A little more Christmas Cheer… in pictures…

If you recall, Saturday, I left you with a question… do you see the difference between these two pictures Kathie shared with us? I hinted that something was amiss with one of the pictures…

Here they are again, in case you missed them… I showed you this one first…

This was the second picture and something is just a little bit different… see it?

Look over on the right side and you’ll see Santa laying down… I’m sure he’s dealing with a little jet lag from all those frequent flyer miles… but in the second picture, he finds enough strength to stand up… :o)

Kathie sent me a new picture and said this… “Santa is a bit small for the dolls but the Elves like him a lot! Here is the sleepy Santa which his elves caught him napping and got him up and moving!”

I just thought that was cute… and wondered if I was the only one who spotted him…

First up today are some pictures Ingrid sent my way. It’s fun getting to see what some of you ladies look like. When I see you make comments, I (and everyone else, I’m sure) have something in mind and when their picture is finally shown, it just makes it more fun to actually see the face that is making that comment! You are very pretty Ingrid!

This is what Ingrid emailed me…

Hi Jeanne,
The house isn’t ready for photos yet so I thought I’d share my blessings instead.
It doesn’t need to be Thanksgiving or Christmas they bring me joy year round.
1st pic, My son Richard
2nd pic, myself and Richard’s 3 children oldest to youngest Lizzy, Freddy, Bethany
3rd pic, my daughter Danielle
4th pic, Danielle’s son, Dominic

Ingrid commented that she thought she “may” have Covid and was considering a test… I haven’t heard from her anymore, but let’s pray she is okay… Thank you for your contribution to the December pictures! :o)

Next up we have some pictures from Julia…This is what Julia had to share about her pictures…

I’ve generally scaled back on decorating this year. My dolls are still in spring and summer outfits. These pictures are from other years All doll outfits are sewn or crocheted by me. The second crocheted outfit from the left won reserve champion at the county fair a few years ago.

This group is last years. I finally made the dress with gold trim. It was cut out at least one season before but I wanted gold trim. Finally had to settle for the gold fabric. The doll on the far left is Mimi. She is a Goodreau Make It Mine BJD play doll. You could get extra doll eyes to change color. Her wig isn’t glued and I have a short one she can wear. I cut her dress from a thrifted Christmas sweater. Zeke, my boy doll isn’t wearing a single thing I have made. 😑 And Barbie needs a Christmas dress.

Elizabeth in a gingerbread girl dress. It’s seasonal but not Christmas colors. I’d like to make more in non traditional colors.

I just wanted to tell you, Julia, as I was uploading your pictures, the picture of Elizabeth came up first before I read the comments you made about it… As SOON as it popped up on my computer, I instantly thought it looked like a gingerbread dress! You nailed that perfectly!
She’s so pretty in it! :o)

Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!

Next up is a picture of Susette’s Dicken’s houses…Well, I’m assuming they are the ones Susette has…

Laura has something to share that has made its 68th Christmas appearance!

Here’s what Laura had to share…

Hi Jeanne, I think it was Anne that mentioned angels the other day. Here is our Christmas tree angel. She’s quite tiny at 6 inches. She was made in Germany and my parents purchased her for their first Christmas together in 1962. This is her 68th Christmas!
Her face and arms are made of wax with foil wings. The glitter has been loved off her skirt, but her face is still the same. I usually put her in a halo of gold stars with a couple of white lights shining up on her. Still working on the tree, so I snapped her first. The tradition is angel is the first ornament on the tree and the final one off.

Thank you Laura…she is adorable…and in lovely shape to have been in and out of a box and gracing 68 Christmas tree tops! :o)

Next up are some table settings by Susette… She said they may look lavish but she bought them years ago as her “reward” for working!

This is Susette describing them:

The dishes, glassware and little characters on sleds and skis are by Christopher Radko, and believe it or not, Target carried them for a couple of years in the early 1980s. The little ceramic Christmas houses are by Heather Goldminc, bought at Home Goods and on eBay. I have other ones that I use in my fairy gardens.

