Are you ready for a dolly sized Thanksgiving?

I hope everyone is getting the things done that need to be, but I also hope you’ll take just a minute from your busyness and take a peek at Linda’s dolls dressed for Thanksgiving. She sent me pictures and I KNOW how you all love to scrutinize every little detail of her dolly vignettes.

Linda had this to say about her girls…

The first picture is 3 years old, and I thought maybe some ladies did not see it. There was no way to do that one and then dress them up in modern clothes! No time…..or energy! But it was fun to try to recreate the first Thanksgiving. Those girls haven’t aged a bit in three years!

The next ones are the current displays I have out now. Funny, all three 40’s girls are wearing Hanukkah dresses from AG, but I love the blues! Betsy is wearing a crocheted dress from a friend. Looks like they are giving this turkey a reprieve!

Scarlett and Ivy are wearing silver and blue, just outfits they haven’t worn in some time.

Felicity and Cecile are getting ready for tea, I suppose. Cecile is wearing Addy’s Beforever School outfit, which is a lovely blue wool suit, and Felicity is wearing her brown church dress, That’s the one I made, but oh my, how difficult! It will do and looks pretty with her auburn hair.

I’m wishing you and yours a very happy, healthy Thanksgiving!

Love to you, Jeanne,

Thanks Linda,
I’m glad you sent those pictures for us all to see… I think we all needed a little dolly break today… I know I did! Your girls have never looked prettier…but I think if I had to pick just one…it would be Molly in that blue dress. She looks stunning!!! :o)

Now I have a few new girls to show you. Well, actually they are my hubby’s…
He has a “thing” for blondes and brunettes! :o)

He picked up 9 new baby cheeps last week… they are in a big wooden crate in the back of the house…
They make the sweetest little noises scurrying around.

Here’s today…they are growing like weeds.

See you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

28 thoughts on “Are you ready for a dolly sized Thanksgiving?”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a fun post today! Thanks for sharing your pictures, Linda. I do remember that first one, but I’ve been a subscriber for quite some time. It’s a good picture to share.

    Of the others…hard to pick a favorite, but I think Felicity in her brown church dress. You really did a lovely job on it!

    Jeanne, nice to see some new babies have been added! They do grow fast, don’t they?!

    Congrats on the bids (plural!!) on Ten Ping’s outfit!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I knew it was just a matter of time until my hubby got “chick” fever… He DOES love his birds… just like I LOVE my dolls… we know each others weakness!
      Yes, 2 bids on Ten Pings dress set. I picked up the candy today for the winner…Y-U-M-M-Y!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. So today is the day “before”! Already! Thank you for sharing my pictures, Jeanne, and I certainly hope everyone has a good day today, although it is raining here in St. Louis. Pie baking day for me! The small turkey breast is still in the freezer, per the directions. I’m still a little leery to put a frozen turkey breast right in the oven, but I will follow directions. Wish me luck!

    Oh my goodness, charlotte, that brown church dress was so difficult to make, plus the material was very slippery and slidey! I try not to look too lcosely at it, although “someone else”, I’ll let you guess who, could make a beautiful one!

    George’s baby chicks are so sweet! Are they regular chicks or somthing exotic? I remember when we moved to the country, my parents decided to get some chickens, and we had a couple dozen pullets, which are not teensy chicks, but a bit older. It was too cold for them to be living in an unheated chicken house, so we had to keep them in the kitchen! Oh my, was that an adventure! They grew overnight! Never again did we do that, but it did work out.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

    1. HI Linda,
      It is ALWAYS fun to share your pictures…whether we’ve seen them or not… I show “repeats” of my doll dresses…so why shouldn’t you show repeats of your dolly scenes.

      You’ll have to let us know how the frozen turkey works out… I’d have some turkey lunch meat on hand…just in case! :o)

      I hope you weren’t offended when I didn’t mention Felicity was stunning in her brown dress… I just thought Molly popped off the page to me! I remember you having troubles with that dress…and I think it really was because of the fabric. Anyone would have had trouble with that slippery finish to it.

      The baby chicks are just regular… he’s not sure what he actually got… it was the last 9 they had at Rural King… he knows one is a barred rock, and a few others I have forgotten… He’s planning on moving them to the chicken coop in a few days I think… he was working on things today for them.
      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda, your dolls are always so well turned out! I may have seen the First Thanksgiving doll vignette before, but it seemed fresh to my mind today.๐Ÿ˜Š Your accessories are very nicely coordinated and I loved all the sparkly headbands!

    My sister-in-law got to go home from the hospital yesterday. We are all celebrating that even if we canโ€™t get together. She has been hospitalized since March or April. She has MS and at first that was diagnosed as the cause of her symptoms. Eventually it was determined that she had a brain tumor. Sheโ€™s been getting various treatments for that and when she wasnโ€™t in the hospital she was in a nursing home for rehab. The tumor caused cognitive difficulties along with speech and mobility issues. Right now she is doing well and almost back to where she was before this all began.

