The craziest wig ever and Betsy McCall gets a chance to model…

HI everyone,
A really nice thing happened yesterday… Joy won the shoes but she had already bought a pair of them, so she asked me to send the shoes to someone else on the “beige” list. I had my hubby draw out a name and he picked Debi. She was thrilled and sent me this email…
“I’m so excited!!! The only other time I won something was in 1963. The radio station I listened to, KIMN in Denver, had a contest for an Autograph Dog that actress Cindy Carol (Gidget #3 in the movies) had signed. I still remember my dad driving me downtown to get it. All my friends were envious. I wish I still had it, but I DO have the tiny autograph dog American Girl offered with Maryellen.”

Now, wasn’t that a great thing to start the day with?

I guess you want to see more of that “wig” I showed yesterday? I think it’s “supposed” to be a wig… but I sent this (as kind as I could be), email to the seller…

I received your package and just had a few questions… Your description says this wig is a new condition wig from Dollspart. I’m sorry, but it’s not even a finished wig… it is unusable as is and looks like it just has strands of hair sewn to the start of a wig cap in all different directions. In the pictures it looks like a cute little pageboy wig with a tuft of extra hair on the top that can be pulled to the side or or even up in a bow like Pebbles on the Flinstones… I’m at a loss on what to do with it. I took some pictures to show you what I mean…I know you get what you pay for, but I assumed this was at least a usable wig… just maybe needing a little trimming up… I’m usually pretty good at fixing up out of date wigs but this one is a bit much for even me…
Blessings, Jeanne

Then I sent her some of the pictures you’ll find below… I hope she asks me if I’d like to return it. She’s already left me positive feedback…

Here are a few pictures to make you laugh… make sure you don’t have any coffee in your mouth before viewing them… :o)

There is just no rhyme or reason to this wig…

There is no way of telling which way it goes or even which way it is “supposed” to go…

It’s certainly out of my league…and it’s a shame too. The fibers of the wig are REALLY nice and soft and for a little while I thought maybe it was a human hair wig… Oh well…I guess I’ll wait and see what the seller says…

Linda asked about the clear stand that I was using with Lian…it’s actually an Ellowyne stand that my hubby cut down to fit the crotch height of the Little Darlings. He made it just a tad taller than where their feet land so when they have shoes on, it’s just the right height…

Last up today is Betsy McCall, modeling Lian’s set. It fits her absolutely perfectly and she was thrilled to get down off that dolly shelf.

The dress, the jacket, the thigh highs, the slip (maybe a hair loose in the waist), and even the beret went over her fat wig…

Well, I hope this post made your Thursday just a little bit better! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

37 thoughts on “The craziest wig ever and Betsy McCall gets a chance to model…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Congrats to Debi, the new winner of the shoes! How nice of Joy to do that. (And Debi, I never got an autograph dog, but I did get an autograph Cat….back in the 1950s…and it’s probably still in my basement somewhere! No famous autographs, though, just my friends from school.)

    That wig looks like random lengths of hair from another wig were stitched, willy-nilly, to a wig base! I do hope the seller is honest, and takes it back/refunds your money.

    That gorgeous outfit looks good on Betsy, too! I still like it best on Lian, though (much as I do love my Betsy)!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      The seller got back with me and decided she’d accept the wig back…. so I’ve already been to the post office and dropped it off. I wasn’t that it was an expensive wig…but what was I going to do with it…
      I just added that the dress set fits Betsy dolls to my listing…
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Ha, ha, Jeanne, I DID have a cup of coffee in front of me but took your advice and put it down before looking at the wig pictures! Good thing, too, my goodness, what was the seller thinking whenshe sold that wig? I do hope she refunds you to make things right!

    Oh, so the stand is not really for sale by itself. I like it, because it kind of “disappears” for pictures. It certainly would be nice if someone did make stands like that without having to also buy a doll!

    So Betsy fits the outfit! Thought so! She looks adorable, and I certainly am not letting my Betsy see that! My Betsy does not have the same kind of wig yours does, as it is much thinner, but who doesn’t like the impish look of a Betsy McCall?

    I have my dolls dressed in Halloween costumes now , and wait until you see Betsy! She always adds a “cuteness” element to my scenes now, and I am so glad I have her!