These dishes were from the St. Louis World’s Fair, held in 1902, and were given to me by my Nana. Her brother had bought them. They are by Royal Doulton and have a Dickens theme, this plate having Shylock as the character. The little Dickens of London houses in the center of the table were from a since closed department store and were bought in the 1990s. The glassware is from an antique store in Lebanon, Ohio, bought in the early1980s. It is a town that specializes in antique shops. The silver was bought on the 50th anniversary of the pattern introduction of the pattern, if I remember properly. It was also my 50th. I’ll send a picture of the box with the houses from my phone. The tablecloth, napkins and placemats are also from Target. The salt cellars were bought in Beavercreek, Ohio, near Dayton and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

I hope you can watch for the “Christmas Star” this evening in the south west sky…when Jupiter and Saturn line up in the sky. This phenomenon hasn’t been seen for almost 800 years…since 1623! I think it’s supposed to be at its brightest just after sunset…I am not into astrology, but I do believe the Bible when it says in Genesis 1:14, “And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.”
Even though Jupiter and Saturn will be around 450 million miles apart, their lining up will look like a double planet.

Today is also the day of the Winter Solstice (the shortest day but the longest night of the year) and it is also the 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims leaving the Mayflower ship and coming onto land to establish Plymouth Colony. I personally believe this country was founded on Christian principles and pray that we stay a nation that keeps them in place. There are lots of people who are afraid of what is happening in our country, but the Lord has everything in control. He really does…even down to special stars in the sky on special days! If no one else needed to hear that, I DID!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “A little more Christmas Cheer… in pictures…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Another lovely batch of “eye candy” tonight!! Love Kathie’s new picture. Who did the elves? They are really wonderful.

    It’s always nice to put a face with a name! Nice to see you, Ingrid, and your lovely family! I hope you are feeling better today.

    You’ve done a lovely job dressing your dolls, Julia. I love to sew for mine, too. I know how to crochet, but it’s not my favorite thing, so I haven’t crocheted any dolly clothes. Congrats on your award!!

    Laura, that angel is really something special! I’m glad you’ve been able to preserve her all these years!

    Susette, your table settings are fabulous! SO festive looking! I do remember about the Christopher Radko things being sold at Target years ago. It’s fun to see them in such a lovely setting. Do I see some Christmas hankies on the table, too?

    The Royal Doulton dinnerware is wonderful, also.

    Well, you girls have all put me to shame; I guess I need to get my decorations started tomorrow! (I always do wait, though, and then leave them up until Epiphany, Jan. 6th.) I don’t do as many as I used to, as it’s usually just the two of us here, but I always have a few things out. I have a number of Annalee Christmas pieces and I usually choose a few of those to set out. (I also have some for Easter, Valentine’s Day, and the 4th of July!)

    Jeanne, I totally agree with you!! The Lord has everything under control, even when it doesn’t feel like it!

    1. My hubby’s birthday is January 6. Since my birthday is at the beginning of the Christmas season and his is at the end we leave the decorations up through Epiphany and we both have a very festive atmosphere for our birthdays.

  2. Yes, Jeanne, I did see Santa lying down in the first picture, then wide awake and standing in the second. It happens to us all at this time of the year!!

    What fun to see all the pictures today! How detailed is the picture of Santa and the elves! They sure are excited to be in his presence!

    And Ingrid’s family is such a happy group! Yes, you are very pretty, Ingrid! I hpe you are doing well, but if not, prayers that you recover soon. That last picture of your daughter’s son is just precious! What a happy little boy with such a contagious smile

    Julia, you have outdone yourself with those darling outfits! I love the crocheted outfits! I wish I could crochet, but I never did learn! I only thought you crochet doileys and such, and I don’t use them in my house. Your collection of AG dolls is wonderful! I recognize most, just not the doll with the red, curly hair in the first picture! And I have those cute little reindeer too! One is sitting on top of my dollhouse! I believe I got mine at the Hallmark store, and they made others, a Santa, a dog, and the reindeer, so I have one of each.

    Yes, Elizabeth does look like a yummy gingerbread cookie! So cute! I used to hang gingerbread cookies on my Christmas tree, and it smelled so good! You did a wonderful job on the dress, Julia!

    Laura, your precious Christmas angel is so fitting for your tree! You are such a “keeper” of past traditions, and she has aged very well for being 68 years old! Even if she wasn’t in such good condition, she would be just as meaningful to you! Of course, her “story” is what makes her special! Thank you for showing her!

    Susette, those table settings are just spectacular! You need to get it all out again, once you are finished with mask making and this Covid is over, and have us all over for a get together! We could all bring something to eat, so you don’t have to cook! I can’t imagine the time to fix it all up, and your centerpieces are beautiful! Whoever you had over for dinner………………lucky them!

