~Winter Delight~ for 10″ Boneka dolls is on Ebay…for a 3 day auction…

“Old Fashioned Christmas” got a new name… thanks to Ingrid. I have to admit I was struggling with a name for this pretty blue dress but as I was trying to get it listed, nothing was coming to my mind for a clever title… I was running out of time and needed something quick so I just used what I had used for Bailey’s dress… Old Fashioned Christmas… but wasn’t very happy about it…

Then in the comments, Ingrid mentioned it looked like a “Winter Delight” to her… instantly, it resonated with me, so I scrambled to Ebay and quickly changed the title before it went live. Thank you Ingrid… I think it suits Noel perfectly. I know it does me! AND I got a whole slew of new names from Marilyn too… Yay!

Anyway, I almost forgot…if you want to see the listing, (WHICH IS A THREE DAY LISTING) since it’s so close to Christmas, you can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I got out my Christmas background and tried to do the best I could with indoor pictures. It was sprinkling today so I wasn’t able to get any outside pictures.

I hope you’ll take a peek and see if one of your girls needs a new Christmas OR Winter’s Delight dress!

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

4 thoughts on “~Winter Delight~ for 10″ Boneka dolls is on Ebay…for a 3 day auction…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a Delightful outfit, Jeanne! And you know, in looking at the close-up pictures on eBay, I think the silver French knots work very well with the silver flecks in the ribbon! Just the right silver, just the right texture.

    I love the little book, too. Wherever did you find it? Perfect!

  2. I LOVE the tiny little golden book. So cute!
    Did you find some little beads for the jacket?

    We had Thankschristmas yesterday. I’ll send Jeanne a couple pictures. Tomorrow I am going HOME! Haven’t been in my house since August 29! 3.5 months! Yippee! 😁

  3. Winter Delight was the best choice, and how super that i arrived in time for the change. Today is St. Lucy’s Day, or St. Lucia’s, which on the old calendar, was the shortest day of the year. So now we have the Festival of Lights, St. Lucy’s, Yule. and Christmas, all celebrating light or the return of light.
    And — to look forward to — Anne’s dolls dressed for a NZ Christmas next year.
    Things are looking up – a vaccine is coming to hospitals near many of us — It’s time to be careful and stay well.

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I echo Charlotte and Julia. I love the little book.

    I hope the outfit finds a home quickly so it can be wrapped and placed under the dolly tree.

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