    1. HI Linda,
      The seller got back with me and said her mom made porcelain dolls and this was one of the wigs she used… I don’t know how she did, unless it was under a hat maybe???
      I’ve always been after my hubby to make me an invisible crotch stand for the girls where they just slide in a seat created especially for their bodies… maybe someday “I’ll” figure it out! :o)
      I changed my listing on Ebay to include Betsy… she is 14″ isn’t she?
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Very thoughtful of Joy to Share the Joy with Debi. Joy sounds just as thrilled by the win as though she dreamed of winning those shoes!

    That’s very exciting to find that the ensemble is a perfect fit on Betsy. It sure broadens the possibilities as many more buyers would have a Betsy doll than a Lian body type.

    There’s no problem if the wig seller doesn’t come through, and it would probably be better if she doesn’t. Then you can file a complaint with eBay and attach a picture. Money back plus shipping. They also have the info with which to restrict the seller if it’s happened before so it doesn’t happen to anyone else. I sure admire your ability to style doll wigs but realize you only pretend to be a magician.

    1. HI Susette,
      I added Betsy to my description on the Ebay listing… not the title but in the first line or so… Maybe it will get noticed…
      I got an answer back from the seller and she said I could send it back… she said her mom had used it with her dolls… I don’t think she really even looked at the wig before she listed it… but I bet she changes her listing a bit when she gets it back… she better use MY pictures! :o)
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. A big congrats to Debi on the shoes! Sounds like you’re on a winning streak now. 🙂 Hopefully, everyone will soon be having good luck in the new year, as it isn’t that much longer until the “eventful” 2020, fades away. 🙂
    That hair photo really did give me a good laugh. Manufacturers flaw? Worker indulging on the job? Retiring employee on their last shift? That stitching?? Oh my. Hope you hear from the seller or contact ebay as Susette suggested. But, I do love the color and style. 🙂
    Love Lian’s dress on Betsy. So fun to see her. And I believe that the Meadow girls “Tween” dolls, 13″ can also fit this dress. If you go to the Meadow Doll site, the measurements are there to compare. 🙂
    Guess we can start speculating on the next outfit. Who will it be?

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Joy, what a wonderful gesture. You win the Sofa Sisters’ “Jeanne Award” for your generosity.

    2. HI Joy,
      I’m not sure WHAT happened with that wig, but the lady is taking it back and refunding my money… If she hadn’t I would have probably taken it apart and tried to do something with the hair strands… they were actually pretty nice to the touch… Oh well, she said her mom had used it with her porcelain dolls… I don’t know exactly HOW she used it but that’s what she said.
      Oh, let the speculating begin… I’ve already been working on something and might have it finished soon. It’s VERY pretty…at least I think so! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Thank you, Joy, for passing on the pretty shoes. I’m not sure which of of my dolls will be wearing them first, but they look like Christmas shoes to me.

      1. Congrats. I think they might be used for almost any celebration. The neutral color will be lovely on whatever you choose. Would love to see a pic of the chosen one wearing them. 🙂

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you do not have to accept the wig. Just start a return process on the site.

    You do not need the seller’s permission to do that. I have returned things to ebay, etsy, and Amazon. If you go to the help tab on the page, it should walk you through the process. You have documented the item with photographs. You can upload them on the return page.

    The wig looks like it was a “practice” wig for someone learning how to make a wig or trying a new wig style. As you note, it is unusable. It should not have been sold.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      All is well, the seller said she’d accept the doll wig back and refund my money… I’ll probably only get $3.00 but it was just a useless piece of doll hair if I didn’t send it back. I hope she doesn’t try to relist it AS A WIG… maybe she should say, it’s a “partial wig.”
      It does look like a practice wig… I almost decided to keep it and see what I could do with it, but it’s already been taken to the PO and is on its way back to her.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. This is my favorite time in the cycle — a dress/outfit is complete but not yet sold and there’s all the anticipation about which doll, which era, which fabric.
    The wig. It’s pretty clear what the seller was thinking: How do I get rid of this?
    Good luck with Ebay. I have had no luck with trying to get money back when tracking said things were delivered here but they weren’t. I discovered later that the error was Ebay saying they were delivered to Colorado but they were delivered to Washington state.
    I have high hopes for the Victorian wig.
    I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon. My brother always said that if you have to do something you dislike, plan to do something nice afterwards, so I have an order for a nice salad ready to order on my computer. One click when I return and lunch will be served in 20 minutes.
    I hope nothing unpleasant will happen to any of us, but if so, think of a reward. Is Cool Spoons still open?