    I’ll be watching for the “star” tonight! Although it is the first day of winter, it isn’t going to feel like it, with temps in the low 50’s! If winter is here, spring can’t be too far ahead!

    1. It was 70 here today, so yes, it was hard to think of today as the first day of Winter. Gingerbread cookies on the Christmas tree. What a wonderful idea! I can imagine how good it smelled.

  3. I have been enjoying everyone’s Christmas photos these last few days, and while I don’t usually comment (I’m just quiet by nature, even virtually), I want to make a little correction to the age of Laura’s wax angel. If she was purchased in 1962, she is 58, not 68. So, little angel should feel much better now that she’s dropped 10 years off her age! I wish someone could do that for me. 🙂

    1. You’re right, Theresa, That should have been 58. I hit the wrong number on my keyboard and didn’t catch it. Yes, dropping ten years off our age would be nice, but you’re only as old as you feel.

  4. I’m enjoying all the pictures, whether they are dolls, family, or Christmas decor. I am finished with work for the year, and now the housework begins! I will no doubt be ready to go back to my “day job” on January 4th! I knew today was the Winter solstice, as I am always anxious to get it over with so the days will start getting longer. I did not know, however, that today was the anniversary of the pilgrims landing in Plymouth. I agree that the strength of our nation is our Christian principles, and I have been praying for God’s will on everything that is going on here.

  5. What a fun batch of photos today.
    Kathie’s new photo of Santa and the elves is adorable. Now, I can see that Santa is playing with a marionette. Love it.
    Ingrid has a lovely family. Hope she is feeling better and does not have Covid.
    Love Julia’s well dressed kids. Looks like they bring lots of cheer to your place. Great gingerbread dress. So creative. 🙂
    Beautiful angel, Laura. I’m very surprised that the wax is still in one piece. It is so special and lovely.
    And Susette the dinnerware queen! Absolutely love your table settings. Thank you so much for telling us the names of the patterns and accessories. I’ll be looking them up later I’m sure. Your creativity in the table decor department is amazing. The flowers are the most special touch I think. Just brings it all together so well. I’ll have to show Susette pics of the dinnerware around here sometime. Thanks so much for sharing. Love it.
    Such a busy time. Stay healthy everyone. 🙂

  6. I completely lost my letter to your post so I’ll start over.

    Jeanne, all I can say is “ Amen” to the ending of your post this morning. I am anxious to see the Christmas Star tonight. It certainly will be a phenomenal experience to witness. I can’t wait.

    I think most of us saw the Santa resting but yes, he was revived by the elves!

    Julia, your girls are all dressed in lovely outfits. It was nice to see your creations. The crocheted outfit you won an award for is darling. Reminds me of a “Heidi” outfit. And the gingerbread outfit…very cute on your American Girl.

    Susette, love your table settings. So interesting and festive. My mother always had lovely table settings and it became a love of mine including table china and service-ware.
    Back in the 70’s, there was a store called “ Strictly British. It’s no longer in business. I was in there all the time buying things. I wanted fine china decorated with Holly but they had none. I settled on a beautiful delicate set of fine china and it’s accessories in a pattern of poinsettias. I liked the delicacy of the china itself and I convinced myself that when I was older, I’d appreciate the poinsettias more than I did as a younger person. And that was so true even though I would have preferred holly. You certainly dress your tables with an artistic ability. It’s nice to know where you found certain items too. Liked that you used the salt cellars. I have my mother-in-laws salt cellars and use them as well.
    All of Dept.. 56 villages are spectacular. I can only imagine your display.

    Laura, your Angel topper, what a treasure ! I hope we can see pictures if your tree. I have an Angel from when I was first married. She unique like yours only she doesn’t have the history. She will to my children. She no longer sits st the top of our tree but she has a place to sit out at Christmas time.

    Again, it was so nice seeing all these pictures. It adds to the
    fun of Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year 🎶 🎄⛄️

    1. Hi Paula,
      Seeing pictures of my Christmas tree this year would be pathetic indeed. Angel is going to have to grace my tiny four foot seasonal tree this year with white lights, and if lucky, about half a dozen of my favorite ornaments. She’ll have center stage though. With so many other things going on, I just didn’t get it all together this year. Wasn’t it just October? Even though the tree stays up until Epiphany I’m not getting all the ornaments out this year at such a late starting date since I do about 90% of the decorating now.. Plus if I do that, I can’t finish baking my grandmother’s recipes and that’s more important to me to have the “taste ‘f Christmas”. With all my German figures out, it’s going to have to be enough.
      I’d love to see your angel, If she’s yours, she must be beautiful!