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone one the blue sofa! ๐Ÿ—โ˜•๏ธ๐Ÿ›‹

    1. Dear Julia,
      What a blessing that your sister in love is out of the hospital in time for Thanksgiving. What a frightening time she must have had. So glad to hear she is almost back to where she was. Prayers for continued recovery.

    2. Julia, you have something major to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. How wonderful that your sister-in-law is doing so well and home for the holidays.

    3. Julia, what a blessing it is for your sister in law to be home and recovering! What a miracle during a terrible year for a lot of people! We have so much to be thankful for, and hope she continues to improve!

    4. HI Julia,
      I hope you and your family have a nice Thanksgiving…small though it be! What wonderful news about your sister in law… what a long diagnosis and recovery. I bet she was SO glad to be home… I pray for a complete recovery and am so thankful that she got to finally go home yesterday! I bet she was so ready!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Thanks to Linda’s girls for getting all dressed up and Jeanne for sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚ I really can’t say which scene is a favorite because each is so special. I’ll concentrate on the fab outfits. I love all of the blues. What a wonderful display to see them and especially little Betsy. I also like the silver and blue outfits. I think most of these wonderful dresses can also be worn by the Meadow girls 18″ group here. I’m sure they would love a pretty dress as they are staring at the finery still in their camping outfits. ๐Ÿ™ Felicity’s brown dress is perfect. Definitely worth all of your effort Linda. So glad you set up all of the scenes. Fun.
    So, what variety of chickens? Love seeing them as they grow.
    Hope everyone has a nice holiday tomorrow. Not the same as usual, but we’ll make up for it next year. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. HI Joy,
      I think you should whip up some fancy dresses for all your Meadow dolls and get them out of their camping attire… I’m picturing pretty red dresses for the girls and the boys can wear red and black plaid vests with black pants! You better get started on them right away… the choir director needs more voices and you have plenty for a complete choir! :o)

      I’m not sure of the breeds of chicks he got… I just remember he said one was a barred rock… I’ll find out and let you know…
      I hope YOU have a nice holiday tomorrow too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Oh, I like the idea of those red dresses and red/black plaid vests for the boys. What is it only four weeks. I don’t think other person would let me spend that much time with the dollies. But, nice thought. I’ve always wanted to do choir robes for the kids. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Lindaโ€™s dolls are always dressed so appropriately for the occasions. I think I like the brown dress the best, too.

    Donโ€™t let the ๐Ÿฅ get a look at the turkey tomorrow or theyโ€™ll get a bad case of premonition! Hope you and everyone have a wonderful time tomorrow. It sounds like youโ€™ve gotten a good head start and will be able to enjoy the day too. Happy Thanksgiving ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฝ.

    1. HI Susette,
      The chicks aren’t allowed in the kitchen tomorrow…so they’ll NEVER know… actually Jean and Bithar have decided because of Covid, they didn’t want to come over after all. They let me know this morning, but since I already had the groceries bought, I asked if I made the stuff could I at least bring dinner over and they could come outside and pick it up. They were thrilled… so I’ve tried to do as much as I could today to get things ready… It will just be me and my hubby tomorrow… the kids and us will celebrate Saturday…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I always enjoy seeing pictures from Linda and others. All the girls look so lovely. With that many girls, it is a task to redress them for any occasion, but we all appreciate the pictures!
    Julia, so glad your sister-in-law is home from the hospital. Hope she does well and can enjoy Thanksgiving.
    To everyone, bless all of you and hope you can enjoy your Thanksgiving the best you can.

    1. HI Paula,
      I always love seeing Linda’s pictures too… or anyone pictures… :o)
      I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving too, Paula. I know you wish you were home, but maybe soon, you’ll be… :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Always happy to see Linda’s girls as they are always dressed to the nines and have just the right accessories to accompany the display. They also never get a chance to be bored as there is a new adventure right around the corner. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I do remember that first photo, but I’m delighted to see it again. #21 makes an adorable pilgrim girl, Ruthie looks fantastic in Felicity’s work dress, and Molly makes a perfect Indian with her braids.
    I love Felicity’s brown church dress. You did a fabulous job recreating it. A nice tea is just what Cecile and she need. It’s gray, cold, and raining here as well.
    The little cheeps are adorable. I love to see them when you get them.
    Just wondering, is Simon still around or has he gone to find a lady sweetheart?
    Happy Thanksgiving to all you dear ladies!!

    1. HI Laura,
      Linda does such a good job dressing her girls… I bet she could almost dress them in her sleep! :o) I wonder if she’s ever had dreams about dressing her girls…

      No, Simon is not here anymore. I didn’t mention it in a post but that day after his hole was invaded and he was thought to be the “imposter” raccoon… he came back 2 days later and only stayed 2 more days. Then he was gone and we’ve never seen him again… We looked at that tree for weeks and weeks still thinking he might show up, but he never did! He was a fun diversion during the beginnings of the pandemic… and kept us occupied for about 3 months. He was a pretty fun little critter to have for awhile.

      Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Laura
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. I’ve seen Linda D’s First Thanksgiving picture before but I’m so glad she asked you to post it again. It’s wonderful and I’m sure several have not seen it before. I can totally relate to Linda’s saying that dressing and redressing the dolls can be time consuming, but when it’s finished it can be fun to see – and share pictures. I’m still determined to do a snow follies theme in January. I haven’t done any photos since last Christmas. I’ve got plenty of props for the snow scene, I just need to do an inventory to see who all has winter attire. Usually I do more sewing for spring and summer.

    In spite of the difficulties of this year, there is so much to be thankful for. My family has all had the virus and recovered nicely, Julia’s sister-in-law is doing so well, Marilyn is back with us full time and so many other things we’ve all shared during the year. My church choir director is an inspiration to me whenever I get overwhelmed with all the stuff going on. Early this year he was near death but didn’t know it. His liver was deteriorating. He’s not a drinker so when he started feeling bad everyone just thought it was the flu. Then he didn’t show up for church and no one knew why. Our organist knew someone who worked with him and suggested he check on him. He was admitted to the hospital in very bad shape. Fortunately a liver was available before long and he was on the road to recovery. He is so upbeat and thankful to be alive that my puny annoyances vanish when I’m around him.

    I missed commenting yesterday and read the blog before bed last night. My son and grandkids were here and we got the tree up and put the two leaves in my dining room table and positioned it for me to beginning building my village. Actually I need to decorate the tree first. It’s up and it’s pre-lit so from outside it looks finished. I’ll put the ornaments on it this weekend. I didn’t suggest we do it yesterday because the tree is in the corner and we would have gotten in each others way a lot. David and oldest son have gone grocery shopping for the things to make the pies and fruit salad. How I avoided going I’m not sure, but it leaves me to do other things and maybe some sewing, so I’m okay with it. I’m not a big grocery shopper anyway.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I know how time consuming it can be to dress the dolls… even when I do a listing and show the dress on one or 2 more dolls, it takes a lot of time… I’m glad Linda does it as often as she does! :o)
      Wonderful news about your Choir director… wow…that was a close call but so glad he is recovering nicely now!
      My plans have changed and we aren’t having Jean and Bithar and family over tomorrow… I’m just making the dinner and taking it over to them… I did a lot of the cooking today and tomorrow will just be the stuff that needs to be done on the day of…
      I don’t know if they were concerned for US or for THEM… but they decided not to come…
      It’s okay… we can shout Happy Thanksgiving to each other in the yard when I drop off the box to them…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I forgot to mention how much I love Linda’s dolls dressed in their Chanukah attire. They all look so lovely and the I really do love the colors of Chanukah. The brown dress on Felicity is lovely. Good job, Linda.


    1. Thank you Barbara,
      It IS nice for all of us to get together and chat with one another.
      Blessings to all of you,

  11. Love seeing your photos Linda, I plan to do something similar with Ashley next year when she is living with me. At the moment everything imaginative she tries to do her Dad tells her it is ‘garbage’. It is stifling her imagination a bit.
    The fabric I used to make the Victorian outfit was quite slippery but the pattern said to ‘flat line’ it which I had never heard of but I did it anyway with very fine cotton and that may have made the difference, it didn’t slip too much at all. I also use my walking foot for most of my sewing, (it is built into the machine) and only change to a regular foot when I have to and that helps too.
    Hope you girls have a good Thanksgiving, in spite of the difficult circumstances. Hopefully there will be a vaccine for next year and we will be able to put 2020 behind us. I for one am looking forward to celebrating the end of this year. In The Queen’s words from her worst year ever it has been an ‘annus horribilus’ for us and not just because of Covid though that has made it worse.

    1. HI Anne,
      I once made a dress for a doctor from silk she had brought back from Japan. It was so slippery it wouldn’t even stay on the table for me to cut it out… I finally put a piece of paper underneath the whole lot of fabric, just to cut it out… I vowed no more silk dresses after I got that one finished… it was awful to make!
      We will all have a nice Thanksgiving…we are all here, we are all friends, we all have food to eat and we all have homes to live in…
      Happy Thanksgiving from us in America to you, Anne… Just pretend for today! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. I did wonder if there were new baby chicks at your house, and I’m so glad there are. I also liked Linda’s chicken story. Nothing like chickens underfoot while people are working in the kitchen.
    I don’t know that anyone could look nicer in Felicity’s work dress than Ruthie does. I was glad to see that Linda’s turkeys seem to be surviving their Thanksgivings. Brown is one of my favorite colors, and Felicity wears it splendidly. Now I think it’s time for tea around here.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      It’s tea time, is it? Is it still snowing there, or do you just have snow on the ground?
      I hope you are staying warm… and wondering if you are spending the day by yourself, or are you going somewhere?
      I’m thankful you are with us this Thanksgiving… I bet you are too! :o)
      Thanks for being one of the sofa sisters, Marilyn!
      Happy Thanksgiving,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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