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I already DO have the next outfit in the works… not quite finished but a good portion done… Soon I’ll reveal it… here’s a hint… my hubby likes it!

      The lady got back with me and decided she’d take the wig back… funny thing, she said her mom had used it when she made porcelain dolls. That’s what gets me… HOW?

      I hope your salad was delicious after your doctor’s appointment. I hope he was impressed with your “walking sideways” skills! :o)

      Yes, Cool Spoons is open and one of our neighbors daughters works there now. I haven’t been there for quite a while… but they still are busy when I go by.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Congratulations to Deb one winning the shoes by default. How very kind of Joy to bring joy to someone else.
    ROFL that wig is just too funny and you know we all need reasons to laugh, especially this year… it’s been a hard one. Is that Janie under the wig. I think the doll has blue eyes, not brown. The first photo gives her a windswept look. Is it possible to run an imaginary part down the center and layer up the sides? As you can see I’m on a 1980’s feathered look.
    Betsy looks really cute in that outfit, Yes, more people are likely to have a Betsy type doll than an LD, due to the price. I do bet Janie with a red wig would look darling in that dress as well.

    1. HI Laura,
      Yes, Joy wins our kindness award for today! :o)

      Yes, that is Janie hiding under that “wig” (??) The seller said she’d take the wig back so it’s already been delivered to the PO and by now is on its way to her. I hope she doesn’t try to sell it again… she seemed to think there was nothing wrong with it… telling me it was the same wig as in the picture and that her mom had used it with her porcelain dolls? I can’t even imagine how she did that… oh well…
      Janie has peaches and cream undertones to her skin so she probably would look nice in this..
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Sylvia from NH
    Two titles for the wig Bad Wig Day or Crazy Mixed Up Wig! Pretty bad! Hope you can return it.
    The latest outfit is adorable, love the material!

    1. HI Sylvia,
      Yes, either of your titles would be perfect for that wig.. It was pretty bad, wasn’t it? She did let me return it…
      I’m glad you like Lian’s latest outfit! Me too! Lian too! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Congrats to Debi! And Joy, too, for her sharing spirit.

    If you search saddle doll stands on eBay, Linda D, you will get some stands similar to the one Jeanne showed us. I imagine google would find many more.

    I think it’s more than a little suspect that the wig seller didn’t have a picture showing the stitching across the top of that “wig”. At first glance I thought it was the part. Then I realized it was rows of stitching! I have purchased various doll wigs and have never seen anything like that. As a side note, I have 3 boy wigs and none of them have a front or back! The one I like the best is the easiest to brush into a style with a part.

    Today is cookie baking day. I am trying to replicate my mom’s cookies. Hard like cookie shaped rocks! My dad likes those to dunk in his coffee. I think mine are better because I actually follow the recipe. My mom always added more flour to “stretch” the number of cookies in a batch. That was her “secret”. This batch will go in the freezer as soon as they are cool.

    1. HI Julia,
      I found someone selling a lot of 3 Ellowyne doll stands and decided to give them a try and make stands for my Little Darlings. My hubby was the one who figured out how to do them.
      I’ve seen those saddle stands but never tried any of them… I like that the ones I made don’t have anything around their waist. I do sometimes put a piece of velcro around their thighs under the dresses to keep them upright in the stands. Also it keeps them from tipping to the side.
      I hope you had a great cookie baking day and didn’t end up with any burnt cookies… My hubby likes it when they break as I try to get them off the pan… those are his, he says!
      Thanks Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I know you can sell anything on auction sites but that wig is pretty bad. I hope you get your money back (she probably won’t want the wig back lol).
    It was my youngest son’s (Russell) partner’s birthday last Sunday and I didn’t get over to see them, I didn’t make it for Russell’s birthday either so we are having a family barbeque this Sunday. I have a small gift for Russell and needed something for Bianca, so yesterday afternoon I made a little crossover bag for her. I was very tempted to keep it for myself but I just might have to make one for me today. I use the one I have all the time as I never have deep enough pockets to hold the phone safely and I just slip it into this bag. It is also useful when I go out if I don’t want to take my handbag with me. There is a pocket at the front for the phone, a main pocket with a zip and a simple pocket at the back. It was very quick to make as I used the pocket and flap (always the fiddliest part) from a pair of black denim work pants that used to be Russell’s but were ripped in the knee and he was going to throw them out. I sew decorative fabric to the pockets before attaching them to ‘pretty’ them up.