  7. What lovely photos, I am afraid that my table gets only what I use normally. I don’t have anything special to put out! I love looking at other people’s wonderful decorations, though. It is our first Christmas production today (22nd), the next one is on Christmas Eve. I hope it goes better than Sunday’s rehearsal, it was a bit like herding cats!
    I just watched my nephew’s production on YouTube. The link is https://youtu.be/5ffRsTBVfTc (which doesn’t seem to have come up the way it usually does so may not work. I will forward the e mail to Jeanne, it really is worth watching if you have a little over an hour to spare. My nephew is very talented. They obviously can’t have church normally so this is a wonderful alternative.
    My foster daughter’s daughter had a baby boy on Sunday morning and her older sister had her gender reveal for her baby on Sunday evening. She is having a girl so all exciting times. I am not sure that my foster daughter is too impressed at being a grandmother twice over! Especially as the younger one is only 16! Sasha at least is older (24), and has a reliable partner who adores her.
    Remember I was skiting about the lovely day Sam and I had on Friday? And the heat (32C) on Saturday? Yesterday it was pouring with rain most of the day and only got to 15C. It is raining this morning but supposed to clear and get to 25C. I am sure the dog is hoping it will clear soon, he didn’t get a walk yesterday!
    I shouldn’t have spent time watching so I had better get myself moving.

  8. Yes, I saw Santa taking a nap. Poor guy deserved one. All your elves did a good job of reviving him, Kathy! They must be really tiny. Boy are they cute!

    Greetings to Ingrid and her family! Faces and names make our interaction here more personalized.

    Laura, your angel looks like a little vintage doll. Does the wax make her tricky to store? We put ours in the attic where it’s hot in the summer. She is lovely, no matter what her age.😉

    Susette, your Christmas china sets are all fabulous! Your table-scapes are beautiful. I love dishes and china and crystal. Is the glass ware in the last picture Fostoria? The general shape looks like the ones I have. My pattern is different. My mom gave them to me a few years ago. They were wedding presents, making them 66 years old.

    It is overcast so it’s unlikely that we will see the rare astronomical event.

    Linda D, my curly red head is Fancy Nancy. I don’t really remember how I got into her but I love those story books. My son gave her to me for my birthday one year because he knew I loved her. Later, I became a “friend” of the illustrator, Robin Preiss Glasser. When I posted a picture of Nancy in her fancy Christmas outfit, she left a complimentary message! Not only did it make my day, but a couple of my librarian friends saw it and rushed to tell me about it. They were excited too!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I had no idea there was a “Fancy Nancy” doll! I love the books. I majored in elementary ed and minored in Library Science, so I love reading children’s books, especially primary level! I have a small collection of titles that I particularly love…..

  9. On to another delightful day of goodies. Love Santa with his elves, Kathie. They’ll get him where he needs to be.
    Ingrid, it was so nice to see you and your lovely family. I hope that you are well and didn’t contract the virus.
    Julia, all you doll outfits are just beautiful! I can certainly see why that darling crocheted outfit on Kit won reserve champion. Her cloche hat is lovely as well.
    I like the outfit you made for Cecile, Kanani, and Elizabeth. The fabric for Kanani’s skirt looks very familiar. i think I may have a piece like that.
    Elizabeth’s gingerbread dress is the best ever. What a creative idea and you should definitely make more.
    Thank you dear ladies for your kind comments on my Christmas tree angel. She is very special to me.
    Susette, The Dicken’s houses are lovely. Your table settings are just spectacular! Amazing to find Christopher Radko at Target. I’ve been through and in Lebanon many times on the way to Cincinnati both as a child and adult. We ate at “The Golden Lamb” a few times to celebrate my grandparent’s anniversary and other relative’s birthdays. it’s a charming town. I’ve also been to Beavercreek a number of times as my good friend lives near there. I’ve also been to Wright-Patt and the Dayton Air Show. Your salt cellars are so nice. I have one that I bought at an antique store to use with the little silver salt spoon I found in my grandmother silver chest with her other silverware
    I definitely needed to hear all those wonderful comments you made about the Lord having everything under control. I will be looking for the “Christmas Star” tonight. Hopefully, cloud cover won’t obscure it.

