from me…at least so far… maybe I should still do some…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I don’t think I am going to be able to pick just three. They are all lovely.

    I am commenting very late and I realize that we are literally hours away from 2021. Amen!

    1. Hi Dorothy
      Yes, as I write this, we are just 23 hours away from the new year…it will be good just to say 2021 instead of 2020, won’t it?
      I’m glad you have more than 3 favorites!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Joy Lynne Carter

    Tough job to pick! But here are my top three ‘likes’.
    1. Welcome Fall
    2. No Easter Parade
    3. Time for Tea

    started out with a list of 5 or 6, then had to keep going back to narrow it down! Tough job! Each one cuter than the next to tell the truth Jeanne.

    1. Thanks Joy,
      I’m not sure which one was my favorite either… but I did pick my top three and will tell those soon… I picked them before anyone else voted so I wasn’t swayed…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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