    1. HI Anne,
      She said she’d take the wig back so I’m sending it to her… glad she did that… :o)
      Oh, yes, as Barbara says below, we’d love to see a picture of your crossover bag. I love that style, especially when I’m out for a day of shopping… keeps both hands freed up! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I didn’t read through every post but the first thing I saw on Facebook today was the death of Dianna Effner. That was such sad news. I’ve met her several times and she is my favorite doll artist so I do have many of her dolls and will think of her every time I look at those precious faces she designed. The doll world has lost a wonderful person. Hopefully her team can carry on with the Little Darlings. Geri Uribe has painted several of mine so hopefully they can still be ordered.
    Oh my…that wig! It is so out of control! I looks like decent hair. If he/she won’t take it back maybe you could unstitch it in places and re do it. Knowing you it would be cute….heck, you might even have a new talent!?

    1. HI Kathie,
      I saw this on my phone first thing this morning and can hardly believe it. I had my plaster of paris molds of her little air clay dolls out a few weeks ago… I won them in a contest a few years ago. I tried making a few more dolls that day and had some questions.. I almost called her, but didn’t want to bother her.
      My Isabelle, painted by Dianna, was the doll that got me interested in “other” dolls besides the AG dolls, which was only what I had up till getting her.
      It’s almost hard to believe that she is gone… she will really be missed by so many!

      I sent the wig back… the lady said she’s take it back…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Kathie, where did you see on Facebook that Dianna Effner died? What happened to her? I’m so sad about that. I cannot find anything about it anywhere.

    1. HI Linda,
      Nothing was said about her death by anyone, so no one knows any more than that…
      It’s just listed under a few doll forums like Dianna Effner Little Darlings and Boneka dolls.
      She was truly an artist!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I read that she had cancer. No more than that, though. It was really sad. There were several posts on the Little Darlings Collectors FB page, one from Geri Uribe.

  13. Hi Linda,
    Search on Facebook for Billie B Harris. The PinkPrincess. She posted it this morning. It was a message she received from Geri Uribe . Dianna’s long time friend and Little Darling artist. She posted a pic of Dianna too…looking very frail. She was such a sweetheart and soooo talented!

  14. I was writing my comment earlier and must have left to see if I could find something on Dianna Effner without posting it. I’ll try to remember what I said. I’m still in shock. So many of my dolls have a connection to Dianna in one way or the other even though I never was able to get one painted by her. I could not find anything and was wondering/hoping it wasn’t true. It was very hard telling my dolly children the sad news. I hope there are enough others to continue her legacy.

    That is one truly strange looking wig. The hair is really nice though. Perhaps it’s an omen that you are supposed to add wigmaker to your growing list of accomplishments. The outfit looks adorable on Betsy as it would my Paola Reina, Jane Tonner, my three Little Darlings, Maru Mini Pal… Tempting!

      1. Hi Barbara,
        I have been kind of like you today…just stunned to my core…and so sad Dianna won’t be around any more. She really will be missed. What a legacy she has left though…to every lady and man who has dolls either painted by her or painted by one of the artist’s she trained.
        The wig might be strange but it’s not my concern anymore…
        Thanks Barbara,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  15. It is quite amazing to see the outpouring of affection and grief for Dianna Effner in the doll world. Such a wonderful person and artist. I did see where someone closer to her mentioned that she had backpain and was in the hospital. It was indicated that she had cancer. Seems like I just saw her singing with her children in a wonderful video. Her voice was angelic. Such a loss.

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