    1. So you also ate at The Golden Lamb! We ate there at Easter while visiting our daughter who lived in Cincinnati at the time. A lovely place that serves delicious food! I bought a little lamb from the gift shop that goes in front of my dollhouse in the summer.

  10. Hi again Susette,
    I came back to see the name again of the maker of your Christmas (and fairy) houses and saw your lovely dinnerware again.
    I don’t want to offend you, but I wanted to comment on your plate featuring Shylock. Shylock is actually a character in Shakespeare’s play “The Merchant of Venice”. When I was in high school, we read every one of Shakespeare’s plays (along with tons of other literature) between freshman and junior years of English. Actually, it was enjoyable as we read it aloud in class in parts. Your plate is lovely.

  11. I finally figured out why I keep neglecting to comment. I get so involved in the comments of others that I run out of time and never get around to posting mine. So today I’m going to comment before I read others’ comments. I love all the pictures. I did notice the napping Santa (after a few hints, thanks Jeanne). Ingrid’s family pictures are very nice. Thanks for sharing, Ingrid. Julia’s dolls look very festive even if they’re not wearing Christmas/holiday attire. They still look very nice. I love Elizabeth’s Gingerbread dress. Too cute! Susette’s collections are wonderful. Royal Doulton! Nice!

    I just got back from spending most of the day with my hubby. We had a nice Mexican food lunch and then went to find a plat of our property, which we found out doesn’t exist.
    We have the description but no plat so we’ll have to get one done. We have five acres and are thinking of developing it into residential housing. It has never been subdivided and so in the past there was never any need for a plat. Our house sits on the corner so we can segregate the house on a nice size lot and still have plenty of room for houses. We have a mobile home park on two acres but it has been there so long the infrastructure is needing constant repair plus it is not in compliance with requirements that came after it was built so it’s been grandfathered for years. It cannot remain when we sell the property without a total, very expensive upgrade. The great thing is that site work is what my hubby did for years with laser-controlled equipment and he still has all of it so he and the boys, who have helped him over the years, can do that. Then Sean is licensed in A/C so he can install the heating and A/C. Jason is good at running the heavy equipment and other aspects of construction. We would have to sub out the electrical and plumbing and anything else they don’t want to do, otherwise we would all benefit financially from the endeavor. We own the property outright which is another good thing.

    Blythe is here and so adorable. Santa is bringing her a bicycle, a cute little bench, an adorable doll house (her toy), some clothes and well to say the least she is already spoiled. I finally took the pictures of my village yesterday so I’ll be sending those very soon. I would have done it sooner but my camera was dead as a door nail and I prefer that to my phone. I’ll go read the comments now in case I want to comment on a comment.

  12. You caught me, Laura. I always call them Dickens because all of the other plates do have Dickens characters. I’m certainly not offended as I’m used to embarrassing myself. Linda D. kindly pointed out that the World’s Fair was in 1904, not 1902. I lived in England during my last two years of high school and, of course, studied Shakespeare’s plays. Also saw one of the plays at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre on a high school field trip as well as Anne Hathaway’s cottage. Your angel is beautiful and is the best kind of ornament, the ones who carry the memories ❤️.

    I’ve had dinner at the Golden Lamb. I love the blog so much for the very reason that it brings back memories long forgotten. I do have the tiny glass spoons that go with the salt cellars. Don’t know why they weren’t on the table. Thanks, Joy, for commenting on the flowers. You’re more than welcome to share the pictures. No family coming for duck dinner this Christmas. Thank goodness for the Internet!

    Ingrid, wonderful to see pictures of blog followers and their families. Beautiful and handsome. Your granddaughter looks just like her beautiful Nana. What darling children!

    Julia, your dolls are darling, and you made such great wardrobes for them. The crocheted dress is certainly worthy of a prize.

    Kathie, you’re a master puppeteer among your many talents. I did see him napping but the elves have him on his feet again.

    Thanks again, Jeanne, for allowing us all to share the holidays and memories with each other. Hope I haven’t missed anyone.

  13. How neat to hear that both you and Linda are familiar with The Golden Lamb.
    Oh my goodness, lucky you to have lived in England and to see one of his plays at the Royal Shakespearean Theatre and visit Anne Hathaway’s cottage. Not only did you study Shakespeare, but you got to live and experience it.
    On a chance, I typed in “Susette’s Fairy Houses” into the search space and they came up! I knew I had seen them the first time, but was hoping to easily find them again. Everything is so, so cute!

  14. Jeanne, the final paragraph today was absolutely beautiful. I will read it over and over. I say Amen to everything you said.

  15. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I enjoyed reading about what is going on with everyone.

    It was fun to see Ingrid and family. She is surely in our prayers.

    Julia’s outfits are adorable. Her girls are having so much fun.

    I love Susette”s houses. What a great idea for table decorations. And speaking of that, the dishware is so sweet.

    Laura’s angel is definitely a special lady. I love angels as tree toppers.

    Thanks for sharing information about the Christmas Star. I did not know about its appearance. I did a Google search to learn more.

    In three more nights, Santa will be sliding down our chimneys. I guess I better tidy up the hearth (laugh).

  16. Oh my goodness…so many comments and this is my first chance to read them.Glad you liked the awake Santa and his elves. That one elf looks like Harry Potter to me but I had them long before I heard of Harry☺️
    Ingrid…your family is awesome. Richard and his kids look happy and so do you! Danielle is such a pretty girl…she has the biggest eyes I have ever seen and little Dominic sure inherited them too!
    Julia your dolls look so well dressed and you have a talent for fitting their clothes. I’m yarn challenged so appreciate the ones that use your talent. Gingerbread Elizabeth in brown and pink is awesome
    Susette if you have all those Dicken houses it must take quite a bit of time to display them! Such holiday history.
    Laura, your Angel is so sweet…what is she made out of? My Angel is 76 years old. She is kind of like a Storybook doll…and is on her 3rd dress. Pretty good for that old a doll☺️
    Susette, your table settings would make MarthaStewart jealous😉 Love the way you have the leaves and mums surrounding the centerpiece. That is such a classic look.
    I sure hope you are right Jeanne! We need to keep this a Christian country. Couldn’t see the Christmas Star from here…too many trees ….but it was visible from the farm where my son lives now and he sent a picture….will forward

  17. HI Everyone,
    I am running behind so I will just leave this one comment. Everyone has SO much to say today and I don’t know where to begin. It’s so nice to hear from everyone and see what you each have to say about the other’s pictures. I enjoy it when someone mentions something that triggers a memory in someone else. Then it becomes a snowball effect and pretty soon there are so many comments to read.
    I was busy today getting my baking things bought… cookies and such for a few people I always bake for… and picking up last minute things for Jean and Bithar’s kids for just a little bit of Christmas from Aunt Jeanne and Uncle George. I have theirs all done except I need to find something for little David… he can’t have candy in his box…
    I was going to start my baking this evening, but I got tied up with wrapping… and then we had to go out and see the planets… we did see them and I took some very poor pictures but at least it’s proof we saw it. :o)
    Tomorrow morning I will begin my baking, I guess…
    Well, I better get tomorrow’s post lined up… and we’ll see who is in the spotlight for Tuesday!
    Bye everyone,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  18. Hi Jeanne,
    I hope you and your sweet family are well. I see you are busying yourself with holiday preparations. It’s so nice to having everything done a few days before Christmas gets here. I love what you wrote and couldn’t agree more. I will continue to prayer for our great country.
    I did noticed Santa taking a little time out. He looked pretty comfie to me. Those trees are so cute Kathy. I think I need a dolly size tree too.
    Julia, your dolls like lovely. It doesn’t matter if your photo is from another Christmas. It’s fun to see their outfits anyway. I too am yard challenged and admire anyone that can follow along reading a pattern. I’ve tried and it’s quite difficult… for me anyways.
    Laura, your angel looks so delicate and sweet. Not bad for a 50 plus year christmas tree topper.
    Susette, you are the queen of tablescapes. I too love pretty table settings but I can’t hold a candle to your talent. Just wow I love seeing fresh flowers on the table, it always smells so nice and makes everything look special IMHO.

    I went for my covid test yesterday and asked after the test that gives you a result in 15 minutes. The nurse said they didn’t have them but wished they did. The test I had was different than the last time. This was a both nostril swab and didn’t go deep. My eyes still watered and it was uncomfortable but tolerable. I won’t put my parents health at risk, so it had to be done.
    Thank you for all the well wishes and kind remarks. My children and my four awesome grandbabies are my blessing! I’m so proud of them and love them to pieces.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      I’m glad to see you’re here, Ingrid! We have all been concerned about you.

      Praying that it’s Not covid…..

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